Cannot Get Two Computers To The Same Homegroup But Can Ping Them

Oct 27, 2011

I have two computers running Windows 7 Ultimate. They both connect via a Router, one wirelessly and one wired. They are both on the same workgroup but I cannot for the life of me get them to network with each other, either via opening up Explorer or by connecting them both to the same homegroup. I can however ping them. I have turned on the options in advanced sharing settings for network discovery and file printer sharing but I just can't get them to see each other!

I did have VMWare installed on one machine but have since installed it. Apart from that, I have no other software I can think of that will interfere.

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Cannot Ping Windows 7 From Other Connected Computers

Apr 23, 2011

I have setup a test LAN with 4 computers, 3 running different versions of Ubuntu and one running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Until three days ago I did not have a problem pinging between any of the computers. My project is build one of the Ubuntu boxes to be the gateway/router/firewall/VPN server for the LAN. On Thursday I suddenly could not ping the Win 7 box from any of the Ubuntu boxes. The Win 7 box can ping any of the Ubuntu boxes. But what is even worse, I no longer am able to connect via Putty from the Win 7 box to any of the Ubuntu boxes.

I have disconnected the LAN from internet access and turned off the firewall on each of the boxes. I have checked all network settings. I have searched the internet for an answer. All without success. The only clue I have to the cause of the problem is that on Wednesday night Windows 7 performed an automatic update. In my focus on building the gateway/router/firewall/VPN server I failed to do two critical things on the Win 7 box. Turn off automatic updates and create recovery points. How I can correct the ping and Putty problems short of reinstalling Win 7?

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Homegroup - Some Computers See All, Others See Some

Oct 26, 2009

I'm not sure if this is a Windows 7 problem as a result of the laptop itself or not but as it is the last thing I've checked...

I have 3 computers: 1 wired desktop(64-bit), 1 wireless desktop(32-bit), and 1 wired laptop(Lenovo T400 w/ 64-bit) each running Windows 7 Professional. The two desktops are able to view one another fine in the Homegroup and exchange files.

The T400 laptop is having some issues. It can see the wireless desktop and transfer files from that machine to itself, but it is not able to even see the wired desktop in the homegroup. Both desktops are able see the laptop but neither is able to get files from it.

Each of the desktops can see all 3 computers in the standard network location, the laptop is only able to see the wireless desktop.

I've run troubleshooter on all three computers, and I've ensured they are all on the 'home network'. I've also made sure the network discovery/file sharing/etc is on in the 'advanced settings' and they are all apart of the same workgroup.

The problems seem focused on the laptop, and both desktops worked right from the get go but the laptop hasn't. Further, I used to have Windows 7 RC (Build 7100) on both the wired desktop and the wired laptop and homegroup feature worked flawlessly at that time...just not with the release.

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Set Up A Homegroup Between Two Computers With Windows 7?

Jan 26, 2012

When I set up a Homegroup between two Computers with Windows 7 it works fine for a few minutes then drops out. The only way to restore is set up new Homegroup but again this drops out after few minutes.

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Only Have One-way Sharing Between Two Computers On Homegroup?

Nov 26, 2011

I just started up a homegroup between two wireless PCs, one laptop, one desktop. Both are joined to the Homegroup and I have turned off every setting I could find relating to password protection on both computers. I can pull off files from my laptop->PC just fine, but it doesn't happen the other way around. (Now on my laptop) I look at the homegroup tab for the desktop, and if I click on a folder (eg Music), nothing happens.

Now when I click on the "Network" tab on Windows Explorer (still on laptop), I can see both PCs on the network. When I click on the icon for my desktop, it asks for a username and password. WHAT??? I hunted down that info, found it in Windows credentials. (still on laptop) I tried entering the username and password that I found from both computers, but no dice. First off, I don't even remember setting a username and password...second, I have password protected sharing turned off on both machines.

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2 Computers Can't Join The Same Homegroup?

Jul 26, 2012

Ok so here we go, I have my laptop and pc hooked up with a lan core, and my laptop is sharing its internet with the pc. I want to create a home group so they can share files easy, but when i create a group on the computer (does not mater what computer) the other computer can't find it.

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Cannot Connect 2 Windows 7 Computers Via HomeGroup

Jun 16, 2012

I have 2 Windows 7 computers one is a Hp Laptop and another is a Compaq Desktop I have been dealing with this problem for quite awhile and each time i go to try and correct the trouble i get unbelievably frustrated as in the end i never seem to make any progress. I have attempted to create a home group from both machines and when i do create a homegroup the other IS able to see the other but when i attempt to join from either one to the one that has created it always yields an error stating that "window cannot setup homegroup on this computer" The desktop is hardwired to my Dlink router and the laptop is connected wirelessly.

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Sharing Emails Between 2 Computers In HomeGroup?

Sep 9, 2011

Is it possible to share emails between 2 computers in a homegroup and if so, how?

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Cannot See Homegroup Computer And Connect To Networked Computers

Nov 15, 2011

i have 4 networked computers (all connected through ethernet cables) They used to talk to each other fine. Now one (Call it KPC) is able to access all of the computers but none can access it. Another computer (RPC) says that it does not have permission to access it, even though i have all my file sharing turned on.

It used to ask me for a password and even though i would enter the correct password (the same on all computers) it said "logon failed: wrong username or bad password".

Also I have added KPC to the RPC homegroup using the password and it just doesnt show up on the RPC homegroup page. I really NEED RPC to be able to access KPC's everything (documents, printers etc) the rest arent a big deal at all. What happened and why did it just stop working??

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New Modem - Lost HomeGroup (3 Computers Using Windows 7)

Sep 19, 2012

I've got 3 computers using Windows 7, my computer acting as the "Home" for a homegroup allowing us to share files, data, etc. Yesterday our modem was replaced and now I am the only one who can see the homegroup and the data contained therein. Troubleshooting wizard is indicating that is is a network problem which leads me to believe that perhaps something to do with our change in modem. How I can get the homegroup to show again?

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"No Other Homegroup Computers Are Currently Available"

Nov 27, 2011

I create a homegroup on my desktop and go to join the homegroup on my laptop but after entering the homegroup password it says that I am part of a homegroup but "no other homegroup computers are currently available" I have selected to share all of my libraries, yet when I go back to home-group settings all the libraries are unchecked, and they become unchecked right after I check them and leave the home-group settings. I have tried disabling my firewall and gone through all of the advanced homegroup settings and still no luck?

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"No Other Homegroup Computers Are Available"

Nov 8, 2009

Ive got 2 desktops & 1 Laptop connected all running Windows 7.

Desktop 1 created the homegroup, but cannot see the others in homegroup and gives message above. But does see them in workgroup networking.

Desktop 2 & laptop joined this homegroup, and see each other and the original desktop1. These two work fine.

Ive looked through the forum, havent found the answer.

Any ideas?

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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Ping Does Not Go Through

Jun 23, 2011

Ping does not go through to one of the Windows 7 machines on my home network but there is no problem accessing from other Windows 7 machine to this machine for file sharing.

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Ping Does Not Work In Cmd

Apr 26, 2012

When I gave ping command in cmd promt. It does not work. Can someone let me kknow what might went wrong. [code] 'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

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High Ping In TF2?

Jul 25, 2011

as of the last month or a little longer, my ping has gone from being perfectly normal, to increasing by x3 or x4. What happens is my ping will be just fine, then it will randomly spike up.To Chicago, I ping around 18-30. To Dallas, 40-60. And now with this problem, my ping will go from one of those, to pinging around 110 to Chicago, and 150-170 to Dallas. I don't know what could have caused this, and I'm looking for help to solve this problem.

AMD Phenom II x6
ATI HD Radeon 5770
Windows 7 Home Prem. 32bit
Verizon/Frontier DSL w/ Modem.

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Can Ping By Ip&name But Don't See Network

Apr 13, 2011

I have a PC desktop Windows 7 ultimate 64bit and Dell Vostro 3500 Windows 7 professional 64bit. Both connected through D-Link 655 router and they are in same WORKGROUP with files and printer sharing enable. As security the PC has Malwarebytes Anti-Malwares, Comodo firewall, Avira free antivirus. The Vostro has Zonealarm firewall and Avast for anti-virus.Recently I bought a NAS (Synology DS211J) in order to centralize important documents, media files and the printer. My desktop Windows 7 ultimate has no problem connecting to the NAS. I can ping the NAS ip and name. I can see the NAS listed in network from windows explorer connect to it and browse the NAS directories...yes flawless! However the Dell 3500 could ping the NAS ip and name but I do not see the NAS in the laptop Network of Windows Explorer therefore I could not access the NAS and browse the directories. Both PC and Vostro could ping each other ip and name, both are listed in their respective Network of Windows Explorer and I could access to each other shared folders. For debugging I turned all securities softwares down on both PC . Problem still persist i.e. Vostro can ping NAS but do not see it in network. I have another laptop winXP Home edition 32bit and I could ping both PC and the NAS by their ip and names. I could access from that laptop the shared folders of the PC Windows 7 ultimate and NAS but not the Vostro. Vostro can ping ip and name of laptop winXP but not listed on his network places.

why the Vostro 3500 can ping the other machines by ip and name but it does not listed them in the network windows? Is it because of a Windows service not enable, a setting or something in the registry?

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Help!! Windows 7 Can Ping IP But Not FQDN

Jul 28, 2011

I have a problem setting up one of my office users with an exchange account. I bought two new laptops with windows 7. Joined them to our domain ok which is one DC windows server2003. Setup two domain accounts for the users and a mailbox exchange account. One of the laptops had no problem setting up a Outlook 2010 account. But the other laptop cannot find my mailserver i get error message "the action cannot be completed.

The connection to Micro exchange is unavailiable etc etc. How can this be if ive just setup the other laptop with an Outlook 2010 account. Also when i ping the server by IP on the problem laptop i get a reply no loss packets. BUT when i ping the server by name(FQDN)
I get a timed out reply. Also if i ping by any FQDN on the laptop in question same time out. The laptop that i sucsessfully setup has no problem pinging FQDN

Tried with firewalls off still no sucsess
I really stumped here as the two laptops are the same setup.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this issue, as the user is waiting to work with this laptop. Is there a windows 7 setting i need to change for it to work in my 2003 server domain.

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Can Ping Server But Can't Map Drive

Sep 2, 2012

I've got a Window7 Pro SP1 64bit that I'm trying to wireless map to a Samba share on a Ubuntu Server. I've read numerous posts online and have done the following without any success yet:

Both enabled and disabled Network Discovery... doesn't appear to make a difference. Changed Local Group Policy, Network Security LAN Manager Authentication Level to Send LM and NTLM - use NTLMv2 if session security if negotiated... but it has changed itself to Send LM and NTLM responses whenever I have checked it. I've tried using both the \Server IPshare directory and \Server nameshare directory in the Computer>Right Click context menu... Map Network Drive dialog boxes. My most recent error message there is A device attached to the system is not functioning. I've also tried using Net Use on the Command Line both ways. I've gotten two different error messages... error 53, and error 64.

I have a Windows7 Home Premium SP1 64bit computer networked to the Samba share, and it works fine. These two computers are in the same WORKGROUP.

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Unable To Ping Or RDP To Windows 7 From XP?

May 3, 2011

I have 2 laptops both running widows 7 pro and enterprise and a desktop running windows CP pro service pack 3. I am unable to ping and of course remote to the Windows 7 laptops from the XP desktop. I have enabled RDP in the setting on all PC's

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Browsers Not Connecting, But Can Ping?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a laptop, toshiba satellite l500n, 7 Home Prem 64. So no browser I have seems to want to connect to the internet wireless or lan. I can ping sites like Google. And Windows was able to do updates. I tried reinstalling the browsers, no avail. netsh winsock reset, nothing. ipconfig/release/renew/reset, nothing. Reinstalled the network drivers, nothing. So I decided to load up ubuntu from a USB drive and with it's firefox, the wireless didn't work but connected to the router it was able to connect/

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Cannot Browse Internet And Ping?

May 3, 2011

i have some problem in my internet connection.for last 3 days i cannot browse any website using firefox or IE ,later i didn't make any change with my windows 7 systemwhen i try to ping in cmd, it shows request time out.but when i use my computer to play game that needed an internet connection, it's work fine. What should i do

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Can't Ping / Browse Or Open

May 8, 2011

i am using a windows xp sp3 desktop and i am trying to get to my wifes Windows 7 gateway laptop. Both are on the same LAN and workgroup. i however can not ping her static address on her laptop when she is connected via wireless N to our the share router. i go into the router and see that she is connected but from the desktop i can not ping her static address by Ip nor by name does not work. i also tried going thru network places nothing. i am just trying to copy and paste files to her C$ drive. i tried turning off windows firewall on the laptop nothing still does not work.

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Logged Into The Domain But Can't Ping DNS?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a computer that is a member of a domain and can log into the domain but once logged in it cannot access anything on the network or even ping either DNS. From another computer on the network I cannot ping that machine either. When logged in locally we ensured that all the TCP/IP settings were correct and the Windows Firewall is turned off.

Where else should I look for the cause of this issue? Why would the computer not be able to ping either DNS but still be able to log into the domain?

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High Ping And Lag In Game?

Dec 4, 2011

I'm having this problem for the last couple of days, and it's unbearable. when i play warcraft III and a map called DotA on it(game from 2003), I get laggs which were unexistent before. my connection speed before was around 4mb/s, but now it shows that it's only 1mb/s. when i use ipconfig /flushdns and then /renew, i get normal connection, but only for a few minutes.

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No Data Flow - Cannot Ping

Feb 8, 2012

I'm connected to the Internet with a good Ethernet cord and on one side of the RJ45 I'm getting a solid green light and on the left side I'm getting a blinking amber light. I can't ping. I'm connected to a router and the other 3 computers work fine. I was thinking of removing both network adapters in device manager and reinstalling them because wireless doesn't work either. Or maybe a roll back for when it was working.

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CMD Ping MISCOMPARE At Offset 3?

Dec 5, 2012

i want ask about CMD when Pinging, Today i see something weird with my Ping's the Result :

Code: Reply from bytes=32 time=355ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=253ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=136ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 - MISCOMPARE at offset 3 - time=138ms TTL=53
Reply from bytes=32 time=134ms TTL=53 i want ask , what was that - MISCOMPARE at offset 3 - ?

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Cannot Run Ping.exe From Another Drive/directory

Feb 28, 2011

I wanted to have copies of some of the intrinsic Windows 7 operating system command line .exe files located on another drive and directory. When I run C:WindowsSystem32Ping.exe /? at an Adminstrator's command prompt, it runs fine. If I copy this .exe to X:Tempping.exe (X: is on the same hard drive on the same computer), it will not run at an Adminstrator's command prompt. The file on X: has full permissions. I am running Norton Internet Security.

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Unable To Ping A VM From Another Machine?

Aug 25, 2011

My machine (Win XP) has IP and the another machine D2 (Win2008 server) has IP, both pingable with gateway D2 there is a Windows 7 VM whose IP is with gateway IP 7 VM from D2 can ping my machine but I cant ping Win to add network to my routing table so that I ping it? Or where else to modify the routing tables?

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Ping But No Internet Access?

Dec 12, 2011

im using dvb card for internet but i have ping and no internet access/

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