Laptop Won't Turn On After Hibernation During Recovery?
May 28, 2012
I was recovering my laptop to it's factory settings, and during this, I closed the lid which caused it to hibernate mid recovery.When I now lift up the lid and click the power button, it does not switch on, as though it has been drained of power (it hasn't)I have tried putting it on the AC and holding power for 30 seconds.I've tried it without the battery, with and all the possible ways; all resulting in a dead end
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Dec 8, 2012
When I put my computer in hibernation, sometimes when I wake it, it hangs at the user select screen, or it just shows a black screen. Sometimes I can reset the computer after it has hanged, and try again resuming from hibernation, and many times it will work after a couple of tries. Other times after resetting I won't get the prompt to try again with resuming (the other option is to delete hibernation data and reboot the system) but I will get the usual screen that says that Windows was not shut down correctly (with all the options for safe mode, etc). If I cannot resume and I get the screen with safe mode and all the other crap, I finally log in I get a notice that there was a critical error, in the details I see BlueScreen and other data, but I actually never get a blue screen. In the dump folder, there are no dmp files related to the hibernation hanging.
Anyway, when it happens, I see several Event 18 WHEA-Logger in the event viewer, about 6 of them every time.What's weird though, is that I literally have NO problems with this computer other than this. The only times it hangs is when I resume it from hibernation. I can play games or run stress tests with or without overclock and the system is 100% stable. But there is some problem that prevents it from resuming from hibernation correctly, so every time I use it is basically a gamble because it has like 50% chance of working.I tried EVERY SINGLE solution I found with google related to hibernation problems, and it's still there. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows from scratch, and it's still there. I'm positive I updated every single driver for every hardware I have and nope, no solution.I know the WHEA error is related to the hardware but like I said, everything works PERFECTLY once the system starts up properly, or when it resumes from hibernation properly. [code]
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Feb 25, 2012
Today i tried to use Windows Anytime Upgrade but after checkingmy code it said that i need to turn on system recoveryi go to:computer>properties>system protectionand then i get an error saying run system recovery again (0X81000203)then were it says available disks it says searching forever...this is really annoying not only because i cant use Anytime Upgradebut also because system recovery is very good if my systemhas tons of crashes and other problems
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Jun 15, 2011
I've had my HP laptop for going on two years now and it's been acting up. It's mainly in the hibernation field and it started when i turned the start up GUI off (saved me about 15 seconds in start up) and first installed Ubuntu. I've read elsewhere and it said that my drivers need updated, but Windows update AND HP support assistant said that everything's up-to-date. I want to start from hibernation again. Oh, one more thing the screen is just a white dash (_).
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Dec 13, 2012
how an I fix the automatically hibernation of my laptop?
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Dec 2, 2011
I've recently encountered a problem on trying to take my laptop out of Hibernate mode. The machine hibernates normally, but when attempting to resume it will display a black screen with a flashing cursor in the top right-hand corner, then get stuck there. At the moment this is more an irritation than a serious issue as manually turning the machine off and on again at the power button offers me the choice between trying again and deleting the hibernation file's data and rebooting as normal. If I choose the first option the computer will lock in the same place as before; the second option has it booting as normal.
I've tried troubleshooting the problem myself but my limited understanding of how my laptop actually functions means there's only so far I can go by myself. Is there any way I can go about fixing this or will I need to get someone to take a look at it? ETA: I just tried waking the computer from Sleep only to find that it had a similar problem there as well. No flashing cursor, but the screen just went black and the machine wouldn't respond until I turned it off and back on.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have a Samsung Laptop and it was in hibernation mode when it was knocked off of an ottoman and fell about a foot and landed right side up on the floor. When I opened it there was nothing but a black screen with a cursor on it. So I turned it off by holding down the power button and then turned it back on the sumsung start up screen came on and then the screen was black except for a Little flashing white bar on the upper left hand side and then it just stays that way, I have also tried taking out the battery but it did not work. One time it came up with an error saying your computer can't come out of hibernation anything not saved previously will be lost and at the bottom it says enter=continue but when I hit enter nothing happens.
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Jun 4, 2011
I've recently started having the problem that my laptop immediately resumes after I press hibernate. I press the power button (which is configured to Hibernate) or press Hibernate in the shutdown menu, it starts to hibernate like usual, but then as soon as it goes to the Windows 7 screen saying something like "Hibernating...", it goes straight back to working properly, and not hibernating. I have made sure my networking devices are allowed to turn off, and that option for my mouse and trackpad is greyed out.
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May 23, 2011
Earlier today, my laptop wouldn't wake up from hibernation, so i restarted it. I got it started and it said there was a windows error and suggested i boot up as normal. I did that and it was all running fine. But the sound wasn't working! The issue of sound not working has happened before so i just restarted the computer (because that has fixed the problem in the past). It started the boot up as normal and almost made it to the log in screen, but wouldn't pass the black screen before the log in. I thought that was very odd so i restarted it after waiting about ten minutes of nothing happening. It then started up with the suggestion to run the start up repair program. I highlighted that and hit enter. it started up, went to a black screen, then after about 3 or 4 minutes, loaded what looked like a blueish wallpaper. it didn't do anything after that for about 15 minutes, then it loaded the repair program. I ran that for 40 minutes but it didn't appear to do anything so i hit cancel. It then gave me the option to do a system restore, which i did. I restored my system to about 2 weeks ago, seeing as i didn't have any problems 2 weeks ago. It restarted and booted up, this time staying on the black screen for about 3 minutes, then going to the log in. It logged in perfectly fine, but there's still no sound. I tried opening the troubleshooter, but it won't open. For some reason, Google chrome works fine, and task manager does too, but some programs won't open. It's like, they try to open, and the task manager says they're running, but they won't appear on screen. Programs like, Steam client, iTunes, System recovery. Those were three different ones that i tried and didn't work. It appears to be quite random. I tried running Boost speed to see if it could diagnose a problem, but it said that it couldn't connect to the drives. I ran my antivirus software to see if it was a virus causing the problem, but it came up with the same error! I really am at a loss for what's going on! This laptop is only 5 or 6 months old. The drives shouldn't be failing already. [code]
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Dec 21, 2011
when i did the powercfg -LASTWAKE, it didn't show the wake source, same thing in event viewer, how do i know what's causing this?
Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0
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Feb 11, 2013
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post laptop HP ProBook 4540s..i just bought it...i make it to go to stanby mode..but when i press the ON button..from the lights I see the laptop is ON..i hear windows sounds..but I don't see any picture..if I'm not mistaken it happens with both standby and hibernation modes
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Feb 12, 2012
I just had a scary experience with my Toshiba A665-S6095 laptop. I had it running this morning and closed the lid, which hibernates it. About 3pm, I opened the lid and hit the power button, whereupon it gave me the "Windows did not close properly.. ." message. What? How? All I did was close the lid.So anyway, I choose "Start Windows normally". Get blank screen with cursor blinking in upper left corner, but Windows does not boot. Disconnect power cord and removed battery. Waited 10 minutes. Put battery back in, inserted power cord. Turned on. When BIOS icon appeared, hit F2 to enter BIOS. Checked everything; all A-OK.
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Sep 9, 2012
this morning I woke up to find my laptop was active and I was worried it might overheat now the past few days it has been doing and I did some research, and I am wondering should I make it so that tasks can't wake the machine up?
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Jan 15, 2013
Yesterday I just experienced something weird from my laptop. It became a lot faster after about 4 or 5 times series of hibernation. My laptop is the old Acer Aspire 4530 with proc. AMD Turion X2, Win 7 32-bit, Nvidia GeForce 9100mG, and 3GBs of RAM.
Yesterday I never turned my laptop off during all day. I just hibernate it after 2 or 3 hours, turn it on again, then hibernate, turn on, and so on, starting in the morning until evening. This action repeated about 5 times so I did total of 5 times of hibernation, then at night when I played game in my laptop it just became alot faster. This never happened before.
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Oct 19, 2011
Freeze/crash after hibernation - Acer 5515 laptop
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Jul 2, 2012
This is an acer aspire laptop that is stuck in hibernation/sleep mode. It has windows 7, the power light blinks, no response whatsoever to windows key or any other keys including ctrl alt del. I have checked without memory and hard drive and have the same results. It will power off but will not get out of hibernation mode while it is turned on.
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Sep 17, 2010
How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?
I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.
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Jan 14, 2013
my laptop turns on then if i go on to windows needs repairing, my laptop will now go on loading then it just goes to a BLACK SCREEN
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Nov 26, 2011
i have an emachine e528 laptop with a crack in the monitor. Everything else works fine so i just need to know how to shut off the backlight so i can hookup external monitor to keep using it.It was the 199.00 laptop from walmart last black friday.i tried google and emachine website and could not find an answer.I know usally it is a combo of a couple keys pressed at the same time.
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Oct 29, 2009
I just upgraded (via Customer Install) my Vista laptop to 64-bit Windows 7 HP.
Under Vista, I was able to set Power Options so that the computer would go to sleep/hibernate when I close the lid. That works in Windows 7.
However, I was also able to set the Power Options so that the laptop would wake up and restore Windows when I opened the lid. So far, I have been unable to set that behavior in Windows 7.
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May 17, 2011
just need to know how to turn on my camera laptop
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Oct 9, 2011
My laptop will not turn on fully, the power comes on then immidately goes out why? what do i need to do what what might be the cuase of this?
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Oct 24, 2011
i bought a 2007 model hp nc6220 with windows 7. I have been unable to turn on my wifi. I've tried everything. nothing works. The wifi button, fn and f2 buttons, nothing. No lights, no nothing. My wireless connection to my printer works. Can't connect to my router.
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Jan 30, 2012
i recieved a new vaio for christmas, i been using it for about a month and it wont turn on even though the charger is in and it says its charging. The num lock and caps lock comes up as green but screen is not working. last thing i played on it is minecraft if that helps
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Mar 5, 2012
For 3 days now my laptop doesnt want to turn off, i've just been putting it to sleep.
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May 6, 2012
I cant shut down my acer laptop windows 7
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Jun 5, 2012
i dont know much about computers but when ever i turn on my laptop, it shuts down after about 3 seconds, it doesnt even show the boot up page, im using some one elses laptop to type this
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Oct 20, 2012
Don't know what happened, wifi was always on -- my lan went off, so I put on, my hot spot on my cell phone, and noticed my wifi has an orange light, and messages say my wifi is off. I cannot get it to turn back on.
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Dec 28, 2012
I am at a frieds house and he has wifi. How do I connect my laptop to have access to wifi
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Jan 19, 2013
acer laptop won't turn off
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Oct 1, 2012
Is there any way to turn off scrolling with a laptop mouse? I have a new laptop and the dang scrolling is really irritating. It's WAY to sensitive, and the scroll area is not all the way to the side like my laptop was. Every time I touch this mouse pad I end up scrolling halfway down the page.
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