Script Causing Browser To Run Slow?

Sep 27, 2011

A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly.If it continues to run your computer might become unresponsive. Stop running this script? check yes or noThis is happening (or at least the only place I have seen it) just on Facebook. I honestly dont understand what it means, and is there anything I can do about it?

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Laptop Running Extremely Slow In Windows 7 Browser And Internet Browser?

Feb 21, 2013

My computer has been running slow for months, but it is now getting to the point where it is almost unbearable. For example, just clicking on a folder to open it can take up to 15 seconds to respond. It also lags a ton during internet browsing.

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Wireless Card Causing Slow Connection?

Sep 26, 2011

I have a broadcom 802.11g PCI wireless card but recently it is giving me a slow connection when on a full bar signal. I then randomly goes back to running at normal speed but then cut out again and goes slow. There is nothing wrong with the connection as it works totally fine on my laptop. I tried a USB wifi adapter at that works fine giving me a fast connection. I been inside the router to make sure all the setting are fine and searched for driver updates etc. I don't think the card is damaged in anyway. I really have no idea why it is giving me such slow internet speeds but then occasionally work fine

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Service Pack 1 Causing Slow Speeds

Jun 27, 2011

I am currently running Windows 7 64 bit on a new Dell Precision machine. I bought this machine with the sole purpose of running SolidWorks. The machine has some serious hardware in it and I know it can handle SolidWorks, but it seems to run slow. Boot up times on the machine are quite long, and occasionally it will just freeze on bootup or ask me to log in multiple times. Things seemed to be slowly getting faster until a few days ago when i installed service pack 1. Since then the speed has been terribly slow. Just to provide more information, most of the files I use in my models are stored on our server locally. I have a 1 Gigabit connection from the computer to our server, but when I access files on the server it takes forever. Every time i want to open a new part or do some interaction between the server it goes terrible slow. Once i have the part opened the computer seems to run fine. We just installed new infrastructure so i know all the wires are good. Like I said, the speeds were slow, but getting better, but as soon as i installed service pack 1 the slow speeds have become unbearable. Anyone have any thoughts? Is this a network problem or a computer problem? It seems weird that service pack 1 would cause it to become so slow. The server is running Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit.

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New Build Causing Slow Internet Connection?

Dec 2, 2012

So after I got my stuff all installed and things are working well, I hooked up my router to the new computer and the connection is significantly slower that it was before.

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Physical Memory High - Causing Computer To Be Slow

Oct 13, 2012

(Sony Vaio) has been extremely slow lately, which I am assuming because the physical memory is constantly high (up to 95% at times) even when I am not doing anything. Below are some screenshots for information. I have tried killing some processes but cannot find one process that is a major problem. 52 Processes are currently running which doesnt seem so excessive. Is it normal to have so much memory reserved for hardware?

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Toshiba Satellite Laptop Is Running Extremely Slow - What Is Causing It

Nov 13, 2012

I have a toshiba laptop and I think there may be background programs running because it is very slow. I have window xp and also need to get rid of that and install windows 7?

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External Graphics Card Causing Slow Home Page Loads

Aug 10, 2012

I have a new HP Pavillion Slimline Model s5-1224 running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on SP1 with Intel Pentium 2.8 Ghz processor, 6 GB Ram and and a 900 GB (800 GB free) HD. I have an external graphics card (Triton TRI-UV150) connected via USB to accomodate Dual HP 2010 Wide LCD monitors.

When the graphics card is connected to the CPU, it takes upwards of 1-2 minutes to load the homepage (Google). Without the graphics card connection, home page load is almost instantaneous.

I have uninstalled/re-installed the graphics card driver with the help of the manufacturers' tech support and the issue is still not resolved. Manufacturer states that "the driver cannot cause slow page loads" but it only happens when the card is connected to the CPU.

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When Open A Browser Window / Internet Is Very Slow Or Times Out

May 19, 2011

I've just got a brand new laptop (Sony Vaio). I'm trying to connect to the internet through my existing home wireless network which a Macbook, Macbook Air, Toshiba Windows 7 laptop and iMac in the house can all connect to and access no problems.I've got an ADSL modem set up in bridge mode and an Airport Extreme as router and wireless access point.I can connect to the router fine. I am assigned an IP address fine. When I open a browser window the internet is very slow or times out.When I ping the router it usually times out or I get a very high ping.I've tried so many things to fix it I'm getting desperate! including:

-Disabled and uninstalled firewall and security software
-Changed wireless channels
-Disabled Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
-Setup a static ip and specified dns server

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BSOD After New Install Of Windows 7 - Menu And Browser Navigation Slow

Sep 24, 2012

Did a fresh install of Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit on new SSD (old computer) and having slow operation issues and have had these two BSOD. Computer boots up and shuts down quick and also downloads programs, and such fast, but navigating through menus or browser windows - ultra slow.

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FireFox - Mouse & Browser& Browser Freezes In Facebook Page?

Dec 30, 2012

I have FF 17. The mouse is freezing in facebook & I find the only escape to release the browser is reboot. The same FB page works fine in internet explorer.

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IE9 Browser Not Opening More Than One Browser

Aug 3, 2012

The definetion of an EXPERT was "anyone more than 25 miles from home" not sure about that.If memory serves me I used to be able to open more than one copy of the Microsoft IE Browser, however am unable to do that now. Am I imagining thing that I did that before or is there a problem with that?

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Tdx.sys Causing BSOD

Jan 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. One is a Dell Latitude D803 and the other a HP Compaq 6710b. Both would BSOD approximately every 5 minutes. 'TDX.SYS' was the culprit. After running WinDBG I noticed that it was a issue with my network adapter driver 'b57nd60a.sys'. Both laptops have the same network adapter (Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet) and both were crashing (x32 & x64 versions). I finally went to Broadcom's website and found drivers at the following links:

Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers


Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers

If one doesn't work they other will. Basically when 'TDX.SYS' causes a BSOD it is usually the result of a driver(s) (and some antivirus apps) that aren't fully compatible with Windows 7. You should run WinDBG and find out what driver is causing the error. It's not as hard as you think!

Microsoft's site for using WinDBG:

How to read the small memory dump files that Windows creates for debugging

P.S. Don't worry if you can't get the symbols to install properly. You should still see the file that is probably causing the error listed. If you Google the file(s) you will be on your way to fixing the issue.

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Can't Work Out Causing BSOD?

Feb 18, 2012

I can't work out what is causing the BSOD. I've overclocked most of my components and they are all appropriately cooled. Not sure if this is a software issue or not.

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Certain Keys Causing Shift To Jam?

May 18, 2012

I'm using a laptop (Lenovo Ideapad y470) with Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. I'm not sure how I came about this problem but here it is : Whenever I press the keys "x" or "c" on the physical keyboard , the "shift" key will act as if it's jammed . I.E pressing the letters will produce capital letters with the exception of "x" and "c" while pressing the numbers will produce the symbols instead. I've found a way to undo this effecT by pressing "shift" several times on the On-screen keyboard , but it will return every time I press the keys mentioned. I had turned off Sticky keys and filter keys but it doesn't make any difference. [This was typed with the onscreen keyboard.]

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD

Jul 16, 2012

I've had 2 bsods and one of them was irql_not_less_or_equal and the second was system service exception. They have this common thing which is ntoskrnl.exe You can see all the info in the rar included.

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Dec 12, 2009

I just upgraded to Windows 7 (64 bit) last weekend by doing a clean install from a purchase. I am currently using a HP Pavilion a6500f computer with a 500GB hard drive. I have been getting BSOD errors over the last several days and it is driving me crazy. I am considering going back to XP or Vista if I can't get this fixed soon.

All of the mindump files mention USBPORT.SYS. I'm assuming that has something to do with my usb ports which only have the following items attached:

HP Deskjet F4280 Printer Linksys USB Network Adapter WD 500GB My Passport (plugged in some of the time) I ran Driver Detective to see if there was an out of date USB driver, but nothing showed. I've included some screenshots of the scan.

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Video Causing 100% CPU, Followed By Freezes

Jun 8, 2011

I can reproduce freezes - 100% CPU usage, which occasionally lead to crashes pretty consistently just by viewing any video, say CPU usage quickly runs up to 100% on Task Manager and the freeze occurs. No issues when running all my other programs, including streaming radio. I can reproduce this on IE9, as well as Chrome and on Firefox. I had assumed this was a Shockwave Flash item only, but I notice it freezes on Skype video. The only changes I can point to recently are a ton of Windows updates in the last 2 months including SP1. At the time, SP1 failed a couple of times, until I applied a hotfix, now it's on, but I still have the video issues.

I have also by the way downloaded the latest video drivers (accelerated media), bios, and chipset drivers, but this has not helped.

I run Windows 7 64-bit SP1. I have application hang errors in the windows event logs, but not crashes, so I don't see any crash id's

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USB Causing Black Screen?

Dec 3, 2011

Recently a friend of mine was installing Window's updates on his computer and the computer crashed. When he tried to boot it up again it would no longer boot. We toyed around with it trying different repairs and such but nothing worked.ventually we just re-installed Windows 7 from the startup disks. Now we're having a different problem that seems to be centered on the usb controllers.If we leave the USB controllers on during bootup the computer will get to the starting windows screen then go black.If we turn them off the computer will boot to windows normally, but obviously the USB ports do not work.It will boot into safe mode with the USB enabled in BIOS but the mouse will not work. (Keyboard is PS/2). We tried getting driver off the disks that came with the system but they don't seem to contain any.Is this even a driver issue or are we missing something completely?The computer was from Cyberpower. It has: -Gigabyte 870A-UD3 motherboard-AMD X6 procressor-8 gigs ram-Radeon HD5780-2 800 watt power supplies (computer came with 2 of the video cards but apparently the MB is not crossfire compatible?

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Antivirus Causing PC Freeze?

Mar 27, 2012

My company has acquired a new client for tech support. I went there to install antivirus on their workstations as we do for all our clients. This new client has Win7 on all workstations and a small business server running in a domain environment. I installed Kaspersky on all 8 pc's in their business. The next day we got a call from one of them saying their computer was acting strange. Once I got there I discovered the pc would freeze when launching Quickbooks or Outlook. I ran a malware scan which turned up nothing. Then after some troublshooting steps I decide to uninstall Kaspersky. I didn't want to leave him with no protection so I installed AVG free. Same outcome. The computer only will operate without antivirus.

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Slow Boot Time Slow Startup And Hangs?

Nov 18, 2011

I bought this Fujitsu laptop for less than a year. Its only for my school work. It takes forever to bootup, startup and it sometime hangs when I open up a program or typing.For the bootup, it takes very long time on the window logo, after that the black screen, followed by the welcome page with the loading cursor. Each of this process take a long time. For startup, its not so long but its still quite lag. For the opening up of program and typing, everytime I open up my visual studio, it will take a long time to show up and even if it showed up, it will be "not responding".So I will have to open it a second time before I can start using itWhen I am typing my codes, it will randomly hang and show that the program is not responding. I am still able to move my cursor though.

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Windows 7 Update Causing Boot-up?

Jan 23, 2013

A few days ago, my computer stopped booting up. The splash screen for the mobo showed up, and then I would get a black screen w/ a white flashing cursor and nothing else. I put in my Win7 install disc to try to do a repair, and eventually figured out that if I change my boot sequence in the BIOS so that it goes to the DVD drive 1st and the boot hard drive last, it boots up just fine. I reset to the last recovery point, changed the BIOS back so it would boot from the hard drive 1st, and everything thing worked fine... until it installed the latest Win7 updates. After that, I had the exact same problems. So I changed the BIOS again as a temporary solution, and then I noticed that the computer wasn't sleeping properly. It used to turn off the display, the hard drives, the case fans, etc. Now, it turns off everything EXCEPT the case fans... which pretty much defeats the purpose of putting it in sleep mode.

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Determining Which Driver Is Causing BSOD?

Jan 31, 2011

How do I go about determining which driver is causing my BSOD?

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Unable To Find Out What Is Causing Bsod

Jan 16, 2013

I recently got 2 BSOD referring to Acpi.sys. I couldn't found out what were causing these BSOD's and I'm asking for Your support. Just before the BSOD appears, the PC is sluggish. My computer is a DELL PRECISION T5500, hex core processor XEON 5675, video card: Quadro 4000, 12GB RAM ECC, 1.5 TB HDD and Im running Windows 7-64 bit I have the latest drivers.

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Desktop Items Causing Crashes

Dec 15, 2011

Pictures downloaded to my desktop keep crashing MS Live Mail when I attempt to attach one and also when I attempt to fetch one from Adobe Illustrator. However, if I load any pictures from anywhere else they don't crash. I also downloaded a game to my desktop and when I went to open it up I got an error stating the game was incompatible with my OS.when I know it wasn't.

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Display Driver Causing PC To Crash?

May 1, 2012

my pc's had a problem where all of a sudden in the middle of whatever you're doing (generally when you're on the internet I think??) the screen suddenly goes black or blue. Sometimes it recovers itself, sometimes it crashes and turns itself off completely. I've also noticed that sometimes it sort of 'hangs' and then comes up with a message saying something along the lines of 'Display driver not working' (I don't even know what a 'driver' is, much less a 'display driver').

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Webcam Causing PC To Reboot With BSOD

Dec 26, 2011

My webcam is causing my pc to reboot with the BSOD, every time I exit the webcam this happens. I have searched around with google and found out that this happens alot and can be diagnosed with Memory Test and Verifier, I have tried these two methods and it did not work for me.

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Audio Devices Causing BSOD

Feb 20, 2012

Today I noticed all my audio-devices in the audio menu were gone except for my USB Headset, I have my speakers connected with a normal cable and these did not show up. I checked my device manager and indeed it showed yellow exclamation marks on the Realtek high definition audio and AMD HD audio drivers. Strange, so I installed the newest realtek drivers, and at the end of the installation this caused a "ks.sys error" blue screen. Trying to reinstall the drivers in safe mode works fine, but when logging back into windows I get the blue screen. I can use windows just fine with my headset plugged in, but I'd like to be able to use my speakers again.

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Video Drivers Causing Certain Games To Not Run

Jan 15, 2009

I found out earlier that there are a few video drivers that are causing certain games to not run. I need to know how to uninstall them, but cant figure it out.

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GMA 500 Drivers Causing Issues In Win7

May 7, 2009

So, I installed Windows 7 RC today on my Dell Mini 10 and everything was smooth sailing.

At this point my only available resolution was 800x576.

Windows Updates picked up a couple of drivers, one being the Intel GMA 500 drivers. I installed the drivers and the system restarts.

The restart seems slow. I have about 45 seconds of a black screen and my cursor can be moved easily and then all of the sudden the login appears.

I login and the taskbar comes up, but the desktop is black. If I refresh the desktop my wallpaper returns and everything runs fine. The resolution at this point is 1024x576.

If I disable the driver I'm back to square one.

Anyone else experience this problem? Is there a better driver that I should be using?

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Overheat Causing Stuttering In Game?

Jun 17, 2011

I was recently trying to play a game on my Nvidia 9500GT when it started stuttering intensely. I thought it was a processor issue, since it was reading at being under 100% load, but when I checked my temperatures, the CPU was barely under any stress while the video card had heated to 111 degrees. Sure enough, when I tried it again on a different game, the frame rate dropped after a few minutes and the card was heated to 113 degrees. I'm assuming the card overheating is causing the stuttering, but I wanted to be sure before I ordered any new parts.

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