Putting Software And Windows 7 On New Harddrive?

Nov 22, 2012

I recently bought a new harddrive and i want to transfer windows and my files to it.Problem is i dont have a big enough external hdd to do this.Is it possible to only format a partition of the new HDD when installing windows?

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Putting Windows 7 On A SSD?

Sep 4, 2012

I just got a new laptop with a 7200rpm HD and a 32gb SSD. I'm not sure how to make sure Windows 7 is installed onto the SSD instead of the other drive, could somebody please teach me? I googled it but all of the answered that came up are very complex, I don't understand it.

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Putting Two Windows Installations On 1 USB

Jul 20, 2011

I have recently purchased an HP laptop with no cd-drive and hence created the recovery media on a USB.Due to some problems with this recovery media process - I ended up doing a clean install on Win7 instead.

Problem:I have a bootable USB stick, I need som assistance in putting both a Win7 image and a winXP image on this, and control it with a boot manager of some sort?

I recently had to assist my girlfriends father with repairing his xp installation on his netbook, also with no optical drive. So I thought for future events it might be good to have both

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Install Windows 7 On A HD That Plan On Putting In A Different Computer

Jan 1, 2012

This week the rest of my build should arrive in the mail... but in the mean time I want to install and set up windows 7 so I can just plug it and go when all my stuff comes in. I won't update drivers and whatever else... but I should be fine just swapping a drive between machines as long as I don't install drivers from the set up machine?

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Putting Updated Drivers On A Windows 7 Usbdrive?

Feb 6, 2012

I have created a windows 7 usbdrive for future installations. Now I also want to put updated drivers on the usbdrive. So that they are installed during windows installation.

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Putting Icons On All Users Desktop In Windows 7?

Aug 30, 2012

I am trying to add a couple of icons to program to all users desktop in win 7

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Reinstall Windows 7 Without Putting Vista Back On Computer

Jan 24, 2011

I purchased a retail copy of Windows 7 Upgrade and installed it about a year ago. It detected my Vista installation but I reformatted and did a clean install. It activated no problem.I now want to wipe my Hard drive and start fresh...but I have an important question.Will my upgrade license key allow me to reinstall Windows 7 without putting Vista back on the computer first? I want to do a clean install. I understand that Upgrade keys need to "see" a previous Windows version in the setup program before you re-format the drive.But, this is the second install of Win7; wouldn't the setup detect that I have an installed copy of Windows 7 before I format?

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Blu-ray Drive Disappears After Putting Windows 7 Computer To Sleep

Jan 11, 2012

My computer is running Windows 7 professional. It is a fresh install. I have a blu ray drive installed (LG BH12ls38) that works fine. However, when I put my computer to sleep and wake it back up, the drive is gone. When I go to device manager and try to scan for hardware changes it still doesn't recognize it. The only way to solve the problem is to shut down the computer. Restarting the computer doesn't work. If I restart, the computer stays on the motherboards screen for a longer period of time then it normally does (about 30 seconds). Also, it seems that this drive is affecting the computer when I shut it down. After having this problem of not being able to find the drive it seems my computer takes longer to shut down.

I have installed all necessary updates for Windows and the driver is provided by Microsoft driver version - 6.1.7601.17514 and date is 6/21/2006. I called LG and they have not been able to find a solution. It seems they do not provide/have a driver and rely on microsoft's drivers. I also updated my BIOS to the newest version. I went to my local store and tried another LG drive which was older and not blu ray and it worked fine so it's not a motherboard or power issue. My computer is running in IDE mode. The reason I state that is because I saw some posts about people switching from IDE to AHCI mode. However, I talked to the technician at my local microcenter and he said this wouldn't be the issue. Sounds to me like firmware issue?

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Windows 7 Keeps Putting Wireless Printer Back After Deleting

Jan 9, 2013

I have an artisan 830 printer installed wireless and in device manager it lists the same printer but says copy next to it and is shaded meaning its not currently attached

I delete the printer and it goes away, but if i click refresh it comes straight back, i tried deleting both the copy and the artisan and then reinstalled the artisan but no matter how many times i delete the copy it returns after refreshing the page

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Putting 4 Gigs Of Ram To Use

Feb 26, 2010

I am running windows 7 with a AMD X2 5600+ 4 GB DDR 800 and a 9800GT EE I am running windows 7 right now with 1300mb in use and 2700 free, around that. Anyway I was wondering if there is a way to speed things up by using more memory, would disabling virtual memory help? These might be stupid questions but they are worth asking for me but not someone smarter. Anyway I would like to be able to have the operating system use more ram and be able to run games better. I am running 64 bit.

If anyone has any negative comments about my system please hold off because I am excited with how cheap I put this system together, I know it's not up to date but I can put it to some good use.

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Windows 7 Reinstall On New HardDrive?

May 23, 2012

I have bought a SSD drive on which i want my OS & programs etc and my main drive now as just data. Now do i have to start again reinstall W7 and the whole sha-bang onto the new SSD-HD? Or is there a easy way around this?

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Windows XP Installed Twice On Same Harddrive

Nov 16, 2012

I would like to install windows 7 on my desktop. It is currently running windows XP. I'm not sure what i did but i wound up installing Windows XP "twice" on the C drive. I booted up windows 7 and installed it sucessfully but the windows XP is still on the drive.

deleting just the Windows XP.

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Re-install On Windows 7 On New Harddrive

Apr 5, 2012

The problem is that they have no copy of back ups for W7 nor I have a OEM copy of W7.

The product key is valid, but I need a the .iso file's so I can reinstall on new hard drive. I need W7 64 bit. Have a link?

I have been downloading from a couple places, I am surprised that W7 wants to charge us for it.

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Installing Windows 7 On New Harddrive?

May 7, 2012

I recently purchased a new HDD drive for my HP laptop. I was able back-up my data and create the restore disc. Once I install the new Harddrive and go through system recovery on the new HDD once the computer reboots to install W7 it does nothing. all it does is displays the HP emblem and the esc key does not do anything.

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Can Have Two Instances Of Windows 7 On One Harddrive

Oct 13, 2012

Eventually a Windows 7 system will get corrupted. Can I have second instance of Windows 7 already installed on the hard drive for comparison and a fast swap?

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Cannot Install Windows 7 On 2 TB Harddrive

Oct 1, 2012

I used a 2Tetrabyte HardDrive for 2 months as storage but sold it to my friend so he can use it as primary drive.I formatted it NTFS ( i think thats the spelling for it)I went over to his house to setup his Windows 7 on it and it wont install. Im booting from the windows 7 CD and tried all the options that it offers, spent hours.

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Putting The Computer To Sleep?

Nov 11, 2012

When I go into Power options in the control panel it says "Chage plan settings" so I turn off my display after one hour and that's OK. Then it says "Put the computer to sleep" from 1 minute to 5 hours so what does that mean?

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BSOD After Putting A DVD+R (Blank DVD) To A CD-ROM

Jul 1, 2012

I'm Going To Copy A Game From DVD... Then When I Put It Just show BSOD Page_Fault_in_non Area. Then I Restart It It Not Booting Now./. I Put It In Safe Mode But It Hangs. Then When I Use CHKDSK It works... But Then When I Remove The CD. Reboot It Again The BSOD loads again after starting windows logo

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Putting The Key In Installation Files

May 3, 2009

in XP you could put the installation key into the winnt.sif file. How do you do the same under Windows 7 ?

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Install Windows 7 Using External HardDrive?

Oct 10, 2010

okay first i dont know what correct category to post this thread..so anyway i have experienced installing Windows 7 using my USB/Flashdrive but my question is does it works with External USB HardDrive? i dont have external HDD yet i`m planning to buy one likeFreecom MD XXS 320GB Imation Venus 500GBHitachi 500GB

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Format Harddrive And Reinstall Windows 7?

Feb 23, 2011

the laptop didn't come with a disk for 7 so i don't know what to do

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Put Windows On Regular Harddrive And Game On Ssd?

Apr 19, 2012

I want to know if i should just load win7 and just my game on a new ssd or have my game only on the ssd and boot from regular hdd. I want the ssd for playing my game only and nothing else, what would be the best way to set up a new ssd for my game only?

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Computer Putting Itself In Sleep Mode?

May 4, 2012

For the past week my computer will sometimes put itself in sleep mode while I am using it. It doesn't matter whether I'm playing games, word processing or on the internet.

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After Putting In New Optical / Computer Won't Start

Dec 9, 2012

I know quite a bit about computers, and this is my custom build. I upgraded my mobo/cpu/ram in June, but my budget ran short of getting an optical which used SATA. yesterday was my birthday and I was able to purchase myself a new optical drive. The problem is. Last night I opened my case, put it in, power and data cables and then my computer won't boot correctly. This also happened when I first upgraded, but the problem isn't being solved this time. My keyboard only lights up when I flip the PSU power switch on the back. When I boot up I get no lights on my keyboard, my monitor light stays orange, all fans, etc turn on inside the case. I tried unplugging the new drive and starting it, with it's previous configuration, but that will not work. I have tried spamming the key to get into the BIOS, which is what worked in June when I was getting no video.

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BSOD When Putting Computer To Sleep?

Oct 23, 2011

I have been trying to fix my computer for about a week now. The problem has been happening for about 2 weeks. What happens is when i put my computer to sleep or if my computer goes to sleep by it self, it gets a blue screen and shuts down. I have updated the drivers and ran the SCANNOW command to try and fix the files. WHen i reboot my computer after i get the blue screen it freezes for about 1 min on a white screen before starting windows. This is the error its sends me. Im running windows 7 x64.[CODE]

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Reboot After Putting To Sleep Mode?

Jan 24, 2013

I'm having my acer notebook model aspire 5736z and I nticed that when I put it to sleep mode and then run my notebook again hiting ENTER key it reboots It's very frustrating,and I don't think it's normal. How can I fix it,to get it back to desktop again? I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate with SP1.

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Putting Retail Version On OEM Computer

Oct 16, 2009

I did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate on my dell computer. When I was deleting partitions I noticed a Dell OEM partition. It was very small so I didn't delete this.

My thought was, if I ever wanted to sell this computer I would need to put Vista back on the computer and was afraid that my OEM disk would not work because I had deleted the partition.

I want to be able to put any computer back to the same state when purchased in order to avoid locking my Retail Version to one computer.

Does this little OEM partition have any bearing on the ability to revert the computer back to the original state?

If so, those of you putting retail might want to keep that partion available.

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Putting Music Videos On Itunes?

Jan 28, 2011

I ripped my DVD music videos, and when i try to add them to itunes, they go to the Movies library. I want them in the Music Video library. Any one know how i can add them to to music video library?

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How To Make CD Secured With Putting A Password

Jun 13, 2011

how to make CD secured with putting a password

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Putting A Win 7 ISO File To Flash Drive

Dec 12, 2009

I would like to put a bootable (obviously) Windows 7 ISO file to a flash drive and have the my netbook boot the the Windows 7 flash drive. I tried the software that MS released, but I didn't have any luck with it. It tells me that it isn't a valid ISO file.

Is there any software that can do something like this?

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External Harddrive Worked In 32 Bit Windows 7, Not 64 Bit After Uprade?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm new to this. I was working with Windows 7 32 bit and recently decided to take advantage of more RAM for recording music by upgrading to Windows 7 64 bit. However, after the upgrade installation my WD MyBook Studio II 2tb is no longer recognized in "My Computer" when I hook it through firewire OR USB (Yet all other devices work as they should) - So I've been to Disk Management and it shows up as a disk. However, there is still no letter assigned to it. When I right click on it, the only option is to delete volume. As you can see in this picture it shows up as disk 2 with three separate regions.

Now, when I hook it up to a MacBook running Leopard the WD MyBook Studio II works just fine and all of the files are accessible. I've also tried uninstalling the drivers, powering down and reconnecting, updating drivers. I've also switched my firewire controllers to (Legacy) in Device Manager. I still am not able to access my external drive within Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium - YET it worked great with 32 bit.

I can't remember if I disconnected the external drive from the computer when I upgraded Windows, but would that potentially have affected the install? How do I get access to my external drive if it won't show up in "My Computer" when it shows up perfectly fine on the MacBook running Leopard? Right now I'm using just less than half of the drive at around 800 GB and it's made up of two separate 1tb drives. I'm completely lost. Does anyone know a solution to my problem?Also: Windows lists my specific external drive as compatible with Windows 7 64 bit.

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