Program Files In Local Language Versions

Dec 21, 2009

Switching over from a Swedish language XP system I'm utterly frustrated with Windows 7 (Ultimate + Sedish language pack).

The localized version of both sytems replaces the "Program Files" folder with a "Program" folder.

In XP that causes no trouble, 95% of all applications happily install themselves into "Program" and run ok there, the few exeptions insist on creating a "Program files" folder but then run happily there.

Not so in Win 7. On the system disk there is a "Program" folder and at least some programs install themselves there, and run ok there. But, if you create a shortcut to a program the shortcut is pointing at C:Program files and changing it to C:Program.. causes an error message when trying to activate the program. This becomes rather confusing when you yourself have to create shortcut addresses.

Some programs have exactly the opposite problem, for example WinZip is on one hand unable to extract a zip file to C:Program files as it cannot find the folder (altough explorer clearly sees such a folder) and on the other hand creates a new, extra, C:Program folder if told to extract to that folder. So then there are two "Program" folders, one pointed at by %ProgramFiles% and another one not pointed at!

Some other programs have the same kind of problems.

What is going on here? Have I missed some step in the language pack installation or has MS managed to break a system that worked perfectly well in XP for years?

Has anyone had similiar problems with other language packs?

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Get Updates For Program Versions?

Oct 18, 2011

windows updates has urgent updates....for versions of office etc that I don't have and internet explorer which I do not use. is it necessary to download them?also has a big download for nVidia drivers, but everything is working fine and I don't want to mess up to make updates happy?

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Uninstall All The Versions And Reinstall The Most Up To Date Versions?

Jul 6, 2010

My question is are these neccessary and why are there multiples? Wouldn't that in itself cause software conflicts?They came from various games off steam and other programs such as drivers and editing software.I don't understand why it stacked so many, I mean wouldn't it be better to uninstall all the versions and reinstall the most up to date versions? I went this route last time and afterwards I got side by side errors. I just don't want software conflicts so I ask the experts here, is it safe to remove these?

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Data Files Revert To Previous Versions After Restart

Nov 26, 2009

For the third time in a week, Windows 7 has replaced some of my personal data files with earlier versions, without my consent, following a restart. I'm talking about my outlook Data file (outlook.pst), my Quicken data files and a few others. Files are located in different places, but mostly in my Documents folder.

There are no errors, no crashes and no warning whatsoever. I just restart the PC and suddenly my data files are overwritten with sometimes days old versions. The first time it happened I assumed that maybe I hadn't properly saved my document(s), but then I noticed it actually WAS replacing current files with earlier versions. I would enter a few days worth of transactions into Quicken, save and even backup the files, only to have it revert back to a file that was saved two days ago after restarting the PC, causing me to have to re-enter all those transactions. Same thing with Outlook - I could add/change/remove appointments in my calendar, only to discover that it went back to an earlier time after the next restart, all changes made would be lost. Just a simple reboot is all it takes - the last time I had to reboot to update a driver. This is completely unexpected & unacceptable behavior. What would cause Windows 7 to do this?

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Allow Installed Program To Rename Files Under Program Files (x86)

Jun 18, 2012

I have a program installed under "C:Program Files (x86)CompanyNameSWName". When the program runs it's supposed to copy some files, say FROM "C:Program Files (x86)CompanyNameSWNameDrivers*.abc TO "C:Program Files (x86)CompanyNameSWNameDrivers*.xyz

The program works on every machine it's been installed on, except for one (customer's) Win 7 64-bit machine. On that machine, nothing happens.

It's noteworthy that on that same machine an "insufficient access privileges" (or some such) message pops-up when an administrator trys to copy a folder to "C:Program Files (x86)CompanyNameNewName".

why this particular Windows 7 machine is being so picky? What should I have the installer do so that the application will be able to copy/rename its own files?

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How To Remove Language Files

Dec 27, 2010

how to remove unwanted language files in Windows 7. On OSX a great little utility called 'Monolingual' exists that scans your HD and removes languages that you will never, ever use, sometimes saving GB's worth of space. Does such a utility exist for Windows? Does the operating system allow for this to be done?

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Files In User/Owner/AppData/Local?

Feb 5, 2012

I have 200 folders in the C:/user/owner/local with names similar to {4BAD3A78-8A70-44D6-AD84-CF42571B0CD6}. All of them show 0 bytes, 0 files, 0 folders. What the heck are these?

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Possible To Pass Arguments To Local Hyperlinks To .cmd Files?

Apr 2, 2012

I am facing the following interesting situation.[CODE]I was able to set up a hyperlink without any command line arguments for one cell, but then I had to set the value explicitly in the batch file as follows - Code: cd "%~dp0"notepad++sourcefile.txt -n3150 So this batch file opens the "sourcefile.txt" at line number 3150 in the Notepad++ editor. However, it's not practical to write a separate batch file for every such line number in the excel sheet. So I am wondering if it is possible to somehow pass the line number as an argument to the batch program.

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Delete Program Files / Program Files (x86)

May 24, 2009

i was recently running windows 7 64 bit on my computer and just decided to switch to 32 bit 7. however i still have 2 program files. when i try to delete program files (x86) it tells me i need trusted installer permission. anyone have any ideas how i can delete the other program files?

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Good/Bad Of Using Program Files (x86) Vs Program Files

Sep 4, 2009

Good/Bad of using Program Files (x86) vs Program Files

How do I know what to put where?

How do I knw if a program is x86 or 64?

Running Windows 7 64

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Program Files And Program Files (x86) Folders

Sep 26, 2009

I noticed there are 2 of these folders in local disk C:

when installing programs, which one should they go to? Are there differences between these 2 folders?

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Program Files And Program Files (x86) On Another Drive?

Feb 2, 2011

I am about to install Windows 7 (64bit) on my new 60GB SSD drive. I will keep a separate 1TB drive for all music, etc. and I intend to install most applications on the 1TB drive as well.However, since 64-bit windows by default has both a "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" folder for 32-bit apps I wonder if I could get in trouble by not installing 32-bit apps in the x86 folder?

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Windows 7 Have Program Files And (x86) Program Files?

Mar 4, 2011

Trying to understand why windows 7 has program files and (x86) program files. Using windows premium 64 bit.Sometimes programs get installed to program files and sometimes they go to (x86) program files what is the difference?

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Folders - Program Files - Program Files (x86)

Jan 31, 2010

I have recently installed Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit OS. I have noticed it created two folders one "program files" and one "program files (x86). From what I have read so far the x86 folder is for 32 bit apps and the other for 64 bit apps. My question is:

I only want my OS and any critical apps on my SSD C drive so I created an E drive that I put all other apps on. On the E drive I have created only one folder "program files" and have been putting all other apps in it.

Everything appears to be working OK but should I have also created a folder x86 on the E drive and install all 32 bit apps in it or does the OS just know what to do regardless of the folder it is in?

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Missing Local Temp Files - Not Manually Deleted

Oct 14, 2012

I transferred photos, through Bluetooth, from my Blackberry to my laptop that is running Windows 7. They appeared in a Temp file (under Local) but have since disappeared. Is there a way to retrieve them? Does this mean I have something on my computer that automatically deletes these files?

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Setting Up A 2-way Sync Between Local Files And Network Drive?

Jul 2, 2012

I'm trying to set up two way sync between some files on my laptop and a network drive so that changes made to either the copy on the network or on my laptop get propagated to each other. I've read the instructions for setting up an "offline file" sync, which is a one way sync. The instructions usually mention that it's possible to set up a two-way sync, but they never actually describe how to do it.

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Installing Foreign Language Software On An English Language Windows 7 OS?

Jan 30, 2012

I have been installing Portuguese PhotoStory 3 on my windows 7 machine.It install OK. I reboot. When I invoke Photostory 3 I am expecting to find it in Portuguese, ... but its still in English.i used the official PhotoStory3Portuguese(Brazil).msi?Even if I install the Portuguese version, does it still look at the OS language when invoked and say "well, your OS is in English so I am going to display in English"?

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Move Program FIles To SSD - Leave Users Files Behind?

Jun 2, 2011

Greetings Again,

My file and storage system is set up like this:
C: Drive - 120 GB SSD This is my Win 7 64-Bit Ultimate Boot drive. It has my most important Microsoft programs on it. Out of the 111GB available, I've used 42GB, leaving me 69GB free space. I want to keep this area open.

My next drive is a 1TB WD Caviar Black segmented into 3 partitions.

E: Drive = Program FIles This has the majority and rest of my programs. It also includes USERs Files. I've use 96GB out of 150GB. Out of that 96GB, 64GB are in USERS files.

F: Drive = Data Files. This stores all of my data except for media. I've used 91GB out of 350. I want to leave this be.

G:| Drive = Medsia FIles This stores all Media = Vids, Music, Graphics, Pictures. I've used 80 GB out of 500GB

I also have a 64GB ~ 55GB actual storage SSD drive that is partitioned but has no data on it or assigned drive letter.

Here is what I want to accomplish. i want to move my actual Program FIles to the 64GB SSD, assign it a drive letter, and keep the USERS files where they now reside on the F: dirve

My main concern is that in moving all these files around and splitting the USERS files from the Program Files that I'll mees up my Registry. Will someone please suggest some links I might read that will best help me acheive these moves.

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Finding A Program In Program Files (x86)?

Aug 31, 2011

Running Windows 7 Pro, 64bit.We have a package of scripts and programs that comprise a custom application for OpenOffice 3.2 (do not want to upgrade OO at this point). We must support our package on Win XP, Vista and 7.A bunch of our scripts start up OpenOffice by running the command: C:Program 3programsoffice.exe (with arguments).Works fine on XP. Fails on Windows 7 because the OO program installs itself into Program Files (x86). Even if I change properties of the installer file, in the Compatibility tab, to Win XP SP3, AND tell the installer to put it in C:Program Files, Windows 7 still installs it into Program Files (x86). We would LIKE to have the same script work on both flavors of Windows. I know we can modify our scripts to branch on which Windows, and choose two different paths to soffice.exe, but that's messy.I can't solve it by creating a shortcut in Program Files, to the program in Program Files (x86); that's not allowed.Is there some solution in Windows 7 to find the program no matter which place it lives? Like, a semi-intelligent environment variable for ProgramFiles that looks in one place, then the other?

Ie.: "C:\ 3programsoffice.exe

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Can't Run Installed Program Within Program Files

Feb 15, 2012

I gave a try to the Setup Project of VStudio 2008 to create and distribute an x86 installer of a program I develop in Windows 7. After installing, uninstalling and executing over and over some of the features of my release distribution, I suppose I broke a windows registry or something related. I can't run anymore this app, whether from executing from the shortcut or directly, it just sends an error "Couldn't start the application correctly (0xe06d7363). Accept to close", there is no other option. Later I found out that moving exactly the installed content somewhere else out side the Program Files x86 dir, the application works flawlessly. Browsing, finding and deleting all references in regedit for my program didn't fix anything. I double checked my project is fine, and also created another installer version using the tool Inno setup producing exactly the same behavior; good install, error message when executing it inside the Program Files folder. Am clueless what else to do with the OS to fix this. Using CCleaner and/or my anti virus don't show any broken reference to my program, it seems clean. Can anyone help me?

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Program To "Run As Administrator" In Local User Accounts

Jan 11, 2012

I want to run a program as administrator in a local user account.My problem is, i have multiple user accounts in my windows7. I have bittorrent and many active torrents in my user account which have admin privileges. But for Other local users, bittorrent open in a separate account mode having no active torrents (because the torrent is running only in my user account)Is there any way to run (or sync) the downloading of bittorrent in the stated accounts.

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Have Windows 7 Language To Be English UK But The Keyboard Language To Be US?

Aug 25, 2011

Is it possible to have windows 7 language to be English UK but the keyboard language to be US?I want to setup my windows 7 language to be English UK, but I want my keyboard language to be US. Everytime I try to set my win7 language to be UK, it also changes my keyboard to UK as well and some of the keys like qoutes and @ and & sign are all messed up.

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Add New Language To Format In Regional And Language Options?

Sep 30, 2012

my friend add new language as part of competition we have in our collage for how can make big customize on windows and she tell me that doing this is so hard !!! dose any one know how?? in windows 7

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Copying Files To Mydocs Or Program Files

Feb 3, 2009

I tried doing this. Example, game files/data from my XPdocs on C: to my Windows 7 docs on D: couldnt do it, just gave me a chime, no dialogue box or anything. Also tried to move a file from my desktop to either mydocs or to program files folder, same thing. After that, even took ownership of all affected folders/files, ones being moved and destination folder. Still the same.

Question: is there some type of security setting i am missing? anyone else test this? I have moved files to mydocs before, and now i cant move anything to there, has me confused now. Nothing special about a file or folder i am trying to move, permissions ect.

Tried both cut and paste, and copy, same problem either way. No protected files/folders involved

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Why Can't Delete Game Files From Program Files X 86

Jan 21, 2012

I have 64 bit windows 7. I deleted dungeon siege 2 using the control panel, remove program. It was removed except for one file in Program files x86/microsoftgames/dungeonSiege2. I tried manually deleting it but get this "the action can't be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program. Close folder or file or retry" There is nothing open. I clicked properties of the file and security and clicked administrator and get the same message. Never had this problem removing remnants of programs in xp.

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"Data Safe Local Back UpComponentsDSUpdateDSUpdate.exe" "abnormal Program Termination"

Apr 27, 2012

Of course I will be posting in Dell's forums also, I could use some direction. I have Windows 7 Home Premium. New, will use warranty if needed. I have encountered runtime error for Data Safe back up.

"Data Safe Local Back UpComponentsDSUpdateDSUpdate.exe" "abnormal program termination"

Dell Community suggested going to the folder, double clk the DSUpdate.exe and follow the prompts to update, but I get the above error when doing so. Another option was to create recovery media to work around the problem, but I did that upon initial set up of the pc.

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How To Display Files Inside "Program Files" Folder

Aug 5, 2010

I have a program that uses it's own library. The path to this library can't be changed, and it's inside the "Program Files" folder. And the software itself has to be installed inside "Program Files" too, otherwise it won't work correctly (it's a new release and still a bit buggy).Now, when I add something to this library, it's supposed to be present in the library folder. BUT Win 7 doesn't show me any files that have been created by programs inside the "Program Files" folder. The folder where the new library is supposed to be is empty. But the library is there inside the program, so it has to be somewhere.Now, how am I supposed to backup those files if I can't access them?

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Backup Files Fail To Backup Files In Program Files

Feb 12, 2009

The test result is under Windows 7 build 7000

1. Open backup and restore center

2. Set backup settings

a. Choose backup locations to local disk,for example f:

b. Choose [Let me choose]

c. What do you want to back up?

Only choose the folder of c:program fileswindows photo viewer

Do not choose [Include a system image]

d. Backup summary

Items are c:program fileswindows photo viewer

e. Save settings and start backup


There is no files under F:TEST-PCBackup Set 2008-09-29 032022Backup Files 2008-09-29 032022Backup files

So, the question is why we can not backup this folder at the first time(it should be a full backup)

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Program Files / Program Files (x86)

Jan 14, 2009

I installed Windows7- 64bit. Can anyone please tell me why there are two Program files on my Windows7?

Program files(normal) and Program files(x86). Should it be like that?

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Program Files

Oct 27, 2009

What is the difference between program files and program data [which is new].

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