Internet Searches Are Redirecting To Some Random Sites

Nov 30, 2011

This had happen to my computer before and I was able to remove it; however, this time it's back and Window Updater is starting to act up. It tells me that they are new updates, but I'm unable to download them.I have scanned the laptop with Malware Anti-Malware last night, and remove some files, but the problem remains.

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Add Restricted Sites To Internet Explorer 8

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to add Restricted Sites to Windows 7's Internet Explorer 8.

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Windows 7 - How To Get Internet Sites To Remember Passwords

Jul 4, 2012

I am trying to get internet sites to remember passwords. Cannot find it in in options ...

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[IE8] Internet Explorer Not Remembering Login On Many But Not All Sites?

Jul 8, 2011

I have Windows 7 64 bit OS. Presently I am using IE8 and many of the sites (but not all) does not show the popup asking if you want to save the User name and passwordThe ones that do work fine and the login information is retained but most of the guitar and bass forums I have been on for years do not retain the information.Machines with Windows XP are fine. I have tried IE 9, Chrome, Safari. They all reat the same way which lead me to believe it is an OS problem. The admin tried toith this but ended up stating "it must be a Windows 7 64 bit problemr shed some light on this problem. It is so tireing re-entering every time you bring up Internet Explorer to view the forum. Facebook works fine. I am at a loss here.

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Remove Restricted Sites From Internet Explorer 8

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to remove Restricted Sites from Windows 7's Internet Explorer 8.

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Internet Explorer 9 Stopped Loading Some Sites

Jan 22, 2013

For some reason IE9 has stopped me loading certain web sites, which I use often, all I get is "The website cannot display the page", it loads alright on another computer connected to the same internet connection, can anyone tell me why this has suddenly started, I haven`t done anything different than normal.

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Create A List Of Favorite Internet Sites?

Oct 23, 2012

How do I create a list of my favourite internet sites

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How To Remove Searches

Jul 6, 2011

How can i remove the searches from eg C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows SidebarGadgets

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Redirecting External IP To Localhost?

Apr 25, 2011

I would like to know how you can redirect an external IP to localhost. Im trying to emulate the server for a simple program one of my friends coded in C++ (or something). It is basicly a login and register system, upon registering the program sends a HTTP request to the server (it requests a PHP file) with username & password parameters, if the username is not taken the server replies "1", if it is taken it replies "0".I made a PHP file on my server with the same name, though it would only return "0".So here is the deal, the program connects to a server that i dont have access to, nor do i have access to the program's source code and i can't change what IP the program connects to, so i will have to somehow forward the IP it connects to to my server's IP.

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Turn-off Saved Searches?

Mar 8, 2011

i want to turn-off saved searches in windows 7 home premuim 64 bit ive goggled and came up with thiselete or Disable Recent Search Entries History in Windows 7 (Explorer) Search Box y Digital Life

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Clear The User/searches/everywhere Files?

Jun 21, 2010

How can I clear the user/searches/everywhere files.There must be thousands of entries, and takes awhile to load.

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Have Bit-torrent STOP Doing Searches Using Bing?

Oct 10, 2011

how to have Bit-torrent STOP doing searches using Bing? Everytime I do a search for anything, Bing shows up w/its results, how do I change this?

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MSN Searches Bring Up A Blank Tab, Windows 7 Using IE9?

Apr 18, 2012

[URL] is my fathers homepage on his pc and he asked me to come over and look at it since it recently started where if he would search for something on MSN it would open up a blank tab next to the MSN page tab with nothing in it at all. When you close it or go back to the MSN page the word you searched for is still there but there is no search results displayed. Searches work perfectly fine on google just as they should, problem seems strictly with MSN.I checked and double checked to make sure he didnt have some addon running, I checked for viruses, I checked for toolbars and I checked the tab settings (I tried setting them to default) and I found nothing.Having him simply just use google as his homepage isnt an option. He isnt real tech friendly and he is 68 so he doesnt exactly like using things he isnt already familliar with and comfortable with.His pc is running 32bit windows 7 with all the updates and internet explorer 9.

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IE Redirecting And Cant Download Any Antivirus Online Scans?

Feb 13, 2013

I keep getting a google redirect and I thought I would do an online virus scan, but everytime I go to any antivirus scan site it say internet explorer not working

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Redirecting Users From Domain To Another Page In Web Space

Jun 3, 2011

I have a free domain from dyndns. I am going to run a small website so, I installed apache server for windows. I need to redirect my users from my main page (my domain) to another page in my web space.

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Incorrect Index Searches - How To Improve Authenticity

Dec 8, 2010

Sometimes when I'm updating files that happen to reside in my user folder, the same folder that's indexed on my Windows 7 machine, I'll notice that the indexing engine doesn't always pick up the last time it was actually modified. It's kind of spotty actually, sometimes it'll pick it up and sometimes it won't. Why is that and is there anything I can do to improve the authenticity of my searches, kind of like an Indexing Best Practices?

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Mac And Windows 7 Networking Searches For About A Minute And Then Returns Nothing?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a home network, based around a wireless router which our internet is distributed by. The connection is fine for internet but not great for file sharing.I take a lot of pictures and save them all on my desktop pc. This is sadly a windows machine running Windows 7. I have been using this for a good few years, it has an internal RAID5 array which I store the images on.I am not looking to access these files from my mac using a faster interface than the wireless which is already set up. My mac has a gigabyte ethernet port as does my desktop. I have purchased a crossover cable to save buying a switch.I have set up file sharing on the wireless network which work albiet very slowly by looking on the network on my mac, waiting till my windows machine appears, logging on using my normal credentials and having access to my files.

If I try and make the mac use the wired connection instead by going to the finder Go>Connect to a Server and then typing in for example in searches for about a minute and then returns nothing. I can ping the machine and get a response.From what I can diagnose myself is that the unidentified crossover cable network is not liked by windows at all and won't allow sharing of files. This is just an inkling though.

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Redirecting Virus Also Shutdown Windows Security

Jul 22, 2011

i have a virus on my laptop(probably from torrenting) and i can't find it or remove it. i am currently using Mcafee and cant seem to find it even after scanning in safe mode. it makes internet explorer open advertisements, redirects my pages, and has also disabled my windows security service. I'm running windows 7?

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Search Redirecting And Websites Started Loading Slowly

Dec 9, 2012

As a former Linux user, I didn't think about installing any virus protection software when I first bought my current laptop (Samsung R580) that runs on Windows 7 Home Premium. My laptop was fine for the first 6-8 months until I some strange things started happening. When I would Google something and click on a search result, I would be redirected to a website trying to sell me things. A friend of mine did some research, and told me my laptop had something called a "click jacker". We found a work-around. Then, I was primarily using Google Chrome as my browser of choice until it started loading websites slowly and then not at all. I switched to Mozilla Firefox for a while until it started behaving the same way. Now, I am using IE which is working great, but what do I do when the same thing happens to this web browser? I would really like to start fresh, but I have never attempted anything like that before.

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Redirecting Of Desktop Using GPO From Server 2003/2008 Won't Work

May 24, 2011

I'm running a 2003 and 2008 server the 2003 is the primary DC. Most of our PC's are XP and were testing 2 windows 7 machines.

The desktops and some shared drives were stored on a nas box but it was unstable so I shifted the desktops and some public shares to a server on one of the DC's. I redirected the shares using netlogon scripts and they took fine on all computers XP and Windows 7, the desktops were redirected using Group policy, all the XP machines took the redirection, a few needed the users to be reset though. The issue I'm having is with the 2 windows 7 PC's, they have taken the shares but not the desktops. The desktops were working before. I have tried deleting the users and login in again, I have also tried to remove the regedit policies but no success. I have even taken the PC off the domain and put it back on with no success. The same users log in fine on the XP PC's and get the desktop.

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Windows 7 Safe Mode Boot Redirecting To Startup Repair

Dec 7, 2012

Earlier today I tripped over a headphone cord and it flung my computer off my desk. I have an HP omni PC. It's the kind that had the computer and the monitor built together. I picked it back up off the floor. The power cord came out on impact. I set everything back up and was relived to hear it turn on. I selected start windows normally (win 7 64 bit) and it sat at starting windows forever. I eventually manually shutdown the computer. I powered back on and I got an option to start windows normally or use startup repair.

I thought it would be a good idea to go into startup repair. It just sat at the light blue screen with the large white mouse sitting there. Nothing happened. Nothing appeared on screen. I turned off the computer again and am just leaving it there for now. I am worried that the hard drive may have been disconnected from the fall and that's why windows won't start. Or maybe the hard drive was damaged. I tried doing a safe mode boot but it redirected me to startup repair.

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Random BSOD While Just Browsing Internet

May 6, 2012

I've had this issue before & it was bad RAM before so i replaced my RAM in late March and have not had issues since until a few minutes ago, I was watching a live stream on of the Nevada GOP Convention while also browsing facebook and Reddit and everything suddenly locked up on me and then a BSOD occurred forcing a reboot of my system, I have attached the .zip file to this post to hopefully finally get to the bottom of this issue..Is Windows 7

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? - 64 bit
- the original installed OS on the system? - Windows 7 64 bit, & dual booting Windows 8 Beta on a different partition
- an OEM or full retail version? - OEM
- What is the age of system (hardware)? - custom built system but i'd say average is 3-4 years for the mobo/processor, Ram is brand new, one of my hard drives is also only a couple of months, the other is maybe 2-3 years at my best estimate
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) - I did a reformat just a few months ago.

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Random Dll's Attempting Internet Access

Nov 19, 2009

This is very odd. but it seems random .dll files are trying to access the internet only when I am away from the computer for like 15 mins. They attempt this through rundll32.exe or whatever it's called.

I dont' think it's a virus because it's a new Win7 install and have not installed anything odd. Plus Avast has not picked anything up.

But there's no way all these .dll files are trying to access the internet while I'm gone. I mean most of the .dll files are from non-self-updating apps.

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Random BSOD's Limited Internet Access?

Jan 5, 2013

Crash dump directory: C:WindowsMinidump[CODE]21 crash dumps have been found and analyzed.Only 15 are included in this report. A third party driver has been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers:

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Random BSODs While Playing WoW / TF2 Or Browsing Internet

Jan 11, 2012

Random BSODs while playing WoW/TF2, browsing internet and my PC will start normally after like it never happened. This has happened more than four times now. Has even happened once on the desktop. It dumps files and I haven't been able to snag error codes. Either that or I need to write down codes frantically next time it happens. I run Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essentials frequently (though I haven't changed any settings and am not sure how to do more thorough scans.)

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Losing Connection To Internet At Random Times

Mar 30, 2011

I have a Marvel Yukon ethernet controller, which is a wired connection only a few feet from socket. For some reason I lose connection at random times? I need to reboot to fix this. In event viewer there is the following:

"Yukonw7 Event 101 Driver status 1".

I am running the latest Marvel drivers by the way.

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Blue Screen At Random Times And No Internet Access?

Oct 23, 2012

A month or so ago I started having the occassional problem with Blue Screens.There does not seem to be a specific time in which they come up it just seems to happen randomly. As of late it has been happening much more frequently. Also, though my menu bar says I have wireless access I constantly get the "Can not connect to a network" error message. I cannot click on the view networks options from the menu bar or from the control panel even though every other option in the control panel works fine. I have tried troubleshooting my internet connectiong and nothing ever comes up. I am using Google Chrome. I am currently running my laptop on safemode with networking in order to post on this site.[CODE]

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BSOD Playing Any Game Or Browsing Internet - Random?

Feb 15, 2012

I have been having random crashes / restarts on my computer for the entire duration that I have had my windows 7 installed, before this I used windows xp which was on the same hard drive. I thought I managed to fix the issue but it happened again today and once yesterday as well.

What happens:

-Playing random game or browsing internet
-crash for no reason (Doesn't always BSOD)
-computer restarts says windows did not shut down cleanly etc..
-start up what I was doing again
-no crash

Search and Destroy along with Malwarebytes says that I am clean along with my AVG My dump settings are properly configured to produce dump files, although when this happens I do not see one being produced

My Windows 7 computer:

- x64 bit
- not the original OS
- retail version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? - 3/4 years at most
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1/2 years

EDIT: I was looking through some other threads and managed to actually get some dump files and I reattached the information

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HP Dv6 Random 0x124 BSOD While Using Games, Videos, And Internet

Sep 16, 2012

So I have an HP Pavilion dv6z notebook running 64 bit Windows 7, it originally came with Vista pre-installed but I received an upgrade disc when 7 came out, that I have for about 3 years now. It was running great until about August or September last year when I would occasionally get a blue screen when playing Fallout New Vegas, which I had been playing on and off since Christmas 2010. This happened once every couple of weeks. Since then slowly more programs things have been tripping the blue screen and the frequency has increased. Now a number of games, though mostly newer 3d games and minecraft, have been setting it off. Then I started having it also occasionally blue screen when using a web browser or watching a video file.

The notebook is a HP Pavilion dv6z (s/n: CNF9351VRX, p/n: NT594AV), with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-75 cpu, an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4530 graphics card, an Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter, a 300 gig hard drive, 4 gigs of ram, and a blu-ray drive. I don't know what the motherboard or sound cards are. It is not being overclocked, I don�t even know how to overclock things even if I wanted to. Also it is not a RAID drive as it only has one drive.

I have reset to factory settings in December, though that was due to a virus creeping in and ravaging windows, so reinstalled 7 and it now has a cleaner version on, but the problem persists. I've driver swept and reinstalled me drivers with no luck. I have also virus, spyware, trojan, and malware scanned finding nothing. I've torture tested the CPU and it passed with flying colors. I stress tested the memory with much the same result. I replaced the hard drive thinking it could be an issue, and no go there. Then figuring it was a thermal issue I got a friend and we ripped the notebook open and replaced the thermal paste. The fan seems fine and since doing it on the whole it has run quite a bit cooler since the CPU paste was pretty stiff. That seemed to work for about two to three weeks and bam again another blue screen, which is always the same regarding hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. I know it is a 0x124 error and as such different to diagnose the issue since it is likely hardware related but I dont know what else to try to test figure out the problem.

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Lenovo Laptop Windows 7 Random Internet Hiccups?

Oct 14, 2012

Starting about two days ago (Friday - October 12th) my laptop has been experiencing what I can only seem to call internet "hiccups"I will easily connect to the internet upon starting it up, as usual, but after attempting to browse the internet or use any online game or application, it takes several minutes to load before telling me I have no internet connection, all the while it is showing I have excellent 5 bar connection in the bottom right next to my clock.After experimenting, I decided to use the command prompt to ping google using the -t command so it would continually ping it.This showed that during a "hiccup" period (When my internet isn't working but shows it's working), I only get packets back about every other time, while the others say "Request timed out"So it is showing that I am literally connected every other second. I theorize that this is why it doesn't show me disconnected in the bottom right.I've tried reinstalling the drivers, restarting, restoring, and anything else I and several of my friends could think of to no avail. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening.

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Random BSOD When Gaming, Exiting Games, Or Browsing The Internet?

May 8, 2012

My computer has been experiencing crashes daily for a while now, and I strongly suspect my power supply is the problem, but I do not have very much experience with this problem. My computer will just crash without any warning whatsoever when I play TF2, Nexuiz, or any other game for that matter. I could be playing for anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours and get a crash at any point in between. Who Crashed and BlueScreenView point out ntoskrnl.exe more than any other driver, but occasionally it will point out my graphics driver, lan driver, or directx itself.

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