Redirecting Virus Also Shutdown Windows Security

Jul 22, 2011

i have a virus on my laptop(probably from torrenting) and i can't find it or remove it. i am currently using Mcafee and cant seem to find it even after scanning in safe mode. it makes internet explorer open advertisements, redirects my pages, and has also disabled my windows security service. I'm running windows 7?

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Remove Windows 7 Security 2012 Virus

Dec 21, 2011

I've been trying to remove the Windows 7 Security 2012 virus, and I've been trying to follow the steps to rid my computer of this wretched virus, but when I run rkill or malware-bytes, my computer blue screens, I'm not sure what the error is, for my computer restarts quite soon afterwards.Since I can't run either of those programs, how am I supposed to get rid of this virus? I've never had this problem before, but since yesterday I've been encountering these blue screens.Should I just reformat? Is my RAM defective? Is it another program or virus causing this to happen?

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Get A Redirect Virus / Can't Get It Off With Malwarebytes And Microsoft Security

Aug 31, 2012

I've some how managed to get a redirect virus and I can't get it off with Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security.

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Lean And Effective Security Want To Avoid Virus Checkers

Feb 1, 2013

I generally do not like virus checkers. They seem to be resource hogs and slow down operations. I also get irritated by false positives (Avast) & continuous updating. I have ran my laptop w/o any protection for 2 years w/o incident. An occasional spybot portable scan only seems to find a couple of tracking cookies.

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Removal Of Windows 7 Internet Security 2011 Virus From Dell Laptop Running On Windows 7 Home Premium?

Apr 4, 2011

My firewall, security settings and browsing has been disabled. The various remedies (process explorer, task manager) has been tried in SAFE MODE but they do not work.removal of win7 internet security 2011 virus.

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Laptop Cannot Connect Wirelessly Since Removing Security Shield Virus

Jan 3, 2012

My daughter got a Security Shield virus on her laptop and I managed to remove it using this BC thread: [URL]. The laptop uses Windows 7. The removal seemed to work fine, although one slightly odd thing (compared to the thread's advice) was that I didn't have to change the LAN settings/Proxy server when I booted up in Safe Mode - the virus was preventing internet access but didn't appear to be doing so by the Proxy server change. So I was able to access the internet perfectly well when in Safe Mode with Networking.

I downloaded everything I needed using the laptop wirelesly and scanned/removed the 2 security shield virus files using malware bytes. Then, when I rebooted as normal in order to complete the process and update the HOSTS files, I couldn't access the internet wirelessly. The router is working fine and when I connect via ethernet cable the laptop communicates fine with the internet. It just refuses to let me connect wirelessly.

I have tried:
- Checking all firewall options in McAfee (though I guess this wouldn't enable a wired connection either if it was the problem)
- Removing and reinstalling the wireless device (via device manager)
- Deleting and resetting up the wireless profile
Just not sure what to do next....

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Windows 7 Safe Mode Boot Redirecting To Startup Repair

Dec 7, 2012

Earlier today I tripped over a headphone cord and it flung my computer off my desk. I have an HP omni PC. It's the kind that had the computer and the monitor built together. I picked it back up off the floor. The power cord came out on impact. I set everything back up and was relived to hear it turn on. I selected start windows normally (win 7 64 bit) and it sat at starting windows forever. I eventually manually shutdown the computer. I powered back on and I got an option to start windows normally or use startup repair.

I thought it would be a good idea to go into startup repair. It just sat at the light blue screen with the large white mouse sitting there. Nothing happened. Nothing appeared on screen. I turned off the computer again and am just leaving it there for now. I am worried that the hard drive may have been disconnected from the fall and that's why windows won't start. Or maybe the hard drive was damaged. I tried doing a safe mode boot but it redirected me to startup repair.

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"Preparing Security Options" Message After Attempted Shutdown?

Aug 26, 2012

I've never experienced this message before. I have not had a virus or malware be detected in a year. This came up when I tried to close KVIRC, an IRC client program and turn off my laptop via the power button.Was this a glitch or something? I'm really hoping it isn't a virus. I haven't experienced any performance issues so..I should add the laptop appeared to freeze. I powered down, rebooted, and everything seemed to run normally.UPDATE: Microsoft security essentials picked something up with a full system scan. Not sure if the 3 viruses were related.

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"Preparing Security Options" Screen After Attempted Shutdown

Sep 5, 2012

So this is the second time this has happened to me in the past few weeks. And the time before was when I was shutting down and exiting programs (I used my power button on my laptop)Last time I reported this I didn't get the information from the SF Diag tool properly, and being that I have the program up to date?

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Redirecting External IP To Localhost?

Apr 25, 2011

I would like to know how you can redirect an external IP to localhost. Im trying to emulate the server for a simple program one of my friends coded in C++ (or something). It is basicly a login and register system, upon registering the program sends a HTTP request to the server (it requests a PHP file) with username & password parameters, if the username is not taken the server replies "1", if it is taken it replies "0".I made a PHP file on my server with the same name, though it would only return "0".So here is the deal, the program connects to a server that i dont have access to, nor do i have access to the program's source code and i can't change what IP the program connects to, so i will have to somehow forward the IP it connects to to my server's IP.

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IE Redirecting And Cant Download Any Antivirus Online Scans?

Feb 13, 2013

I keep getting a google redirect and I thought I would do an online virus scan, but everytime I go to any antivirus scan site it say internet explorer not working

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Redirecting Users From Domain To Another Page In Web Space

Jun 3, 2011

I have a free domain from dyndns. I am going to run a small website so, I installed apache server for windows. I need to redirect my users from my main page (my domain) to another page in my web space.

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Internet Searches Are Redirecting To Some Random Sites

Nov 30, 2011

This had happen to my computer before and I was able to remove it; however, this time it's back and Window Updater is starting to act up. It tells me that they are new updates, but I'm unable to download them.I have scanned the laptop with Malware Anti-Malware last night, and remove some files, but the problem remains.

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Search Redirecting And Websites Started Loading Slowly

Dec 9, 2012

As a former Linux user, I didn't think about installing any virus protection software when I first bought my current laptop (Samsung R580) that runs on Windows 7 Home Premium. My laptop was fine for the first 6-8 months until I some strange things started happening. When I would Google something and click on a search result, I would be redirected to a website trying to sell me things. A friend of mine did some research, and told me my laptop had something called a "click jacker". We found a work-around. Then, I was primarily using Google Chrome as my browser of choice until it started loading websites slowly and then not at all. I switched to Mozilla Firefox for a while until it started behaving the same way. Now, I am using IE which is working great, but what do I do when the same thing happens to this web browser? I would really like to start fresh, but I have never attempted anything like that before.

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Redirecting Of Desktop Using GPO From Server 2003/2008 Won't Work

May 24, 2011

I'm running a 2003 and 2008 server the 2003 is the primary DC. Most of our PC's are XP and were testing 2 windows 7 machines.

The desktops and some shared drives were stored on a nas box but it was unstable so I shifted the desktops and some public shares to a server on one of the DC's. I redirected the shares using netlogon scripts and they took fine on all computers XP and Windows 7, the desktops were redirected using Group policy, all the XP machines took the redirection, a few needed the users to be reset though. The issue I'm having is with the 2 windows 7 PC's, they have taken the shares but not the desktops. The desktops were working before. I have tried deleting the users and login in again, I have also tried to remove the regedit policies but no success. I have even taken the PC off the domain and put it back on with no success. The same users log in fine on the XP PC's and get the desktop.

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How Tocheck Laptop For Virus And Virus Protection

Jan 21, 2013

how do I check My labtop for virus and virus protection

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SLOW Boot And Shutdown After Forced Shutdown During Windows 7 Upgrade?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a ASUS Laptop with Intel I3 processer and Windows 7 Home Premium. I recently had a forced shutdown during a Windows upgrade session. Ever since then the Boot and Shutdown times have increased to over 15 minutes. I have run the msconfig unticking all but the antivirus (Kaspersky) and it still takes >15 min to boot and Shutdown. Is there something I can do before I decide to reinstall Windows &. (I dont have a install disk.) The software came with the Computer and I have the OEM code (Bought at Best Buy)

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Laptop With Windows 7 OS Does Not Shutdown When Click On Shutdown Tab

Nov 23, 2011

my laptop with window 7 OS does not shutdown when i click on shut down tab.

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Having Windows Remote, And "shutdown" Button Has Hibernation Action - Change It To Real Shutdown?

Jun 6, 2011

Im having windows remote, and "shutdown" button has hibernation action, is it possible to somehow change it to real shutdown?

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[LIBRARIES] Redirecting "User Folder" On Desktop To Another Partition?

Mar 8, 2011

I have two seagate barracuda sata drives. My primary o/s drive (c:/) is a 160gb and the secondary is a 1tb . I use the 160gb for my windows installation and for program files. The 1tb is what I had the "My Documents" folder redirected to in Win Xp Pro. I am attempting to do the same thing in windows 7 which makes life easier if for some reason i would have to format and reinstall Windows.

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Replacing Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id - Message

Apr 17, 2012

I am sure this has been answered in the past butI cannot find any links when I search!

I left my pc to boot up and it started into a check disc mode and all I get is the above message. I cannot reboot in safemode to restore, what can I do?

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Microsoft Security Essentials And Other Internet Security Softwares

Oct 28, 2012

I recently purchased a lenovo laptop for home purpose around 1.5 months back. The laptop was having already microsoft security essentials (MSE) and mcafee antivirus plus software. Unfortunately, yesterday i was facing blue screen on death type of error (BSOD) error. On one forum, I found that it may be due to the mcafee antivirus software. So, I uninstalled the software as per suggestion.Why MSE was not able to detect this bsod error? Moreover, why mcafee, which itself is a anti-virus software, was causing this issue?

Morever, I want to install good free antivirus software. I am totally confused whether should I install the antivirus software or, the internet security software. Please throw more light on good free internet security software from longer perspective. (I just found that almost all free trials are only for 1 month only)? Moreover, why built-in windows firewall and microsoft security essentials (MSE) are not enough for detecting malacious software. Why extra internet security software or antivirus software is required ?

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When Go To Shutdown Computer / Always Have An Update Icon Attached To Shutdown Key

Apr 16, 2012

I have two windows updates that keep failing. When i go to shutdown my computer I always have an update icon attached to the shutdown key. The download is always 1of1. Then when i reboot, the update icon is still there. I'm thinking since the two updates are failing, it has something to do with the 1of1 update not downloading properly. I went to windows update to check for new updates, and the only one is the two that keep failing. My computer just blue screened on shutdown today, winch got me thinking i really need to fix this.

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Stop Shutdown Process After Click Shutdown Button?

Oct 11, 2010

how do i prevent shutdown process after click on Shutdown button!

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[SECURITY] Recommend A Wireless NIC For Security Testing?

Aug 25, 2011

I recently bought a notebook PC, and was quite annoyed to find that Intel has magically removed the ability to change the Centrino N 130 wireless adapter's MAC address.Before the nutters get in here with accusations of "illegal" activity, I feel obligated to point out that there is nothing "illegal" about changing the MAC address on my own property. Briefly, I want to pose my notebook as a hypothetical attacker, trying to bump one of my other wireless devices off the router by assuming its MAC address. I don't really know what would happen if I did this, because, like I said, Intel artificially crippled the Centrino N 130 through its Windows 7 drivers. Rather paternalistic of them.Another benefit of the proposed experiment: showing the futility of MAC filtering in keeping out the "bad guys." I have been convinced of this for some time, but been simultaneously unable to demonstrate it to my own satisfaction. There is no substitute for actually trying something, rather than just reading about it.

I am also a little annoyed at the Centrino N's (lack of) performance. I have yet to have it connect at greater than 72 Mbit/s, even while sitting less than 10 feet from the router with a clear line of sight.FWIW, my router is a NetGear WNR3500v2. N wireless is enabled. As far as I know, this router is capable of supporting a full 300 Mbit or so 802.11n wireless connection, as long as the wireless NIC on the other end is doing its part (which mine doesn't).With all that in mind, can someone suggest an N-capable wireless NIC that is not purposely crippled by its manufacturer? I would prefer an internal mini-PCIe card, but Intel seem to be the only ones making those. Even a G-capable or USB device would probably serve the purpose, if that's all that's available.

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Laptop During Shutdown Always Getting Force Shutdown Message?

Jan 26, 2013

i am always getting force shut down message whenever i processed shut down process.

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Security Center Disabled And Cannot Start And Windows 7 Security Center Cannot?

Aug 23, 2012

I Windows 7 Home Premium. My windows is getting the updates but when it says configuring windows it doesn't do it and says it failure to config and is reverting back.I also cannot turn on Windows Security Center.I appears something happened 8/15. I tried microsoft's fixes and system restore which hasn't fixed the problems.[CODE]

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Shutdown Freeze / Infinite Shutdown

Feb 11, 2012

Im not sure if this is in the right category, but I think it could be Windows 7 related.My Powersupply died the other day so I purchased a new one and all was fine, except when I shutdown it either freezes or carries on for what seems like forever.The only thing is that on bootup my DVD Drive and SSD have changed ports so my dvd drive is now device00 and my SSD001.

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus

Jun 6, 2011

I just got some virus that im assuming is either scareware or ransomware that prompted me to buy some windows 7 recovery bs. I managed to remove the virus, i think so at least, with Malewarebytes software but now all my programs are gone.

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus?

Jun 7, 2011

cleaning up this virus to restore my program folders that are showing up as empty.Unfortunately, I ran a temp files cleaner and I no longer have the smtmp folder. Is there a way for me to restore this? There is no way I am going to restore all those shortcuts manually!

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Fix A Macbook Pro With A Windows 7 Virus?

Feb 8, 2012

I am considering installing Windows 7 Professional on a Macbook Pro using Bootcamp and partitioning the hard drive. I understand that when you do that your computer is then prone to viruses. But I was wondering, if you get a virus using Windows 7 on a Mac, does it only effect the Windows Partition or does it effect the whole Hard Drive?

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