No Wakeup After Hybrid Sleep (black Screen)

Sep 4, 2009

I have a problem with the hybrid sleep mode.

Whenever I try to put my notebook in sleep mode everything works ok, also normally waking up the system.

But when I disconnect the power cord and restart the system, Windows tries to resume its state but suddenly stops with a black screen and a blinking cursor.

I have absolutely no problems with normal sleep and normal hibernate (shutdown -h).

For a short time hybrid sleep worked only when I put the system to sleep with the notebook FN keys, but not through the Win start menu.

Now it doesn't work at all. Maybe this was also just a coincidence.

Can anyone help me?

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Use Hybrid Sleep On Laptop?

Jul 7, 2012

On my laptop, the drive is encrypted with TrueCrypt and I don't know whether it is better to have my PC set to sleep, hibernate or hybrid sleep when I close the lid. I kind of want the fastest, but most secure option though.

Also, in the TrueCrypt options menu it says Auto dismount when entering power saving mode. Is that sleep? And is dismounting when it encrypts it again?

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BSOD On Wakeup From Sleep

May 11, 2011

About a month ago my pc started going to BSOD while trying to resume after being put to sleep. PC is 16 months old. I read the forums, etc and updated the ATI radeon display driver and the Realtek network driver but the problem persisted.I also rolled back the system using restore to before the problem began but no change. I then reinstalled windows 7 64bit using the OEM CD rom and installed all the MS updates - no change. Last week, it occurred to me that it might be a monitor hw issue so I swapped out the monitor with another I had. That seemed to solve it - for 4 days - now it's doing the same thing with the second monitor.

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Windows 7 - How To Disable Hybrid Sleep

May 13, 2011

My Windows 7 randomly entering sleep mode and not waking up. I've found one of the things that can fix it is to disable hybrid sleep. However, I can't see that option. My account is automatically set as administrator so I should beable to see the "Change the unavailable power settings" option but I don't.

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Laptop Can't Hibernate/hybrid Sleep?

Oct 25, 2010

Not sure this should go here; i only have "normal" sleep on my Thinkpad, hibernate or hybrid sleep doesn't work : Screen goes to sleep but if i move the mouse i see nothing happened (i'm on the lock screen).

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What Power State Is Hybrid Sleep In

Dec 26, 2012

My current knowledge of hybrid sleep is S3 when it has power, and S4 when it loses power. Just need som1 to confirm this.

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Ntoskrnl BSOD On Wakeup From Sleep

Sep 11, 2009

For the past month I have been randomly getting BSOD when my computer wakes up from sleep. My first crash was 25 days after install, and now it happens every 3-5 days. Usually just once, and I can never seem to replicate. But it happens only when the comp is waking up, never when in use. I have tried to induce it by sleep/wake repeatedly but it happens totally randomly.

I typically don't leave my computer on for prolonged periods so I can't say it wouldn't do this after being turned on for 3 days but I have yet to have a crash like that.

My system is overclocked/watercooled and had been running stable with Vista x64 since it was built in Jan 09. I installed Win 7X64 Ultimate 7100 on July 5 2009.

So, far I have tried:

Reinstalling chipset, and updating all USB pheripheral drivers.

Update video and sound drivers

Uninstalling all windows updates

Removed one 4870 and disabled crossfire

Full repair of windows (not clean install)

Overnight memtest 8 passes

Prime 95 multithread 9 hours with no failures

Last Night I tried:

Updating chipset again, bios, and raid firmware.

Disconnecting my UPS from the USB port.

I am at a loss for what is causing this. I've seen a few threads around with

ntoskrnl issues, but none that happen only on wake up. Tonight I plan to do some PSU testing.

Does anyone have any ideas about this, mini dump file is attached ?

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Hybrid Sleep/Hibernate Not Available In Power Options?

May 4, 2012

Just upgrade my server with a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H mobo and a G630T processor. Installed Windows 7 Ultimate. For some reason I don't see the options for hybrid sleep or hibernate in advanced power options menu. Generally, I believe they are supposed to be under sleep in the advanced menu but only "Sleep After" and "Allow wake timers" are present in the menu. I haven't upgraded to a new mobo in years and in my old mobo there was an option to enable S3 sleep. This mobo has options to enable wake timer, WOL, and a couple of others but nothing to disable to enable hybrid sleep. My system seems to still go to sleep ok but the lack of the two options seems odd to me and wanted to see if anyone possibly had a similar problem.

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Extremely Slow Boot After Hybrid Sleep

May 10, 2011

I use Windows 7 Pro x64 in my Car PC.Hybrid Sleep is enabled, because my CarPC-PSU only keeps up the 5V rail for 18 Hours. After that the power is shut down.When I wake the PC from standby (within the 18 hours), everything works fine. Windows responds within a few seconds.If the PC has been put to standby and the PSU shuts down the 5V rail, the startup from hybrid sleep/hibernate is extremely slow. It takes approx. 5 minutes before I can use Windows again.What's strange is: When I put the PC to sleep/hibernate manually and boot it up again, everything is MUCH faster. Normal hibernate boot I'd guess.Only when the PC initially was put to hybrid standby and power cutted off it boots that slow.I can replicate the same behaviour on my Desktop PC.

-Boot from Standby: Really Fast
-Boot from manual Hibernation: Normal
-Boot from Hybrid Standby atfter PowerOff: Extremely slow

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Laptop Sleep Then Wakeup Password Error

Nov 26, 2009

I have a problem about my laptop (Presario CQ40-416AU) when waking it up from sleep, I set a password for my login and I required the password when resuming from sleep but it shows password error everytime I tried to login.. what could be the problem?

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BSOD After Wakeup From Sleep, Won't Detect Drive Now

Dec 8, 2012

I purchased am HP Mini 110 netbook three weeks ago to use in school while I leave my heavier and bigger laptop at home. It came with Windows 7 Starter, but I took the (bad) decision of installing an illegitimate copy of Windows 7 Home Premium because I found starter somewhat clunky.

I downloaded the ISO from a torrent and created a bootable USB. I just run the installer from Windows itself and the installation took about 45 minutes. After that I installed the drivers and everything went fine for a week. I also used the ''activator' that came with the torrent.

This Friday, as I resumed from sleep, the system froze as I put my password for a few seconds and soon after I got a BSOD and the computer shut off. As it rebooted I got a message saying that no OS is installed and that no HD is detected. I attempted to run some diagnostic tests through the BIOS but it tells me that not HD is detected. I even attempted to install Ubuntu and it doesn't detect a drive either.

I already talked to HP costumer service and they'll soon come to pick up the netbook to get it serviced, but meanwhile, I sent it to a technician to find out what is wrong with it. The news I got from him were that the HD was completely dead.

Previously, I had unplugged the HD to make sure the ribbon was not lose and plugged it again. Now, I am in this dilemma: Would my HP warranty void if they find out I installed a pirated OS which arguably caused the hardware to fail?

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Sleep Mode - Internet Lost Upon Wakeup

May 7, 2009

I am using Acer Travelmate 8204WLMi laptop running the latest RC build of Windows 7. The internet connection is lost on both LAN adapter and WLAN (3945ABG) adapter when laptop is restored from a 'sleep' mode. I have disabled 'Power Management' of each adapter via the Device Manager. I have updated to the latest set of updates.

Disabling and re-enabling LAN or WLAN adapter to restore connectivity does not work (as it does in Win-XP). I have tried to 'log off' and log back in but this does not work either. I have discovered that the only way to restore connectivity is to re-boot the laptop.

It would appear that there is an issue of the Windows 7 code to correctly manage the LAN/ WLAN adapters. Has anyone else come across this problem?

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Black Screen After Sleep Mode?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VPCSB11FX/W laptop. I lock the screen (it's password protected too) and close the lid when I need to get up to do something else while using it. Usually, the blue Windows 7 lock screen shows up when I open the laptop, but just now, I got a black screen that wouldn't respond to any buttons, so I shut the laptop down manually by holding down the power button. When I booted up and logged in, I got the old 'Windows was shut down unexpectedly' message.

Just curious, why did I get the black screen? Also, the power button was green, which means it wasn't in sleep mode at all, and the laptop's fan was whirring loudly too. This has happened to me a couple of times before, and I usually wait at least 30-60 seconds for the black screen to respond before shutting down, though the fan makes a louder noise the longer I wait. This happened even though the lid was closed properly.

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Waking Up From Sleep Causes Black Screen

Nov 10, 2011

when I put my PC in sleep mode and wake it up I get a black screen which forces me to restart the PC.

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Screen Goes Black After Logging On After Sleep?

Jun 18, 2012

after the computer is left for a while and goes to sleep on waking the screen goes black and stays black. If the computer doesnt go to sleep i can log in with no issue. so far my only remedy is to restart the computer and sometime even I need to unplug the power.

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Black Screen When Coming Out Of Sleep Mode?

Jun 6, 2010

For the past several mornings, when clicking my mouse to wake my PC from sleep mode, my screen remains completely black. I can hear the PC start up, the fan running, etc. I can even hear the Windows log on sound when I punch in my password. All power lights are on, but the monitor refuses to display anything, not even a blinking cursor.My keyboard then becomes unresponsive and I'm unable to shut my PC down using the power button. I've had to hard reboot several times by manually switching my surge protector off and on. After getting the expected message that Windows didn't shut down properly, my system then starts up as usual. I have Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit). My processor is an AMD Athlon II X4 630 and I have 6 GB of RAM. Both my PC and monitor are brand new.

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Black Screen At Startup - Sleep Mode

Jul 21, 2009

I installed windows 7 a few days ago, everything seemed to run fine until this morning. Last night i updated windows because some updates where finished, during shutdown the update was installed. This morning i turn on my computer, it beeps once(loud beep not a soft beep) The screen doesnt flicker and goes into sleep mode.

I tried disconnecting the videocard and reconnecting the wires, still doesnt work. I pressed F2, F8, F12, doesnt go to BIOS screen or Boot. I have no idea how to get the connection back. Has anyone has this problem and can help me find a solution.

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Black Screen Waking From Sleep Mode?

Jul 9, 2012

I recently built an HTPC and it was working OK until last night. I�ve been using it mainly as an OTA DVR and it does wake up, record, etc.I went to program a recording & it was already awake & the HDD indicator LED was on. However the HDTV had a black screen with a message to select boot device & press any key. This was not a BSOD but a black screen. There was no way to select anything as every time I pressed a key the same message displayed another time. I finally powered off.Another program was scheduled to record at this time but it should not have. It was a series schedule set for new but this episode was not. That�s one strike against the EPG. Anyway it started recording after I booted back up but it was missing the first 40 minutes because I booted up 40 minutes into the program.

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PC Won't Resume If Screen Goes Black/Won't Go Into Sleep Mode

Nov 20, 2010

I'm having a problem where if my laptop is idle and the screen goes black, I can't get it to resume. I try moving the mouse and hitting buttons, but nothing happens. I have to completely shut the PC off and start it again. Also, if I put it to sleep, the same thing happens (it goes black but doesn't sleep or resume). My drivers are all up to date but it still happens.

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Black Screen With Error Message Instead Of Sleep Mode?

Jul 9, 2012

I recently built an HTPC and it was working OK until last night. I�ve been using it mainly as an OTA DVR and it does wake up,record, etc.I went to program a recording & it was already awake & the HDD indicator LED was on. However the HDTV had a black screen with a message to select boot device & press any key. This was not a BSOD but a black screen. There was no way to select anything as every time I pressed a key the same message displayed another time. I finally powered off.Another program was scheduled to record at this time but it should not have. It was a series schedule set for new but this episode was not. That�s one strike against the EPG. Anyway it started recording after I booted back up but it was missing the first 40 minutes because I booted up 40 minutes into the program.

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Screen Stays Black After Waking Computer From Sleep Mode

Oct 31, 2012

Over the past few months I began having this recurring problem where the computer goes into sleep mode, next I click the mouse to wake it and the lights and fans go on but the screen stays black. I then have to perform a hard restart where I was usually getting the "start in safe mode" screen, but lately I have also been getting BSODs.

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Screen Won't Wakeup On Reboot But Computer Boots Without It?

Sep 16, 2012

If I reboot my desktop goes thru the procedure but the monitor stays black - nothing, not even the safety screen and no cursor. There is an amber light on the monitor which goes green when it receives its wake up call but it remains amber. I have to switch the power off entirely before switching it on again, and rebooting and this time the screen works. I've run scandisk, I've gone thru scannow, I've installed the latest graphics card drivers. I've tried changing the power settings. Bear in mind that this set up and computer has worked perfectly for 2 years and as all the hardware is working I believe it to be a software issue.

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Switch User Screen After Screensaver/standby Wakeup

Oct 31, 2009

A very minor question. I was wondering if it's possible to show the "Welcome Screen/Switch User" screen after the computer is woken up from screensaver or standby. I know it's really easy for a user to click on the "Switch User" button on the "lock page", but still I want to make it easy for my mom.

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Sleep Doesn't Sleep Anymore - Just Goes To Login Screen

Jul 30, 2009

For some reason, my 'sleep' has stopped working - either from the sleep button, or on the Start button option.

Now it just goes to the user login screen.

Has always worked perefctly until today.

Weird. Any ideas?

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Monitor Is Black After Sleep Mode But Not Hibernation?

Sep 14, 2011

The thread title about sums it up! When I try to wake my computer from sleep mode, my monitor gets no signal/is black. The "rest" of the computer seems to wake up just fine.

The monitor was working fine with Windows Server 2008, after sleep mode, but I just recently upgraded to windows 7.

I have already tried: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal in a .bat file

using "Hibernate Trigger", "Power Triggers" and Windows task sheduler.

Doesn't work at all for me (I've got Windows 7 Proffesional 32-bit Service Pack 1)

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When Reboot, The Screen Eventually Goes To A Black Screen Saying "Windows 7 Failed To Start?

May 12, 2012

My wife did something on her PC (she doesn't know exactly for sure what & can't explain it completely me), and now she can't boot up her PC. She says it had something to do with changing the security settings for a program she uses a lot so it wouldn't keep asking her if she wanted to launch it, and that's when it told her to restart the PC, then it wouldn't boot up anymore.When you reboot, the screen eventually goes to a black screen saying "Windows failed to start. A software or hardware error may be the cause" or something to that effect. It offers me the option to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally".If I Launch Startup Repair, nothing much happens --- it says it's adding files, then it looks like Windows is about to boot up, then it goes to a black screen for a long time & nothing happens.

If I choose Start Windows Normally, it simply reboots & eventually brings me back to the same screen again.I've tried using rebooting and selecting ESC to get to the boot menu, then installing the Win 7 installation disc & selecting the DVD drive, then I select thelanguage, then I click Repair, but it sits there forever with nothing happening.I also tried an outside boot disc I found on the web & it doesn't launch.

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Dell Vostro 1520 Black Screen Won't Reach Login Screen

Dec 15, 2011

i have a Dell Vostro 1520 and im running Windows 7 with a 32bit. It is only 2 years only. It started about a month ago. I was on my laptop viewing and deleting some unwanted photos i had. A few minutes later i realized that i deleted a photo that i wanted. So i went to the recycling bin and restored that photo. When i went back to my photos and went into the album, it said something like i do no have permission to access this folder. Please press continue to get full permission. I clicked continue and i got the access i should have. Now i tried many more random folders and the same thing happened. Also when i came out of the folders, the folders had a big pad lock sign on the front of it. After that i shut down the laptop and went to turn it back on. The laptop will power on like normal. I can press f12 for the boot options. which i have already tried many times. I also tried it in safe mode and what-not, but still nothing. I can hear the fan and stuff spinning up like normal. I have also put and CD into the CD ROM and that spins up fine. So after the Dell logo on the screen, it goes black and stays that way with the cursor. You can move the cursor around no problem. I should also add that the battery light is and has been flashing for a good wile. Its flashing orange and blue. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the battery. Because my laptop will not charge with the AC adapter in it for many months now. It will only stay powered on with the AC adapter plugged in. One more thing. The LED lights over the buttons. None of the are flashing, besides one, on the far left. And i cant find out anywhere what this LED light stands for.

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Hybrid Cmd And Gui?

Jun 12, 2012

I'm looking for a hybrid console and gui where commands can be entered by keying but commands like cd and entering a file name can be done via a gui window.Seems like a gui that builds command line text.RON C rfchmbrs has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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System Goes To Black Screen Before Login/welcome Screen After Windows 7 32-bit Upgrade?

Sep 2, 2012

My son has a Toshiba Satelite P205 that he just upgraded from Windows XP Home Premium to Windows 7 32-bit. After the upgrade completed the computer booted fine. The within 20 minutes he got the BSOD and the system rebooted. Now he can't get Windows to fully start. We've tried all of the options from F8 with no success. We have the Toshiba System Recovery Disk but it won't launch. (The Boot sequence has been changed to boot from CD/DVD and then the Hard Drive.)The Memory Diagnostic from the Windows 7 disk ran fine with no errors. I'm thinking I might need to re-format/wipe the drive to start fresh but don't know where to obtain a boot CD(no floppy drive on this laptop). Does anyone recommend a software that I can purchase to clear everything without destroying the CD/DVD accessibility so I can then use the System Recovery Disk to put it back to the original factory Settings?

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Full Screen Videos Crashing To Black Screen And Buzzing

Mar 26, 2011

My computer has a problem with crashing while playing a video in full screen. When it crashes the screen turns black while the speakers give out a buzzing noise. Everything is unresposive the only solution is to turn it off with the power button. It happens in any full screen video online or offline and even visualizations from windows media player and iTunes, but only in full screen. I don't think it's overheating either because sometimes it takes 30 mins to crash and other times it will crash immediately when put in full screen. *I've tried setting it back to factory settings thus reinstalling windows. *All the directx features are working with no reported problem there.* I don't think it's a memory issue in the computer, as my specs are:

Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: intel core i5 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Graphics card memory: 0.5 GB
Any other ideas?

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Black Screen After Windows Start Up Doesn't Go To Login Screen

Nov 12, 2011

I have an Acer aspire 5732Z. I turn my laptop on and it shows the starting windows screen then just goes to a black screen with a cursor. I tried to do systems restore but it said that I did not have a system restore point. I cannot start in any safe mode. I have all my pictures, uni work etc., and I am terrified I've lost it all. I've only had the laptop a year.

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