No "Turn Off Advanced Text Services Option For Windows 7?

Jul 24, 2010

Is this option worded differently on 7? Because I cannot find it. I need to do this for a program.

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No Advanced Option At Partitions Menu?

Aug 2, 2010

during the setup I have no "advanced" option at the partitions menu which must contain the, formatting option. I have the partitions menu and only two buttons under it: "Refresh" and "Load Driver"

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How To Add Language Input Under Text Services

Sep 19, 2012

I have a problem with adding a language input. Under 'Text Services and Input Languages'--> 'Add'--> theres only english and chinese input as available options. I want to add korean. I've tried windows update but no luck.

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Text Services And Input Languages Disappeared?

Feb 20, 2013

2 days ago my keyboard is fine an yesturday my keyboard setting has changed somehow.., when ever i put my email i can't get "at" sign on my keyboard, so i have to press shift and 2 to get "at" sign, I can't even change my input language settings..

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Turn On Wireless Option On Windows 7 Desktop?

Jan 16, 2012

how do i turn on the wirless option on my desktop computer?

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What Services Can Turn Off Or Disable To Cut Down On Memory Use

May 15, 2011

I want to know, what services can I turn off or disable to cut down on memory use and to lower the number of processes running on my laptop, but retain wireless and ethernet usage, audio and aero theme.Also, I want to know what in Windows 7 takes up about 800MB of RAM on fresh install? Again in a separate list, what can I turn off to cut RAM use down to about 200MB?

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Turn The Address Taskbar Into A Search Engine Text Bar?

Apr 25, 2012

how to turn the address taskbar into a search engine text bar? Basically, we want to enable the user to type in keywords and have that passed to a search engine that will show the results in the browsers.

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Turn Text Overwrite Feature Off In Microsoft Word Pad?

Jul 30, 2012

How do I turn text overwrite feature off in Microsoft Word Pad?

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How To Turn Off Option To Scan External USB Drives When Plugged In

Feb 25, 2012

Whenever I plug in one of my external USB drives, Windows automatically pops up a window asking me if I want to scan it for errors. Where do I change settings so that it does not automatically do this every time.

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Remove Unchecked Services Completely (DELETING) From The Services Tab In Msconfig?

Dec 24, 2011

how to remove unchecked services completely (DELETING) from the services tab in msconfig? Like Google update service and so on.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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Office 2007 Word Printing Deleted Text Over New Text

Mar 3, 2011

Ok this is wierd I have a client using Office 2007 pro and some of her docs that she recently updated and the problem is when she prints the docs text that she deleted is printing over the top of new text she inserted into the doc.

Now when you have said doc open in WORD the deleted text is not there in any view and does NOT show in "print preview".

I opened said doc with WORDPAD and the deleted text shows up at the bottom so its still in the word doc somewhere imbedded so it prints over the top of the actual text in the doc.

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Searching A Bunch Of Text Files For A Particular Text String?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a project where I need to search a large amount of text files on my home PC. I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. My research indicated this feature was available in Windows 7.

If you do a search in Windows XP, you get a bunch of fields. You can pick to search for text INSIDE the particular sub folder structure.

I have found this feature in Windows 7, but it is different. I have tried using wild cards but it does not seem to work properly.

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Insert Pictures Inside The Text Or Beside The Text So It Won't Use So Much Space?

May 23, 2012

How do I insert my pictures inside the text or beside the text so it won't use so much space?

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Use Text To Speech To Read/speak To Text On A Page?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a Lenovo laptop - how can i use Text to Speech, to read/speak to me text on a page?

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Formatted Text Does Not Transfer Over To Pasted Text

Apr 6, 2012

All of the sudden, when I want to copy and paste something in the same document, the formatted text (whether that be a certain font or bold) does not transfer over to the pasted text. For instance, if I wanted to copy the following bolded word word and then paste it anywhere else in the document, I now get this: word (without the bold). This applies to other cutting and pasting problems: this applies to other fonts and formatting (bold, my Greek font, etc).One more example: before today, if I wanted to cut a text out of my New Testament Greek program right in the middle of a paragraph, the Greek font (or whatever font) would paste normally no matter what font the target MS Word text was in.

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Formatting Option While Selecting Custom Option?

Feb 7, 2011

In my laptop existing OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

Hardware config is
HP i7 Quad processor 1.7 GHz.
4 GB DDR3 Ram,
500 GB HDD.

My system perf is slow. I installed few softwares. I have deselected most of the startup services and programs from msconfig. Eventhough my system bootup time is slow, and whenever i open mycomputer it taking time to load.

I have decided to install Windows 7 Enterprise Edition x64 by formatting my C drive. But there is no option while i do clean install.

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From XP To Windows 7 / Tutorial For Advanced User?

Dec 12, 2010

I am a very advanced user in the I.T field and love XP. When Vista came out I would not go near it but I hear good things about Windows 7 and I'm ready to make the switch.Given that I am an advanced user and dislike user-friendliness in my OS, I was wondering if anyone knows of a Video Tutorial of Windows 7 geared for advanced users of XP that I could download/obtain.

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Windows 7 No Advanced Button On File Properties

Dec 14, 2012

I upgraded to win7 professional with the anytime upgrade. Thought I could now encrypt files but there is no advanced button on the files properties.

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Access My Advanced Boot Menu To Start Windows Normally?

Jun 9, 2011

Everytime I restart the computer it boots into a repair mode,attempts to repair my computer, and then tells me "startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically". Why it's doing this I don't know,the system was working fine an hour ago.The only change I made was to attempt to make my RAID work, I rebooted, entered BIOS and changed my "Sata Operation Mode" to "RAID",then the problems started happening. I tried turning it back, even resetting BIOS defaults, but no go. During the boot up though I turned my comp off during the middle of windows loading, I wonder if that could have caused the problem?I know it's not recommended but it's something I've always done and never had a problem with.I've been trying to access my Advanced boot menu to start windows normally(perhaps it's stuck in some kind of repair cycle?) but pressing f8 does nothing, I've tried a thousand times.

I put in my Windows 7 disk and attempted a repair through there which halfway worked. When I boot up now it gives me two OS options to choose from, Windows and Windows 7 Home Premium (Recovered).The latter one boots up windows fine but all of my files are gone and it's telling me my copy of windows is not genuine! I had the majority of my data so it's not a huge deal to do a clean install but I would like to avoid that if possible.I'm using an asrock 890fx mobo with AMD processor.

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After Advanced System-Care 6 Windows Doesn't Suspend

Dec 25, 2012

I just run Advanced System-Care 6 to optimize my computer and after restart, I check that my computer doesn't suspend.I checked suspend setting and they are as before.When I go to START >> Suspend it tries to suspend and go back to login screen.Any idea how can I reset these settings?

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Windows 7 Black Screen After Update / Advanced System Care

Sep 15, 2012

I'm currently in safe mode in my windows 7 laptop which I can only access this computer by. The reason is because when i try to boot windows regularly, I get past the login screen then to be pwned by some black screen with my cursor only displaying. I downloaded a software from IOBit called Advanced system care, then I ran a full system clean. I came back later to reset my laptop and encountered an update, I let it update. When the update was finished, I started getting the Black screen of death.

Things I tried:
- System restore (It couldn't find a restore due to the update)
- Uninstalling updates (No difference was made)
- The CTRL+ALT+DEL then some link for the fix (CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work)
- Start up repair (Nope, no difference)
- The /sfc command (It worked but, still no difference)

I'm think pretty much stuck as I don't have a Windows 7 CD, although I have a formatted USB, I'm considering downgrading to XP. But, I'm getting problems with that as well.

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Sound Blaster Audigy Sb1394 Eax Advanced Hd Is This Compatible With Windows 7

Jan 13, 2012

sound blaster audigy sb1394 eax advanced hd is competible window 7

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Advanced Boot Screen For Dell Inspiron E1505 Running Windows 7 Pro?

Jun 23, 2012

I have tried F8 for the advanced boot option, but the screen I get does not offer advanced boot as an option. I get a screen with six line that all have vista in them and am unable to do anything in that screen. It will not boot when b or enter keys are hit it won't do anything when I try select enter the command line and I am unable to exit this screen using esc button, I have to manually turn off computer. How do I find the advanced boot screen for dell inspiron E1505 with windows 7 professional?

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Open Windows Firewall With Advanced Security In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to open the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security in windows 7 to set advanced rules for it.

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Advanced Wireless Network Windows XP Connects But Windows 7 Won't?

Sep 25, 2011

My D-Link rooter is driving me nuts! Basically I have many computers in my home and I seem to have an issue with encryption and compatibility.I have.My Works PC - Dell Dimension 1100 Windows XP Pro My Works Laptop - Compaq Presario Windows XP Pro My Rig - Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit My Tablet PC - Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit My Partners Laptop - Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit My iPhone 4 My Rooter - D-Link DSL-2640R With the default settings in the rooter (Mixed WPA, WPA2) My iPhone, Works PC and Works Laptop connects to the wireless network no problem, it appears they are using WPA mode whilst connected. However my Windows 7 machines are all seeing the network as WPA2. When I attempt to connect to the network it fails on all Windows 7 Machines.I can only seem to connect the Windows 7 machines if I change from "Mixed WPA, WPA2" to "WPA2 Only" which then knocks out all the Windows XP machines However if I disable wireless encryption, which I don't particularly want to do. All the machines work correctly with no problems!I do have a function for "Guest Network" which broadcasts a 2nd separate SSID, but you cant use encryption on it. That could run the Windows 7 Machines but the problem is I don't know how secure it is.

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How To Close Advanced Section

Feb 25, 2011

I have already found its cause. That's because I chose the advanced section, but I don't know how to close the advanced section.

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Most Advanced Custom Image?

Aug 6, 2012

What do you guys think is the best way to make custom windows 7 images? I have been looking at RT 7 Lite but its missing a lot of the functionality i was hoping for. Any know of any better alternatives?

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Advanced Network Problem

Oct 18, 2009

Regular Internet connections are working just fine. I can get to Internet download and upload.

Problem is that I use Tortoise SVN in my work and that gives me a network error on WINDOWS 7 Professional.

NOTE! I have another computer here too, in the same network and everything works fine withit.

I troubleshooted with this Internet Connection Evaluation tool. The UPnP Support Test failed.

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Firewall Advanced Setup

Feb 11, 2009

I'm looking for some help with some Windows Firewall advanced settings. I've already downloaded Vista Firewall Control to simplify the firewall setup, and its really doing what I want (asking me for any inbound and outbound connections), but the free version doesn't allow control over general network access (at least not that I can find so far). I need to get my Windows 7 computer to recognize my WinXP in the network screen, something that I can't seem to do without making some special rules in the firewall settings.

I've already turned off "password protected sharing" and set the "send password" option in gpedit.msc to enabled... settings which worked well in a previous install (AVG removed my access to folder options so I had to reinstall), but I can't seem to get to work now that I've installed VFC. So I guess I need to know what "rules" I need to set up to retain the strict control over inbound/outbound connections that I've got with VFC, but still allow easy network access between the 2-3 computers on my router.

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Advanced Appearance Settings

Jan 26, 2009

How to Change the Window Color and Appearance in Windows 7 ?

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