Loading Windows 7 Onto Large RAID 0 Disk

Nov 30, 2010

I recently upgraded my computer and part of the plan was to use two 2Tb drives in a raid setup for my main windows drive. I see that it only recognises about half of the raid volume and the rest is unallocated space. Is this a general limit on Windows or is there a work around this?

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Windows 7 Disk Manager Raid 0 Failure

May 4, 2012

Setup 4 disks on a windows 7 PRO unit using the disk manager raid utility. Created a JBOD. On re-boot, all drives are reflecting a failed message.

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Small Disk Or Partition Better Than A Large One Full Of Files?

Jul 10, 2012

I am trying to get several peoples opinion. I believe that a small disk that is bootable similar to a ssd is better that a large one full of data. There is less disk to deframent and it should be faster. The larger data disk will contain most of the files many of which will not be used a large part of the time. One can keep larger files such as pictures or videos in that data disk. I probably prefer a small ssd(less than 100GB) but am not sure that is the best way to go right now. Later on when the price and quality of ssd goes down I could substitute that drive for the small hd partition or drive.

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Raid 0 Disk Failure?

Sep 2, 2011

My system is configured with a SSD drive for my Windows 7 x64 Partition (C:) and I setup two 500 GB drives in a RAID 0 config (Z:) to host only game installations. One of the hard drives suffered a heart attack (I can only assume as there was no warning signs) therefore wiping out my games partition (all my saves are backed up to a remote location). Now, I'm trying to re-do my raid setup with a new drive, but when I try installing Steam (it's an .MSI file), it tells me that: "Error 1327.nvalid Drive Z:" and crashes prematurely without any option to specify another point of installation, the same happens when I try to uninstall via "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel. Now, I have quite a few games that are still showing up, and I get the error "Ble bla blah no longer exists or

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Setting To Non-RAID Will Erase Disk?

Feb 3, 2013

If I set a SSD drive to "Non-Raid" from RAID will it erase the disk? The SSD has all my stuff on it windows 7, the works. SSD won't boot b/c it says it's part of RAID and it's not.

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Hard Disk Partitioned - Windows 7 Loading Only With System Drive

Dec 20, 2010

I have one hard disk 150GB on my computer. I want to install Windows 7 and divide the drive into two partitions. When I did it using the instructions that I had during setup, Windows 7 load only with the system drive! Where did all the other memory gone? Can I return the lost memory without installing again Windows 7?

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Covert Single Disk To RAID And Vice Versa

Feb 1, 2012

1)You have two hard drives in your PC. Drive A contains Windows installation and other files. Drive B is an empty drive. Your Motherboard supports RAID 1(additionally 0 and 5) and you want to setup hardware RAID 1. Is it possible to switch HDD to RAID mode, enter RAID BIOS, create array using drive A, copy drive B content to drive A and run RAID 1 using two drives(drive A should rebuild array on next restart and copy mirror drive A on drive B)

2)You have two drives, drive A and drive B running in hardware RAID 1. You need to format drive B, copy drive A's content oto drive B(which should be non-raid drive now) and install non-raid drive B on another PC.

3)You have three drive A, B, C. Drive C contains Windows and other files. You need to setup RAID 1 using drive A and B and then copy Windows from drive C to newly created array consisting of drive A and B.

All three scenarios require no Windows re-installation.

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Disk Read Error In Sony Vaio E Series - Windows 7 Loading Failed

May 26, 2012

Disk read error ctrl+alt+dlt to restart your system.

1. Have sony vaio E-series vpcea23en
2. Fail to load windows 7
3. Even recovery dvd stop to load
4. No option in bios to run diagnostics.
5. Try to install windows 7 64bit clean install but also failed to load it.
6. Have no money for new hdd.
7. How can I format my laptop. full

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Deleted Linux Partition Using Windows 7 Disk Manager - GRUB Loading Error 22

Jun 6, 2012

I have a Dell XPS 430 that came with Windows Vista and a Windows 7 upgrade disk. I set up my main hard drive with Windows 7 on one partition, Linux on another partition, and a third partition for storage. I recently needed more space for Windows, and no longer needed Linux, so using the Windows 7 disk manager I deleted the Linux partition and extended the Win partition using the newly unallocated space.

Upon restarting my machine, I am no longer able to boot into windows but instead am presented with the message:
GRUB Loading, please wait...
Error 22

I have a Windows 7 disk that I am using to access the repair utility, which I have run countless times. I have tried severel of the tutorials to rebuild BCD and FixMBR, etc etc. Frankly I am getting lost in all the commands and not even sure what does what anymore!

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Where Are The Extra-Large And Large Icons Stored

Mar 7, 2011

If you extract the icons from imageres.dll or shell32.dll then the maximum icon size is about 64x64 and 32x32 for most icons. I am trying to extract the largest icons, where can I get them.

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Large & Extra Large Icons Blank?

Sep 7, 2010

My client's computer was infected with a virus obtained via Facebook. I removed this and multiple other infections (and I'm pretty thorough with my scanning). She gets it back, starts working on it, and apparently her devices and printers icons are blank. Not missing, like with a "blank page" icon, just... blank. Here's the kicker: it only happens with large and extra large icons. It also happens with normal folder icons. When I change it to medium or lower, they come back. I've tried rebuilding the icon cache database several times, tried sfc /scannow, tried chkdsk, tried uninstalling any recent updates, etc... There have been no hardware changes, the hard drive has been tested as good (no bad sectors), her dual monitors are at a sane resolution, and I'm confident that the viruses has been removed.

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Windows 7 Raid 0 Setup / Missing Raid Controller Driver

Nov 19, 2011

Installed a new M4 ssd today and loaded windows on it. Previously i was using 2 raptors in raid 0 for the os and programs. I re raided the 2 raptors and connected them to the jmicron ports and set them up for raid in bios, then created the raid 0 array no prob. Windows doesnt see the array when loaded up and i have the latest rst drivers installed..did this prior to the os install on the ssd. using the x58 e760a1 mobo. under device manager, the raid controller has an exclamation mark and no driver installed yet i have the latest rst installed..

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Disk Drive Not Detecting Or Loading CDs

May 28, 2011

I'm ripping my audio CDs, and I just had a problem getting the drive to open, So I looked and saw a tiny hole on the drive, I stuck a paper clip in it and it opened. Now however I cannot get it to detect any CDs. It will not load anything.Now I looked and I realized that my CD/DVD drive was not listed on my computer.

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Disk Drive Not Detecting Or Loading CD's

May 28, 2011

Okay, so I'm ripping my audio CDs, and I just had a problem getting the drive to open, So I looked and saw a tiny hole on the drive, I stuck a paper clip in it and it opened.

Now however I cannot get it to detect any CDs. It will not load anything. Now I looked and I realized that my CD/DVD drive was not listed on my computer. I am trying to figure out what driver I had, so I can try re-installing it. I run a Dell Inspiron M5010 64 bit.

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Loading Drivers Via Win 7 Disk Boot

May 5, 2009

I'm installing the official MS downloaded 64-bit build 7100 RC (released May 5). I'm installing onto an Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB RAM, etc. I have integrated graphics card that I'm using to get it running, before trying to get my ATI 4670 to work. The int. graphics card is an ATI X1250 chip.

When I just boot it, everything loads fine, but the Windows screen is mostly white with black lines through it. You can see where textboxes are, but not what's in them. The mouse cursor is fine throughout. So, I figured my drivers were just bad.

So, I tried to load the system via the Windows 7 boot disk, then go to the Repair Windows option. This all works fine and the screen looks normal. I open up the folder with my drivers (downloaded directly from Gigabyte today), and select my .inf file. It brings up a list of drivers to install. I click on my chip (again, the X1250), and it loads for a bit before saying the driver failed to load. So, I don't know what I'm doing wrong here other than just being SOL. Any thoughts?

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Win 7 Install Resets While Loading Driver/disk.sys

Sep 22, 2009

I'm at my wits end now though, After several attempts at installing Win 7 RC (64bit) I realised it wouldn't let me becasue I hadn't added the latest drivers for my motherboard. Now it appears to have installed but whenever windows starts, it reboots at the point where the first 'red dot' appears (the four colours swirl in to make the window).

I ran in safe mode and it appears to reboot whenever it gets as far as 'system32/drivers/disk.sys'

I have installed to three different HDD, both IDE and SATA. All clean before the start. I've used an IDE DVD drive and a USB external, and my BIOS is totally up to date. I've now striped the PC of everything none essential.

The latest drivers for the motherboard are the Vista 64bit variety because there are no windows 7 drivers (that I could see).

P.S. I also obtained a copy of the 90day release version of 64bit Ultimate, which a friend has successfully installed on his Vista laptop. I've tried installing this with all the same configs and same problem every time.

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Converting To Raid 0 Windows 7, Not Hardware Raid 0

Apr 25, 2012

I have tried to find the way to do this, but without success as I cannot see the wood for the trees.

I have a mature Windows 7 system, with so many applications loaded that rebuilding from scratch is just not an option. I have a 300MB Velociraptor wholly given over to the OS and another empty 300MB VR. I want to extend, that may not be the right word, my OS to use both disks in Raid 0.

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Hardware RAID 1 To Windows 7 RAID 1

Jul 10, 2012

I have Win 7 Pro 64 bit installed on an ASUS P7P55D LE motherboard which supports RAID 0,1,5 and 10 using Intel Matrix Storage Technology through an on board Intel P55 chip set. The system was assembled in Nov 2009 using two Western Digital Caviar Black 750Gb drives in RAID 1 as Drive C:. (I now know from Western Digital Customer Service that I shouldnt have done that, but lets move on from there). Last December, an error message informed me the RAID array was broken and identified one of the 750 Mb drives as needing replacement. I happened to have a spare 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black at the time, so I pulled the 750Mb drive and replaced it with the 1.5Tb drive. Life was once again good. Then on July 4th (wouldnt you know) there was a repeat of the December 2011 error message telling me to replace the other original 750Gb drive. Okay so I had another 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black laying around (dont ask) and did a similar swap out. Thats when I emailed WD Customer Support asking about the 750 since their diagnostic software said the drives were fine. Thats when I learned that I should be paying lots more for enterprise quality drives if I want/need RAID. Well thats not what ASUS says in their advertising, but live and learn. All thats prologue, because my real question is whether its possible to break the hardware-based RAID 1 array and set up a Windows 7-based RAID 1 with the two 1.5Tb WD Caviar Black drives without having to reinstall Windows 7.

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Pci Sata 6 Raid Card That Has At Least 4 Slots For 4 X 2tb Hard Drives For A Raid 5?

Aug 24, 2012

I need a PCI SATA 6 RAID card that has at least 4 slots for 4 X 2TB Hard drives for a RAID 5

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Bios Change From Raid To Non Raid On Dell Xps435

Jan 1, 2013

I had one hard drive failed(640gb). I bought replacement and tried to restore image but it failed. Then I wanted to convert to non raid system. I changed both drives(640gb) to non raid and bios change in advance setup. I am getting error when I try to reinstall win 7, "setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more information". I have deleted old partition many times but win 7 setup on this dell xps435 desktop won't install windows.

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Raid Better With MB Config Or Separate Raid Controller

Aug 12, 2012

Which configuration would be better using mobo sats 2 raid or using seperate rid controller via pcie card Rosewill Rc-211 wsis3132) or should I use mobo for raid and card for extra sata w/o raid I have more drives than sata slots. How do I transfer data videos/Tv shows from existing drive to raid?

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SB600 ATI RAID AHCI Drivers? (BSOD On Boot If In RAID/AHCI Mode.)

Jan 6, 2009

anyways, my main drive is a RAID 0 with Vista x64, but I have a second HD that is a SATA 250GB, which I installed Windows 7 on. The only way I could get install to work was to switch my BIOS to IDE mode rather than RAID. I would of course though, like to be able to access my Vista drive from Windows 7 (and more importantly, not have to switch between IDE/RAID mode at all in the BIOS, it's a pain).

Now, the one odd this about this all is that the drivers I have for Vista (x86/x64 drivers) for this mobo's RAID controller WORK when loaded on installation to identify and install to the drive, but seem to not load or not work in any way once the first reboot on install occurs. Maybe this is because I installed from within Vista x64, though.

(Incedentally, my motherboard is an M3A Asus, using ATI's SB600 for a RAID controller)

I've tried loading the drivers from within Windows 7 while in IDE mode, but the install program won't let me. At first it didn't allow because of version restrictions, but then I altered the ini file to get around that, but it encounters some sort of error when installing and quits.

Any help that can be offered, would be grateful. I realise it's a beta and not a real release, so I can get past the BSOD from my odd setup, and I really am enjoying playing around with it so far. Very very impressed.

Edit: Just in case anyone thinks of suggesting me to right-click the inf file and install that way, already tried, won't allow for it.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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Certain Sites Not Loading Or Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2011

One particular site that is not loading at all, on any browsers on my computer is [URL]. There are many more that fail to load as well. I did test these sites on my iPhone with no problems though. There are a handful of other sites that do open but do not load properly [missing images, ect.] I also thought that it might be malware but I installed & scanned my computer with four different programs which did not solve the problem. I'm guessing that it still may be some problem on the software side with settings but I can't seem to figure out where to look. BTW, I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials as my antivirus program for the past couple of days now. Prior to that I was using Avira but it seemed to be giving me problems so I uninstalled it and installed the Microsoft app.

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Windows 7 Too Large, 18gb?

Nov 6, 2011

I got a new computer. SSD and HDD. I only installed windows and a few programs on the ssd. The windows folder is 18gb. How do I get rid of like half of it

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Windows Folder Too Large? How To Clean It Up

Dec 19, 2011

my windows 7 (32bits) folder on the C drive is too large (21.1 GB) is there a way to clean it up?

I have deleted temp files and also run the commands:
cleanmgr sageset:99 (Check all the boxes)
cleanmgr sagerun:99
still the same size.

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Webpages Too Large For Browser Windows 7?

Feb 5, 2011

My wife has a Compaq Pressario CQ61. The other day, out of the blue, anything viewed through her browser overwhelms the browser window. Changing the size of the window does not help. I tried adjusting the resolution from the Control Panel. This did not help. I'm not sure what happened so for an amateur, it is challenging finding a remedy. We are running Windows 7.

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Large Icons After Windows 7 Update?

May 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 64bit. After installing the latest updates from Windows update, all my icons on my desktop are HUGE. The ones on the start menu are normal and all text is normal. The resolution is set at 1600x900 (highest) and the display setting is on smallest (100%).

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Moving Very Large Files In Windows 7 X64?

Jul 2, 2012

I have a video file that is 5+GB. Windows is telling me it can't move it because it is too large, even though there is ample space in the directory I'm moving it too

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New Feature: Use Large Icons For The Windows 7 Taskbar

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to use small icons on the Windows 7 taskbar.

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Windows Live Mail Too Large An Attachment?

Aug 8, 2011

using win 7 64 bit.I accidentally tried to send a large photo as as an attachment to an e-mail. How can I cancel it as each time I try to send an another email it keeps trying to send the large one with the resulting error. Will system restore remove it?

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