Windows 7 Too Large, 18gb?

Nov 6, 2011

I got a new computer. SSD and HDD. I only installed windows and a few programs on the ssd. The windows folder is 18gb. How do I get rid of like half of it

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Installed 6 GB Ram In Windows 7 Pro But It Only Shows 3.18GB

Apr 29, 2011

how i can use all memory ram pro i installed 6 GB ram in win 7 pro but it only shows 3.18GB

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Installed 6 GB Ram In Windows 7 Pro But It Only Shows 3.18GB

Jul 3, 2012

I am using HP pavilion 2050 ix and installed windows 7 with 6 GB of ram but it shows only 2.99 (usable) ram.

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Where Are The Extra-Large And Large Icons Stored

Mar 7, 2011

If you extract the icons from imageres.dll or shell32.dll then the maximum icon size is about 64x64 and 32x32 for most icons. I am trying to extract the largest icons, where can I get them.

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Large & Extra Large Icons Blank?

Sep 7, 2010

My client's computer was infected with a virus obtained via Facebook. I removed this and multiple other infections (and I'm pretty thorough with my scanning). She gets it back, starts working on it, and apparently her devices and printers icons are blank. Not missing, like with a "blank page" icon, just... blank. Here's the kicker: it only happens with large and extra large icons. It also happens with normal folder icons. When I change it to medium or lower, they come back. I've tried rebuilding the icon cache database several times, tried sfc /scannow, tried chkdsk, tried uninstalling any recent updates, etc... There have been no hardware changes, the hard drive has been tested as good (no bad sectors), her dual monitors are at a sane resolution, and I'm confident that the viruses has been removed.

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Windows Folder Too Large? How To Clean It Up

Dec 19, 2011

my windows 7 (32bits) folder on the C drive is too large (21.1 GB) is there a way to clean it up?

I have deleted temp files and also run the commands:
cleanmgr sageset:99 (Check all the boxes)
cleanmgr sagerun:99
still the same size.

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Webpages Too Large For Browser Windows 7?

Feb 5, 2011

My wife has a Compaq Pressario CQ61. The other day, out of the blue, anything viewed through her browser overwhelms the browser window. Changing the size of the window does not help. I tried adjusting the resolution from the Control Panel. This did not help. I'm not sure what happened so for an amateur, it is challenging finding a remedy. We are running Windows 7.

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Large Icons After Windows 7 Update?

May 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 64bit. After installing the latest updates from Windows update, all my icons on my desktop are HUGE. The ones on the start menu are normal and all text is normal. The resolution is set at 1600x900 (highest) and the display setting is on smallest (100%).

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Moving Very Large Files In Windows 7 X64?

Jul 2, 2012

I have a video file that is 5+GB. Windows is telling me it can't move it because it is too large, even though there is ample space in the directory I'm moving it too

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New Feature: Use Large Icons For The Windows 7 Taskbar

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to use small icons on the Windows 7 taskbar.

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Windows Live Mail Too Large An Attachment?

Aug 8, 2011

using win 7 64 bit.I accidentally tried to send a large photo as as an attachment to an e-mail. How can I cancel it as each time I try to send an another email it keeps trying to send the large one with the resulting error. Will system restore remove it?

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Windows 7 Cannot Copy DVD With Large Number Of Images

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy a DVD catalogue with over 30,000 product images onto a USB backup drive. Windows 7 Explorer cannot seem to do this. It copied some of the files but then just stopped copying.I rebooted my machine and tried to copy the files again but Windows reports that it's going to take almost 4 hours to copy! I suspect, however, that it will fail again to complete the task. The backup device has a data transfer rate of 450Mbps so it really shouldn't take that long, surely? Is there other software I should use that's better than Windows Explorer? Or some other method to accomplish what I would have expected to be a simple task?

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Can't Save Large File To Windows 7 Desktop

Nov 11, 2011

Can't save large file to Windows & desktop. Keeps telling me I don't have room. Is there a setting in Windows 7 that restricts file size on the desktop?

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Loading Windows 7 Onto Large RAID 0 Disk

Nov 30, 2010

I recently upgraded my computer and part of the plan was to use two 2Tb drives in a raid setup for my main windows drive. I see that it only recognises about half of the raid volume and the rest is unallocated space. Is this a general limit on Windows or is there a work around this?

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Windows 7 - How To Move Large Files To External HD

Jan 28, 2012

I have a 30 GB file on my desktop and I want to move it to an external hard drive. In Win 7 it just won't go! Cut/paste, move to, nothing. How can it be done?

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Windows Folder Too Large? Updates Causing This?

Dec 15, 2012

I have noticed that my Windows folder is about 22 gigabytes. I have been getting frequent updates recently, could it be because of those ?

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Windows 7: Corruption In Large File Transfers To USB Drives

Feb 11, 2011

I have moved to Windows 7 Ultimate x64 for almost half a year, recently my hard drive was getting full and I decided to move some of the data to usb external hard drives. Both the externals I have are IDE hard drives and both are NTFS. I always use Quicksfv to make a CRC check file before I transfer the file and then run the CRC check after its been copied over to the external drive. I have used these externals in the past with Windows XP and had no problems.

However, on Windows 7 when transferring large files (usually over 1GB in size), I get corruption in the files. The corruption occurs randomly, if I recopy the files again it might be corruption free. This only occurs when copying files from internal to external, if I copy files from the external to my internal there's no corruption at all. I have tried changing the usb cables, power cable of the externals, using different usb ports but none of it helped. I scanned both externals with chkdsk and I used memtest+ for over 24hours and all the tests passed fine.

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Windows Freezes When Copying Large Files After A Search?

Jan 31, 2013

I have 2 internal-sata hard drives(320 gig. And 2tb.) and 1 external usb/2.0 hard drive (750 gig.). The pc is an old dell gx520 tower with a fresh install of Windows 7 pro. No antivirus, network connection, or firewall enabled. Processor is a Pentium4 running 3 GHz with 1.5 gigs of ram. This is the problem: If I do a search on the 2tb. Drive for all of the jpegs, I have a total of about 84000 pictures. When I select all of the pictures and right click-copy and try to paste to another hard drive the pc will lock up and won't display a copy status window. Windows says it's not responding. Now, if I right click-copy a single folder which has anywhere, from a few files to several hundred gigs. of data in it, using the same 2tb. Drive, it will copy over to another drive just fine. I have tried, changing the swap file from "windows managed" to, up to 20 gig. Thinking the search was maybe having to write to the swap file. This didn't work. I also booted in to safe mode and tried to do the copy from the 2tb. To the 320gig. drive and still no difference. I have tried this with windows copy handler and teracopy. It all has something to do with the fact that I am doing a search for the files before copying them.

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Transferring Large Files Make Windows 7 Slow Down To A Crawl?

Aug 13, 2009

My main HDD is comfigured into two partitions, C: for Windows 7 and D: for data/downloads/etc. Whenever I copying a large file from Partition D: to Partition C: and vise versa, the transfer slows down to a crawl and the HDD activity light on my case stops blinking.

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow While Copying Large Files Between Partitions

May 27, 2009

Everything is so slow e.g. opening of FireFox, opening of Excel, opening of Task Manager etc. While I'm copying 750GB of data from one partition to another partition, why? I'm running Windows 7 x64 7100 on a separate partition and I have a Q6600, 4GB ram and 5 X 1 TB WD Black edition drives...Task Manager is showing 33 running processors, 3 - 5 % CPU usage and 1.35GB of ram usage. Is this a Windows 7 bug? Windows 7 is super fast when I'm not copying/transferring large files between partitions!

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Windows Live Mail Can't Send Email To Large Groups

Aug 10, 2011

I have set up a large group distribution list of about 150 email addresses. I'm certain some are bad. What's happening is that when I try to send to the group the bad email addresses are preventing the message to go through to the good emails.

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Windows 7 Computer Lags When Transferring Large Files Over Network?

Feb 4, 2013

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate with a 6-core AMD processor, 16GB RAM, SSD as primary. Whenever I transfer a large file over the network to another system the mouse and other applications will persistently hang for a second here and there as long as the transfer is in progress. I'm sending 8-10GB files over from the secondary 2TB 5400RPM drive and no resources are showing as maxed out so I don't get it. I'm thinking of trying a 3rd party file transfer solution again, but this still shouldn't be happening with the default.

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Windows 7 64bit Large File Download Slowing System (NOT Bittorret)

Mar 9, 2011

He has a Windows 7 64bit OS with 4GB of ram. He has been downloading a set of 8GB files and almost like clockwork, his entire system starts chugging at about 3GB. He is NOT using a bitttorent. He is using a download accelerator and he has tried a different accelerator to eliminate the possibility that it was the software. He does have comcast, but he says that in the past, he's never had issues with traffic shaping. Also, his SYSTEM is slowing down (anything else he does gets really choppy) not just the download, so we think that indicates it's not just the normal ISP stupidity, it's something wrong on his system side.

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Windows Explorer Crashes With MP4 Files In Large Icons (thumbnails) View

Dec 2, 2010

Whenever I view a folder which contains .MP4 (H264) video files in large icon view (shows thumbnails), Windows 7's Explorer crashes. Explorer loads for a few seconds, the green progress bar shows up, and then boom!, Explorer crashes. The thumbnails are not shown before crashing.I tried setting Folder options to 'Always show icons, never thumbnails' (disables thumbnails) on the same folder with MP4 (H264) video files and Explorer doesn't crash if the MP4 thumbnails aren't shown. I tried testing in other folders containing other video formats (with 'Always show icons, never thumbnails' set to off) like .AVI/Xvid, without an MP4/H264 file, and Windows Explorer shows the thumbnails fine without crashing.

I have not currently experienced problems with other formats, only MP4/H264. The only media players that I have installed are KMPlayer and VLC Media Player which both do not install external codecs, AFAIK. The only external codec I have installed is CoreAVC, but I have been using CoreAVC for months (KMPlayer+CoreAVC is one of the first things I installed in Windows 7) without any problems (this issue just arose a few days ago).I am using Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit.

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Windows 7 64-bit Corrupting Large Files Copied To External NTFS Drives?

Jan 26, 2012

a number of backup copies of large files on external USB-connected NTFS drives differed from the source versions still on my hard drive. I also discovered that I could reproduce the issue with newly-copied files.Here are the specifics of the issue, following a series of experiments:

- On my system, copies of large files, files typically larger than 500MB, are corrupted (altered) roughly 30% of the time when copying them under Windows 7 64-bit to USB-connected NTFS-formatted external drives.

- No error occurs / no error message appears during the copy

- The file size of copy is always identical, whether or not data was altered during the copy process.

- File differences are confirmed via either the command-line "FC" command or a utility such as WinDiff

- The issue impacts copies made via the Windows GUI -OR- via command-line copy or xcopy

- The issue occurs with multiple external USB NTFS-formatted drives, no matter what make or model.

- Subsequent attempts to copy an affected file will ultimately yield an identical copy. This would seem to rule out interference by an external program such as an anti-virus program (and the only AV I am running is Microsoft Security Essentials)

- The USB drives involved pass error checks, and copies made to these drives on other (non Windows 7) systems produce identical copies

- So far, the third party utility "TeraCopy" manages to consistently produce clean copies, and therefore is a temporary workaround. This utility apparently works because it, by default, bypasses the NTFS memory caching operation used by the Windows 7 OS...a caching system which I have so far found no way of disabling.

- The problem does not appear to impact relatively small files (1 to 100MB or so). I have not found any particular threshold, but I have seen the issue impact numerous files in the 500MB neighborhood.

- The problem seems to date at least to the version of Windows 7 that was in release as far back as the Fall of 2010, as I discovered corrupted backup copies of files dating back that far. Again, the files are corrupted with respect to the original copy...NOT with respect to file structure itself.

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Windows 7 64bit Large File Download Slowing System (NOT Bittorret)?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a friend that usually comes to me regarding tech issues and I'm a bit lost on this one. He has a Windows 7 64bit OS with 4GB of ram. He has been downloading a set of 8GB files and almost like clockwork, his entire system starts chugging at about 3GB. He is NOT using a bitttorent. He is using a download accelerator and he has tried a different accelerator to eliminate the possibility that it was the software. He does have comcast, but he says that in the past, he's never had issues with traffic shaping. Also, his SYSTEM is slowing down (anything else he does gets really choppy) not just the download, so we think that indicates it's not just the normal ISP stupidity, it's something wrong on his system side

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Transfer Large Music Collection From Windows Media Player To External Hard Drive?

Jul 9, 2011

I need to know how to transfer my large music collection from Windows media player to my external hard drive?

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How To Get A Large Screen

Dec 31, 2011

<span lang="EN">I have Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9 on my computer. How can I get a large screen up when I click an icon or website without having to click that little box on the upper right of the screen?

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Large Tmp. Files In C?

Jan 25, 2011

I've used disc analyze and it shows 4 tmp files that are 4gb in size and they are in C:$Recycle.Bin and I would like to know what are they and if necessary how can I erase them bay the way my computer feels sluggish and my internet traffic is huge (it shouldn't be) so I was wondering does this has to do with it?

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Burn Large File To CDA?

Nov 13, 2011

Yes, I STILL need to burn to a regular CD as CDA is all that will play in my car. I have an audiobook in one large file & have tried breaking it down into several smaller files for burning. The first file burns just fine, but all subsequent files fail as it claims they're too long for the cd, even tho the size is a miniscule CDA. Older versions of windows used to prompt you for subsequent discs but I can't get any program (Roxio, Ashampoo, Cyberlink) to do so--they all return too large for disc.

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Can't Delete Large Files

Jul 21, 2012

Just about every time I try to permanently delete a large file or folder, either by shift/delete or emptying the recycle bin the operation hangs up.The little window opens and it counts up the size of the file and that it. Nothing else overtly happens. The status bar never starts indicating and the window just sits there with the little green lights chasing each other across it. If I try to cancel or close the window it nothing happens.During the time all this is going on, I can hit ctrl/alt/del and select Task Manager and it simply goes back to the desktop with this window still squatting there doing it's thing. I have pinned TM to the task bar and tried starting it from there but it never starts. Eventually everything just slows to a stop and nothing works which would seem to indicate some kind of memory leak. There are no error messages during any of this.I have to hit reset and restart the computer that way in order to regain control and we all know how bad an idea this is. I've already had my boot sector eaten once causing me to have to do a total rebuild and I'd prefer not to have to do it again.

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