Data Files Revert To Previous Versions After Restart

Nov 26, 2009

For the third time in a week, Windows 7 has replaced some of my personal data files with earlier versions, without my consent, following a restart. I'm talking about my outlook Data file (outlook.pst), my Quicken data files and a few others. Files are located in different places, but mostly in my Documents folder.

There are no errors, no crashes and no warning whatsoever. I just restart the PC and suddenly my data files are overwritten with sometimes days old versions. The first time it happened I assumed that maybe I hadn't properly saved my document(s), but then I noticed it actually WAS replacing current files with earlier versions. I would enter a few days worth of transactions into Quicken, save and even backup the files, only to have it revert back to a file that was saved two days ago after restarting the PC, causing me to have to re-enter all those transactions. Same thing with Outlook - I could add/change/remove appointments in my calendar, only to discover that it went back to an earlier time after the next restart, all changes made would be lost. Just a simple reboot is all it takes - the last time I had to reboot to update a driver. This is completely unexpected & unacceptable behavior. What would cause Windows 7 to do this?

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Restore Folders To Previous Versions Not Possible?

Feb 1, 2012

Trying to restore some folders to previous versions, but I get met only by the sight of this on all the folders:s you can see, there are previous versions, but I can not select one of them to restore with. I can go in and look in them but as I cannot restore with them, "Reset" button is not clickable.

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Does Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit Have Less Updates Than Previous Versions

Apr 28, 2011

It seems to me that I have a lot less updates now that I am using windows 7 premium 64 bit... I never had windows vista... I used xp pretty much right up until Jan 2011... it seems to me like the version of windows I am using now (7 premium 64 bit has way less updates than xp professional had... does anyone know if this is true that this version of windows has needed less updates?

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Desktop Icons And Taskbar Revert Mysteriously To Previous Arrangement

Mar 28, 2011

Using x64 Ultimate SP1 here. Just tidying up my desktop and taskbar to the way I like them. Nothing too tricky here, just minimizing clutter and placing shortcuts to Adobe CS5 apps on the task bar after upgrading from CS4 to CS5. My prior desktop was a bit more cluttered with shortcuts, and the taskbar held only CS4 shortcuts pinned to the bar. After setting everything to the way I want it, saving my desktop theme, and even rebooting a few times, the desktop configuration seems static. I also created a restore point with the new desktop and taskbar arrangement included.

But, come back the next day and it's all back to the old cluttered desktop and CS4 icons pinned to the taskbar! It doesn't seem to affect my desktop wallpaper settings, though --only the dtop icons and pinned taskbar icons. Not using any 3rd party desktop managers or the like. It always seems to happen sometime during the night. When I check to see whether a Windows update has taken place, most times there hasn't been one. This has been going on now for over a week. Sure getting tired of the system restore routine just to get back to my current desktop config.

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Resolution Got Changed Over Lunch / Cannot Revert Back To Previous Setting

Nov 29, 2012

So i returned to my work computer after lunch and the resolution had been changed to 800x600, very odd.Now i have spent 2 hours trying to get back my resolution to the 1680x1050 that is was before but i still can not choose anything higher then 1600x1200 under Screen Resolution settings. The one with the correct ratio i can choose is 1280x960 and i'd like to bigger one back.I have updated the driver for my graphics card (ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics accoridng to Device Manager). I have updated the driver for the Monitor (HP LE2201w), but the monitor still shows up as Generic Non-PnP Monitor under Device Manager and now i am out of ideas... I really have no idea what the hell happened when i was gone.(And yes, the computer was locked so it wasn't someone else changing something)Uninstalling the driver for the Generic device does nothing, it pops back up again after installing the correct display driver, or after a restart. It's like the display driver i downloaded from HP is not being installed, no idea why.

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User Account Preferences From Previous Versions Not Available In Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2011

I remember back when we were using XP, 2000, ME, 98 and even 95 versions of windows, we had the option to change the login screen so that you HAD to type in both username and password. I know public PC's are often setup this way too, but I can't figure out how to do this on my windows 7 PC, and would very much like to use this option.

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HTML Depreciated In Internet Explorer 10 Versus Previous Versions

Feb 8, 2013

In hopes of solving some issues I was experiencing with IE-9, I upgraded to Pre-Release 10. Anyway, now that I'm on IE-10, I've noticed that some webpages I've written no longer appear the way I'd like them to. Specifically, this relates to tables; more specifically, to their borders. From what I can tell so far, this is due to the fact that IE-10 has deprecated the following HTML tag: bordercolor="value". I've considered the idea of reverting back to IE-9, but rejected that as a misguided attempt to hold onto the past: i.e., I think other browsers have already deprecated this tag; IE-9 being the last hold-out.

So onward we go. And from what I can gather, the way forward will involve some kind of CSS implementation, about which I know almost nothing; something I'm not bragging about, to be sure. I've begun to review some online documentation, specifically, HTML Dog. While this seems like a great resource, I'm having a hard time using it to quickly learn how to make the necessary changes to some production webpages so I can restore them to their previous appearance. Perhaps, I should mention that I really don't use any special webpage generation tools. I just write the straight HTML code using MS Wordpad. Also, my knowledge of HTML is both rudimentary and backlevel: what I've learned to do over the years is probably based on the HTML 3.0 standard.

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Way To Make Arrows On Desktop Shortcuts Smaller As Could Do In Previous Versions?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there a way to make the arrows on desktop shortcuts smaller as you could do in previous versions?

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Restore System Settings And Previous Versions Of File Option Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2012

Restore system settings and previous versions of file is greyed out on my system, I may have disabled a required service for this. As I'm about to try the X-Fi MB2 mod again as the last time I tried it my system was messed up that it wont even recognize my actual X-Fi card properly. So I'm thinking a system restore can work with this experiment.

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Revert To Previous Installation Of Windows 7 (windows.old)?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm previously running Windows 7 SP1, I have a driver problem with my graphic card. I wanted to do a test and so I did a new Windows 7 install on the same partition, I'm done with the test and I want to go back to my previous Windows 7. I tried EasyBCD, Windows Repair through booting from Windows 7 disk. But there is only 1 boot entry which is the new Windows 7. I need to go back to my Windows 7 SP1. Or at least let me have dual boot option

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Program Files In Local Language Versions

Dec 21, 2009

Switching over from a Swedish language XP system I'm utterly frustrated with Windows 7 (Ultimate + Sedish language pack).

The localized version of both sytems replaces the "Program Files" folder with a "Program" folder.

In XP that causes no trouble, 95% of all applications happily install themselves into "Program" and run ok there, the few exeptions insist on creating a "Program files" folder but then run happily there.

Not so in Win 7. On the system disk there is a "Program" folder and at least some programs install themselves there, and run ok there. But, if you create a shortcut to a program the shortcut is pointing at C:Program files and changing it to C:Program.. causes an error message when trying to activate the program. This becomes rather confusing when you yourself have to create shortcut addresses.

Some programs have exactly the opposite problem, for example WinZip is on one hand unable to extract a zip file to C:Program files as it cannot find the folder (altough explorer clearly sees such a folder) and on the other hand creates a new, extra, C:Program folder if told to extract to that folder. So then there are two "Program" folders, one pointed at by %ProgramFiles% and another one not pointed at!

Some other programs have the same kind of problems.

What is going on here? Have I missed some step in the language pack installation or has MS managed to break a system that worked perfectly well in XP for years?

Has anyone had similiar problems with other language packs?

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Uninstall All The Versions And Reinstall The Most Up To Date Versions?

Jul 6, 2010

My question is are these neccessary and why are there multiples? Wouldn't that in itself cause software conflicts?They came from various games off steam and other programs such as drivers and editing software.I don't understand why it stacked so many, I mean wouldn't it be better to uninstall all the versions and reinstall the most up to date versions? I went this route last time and afterwards I got side by side errors. I just don't want software conflicts so I ask the experts here, is it safe to remove these?

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Random Pasting Of Data From Previous Copying One File Appearing In Another File

Feb 20, 2012

After doing a copy and paste, we have, on 3 occasions so far, found the copied data in an entirely different file. Twice data from a copy appeared in an excel spreadsheet and once a picture copied in facebook appeared in an email. The excel problem is very worrysome as it is our family budget. how this could happen? In the case of the excel events no paste operation was intentionally done.

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How T Restore Defect Files To Previous

Apr 2, 2011

Somehow all the documents I saved in word are now identified as "defect" files. I don't know how this may have happened but now, all the information on my saved files is lost. My OS is Windows 7 64 bit

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Drive C Cannot Find New Files - Only Old Ones From Previous Windows 7

Sep 26, 2012

I had windows seven and upgraded to windows 7 ultimate and when I save files it goes to drive d when I download files and save some thing it save but I have old files from the other windows seven and the other windows seven is deleted but the files are still in drive c not my new one.

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Deleting Files On Previous Hard Drives?

Apr 15, 2012

I apologize if this is not the category to ask this in, but I wasn't sure whether to put my question here or in Vista. Hell, I don't even know whether this place is the correct place to ask this question, but I decided to take a shot since I frequent the site.Two days ago, my motherboard bit the dust, and upon the recommendation of the tech whom I worked with, replaced my:


I also got a new 1TB hard drive while preserving my previous two hard drives which added up to 500GB, keeping them as slaves.I installed Windows 7 Home Premium (my previous OS was Vista), and everything is working fine. However, I would like to clear out the stuff in my previous hard drives because a large portion of the files in the "Program Files" folder is not usable any more, seeing as a large portion of them requires the corresponding registry keys to work (due to a fresh OS install).

My question is this: Do I have to follow any specific procedures when removing these files, or can I just delete them? I don't see how it can cause any harm to my registry since all the keys in the registry for the old files are no longer there.I don't think my computer's specifications are important, but I will gladly provide them if necessary.

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When Transferring Data My Windows Explorer Usually Crashed & Restart Again

Dec 18, 2012

when transferring data my windows explorer usually crashed & restart again

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Way To Reopen ALL Open Files After A Restart?

Feb 9, 2013

I was hoping someone knew of a Utility that allowed a person to save a shortcut or similar of all of their open files so that after a restart, would allow you to reopen said files.On many occasion, such as after Patch Tuesday or running SUPERAntiSpyware, I need to conduct a restart but refrain from doing so because I have so many pdf, ppt, xls, doc, and emails open. Trying to remember all of these files to open after a restart, is very cumbersome. FireFox allows for this by reopening all tabs. Is there a way to do this for other applications' files.

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Self Restart When Installing Windows Right On Uncompressing Files 0%

Jul 23, 2012

[code] everything is detected with in the bios but the boot device LED stays solid on, I've booted it from a Windows 7 DVD then THE COMPUTER RESTARTS?!? It's only restarted after I've booted from the DVD, sometimes when it's at the language part but always does it when its at the install part right at uncompressing files at 0%.Now I've but about 6 rigs over the years without a problem and it's really getting to me. I've tried most sata settings (IDE & AHCI), different hdds, different sata cables & ports, cleared the CMOS(removed mains power, removed the CMOS battery, moved jumper waited 5min, held down power button, waited 5min, replaced battery, moved jumper back, replace mains power) the mb memOK function gives the RAM the all clear as well as the windows memcheck after 5 passes, everything was seated with a wrist strap, I've checked the ssd with sata to USB interface and my laptop gives it the all clear (oh yeh I chech with a diff HDD) and the mb has the latest firmware, USB flashed.

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View Files In Old PST Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I have several old email data files (PST) that I no longer use and therefore have not included them in my Outlook 2010 profile. I was wondering is there anyway I can see what is in them without importing them into Outlook as I am after 1 specific email with a video attachment on it.

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Data And Files Become Invisible?

Oct 20, 2012

All the files and the data on my usb thumb drive, but it is still their, I can even copy it to a new file. All the data says it is there,but it is still invisible. I have run Norton 360, and Mal-ware bytes, no effect. I am running sys 7 pro 64 bit on a Toshiba satellite

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Newly Saved/created Files Missing After Restart?

Sep 10, 2012

I try to search them but nothing is coming up and then I saved/created again but the computer tells me "another file with that name already existed..." but I don't seem them anywhere in the folder.

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Windows Mail Data Files?

Aug 22, 2011

I regularly activate Windows Mail on Win-7 for myself and my customers who are used to Outlook Express 6 and like it. I know how to migrate the address book from OE6 to Windows Mail but I can't seem to find the actual EMail folders in Win-7, Windows Mail. In OE6 they are *.dbx files and are easy to find, copy and migrate to the new PC. Now I have a friend who is running Vista with Windows Mail but he hates Vista and wants me to install Windows 7 for him. I have no problem activating Windows Mail in Win-7, but he'll want his old email folders and I don't know how and where to find them?

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Archiving Presonnal Data Files?

May 24, 2012

I have an ultra book with 128GB.I also have a 1TB NAS drive on my network. I want to go through and archive old personal data files and move the archives to the NAS drive. I don't want to totally get rid of it.I know I can just move over want I don't want to keep on my computer. But I'm hoping I can find some method of managing the archives now and in the future.

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Steps To Transfer Data/files From Old PC?

Jan 1, 2012

Old PC currently running on Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and new PC on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

So far I've did a full backup via Acronis True Image 2012 (read online about it) and I'm lost on what should I do next? Do bear in mind that I'm a "noobie" in tech stuff

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Moving Files From OS To Data Hard Drive

Apr 23, 2012

I've had this laptop for a few months now and I got another hard drive called Data which is empty, my other hard drive called OS is where everything goes and I wondered if I can move games and other files to my Data hard drive without corrupting them. And if possible can I move a file called Program Files to my Data hard drive without causing any problems. My pc takes a long time to restart which I guess my OS decides. My OS got is 80gb of 238GB and my Data is 332gb big, with no files in it.

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Unable To Find Locale Data Files

Jan 28, 2013

Unable to find locale data files. Please reinstall.what is this mean?

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Computer Has A Message That Says Install Locale Data Files?

Nov 24, 2012

my computer has a message that says install locale data files an how do i do this?

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Convert The Hex Data Of Some Files And Folders Into Notepad Format?

Apr 12, 2011

Im trying to convert the hex data of some files and folders into notepad format but i dont know how to do it in the program i have Winhex. I have also learnt that this is called parsing... I have two images here of what i am trying to achieve.

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Recover Data/files If Operating System Is Corrupted?

Aug 11, 2012

if my operating system like xp or win 7 is corrupted/damaged which it can't be started to get/recover my files what software should i use

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Hidden Data Files Viewable But Slightly Grayed Out

Sep 6, 2012

Pretty much all my music files (even ones in separate folders) with images associated with it (like files to show album covers which are hidden), folders inside that weren't viewable before, volume information, temporary files, etc. Which are normally hidden have suddenly become viewable and are also regarded as system files (they are all slightly greyed out along with the hidden box in properties).

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