"PFN List Corrupt" On Start Up

Aug 5, 2011

"PFN list corrupt" on start up.

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Pfn List Corrupt And Memory Management?

Feb 15, 2012

the title say my problem is with pfn_list_corrupt and memory_management have already reinstalled windows thinking that was something bad with filesystem , but I still have this problem! Then i thought rams were broken , but after 8 hours i got 0 errors. And they are random , if i m play bsod , if the pc is idle BSOD.


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BSOD During Windows 7 Installation - PFN List Corrupt

May 13, 2011

I've recently began building my first custom-built computer, I began with an old Compaq Presario that a friend gave me, and I've pretty much gutted it and replaced all its components. The components I've replaced have included the motherboard, processor, hard drive, RAM and PSU (I'll include the specifics of my set-up below). I've been trying to install Windows 7 but have been getting the blue screen (BSOD) before the installation could complete. The BSOD said "PFN_LIST_CORRUPT" towards the top of the screen. I'm fairly sure that I've installed all the new hardware correctly. The following is the new hardware I've installed:

Processor - AMD Phenom II (3.2 GHz)
Motherboard - Ultra Durable 3 (GA-880GM-UD2H)
Hard Drive - Hitachi Deckstar 7K1000.C (1TB SATA)
RAM - Corsair 2 Gigs (2 sticks, 4 Gig total)
PSU - Logisys PS550ABK (550 Watts)

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Pfn List Corrupt // Page Fault In Nonpaged Area?

Nov 11, 2011

Last week i brought to your attention i was having dxdiag and atikmpag errors. I have resolved that by purchasing and using a Nvdia gtx560ti and the tech support people i bought the previous 6950 from advised me that they have come across a lot of problems with the Asus version of the card.With the new Gtx560ti, i purchased another 4GB of the Kingston HyperX pnp Ram. Since, i was getting random BSODs relating to "page fault in non pages area". I resolved this by removing the ram stick in Slot 4 of my Motherboard. After a few successful attempts, i reconnected the "suspected" Ram stick in Slot 3 and put another stick in Slot 4Since, i have not had a problem with page fault in nonpages area BSODs.

However, i am now beginning to get PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. What i would like to know is if this is related to the "bad" ram stick or a driver problem. I use the Uniblue Driver Scanner which is unable to find any outdated drivers. Can you look at Note that i used the Windows 7 memory diagnostic test and a pfn list corrupt BSOD occurred at 99% completed.At 98% it still showed "no errors have been found".

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Multiple BSOD, Memory_Management, PFN List Corrupt, BAD_POOL_HEADER?

Feb 27, 2012

I got a windows 7 PC six months ago, and ever since have been getting random BSOD's mostly when web browsing or leaving my computer on while it is not in use. Their are no issues when playing games, strangely enough. So far I have replaced themotherboard, ran a disk check and got no errors, ran a SFC scan and got no errorsand ran the Memory Diagnostic Tool with no errors. I'm completely stumped as to what may be causing this. All of my drivers are up to date and I have service pack 1 installed. I am not overclocking[CODE]

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Missing 1/2 Of My 'programs' List In 'start'

May 13, 2011

caught what looked like a bug, today--from an emial, I'm guessing-- everything slowed down until it virtually stopped and I manually powered down/into safe mode to work on it. It cost me an entire am to run thru all my virus 'catchers' (and came up with exactly NOTHING to show for it!!) whatever it was has, I guess, been erradicated, as everything feels back to normal.everything looks ok(except a couple of desktop icons were rearranged--but that can/does happen anyway). As I said--every looks/seems to be ok. However when I went into 'start' all the info that should be showing on the left side of that 1st page is blank! all the names on the right seems ok/present. AND when I go to 'all progs' there are no "obvious' omissions(not that I'm sure I'd recognize that one!)

I've been using comodo bkup(goes off like every night and is NOT an online bkup) and NOW, when I actually need it to get the 5/12 data, I cannot access it(but that's grist for a later discussion!!!!).so there are, apparently, for all intents/purposes NO backups to pull from. it only tells me "unabgle to open bkup file"... no matter which entry I highlight.This was(supposedly) setup by the tech that did the work on this new box so it 'should' have been ok(NOT!!!).any insight into what I can/need to do to get the backup part to work properly for the restore part CAN work?

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Program List From The Start Button

Nov 10, 2009

I hope this is the correct place to ask this question. I come from Window XP. I am used to see my long list of programs all spread out so I can see what I have w/o scrolling.

Is there a way to fully display my installed programs w/o scrolling in such a small window above the start button? Have I asked this clearly? LOL. Sometimes, I may not iterate what I am trying to ask.

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Windows Could Not Start Because Bootvill.dll File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Feb 15, 2012

when i turn on my acer laptop all it does is show a error massage saying windows could not start because bootvill.dll file is missing or corrupt. i dont have a cd-rom because it a notebook. i downloaded a regeristy cleaner to a flash drive but when i put it in the pc still goes to that error massage i also change the boot order to start from my flash drive but it still when back to the error screen . i used the alt + f10 that gotten me into the system restore it when half way done than whent back to the error screen anything else i can try?

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Exclude Programs From Start Menu List

Aug 22, 2009

Is there a way to exclude some programs from automatically showing up in start menu?

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All Programs List In Start Menu Disappearing

Aug 3, 2009

I posted a thread about this problem last week in this thread: Problem installing MyDefrag 4.1.1

Basically the problem is that after installing some programs, the "All Programs" list in the start menu disappears and is just blank. At the time I thought the problem was only with MyDefrag but today I installed the microsoft Intellitype 6.1 software for my keyboard and the same thing happened. Has anyone else had a similar problem.

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Grayed Out Recent Program List In Start Menu

Sep 21, 2009

Grayed out recent program list in start menu, How to enable it?

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All Programs List From Start Menu Loads Slow

Mar 17, 2009

After I restart, or turn off-turn on my pc and go start -> all programs, Windows 7 seems to hang for 7-10 seconds sometimes, then the list appears. After that first "load" of the programs list, it opens normally. I have indexed the start menu, as well as the rest of my drive. Any ideas about what might be causing this?

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Start Menu Issues Recent Programs List

Apr 12, 2009

Well for some reason windows 7 has decided that it will not let me remove the recent programs from this liste the ones that i well honestly do not use. It just won't let me do that but yet i could on Windows Vista.

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Windows 7 Recent Items List On Start Menu Fouled Up?

Dec 13, 2011

I unfortunately listened to the husband of one of my wife's friends and ran CCleaner on my Win 7 PC and now the Recent Items list on my Start Menu, which I use a lot, is totally fouled up. The settings are correct and I've edited the registry but the number of items displayed is never consistent, never more than 6, and sometimes disappearing completely, whereas I have it set to store 10 items.

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Operating System To Start - Change Display List Time

Feb 4, 2010

How to Change Time to Display Operating Systems at Boot in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus - Unable To Restore Start Menu Programs List

Jun 10, 2011

A client of mine (I'm an IT summer temp in a production facility) recently contracted the Windows 7 Recovery virus and contacted me to fix it. Having encountered the XP version recently and resolved the issue, I was able to easily remove the virus and associated rootkit. The difference this time was that unhide.exe failed to restore the start>all programs menu shortcuts, although it did manage to restore the folder structure. I read through and followed the instructions of another thread here: [URL]. Which did not resolve the issue. The output given by SystemLook is as follows:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 09:14 on 09/06/2011 by debra
Administrator - Elevation successful

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Some Programs Won't Go To Start Menu's Recent Programs List

Dec 30, 2010

No matter how many times I launch Skype or iTunes, they just won't get added to the Start Menu's Recent Programs list.

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Start List Is Not Showing ANY "Programs" X86 Or Otherwise?

Jan 29, 2011

but my Start list is not showing ANY "Programs" x86 or otherwise.I can find them in "Computer C:" but have they updated something or was I just imagining them being in the Start list.Just found this aout fter uninstalling MBAM and trying to reinstall it and it's telling me I still have it in x86 progs - and you know the rest.

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"windows 7 Setup.exe Corrupt File The File Or Directory Is Corrupt"

Apr 7, 2010

"windows 7 setup.exe corrupt file the file or directory is corrupt"I'm trying to install 7 32bit OEM Home Premium with the legit bought holographic CD (not a burned image of any kind) onto a Gateway laptop with a brand new hard drive.I was getting this error installing the OS the regular way booting to the cd and installing from it, so instead I copied the contents of the cd to a freshly quick formatted NTFS partition on the new laptop hard drive, then used bootsect and diskpart to setup the disk. It boots just fine and also gets the same error installing straight from the hard drive.

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Put A Program On The List In The Sounds Program Events List?

Mar 5, 2011

how do i put a program on the list in the sounds program events list??

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Can't Fix Corrupt Files

May 5, 2012

when checking the disk, i got the following message:"windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them." it mentioned a log that was saved (CBS.log), though i'm not sure what to make of it.what can i do to fix this? i have a lot of data on here that i don't want to lose. the computer does seem to be working mostly ok, but i did just get a BSOD and the above message.this is Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit. and i ran malwarebytes and kaspersky but they came up clean.

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Registry Has Become Corrupt

Jul 11, 2012

My new work computer, running Windows 7 is now unable to install software. I get various error msgs towards the end of installations. Usually some component or dll cannot be found. Aside from this inconvenience my system seems to be running smoothly. Our IT support guys have examined the system and have determined that my registry has become corrupt. They want to take my system and reformat it, and also run some intense hardware diagnostics. This is the second time this has happened in two months. I suspect these guys are just taking the easy option of reformatting rather than actual trouble shooting.

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Hal.dll Is Missing Or Corrupt?

Mar 19, 2011

I just built my first computer and was happy to turn it on. When I tried to install Windows 7 I received the error in the title. I had Windows XP on the computer before but formatted it all to two 80GB NFTS partitions. When I try to boot up the Windows 7 recovery disc(or XP for that matter), my moniter goes off, saying no signal(The Windows 7 install disc is the only disc that I've tried that actually boots). I am about to try booting the recovery console off of a USB. Is there anything else that might alleviate this problem? Everything is checked and works fine inside the case.And just to make sure, I have no operating system, so after the BIOS screen the moniter will say no signal anyway, with a disc in or not.

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Reinstalling Over Corrupt OS?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a year old "gifted" computer currently running Windows 7 Ultimate OEM.Much of the software on it was transferred over from another standalone XP computer. This represents years of accumulated data.nfortunately, all that old software has come back to haunt me : running slow, if all. And corrupted registry, etc. etc. -- a real mess.If that wasn't enough there was also a bag of malware on the machine. I have spent the last several days cleaning it so the machine will run half decently. So far, so good! No trace of any viruses or malware Along the way I also found out that the OS may be corrupted (as in non-legit) as there appears to be some sort of EULA boot loader (DAZ.Loader?) on it (from the guy who originally set up the computer for me). With that in mind I think it's now best that I repurchase a legit copy of Windows 7 Pro (at least) OEM and reinstall the whole thing properly. But I'm not sure how this new OS will work with the remnants of the other OS still on the computer.As I still want to hang on to our most sacred data that's well integrated on both the OS drive and the larger data drives?

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How To Replace Corrupt MUI

Jul 29, 2011

In the case of sfc /scannow CBS.log showing there are corrupt files and the MUI is also corrupt, where do we get hold of clean MUIs and where do we put them when we've found them? I've tried searching on my Win 7 dvd with no luck. It would obviously be preferable to replace the corrupt MUI rather than just the dll or exe, in case corruption happens again. I was under the impression that sfc /scannow would scan the dvd if it couldn't find a clean MUI and replace from there, but maybe not?

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Winload.exe Missing Or Corrupt?

Aug 27, 2012

i have windows 7 Starter and bought the disk to upgarde it to windows professional, so i put dvd into dvd-unit... duh and after loading two white bars for secondary boot device it displays the hell message "winload is missing or corrupt..." i have already tried EVERYTHING on the forums and on the web including all the bootrec processes, rebuilt bcd, get a new copy of winload switching carpets, and modding BCD file to specify diferent routes for windows to search the file.. and yet nothing...I personally think the problem is that my C: drive it's partitioned in 3 one called system backup (wich is the standar recovery console for vaio, another partition of around 10 gb named System reserved and the free space where windows is located.

Administrador de arranque de Windows
Identificador {bootmgr}
device partition=C:
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-us


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Windows 7 Won't Boot Corrupt BCD?

Nov 22, 2012

When I bought the kit and built my new computer last year, I noticed that Windows 7 didn't like being turned off for any period of time over 5 minutes. Anytime longer and it would BSOD on me. Sometimes it gave me a full coded screen, other times notSometimes it would take me to a repair screen, sometimes not. Sometimes it would just boot up (I liked those times best) Every so often, I would have to system restore. It was annoying, but I could not find a fix, and when I did diagnostics on the disk, I was never given any errors on for the Hard drive or anything. Fast forward to a month ago when My monitor up and died on me. I had to send it to be repaired. This meant that I had to turn the hard drive off. I hooked it up today and it decided not to work. I tried system restore and the system repair and they have been useless. I contineu to get the following message upon every boot up now[CODE]

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System Corrupt SFC Won't Work?

May 27, 2011

I'm looking into a relative's PC running Windows 7 Home Premium and it's giving me quite a lot of errors.I can't say exactly what the problem is, but several messages/errors led me to believe that a system repair of corrupt/missing files was in order:- Example 1: Control Panel >> Programs >> Turn Windows features on or off: The system could not find the environment option that was entered. Same error comes up when I try to run CMD as Administrator. - Example 2: Opening pictures with Windows' default picture viewer produced an error. This led me to believe that maybe just the picture viewer was corrupt, but then I saw WMP wouldn't run either, and different system options wouldn't work (as in Ex. 1).

I looked around and found that the appropriate files actually did exists, but still wouldn't run for some reason (e.g. WMP, Picture Viewer, etc.)So I decided to run "sfc /scannow" which, at first, just popped up and then immediately closed. Then I tried running it from the Windows 7 installation DVD, via Safe Mode, and via other accounts. In most cases, it said it was starting and that "This will take some time", and a few seconds later "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation".I also tried "sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows" and the same via the installation DVD, in which case I used "sfc /scannow /offbootdir=d: /offwindir=d:windows" instead.I Googled a lot and nothing seems to work. I'd really like to restore this system back into working condition without losing any personal data. Yes, I've already backed it up.

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Discs Are Being Burnt Corrupt?

Mar 21, 2012

First of all, I apologise if this is the wrong forum, but I don't know where the cause of this problem lies.I have a Windows 7 64 bit PC which until recently was working fine, including burning data DVDs (ebooks, zip files, text files, etc). ABout a week or two back, though, the discs I burnt began to turn out corrupt, with Nero reporting errors when verifying the discs. Whenever I reformat my PC and install the drivers and programs I make a disc image of the C: drive, so that I can reapply this image back to the drive at any point in the future, effectively rolling back the hard drive to the day when I reformatted and reinstalled everthing, so I applied the image to the C: drive, thinking that this would cure whatever file corruption was causing Nero to burn corrupt discs.

This failed to cure the problem, so I assumed that the DVD drive was failing, so I bought a new one, which exhibited the same problem. I tried other software (CDBurnerXP and Ashampoo) and they produced the same corrupted discs (some of the files on the disc had errors, just like with Nero, but the data on the hard drives itself was fine). So I tried burning a virtual disc image from Nero, and it turns out that the disc images Nero makes have the same corruption (which staggered me, as if the problem is purely software then I'd have thought that when I applied the C: drive backup image over the C: drive that would have solved the problem). Someone suggested it might be a rootklit, hiding in the boot block of the drive (I'm not well up on drive fundamentals, can a virus/rootkit hide in the bootblock and escape a C: drive re-imaging?) so I tried Combofix and others, and Combofix detected some 'suspicious' items and deleted them, but the problem still persists.

I tried four seperate Linux boot discs, as that way I could bypass the hard drives totally, so if I got the same error with Linux then I'd know the problem was hardware based, but Ubuntu, Mint, and Mageia all stuck mid-boot, whereas I managed to get Puppy linux to work via it's VESA setting, but the burner software in Puppy Linux (when I'd finally worked out that I had to mount the Windows 7 drive for the data, and how to then find the drive in the file system) just threw up an error - I can't remember what the error was now, I'll post it up when I get home later). I'm a *total* beginner to Linux, so please can anyone help me to get Ubuntu etc to load, so I can burn a DVD using Linux, to see if it's a hardware or software cause of the DVD-R data corruption?

Anyway, I removed all three of my hard drives, inserted an old IDE drive that had never been in a PC before, formatted it, and installed Windows 7 and Nero, and it too produced corrupted virtual disc files, and I'm 99.999% certain that no malware/rootkit could have infect that new (to the PC) hard drive, so I think the problem here is hardware, but I'm not sure.

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Winload.exe Missing Or Corrupt?

May 22, 2012

My Acer laptop is suddenly having this issue and will not boot into windows in any mode including safe mode. I tried using a recovery disc with no luck. I can get to the command prompt from the recovery disc and I tried fixboot and fixmbr with no results.

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Corrupt Ntfs.sys File?

Jun 13, 2012

My computer crashed and then crashed again during the restart. Windows tried the start-up repair, did its self diagnosis and said I have a corrupt ntfs.sys file.How do I fix this? I have looked on the Win7 installation disk but did not find any drivers.

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