Regular BSOD Won't Restart Unless Power Disconnected For 15min Or More

Feb 6, 2012

This BSOD has been happening more regularly, sometimes after 30mins, other times after a couple of hours.If I try and restart it crashes shortly after Win 7 logo appears.Unless I disconnect the power for at least 15mins, it won't restart Windows - just re crashes.Have attached the dump and sysdata files - note that the two files are not always written.

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BSOD Randomly, Error 0x00000124! Usualy 10-15min Apart?

Dec 4, 2011

im having trouble figuring out what is wrong with my system and why it keeps getting BSOD

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Disconnected From Internet Suddenly / Re-connect Only After Restart

May 8, 2011

I have a dell inspiron 15 with wireless modem of ITI make supplied by my ISP (BSNL India) running windows 7.While browsing internet normally, suddenly the data transfer stops. Important thing is that ping to google goes through. But i can't browse or download.I have tried following things -

1. disabling eset smart security temporarily - both antivirus and firewall
2. Disable-Enable wireless adapter form network settings
3. Checked for any suspicious process in task manager tried stopping a few unneeded

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BSOD - I Had Been Having Regular Crashes

Feb 9, 2010

Hey Tom's! I hope everyone is well. I'm returning to the community with a problem I was having before. I have just upgraded from Windows 7 RC to Win 7 32 bit Enterprise Edition with no problems. Did a fresh install and had it formatted.

Just got my first BSOD/crash, and I had been having regular crashes (about once every 4-5 days) I don't think it's hardware related, probably driver, so I was hoping people could help narrow it down and kill this problem for good.

Here's the text of the BSOD:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7600
Service Pack:0_0

Files that help describe the problem:

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Getting Regular BSOD When Playing Games

Apr 28, 2012

I have been getting regular BSOD when I am playing Games. In most cases it happens when I play Battlefield 3, Guild Wars 2 Beta and Warhammer: Space Marine. I tried updating every Driver on my System but that didn't fix anything. I also ran several Virus Scan with no result. I bought this PC in March 2011.

System Specs:
-Windows 7 64-bit
-CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3,3GHZ
-Motherboard: Asus Crosshair IV Formula -RAM: Corsair CMX8GX3M4A1600C9 8GB (1600 MHz, DDR3, CL9, Kit4)
-Graphics: Sapphire ATI Radeon HD6870

Dump Files

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BSOD Occurrence On Regular Basis

Feb 25, 2012

For the past few days, I have encountered a lot of BSODs on my computer with windows 7 64x whereas they didn't occur at all in the past. The computer also tends to freeze at some point.

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Regular BSOD When Playing BF3/GW2 Beta?

Apr 28, 2012

I have been getting regular BSOD when I am playing Games. In most cases it happens when I play Battlefield 3, Guild Wars 2 Beta and Warhammer: Space Marine.I tried updating every Driver on my System but that didn't fix anything.I also ran several Virus Scan with no result.I bought this PC in March 2011, invested alot of money and now I am at the end of my abilities t to solve the problem on my own.

System Specs:

-Windows 7 64-bit Full Retail
-CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3,3GHZ
-Motherboard: Asus Crosshair IV Formula
-RAM: Corsair CMX8GX3M4A1600C9 8GB (1600 MHz, DDR3, CL9, Kit4)
-Graphics: Sapphire ATI Radeon HD6870

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Regular BSOD With Stop Message Of NTFS

Nov 26, 2011

Been regularly getting BSOD with STOP message of ntfs for a few weeks now. I have attached the zip file and also a screenshot. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 retail upgrade. Installed about a year ago. The original operating system was Vista ultimate. I have upgraded the motherboard driver today and haven't had the BSOD since (touch wood) but not 100% that it was that.

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Regular BSOD's Under System Load (logs Attached)

Jun 3, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit (retail) installed for about a week.

I am trying to troubleshoot regular BSOD's on my system. They seem to occur during HD video playback (XMBC) or under other system load like downloading large files (from newsgroups) where the speed is fairly high (apx. 2mbps).

I recently replaced my single core CPU for a dual-core thinking it may help, but it didn't. Now, I'm wondering if it could be the memory. I did the windows memory check, and it reported errors, but I don't where to find the log or what to do next.

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BSOD Mostly At Regular Time Intervals Like 30 Minutes To 1 Hour

Aug 16, 2012

Since last week I started having the BSOD problem , my computer just restarting out of nowhere. Before this happening i did not install /add new hardware or software.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1048

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: a
BCP1: 00000000
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000001
BCP4: E2C4A7F3
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:

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Regular BSOD During Busy Tasks And Constant WoW Crashes Since Windows 7

Jan 20, 2013

I built my own computer last January and installed Windows Vista first and everything worked fine but then I upgraded to Windows 7.In the beginning it worked great, I did get the common problem of every kind of browser crashed every couple of hours and sometimes refused to load up again but i persist and put up with it.Then over the past 3-4 months, I have been getting regular BSOD - They used to be very similar screens and i am not fast enough to jott down the error codes sadly.I maybe receive 2-3 BSoD everyday and the most common issue i am experiencing is when i play World of Warcraft - since these BSoD began, this has been crashing a hell of a lot as well. I cant get an hours play on it without it crashing with the same issue.I put it to the forums with this error log Wow Crash 2/1/13 - and was told to carry out some actions to see if this could resolve the matter which it did for a very short period of time (ie a day) and then came back with its constant WoWcrashes and BSoD

The BSoD happen when im on and off the game - a lot of the time its when a lot of processes are running, ie several tabs open in my browsers, spotify playing and maybe a couple of folders open - its as if it cant handle it running.I have tried to search for my dumplogs, i was told it was in %systemroot%minidump but its empty and there are no .dmp files on my computer except warcraft ones.

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How To Get Auto-restart After Power Outage

May 24, 2012

I am hooked up to a UPS, but after that runs out and I am away, I sometimes need to remotely logon - in which case I need the computer on. If I need to change something in the BIOS, please give specifics of how to do this as I have looked in there and found nothing related to this.

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During Restart Computer Enters Power Saving Mode?

Nov 30, 2011

What could be causing the following situation- When restarting my computer (Windows 7 64bit) after the "starting windows" screen appears the screen will go dark and display "power saving mode". After about 60 seconds the computer will restart from the "starting windows" screen and complete the restart process. Once it completes everything the computer runs fine.

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Power Setting Keeps Resetting Monitor Off To 20 Minutes After Restart?

Apr 13, 2011

I have made sure that the power settings in control panel have been set to "never" under advanced settings. About 4 months ago, windows decided to set my monitor shut off time to 20 minutes. The first time it happened, I figured it was a one-off thing, and set the monitor off setting back to "never". Fast forward 4 months, and I have to turn the setting to "never" every time I start my computer. I've even made custom power profiles, and every time I restart, the monitor off setting keeps going back to 20 minutes.

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Change The BIOS For Auto Restart After Power Outage

May 24, 2012

I am hooked up to a UPS, but when that runs out and I am away, I sometimes need to be able to remotely logon to my computer. Is there a way to get the BIOS to automatically restart the computer after the UPS runs out when the power goes out?

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System Randomly Freezes Up - Cannot Even Restart By Pressing Power Button

Dec 9, 2011

Every now and then, my system just completely freezes, I can't anything. I can't even restart by pressing the Power button. I don't think it happens when I do a certain task, everything freezes one by one or window by window. Just as an example, first Windows Media Player will freeze then FireFox then Explorer and then the Windows Gadgets and the last to freeze is the cursor. I have no choice but to hold in the Power to hard shutdown my PC. Could this be because of my old motherboard or is it my hard drive crashing? I have 2 HDD, 250Gb each, the HDD that has windows on has about 70Gb free.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506) Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 (Dual Screen setup)

Here are the 2 HDDs I have:
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA
ST3250318AS ATA
I also have a 2TB external HDD, connected via USB.

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Restart Computer It Shuts Off And Then Power Lights Turn To Orange

Sep 22, 2012

When ever I try to restart my computer it shuts off and then the power lights turn to orange and then the computer beeps twice and then waits for a few seconds and then beeps again. I have to hit the power button and then hit it again to get it to turn on and it works fine

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BSOD On Startup Or Restart?

Jun 22, 2012

I am experiencing BSOD on nearly every boot or restart. Once the computer has been up and running for about 10 minutes, after perhaps two boot attempts, I seldom BSOD until I boot up or restart again. Sometimes the BSOD occurs before windows even fully loads, and sometimes it occurs a few minutes after the desktop appears.I have attached everything requested in the posting instructions (I think). Additionally, I have included the last four dumps

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WinDbg Log, I Get BSOD And Restart Often

Dec 31, 2009

I'm quite desperate that on my new super-desktop I get tons of restarts and BSODs on Windows 7.

I get the following information on WinDBG:


FAULTING_MODULE: fffff8000280c000 nt


READ_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolStart
unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeStart
unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeEnd

fffff960`002ec69d 488b4f20 mov rcx,qword ptr [rdi+20h]





LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff800028fd1e4 to fffff8000287df00

I understand it's a problem with multi-user? I tend to keep two users live at once "Office" and "Gaming". Any more exact interpretations?

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BSOD Followed By Restart On New PC Very Random When Idle

Dec 13, 2011

New PC, and I'm getting BSOD randomly when the computer is idleing followed by a restart, before 11th of Dec there used to be 5 or 6 restarts a day, but after that time I updated windows 7 and now I'm getting 1 or 2 a day. I ran memtest for a 7 pass test and showed no errors. My Windows 7 is - x64 - Ultimate installed by myself. - Full retail version. - Age of system (hardware)? 1 month old. - Age of OS installation? 1 month old.

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Windows 7 - BSOD 7e While System Restart

May 6, 2012

Windows 7 - BSOD 7e while system restartWindows 7 Home Premium, 64bit (installed by recover CD ).

System is just new installed.
Antivirus is Norton
my system specs: CPU:I7-3610QM 2.3GHz
Display :intel + NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M optimus technologyChief river platform

I've been trying to troubleshoot my BSOD issues the last 2 months but I'm not sure what to do from here. During restart my computer will BSOD; sometimes restart 5~6 times will BSOD, sometimes 2000~3000 times not happen, always seemingly random but once happen ,next time will continuous BSOD. A few things I've already done:

Updated BIOS.
Scan virus (no virus)

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Bsod Occure When System Restart

Jul 21, 2012

It is windows 7 and runs very very smooth (since it's a gaming computer). Today i decided to watch Naruto shippuden so i searched it on google went to the link, found the video and clicked play. 5 seconds after i hit Play my computer shut off. The system automatically restarts and i Select run windows normally again it restarts and gives BSOD. I can run windows in Safe mode, and safe mode with networking. When it restarts i hit run windows normally, it runs everything is fine. The boom BSOD.

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BSOD During Hibernate, Restart Or Shutdown

Sep 1, 2012

I am getting a BSOD during hibernate, restart etc. The problem is fixed by restoring the laptop to factory state but after a month or so the problem starts again.

I have run the diagnostic tool and uploaded the zipped file.

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System Won't Boot After Restart BSOD

Sep 6, 2012

i just save my project and then after a few minutes i got BSOD i read "ntfs.sys" then i restart my computer and then my system won't boot, displaying in monitor is no cable connceted, but when i check it's ok.

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BSOD Then Crashes And Unable To Restart?

Jan 25, 2013

today I have ran into a troublesome problem. When I turn on my computer, after 10-20 minutes it would BSOD then crash before I even have a chance to read it. After it restarts it will said that it is unable to boot and select a boot device. When I go into the BIOS the moment it restarts my hard drive would not appear there, but if I turn off the computer and turn it back on it would appear again as the selected boot device, but will soon later crash once more.

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BSOD Power Failure

Apr 19, 2009

I've been using Windows 7 since it went public, within the last 18 hours I got about 15 BS'sOD. I think the problem had something to do with the fact that I plugged my laptop into a power strip BEFORE turning the power strip on...idk. But whenever I plug in my laptop it takes about 30 seconds for a BSOD to show. I copied a couple down, here they are:

1. 0x0000008E(0xC0000005, 0x8BFAE3D1, 0x91C8DA94, 0x00000000)

0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x82C5DC91

3. 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8CBB63D1, 0x8BA84A94, 0x00000000)
KI1.sys - Address 8CBB63D1 base at 8Ca0900 Data Stamp 4911af5e

4. STOP: 0x0000008E ( 0xC0000005, 0x8BDB73D1, 0x8BB8FA94, 0x00000000 )
Kl1.sys - Address 8BDB73D1 base at 8BC0A000, Data Stamp 4911af5e

What I've tried:

Unplugging the power cord. Result: nothing happens but the battery drains so I eventually had to plug back in. Removing the battery. Result: I didn't get a BSOD for about 25 minutes. Using a different power source with battery. Result: Same as with original power source. Using a different power cord. Result: BSOD after 30-45 minutes. Plugging in computer when closed. Result: this works but I can't use the computer.... Currently I'm using 1, 4, and 5.

FYI: I posted a similar message on the Microsoft forum but all they told me was that it was a driver problem...I'd like to know is there anything I can do? and what those bug codes mean.

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Nov 12, 2011

everytime i wanted to restart, it came up with this BSOD SPECIAL_POOL_DETECTED_MEMORY_CORRUPTION ran memtest for 7 passes with no error seems like all my recent bsods are memory related. i dont have any spare rams to try.

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BSOD Windows 7 X64 Shutdown And/or Restart Randomly?

Jul 5, 2012

In the past days my laptop shutdown unexpectedly only with uTorrent opened... I thought it was from high temperature but now I just don't know what is it because I don't think the laptop is too much warm and it not doing any heavy task when this happens.

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Random Restart BSOD And Lockups When Gaming

Nov 14, 2011

I tried posting on the Windows 7 forums, but I seemed to have gone nowhere fast with them over there. Lots of page views, but not a single piece of help or advice and quickly buried under tons of other BSOD threads. So I'm hoping someone here could point me in a direction and help narrow down what's going on and what needs to be done.

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BSOD While Using More Power Doing Multiple Tasks

Dec 12, 2012

I just bought a new computer and it crashes every time i do multiple tasks or play a game.

Here's my spec:
Intel Core I5 2320 3.0GHz LGA1155 BOX (BX80623I52320)
Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 OC 2GB 11200-14-20G
SSD OCZ Agility4 Series 128GB SATA3 2.5'' (AGT4-25SAT3-128G) 128 GB XFX Core 550W 120mm 80+ (P1-550S-XXB9)
Good Ram DDR3 4096MB PC1333 CL9 (GR1333D364L9/4G)

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Generic BSOD Kernel-power Id 41

May 5, 2012

crash comes when i'm online with wifi (i try various driver version of 4965agn)

-5 years hardware
-2 months Os installed

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