Files In User/Owner/AppData/Local?

Feb 5, 2012

I have 200 folders in the C:/user/owner/local with names similar to {4BAD3A78-8A70-44D6-AD84-CF42571B0CD6}. All of them show 0 bytes, 0 files, 0 folders. What the heck are these?

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Strange Folders In AppData/Local?

May 22, 2011

I got many folders with names like below in my AppData/Local folder. What are they for and can they be deleted?


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When Does A File/folder Go To AppData Local, LocalLow And Roaming

Dec 4, 2010

Under C:Users<username>AppData, there are three folders.


Then under Local, there's LocalVirtualStore

What are the factors and considerations that Windows 7 uses when it determines and allocates a particular file/folder to one of the three main folders?

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How To Recover My User / Appdata?

Oct 9, 2012

While doing some C: cleaning I accidentally deleted my user/appdata files. How can I recover or create a new file without having to restore my computer (already tried that)

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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How To Transfer AppData Files To Drive D

Oct 16, 2011

I have a small SSD that I use for my Win 7 OS. When I set-up my PC I used a small program to transfer my Docs, Pics and a few other user files to my D: drive. I also install most of my programs to D: Since that time I have some files in my C: users****Appdata that are growing quite large. When I right click on the folder properties there is no location option for me to change. Somewhere along the line that great little program that assisted me to move them has disappeared and for the life of me I can't remember what it was called. I would really like to get these large files off my tiny SSD.

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Which Files To Delete From AppData Folder

Oct 15, 2011

I need to clear some space from my System drive but the only place from where i can delete the files is AppData folder. But i am confused which files can i delete and from which i cant.

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Deleted The Files In %appdata% Folder?

Nov 9, 2011

My google chrome was hanging.So googled around and when i wanted to deleted the temp folder contents i deleted the contents of the local folder.It deleted some 1.3 gb of data.Is it a must to always to delete the contents of this folder or is it okay if i leave it alone.Because there was some contents of 1.3 gb of data.will it affect the way windows operates? how to keep the system running properly and also to remove the junk from my system which tools to use and which folders should i look into make my system running faster.

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Safely Deleting Contents / Files In AppData?

Feb 20, 2010

I would like to know if I can safely delete the files in C:UsersArchangelAppDataLocalTemp theirs lots of hdd space. I could gain if its ok too delete these files.

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Display Hidden Folders / Files To Access An Appdata Folder

Feb 5, 2011

I was trying to display Hidden Folders/files to access an appdata folder under C:Usersusernameappdata. (it's to fix an issue with the game Dead Space 2) Anyway, I opened My Computer, then C drive, then Users. In here, I right clicked on empty space and opened properties. I checked 'Hidden' and apply. Said it needed administrator rights, I accepted. Then most desktop items disappeared, most files from my documents disappeared and after reboot, The ATI catalyst control centre is popping up an error message saying 'failed to start'.I realised I chose to hide all the files within that folder instead of showing hidden files/folders..I went to folder options and chose Show Hidden file and I can see them again but they have that see through look to them. ATI catalyst still won't start on reboot. I tried system restore to yesterday but still exact same.When I go to User Properties on the C drive again, it shows the files as Read Only and Hidden is unchecked.

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List With CACLS All Files With An Owner "aaa"?

Jan 11, 2012

1.) How can I find out EXACTLY (presumably with with CACLS or ICACLS) all files or folders in a directory tree which have an owner which contains the pattern "aaa"?

2.) How can I find out EXACTLY (presumably with CACLS or ICACLS) all files or folders in a directory tree which have NOT an owner which contains the pattern "aaa"?

I see as owner all entries on the "Security" tab of the Properties page of a file/folder

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Allow Local Admin For User?

Oct 24, 2011

I just installed a W7 system for one of my users and I want him to be local admin. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. How do I do this?

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Log Onto A Windows User Through A Local Network?

Dec 10, 2012

I also got Windows Server 2012 and 2008 from being a student for free. I have a few programs I would like to be able to run 24/7 and this seems like a good solution. The thing is I don't have a ton of space right now so I would like to only need 1 monitor/mouse/keyboard. I also would rather not use a KMV. At my school we are able to log onto our windows user account on any computer in the school by connecting through the local network. I would love to somehow set this up on my new server and regular PC but don't know what its called or how to research it. It seems very similar to a VPS or remote desktop but is not really either.

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How To Prevent Other User From Opening Local Disk?

Dec 4, 2011

i am using win 7 ultimate my computer i am having two is my account and another account is my brother's to prevent my brother from accessing my local local disk is to prevent my bro from accessing

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Copy Dos Programs To Local Disk C Or To C On USER?

May 22, 2012

do I copy dos programs to local disk C or to C on USER?

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Install Software As Standard User Without Local Admins

Aug 6, 2010

We are implementing Windows 7 and Bitlocker as encryption. While this works brilliantly, I am now worried that our offsite engineers if they are given Local admin rights, can disable bitlocker. They need to install software onto there machines and this cannot be taken away from them. Problem is company policy also states that they are not allowed to disable the encryption, which is where my dilemma lies. I can lock down bitlocker through Grou Policy, but the offsite engineers are software developers so it wouldn't take them long to disable it if they do have local admins. Is there anyway at all I can give them access to install software without Local admins?

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Local Disk Inside User Directory (folder)?

Dec 27, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7 and was going through a process of organizing the "libraries" and I noticed (possibly of my own doing but am not sure) that the second drive in my system (B) was sitting there in my user folder. My question is, is that normal? How did it get there and how do I correct it if it isn't suppose to be there.

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User With Local Admin Wrights And The Builtin Administrator?

Jul 7, 2010

what is the difference between a user, who is member in the administrator group and the built in administrator.and is there a possibility to grow up a user to a built in administrator

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How To Make Domain User As Local Computer Admin

Apr 19, 2011

I want to make domain user as local admin on his system which he logged in on windows 7. How can I perform this?

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How To Make Domain User As Local Computer Admin

Sep 17, 2012

actually i put a server,and to create one system as a domain member , that was not installed properly that why i delete this active directory and reinstall and to make a domain members except that system

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[vbscript] Adding Domain User To Local Admin

Jan 17, 2013

I'm trying to run a script at the end of sysprep that will add a Domain group to the local Admins group. I found a few scripts while searching around, but none will work for my application.

This is what I have so far.

Code :SET objNet = CREATEOBJECT("WScript.Network" )' Set the user you want to make local administrator herestrUser = "<username here>"strNetBIOSDomain = objNet.UserDomainstrComputer = objNet.ComputerNameSET objGroup = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group" )SET objUser = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strNetBIOSDomain & "/" & strUser & ",user" )' ignore error if user is already a member of the groupON ERROR RESUME NEXTobjGroup.Add(objUser.ADsPath)ON ERROR GOTO 0

The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to provide a username and password of a domain admin so that it can authenticate. how to do this when I try to add the user.

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Use Local Group Policy To Prevent Access To User Account Setting?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm creating a local group policy to lock down a Windows 7 Pro Workstation for use in the Staff room.It's the first time I've used it, previously I've worked a bit with AD. but I've been following on line tutorials and using google and I'm nearly there with it.But I'm stuck on one thing. My approach has been to remove access to pretty much everything apart from IE, Firefox and Skype icons on the task bar. I've got the start menu empty apart from the shutdown button, which is what I want but at the top of the start menu is the users icon/picture thing and if i click on it it takes me to "user accounts". I can't for the life of me work out how to get rid of the picture or just stop this happening.

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Local Group Policies Created For User, But Sysprep Removes Settings?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a base image, where I have configured the default profile using the administrator account. I created user ids, but did not log into these idsI used Local Group Policy to edit the policy of one non administrator ids I created. After sysprepping the computer, and successfully copying the profiles, the user is not configured with the group policy settings.Same deal as this guy Sysprep deletes Local Group Policy but his question was never answered.

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No Rights To Install Or Run Programs - User Added To Local Administrators Group

Jan 27, 2012

I have this problem on a couple machines. I have created a user and put them in the local administrators group. They still get error messages when trying to install printers/browsers/programs and whe they try to run programs like IIS or device manager. The error says you need administrator rights to install or run the program. I have also disabled UAC to test that out. No luck.

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Deleted User But User Files Are Undeletable?

Jan 2, 2012

From my husband's Admin account, I deleted my own User Account, but the account is still there (with a lock icon on it) and I am unable to delete it (gives me the message that the folder is open or in use by another program). I changed the owner to my husband (checked the box "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects") as suggested on this thread and I still can't delete it.istory:- My user profile was corrupted, got the message that a temporary user profile was created.- Rather than going the route of going into the registry as suggested here, I deleted the account but kept the files (was this my mistake)?- When I went to create a new account, it appended HOME.DESKTOP to the end of my name

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Possible To Pass Arguments To Local Hyperlinks To .cmd Files?

Apr 2, 2012

I am facing the following interesting situation.[CODE]I was able to set up a hyperlink without any command line arguments for one cell, but then I had to set the value explicitly in the batch file as follows - Code: cd "%~dp0"notepad++sourcefile.txt -n3150 So this batch file opens the "sourcefile.txt" at line number 3150 in the Notepad++ editor. However, it's not practical to write a separate batch file for every such line number in the excel sheet. So I am wondering if it is possible to somehow pass the line number as an argument to the batch program.

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Program Files In Local Language Versions

Dec 21, 2009

Switching over from a Swedish language XP system I'm utterly frustrated with Windows 7 (Ultimate + Sedish language pack).

The localized version of both sytems replaces the "Program Files" folder with a "Program" folder.

In XP that causes no trouble, 95% of all applications happily install themselves into "Program" and run ok there, the few exeptions insist on creating a "Program files" folder but then run happily there.

Not so in Win 7. On the system disk there is a "Program" folder and at least some programs install themselves there, and run ok there. But, if you create a shortcut to a program the shortcut is pointing at C:Program files and changing it to C:Program.. causes an error message when trying to activate the program. This becomes rather confusing when you yourself have to create shortcut addresses.

Some programs have exactly the opposite problem, for example WinZip is on one hand unable to extract a zip file to C:Program files as it cannot find the folder (altough explorer clearly sees such a folder) and on the other hand creates a new, extra, C:Program folder if told to extract to that folder. So then there are two "Program" folders, one pointed at by %ProgramFiles% and another one not pointed at!

Some other programs have the same kind of problems.

What is going on here? Have I missed some step in the language pack installation or has MS managed to break a system that worked perfectly well in XP for years?

Has anyone had similiar problems with other language packs?

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Missing Local Temp Files - Not Manually Deleted

Oct 14, 2012

I transferred photos, through Bluetooth, from my Blackberry to my laptop that is running Windows 7. They appeared in a Temp file (under Local) but have since disappeared. Is there a way to retrieve them? Does this mean I have something on my computer that automatically deletes these files?

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Setting Up A 2-way Sync Between Local Files And Network Drive?

Jul 2, 2012

I'm trying to set up two way sync between some files on my laptop and a network drive so that changes made to either the copy on the network or on my laptop get propagated to each other. I've read the instructions for setting up an "offline file" sync, which is a one way sync. The instructions usually mention that it's possible to set up a two-way sync, but they never actually describe how to do it.

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Program To "Run As Administrator" In Local User Accounts

Jan 11, 2012

I want to run a program as administrator in a local user account.My problem is, i have multiple user accounts in my windows7. I have bittorrent and many active torrents in my user account which have admin privileges. But for Other local users, bittorrent open in a separate account mode having no active torrents (because the torrent is running only in my user account)Is there any way to run (or sync) the downloading of bittorrent in the stated accounts.

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Change The Name Of The Owner Of The Computer?

Dec 13, 2012

i have a laptop i bought from a friend and i cannot get his name and info off the computer. How do i remove his name in the hardware info and when the computer first starts and change system name

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