Laptop Restarts On Windows Startup?

Jun 28, 2011

my laptop is restarting itself on windows (7, 64-bit) start up. Sometimes it manages to fully load up but then within 10 minutes it will suddenly restart.I can load safe mode with no issues and even after running it for a period of time it does not seem to shut down. I tried starting it up only the basic microsoft startup services but it still crashed.I've run chkdsk, startup repair and some hardware memory diagnostic thing and they all came back fine.Laptop has been in to get serviced and they told me they found nothing wrong with it and sent it back. I start it up and within 5 seconds of it trying to load windows it restarts. also, I've tried to reinstall windows but it freezes during installation.

Here are some system specs:

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
System Manufacturer: Toshiba
System Model: Satellite A300
Processer: Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 @2.40ghz
Memory: 4GB RAM

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Windows 7 Restarts Itself On Startup

May 19, 2011

I'm not exactly sure why, but for some reason windows 7 (ultimate) will automatically restart itself upon load up. The computer is about 8 or 9 months old, every part in it is that old except a much older 200 gig harddrive. ( Intel i7-930, Radeon 5770, 6 gigs Patriot DDR3 Ram, Sabertooth mobo ) So yeah, safe mode works just fine, no other f-8 option works however. And for some reason, all of my system restores have been deleted. So I have no previous system restore date to revert back too. Safe mode is the only mode I can get the computer to run on. I've tried the MSconfig route and turned off all my programs ( except those required by microsoft ) and managed a successfull boot that way, but then however my internet doesn't work, my sound, or even video. So I'm at a loss and not particularly sure what to do.

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Computer Stalls At Startup(windows 7 Loadin Logo/screen) Then Restarts?

Jun 17, 2012

My computer specs:[CODE]I installed windows 7 ultimate 64bit on the hard drive with a different computer. But when I connect it to this, it freezes and stalls at the windows 7 loading/logo screen, and restarts.It is frusrating because i cannot use the computer

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Computer Won't Boot - Failed To Do Startup Repair And Restarts

Feb 19, 2012

Basically the issue is that my computer won't boot. I have had it for just over a year and have never had any issues with it. It's protected and isn't used for anything dodgy, my brother uses it for SWTOR and I use it mostly for uni work and a bit of gaming here and there. Anyway out of nowhere it failed to start. Its done this once before and last time I just told it start Windows normally and everything was fine. This time not so much.

It loads up Startup Repair even if I select start Windows normally as it fails to do so and restarts itself automatically. I left it to detect errors but when I checked it a few hours later it still said searching so I cancelled and left it. I tried again yesterday and have left it on for approximately 25 hours to no avail, it still says searching! I have a lot of stuff I haven't backed up so I want to save it. Also note that there are no pieces of hardware plugged into the machine at all, only the mouse, keyboard and monitor.

Basic Info :-
Windows 7 x64
8 GB Ram
NVIDIA G Force 950

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Laptop Will Not Shut Down Only Restarts

Sep 9, 2012

I have had my laptop (Dell Inspiron N7110) for less than a year, and everything has always run smoothly. I performed a format of my hard drive yesterday and installed a clean copy of Windows 7 Home Premium. Everything went fine with the format process, so I didn't think anything was amiss until I tried to shut down the laptop before going to bed. And that's when I discovered that it won't shut down, unless I physically hold down the power button (which I don't like doing, for obvious reasons.) If I choose the "Shut Down" option from the Start menu, the laptop goes through the "Shutting down..." process perfectly fine, but the laptop boots up again immediately upon turning off. So it's like instead of shutting down, the system just does a restart. Which is fine for some things, but I do eventually want to shut down my laptop (I don't like leaving it on overnight in case there's an electrical storm, for example.)

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Laptop Restarts On Shutdown?

Apr 1, 2012

My laptop PC restarts on shut down

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Laptop Had Been Checking Disk For Consistency Every Startup / Now Won't Startup At All

Feb 11, 2011

My hp dv3t has been giving a message about checking a disk for consistency every time I reboot(ed) for about a week now, but today it froze after the countdown reaches zero (for bypassing the procedure)�nothing I do can get it past this step. What do I do? I tried booting from Safe Mode, it listed a bunch of drivers but then froze.I'm using W7 64-bit Home Premium.

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Laptop Restarts Itself Whenever Try To Play Music.

Feb 2, 2011

Every time I start playing music (VLC) my laptop restarts. I have been experiencing this for more than a month. Tried reinstalling drivers and even Win7 but nothing seems to help. Previously it used to give me a BSOD restart but since the last time I reinstalled Win7 after formatting the laptop it just restarts and asks me whether I want to start windows in safe mode or normally. This is really disastrous since I am used to continuous music.

Windows 7 Ultimate
Toshiba L310 notebook
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.00Ghz
4 Gb Ram

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ASUS Laptop Restarts Instead Of Shutting Down

Jul 16, 2012

My new ASUS laptop will not shut down. I saw a thread a couple of days ago where a Richc46 said to try disconnecting the internet connection and then trying to shut down and if that worked he knew how to fix it. However, the thread ended there. I tried this and disconnecting the internet connection worked.I think Richc46 said it was something to do with the device manager, but I may be remembering that wrong. All of the other shut down menu options work (hibernate, sleep, restart, etc), it just won't shut down and restarts instead.I had tried the disconnection of the internet and it worked and successfully shut down ONCE. I just tried it again and it is restarting like it had been, so it's not as easy as just stopping the internet connection.

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Laptop Restarts When Pressing Shut Down Button?

Sep 5, 2012

I have a DELL XPS 17 Laptop. Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Recently my laptop has been restarting itself when I shut it down. It would shut down normally but after 1 second, it turns on by itself. I've checked "events" and I have "Event 41 : Kernal Power".

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Laptop Restarts 50% Of Time When Power Cord Comes Out

Feb 25, 2012

I have had this issue for a while with my Dell Studio XPS 1645 laptop. It is a guess, but i'd say 5/10 times the power cord comes out of the laptop (for whatever reason - moving it etc) then the laptop will simply black screen and instantly restart and boot up again without an error message or any information as to why. This doesn't make any sense to me because every time I do have the battery pack inserted into the laptop and over 30% battery life (this is when ill plug the charger in).

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Random Restarts On Laptop Will Cause Any Damage / Harm?

Feb 3, 2013

I would like to ask can this do damage to the laptop/Hard drive if restarted for 6 times in 2 days since I have factory restored laptop + installing loads of window updates.

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After Booting There Appears A Blue Screen And Laptop Restarts?

Apr 6, 2011

this started a few days ago(when i inserted a memory card). Now Wn i start my compaq presario CQ 40- 732 tu. Aftr booting there appears a blue screen and my laptop restarts and i had to work in SAFE MODE which is really annoying. I had tried system restore but there appears no restore points and neither a new restore point is created.he details being there are as.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem signature . . . Problem event name= Blue Screen o s version =6.1.7600. id =16393 additional information B.C CODE =10000001 BCP1 =10000004, BCP2 =10000002, BCP3 =00000000, BCP4 =8B63BB02.

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Starting Laptop, And Auto-restarts When Desktop Is Reached?

Jan 12, 2012

I have problems (hardware/software)when starting my laptop (Presario F700) AND after getting to my desktop.When I start my computer, there are three things that can happen:1) It will stay at the "Compaq" screen for a while (like three long minutes) then go to my desktop.2) It will go passed the "Compaq" screen and stay at a black screen with a blinking dash (again for about three minutes) then go to my desktop.3) Or it will go passed the "Compaq" screen, stay at the black screen with blinking dash but then it will eventually say "The Operating System was not found"This is the least of my worries though, when I get to my desktop, after about three minutes, it will automatically restart.I am able to stay on safe mode without it restarting.Another problem I am having is when I try to open a program like Notepad or Command prompt (and probably more) I get this message: "The item '***' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly"

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Laptop Not Going Past Lenovo Welcome Screen - Restarts In Loop

Jan 8, 2013

My laptop lenovo z580 i5 3gen 4gb ram. My problem is when I start my laptop it come lenovo and same agin and agin it dosent start. If I shut it down and start it after 2min it starts. [URL]

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Laptop Keeps Freezing And Won't Startup Windows 7?

Apr 21, 2010

Im having a few problems with my laptop, its an Acer Aspire 5735 and have not long put windows 7 32 bit onto it, it has been working fine for about a week or 2 now and last night i turned it on and it would not start up at all.I have tried starting it up normally but that fails to work, it gets to Starting Windows and just freezes there, nothing happens at all. Also i have tried the Windows Startup Repair (recommended) and that fails to work as well it just gets to microsoft corporation and just freezes there aswell, i have tried booting up from the CD but that fails as well, it gets to loading windows files then freezes at the end again

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Why Laptop Windows 7 Startup Is Slow

Oct 26, 2011

I want to know why my laptop startup is so slow.It takes approximately 7 or 10 minutes to start.But after 10min all programs work well.

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Which Programs Not Required At Startup On Windows 7 Laptop

Aug 20, 2012

Windows 7 Labtop, 64 bit. Doing a bit of cleaning and noticed all the programs opening on start-up, which do I actually need?

Realtek HD Audo Manager By Realtek
SemiConductorMyWinLocker By Egis Technlogy
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver By Synaptics
IncorporatedDefaultSettingEXE Application
UnkownPower Management
Acer IncorporatedMyWinLocker Suite
Egis Technologies IncEgisTec In-Product Service
Egis Technologies IncEgisTec In-Product Service
Egis Technologies IncAcer Backup manager
NewTech Infosystems, INCCatalyst Control center
Advanced Micro Devices,Inclaunch Manager
Dritek Systems IncHF_G_Jul
UnknownVprotect Application
AlcorIntel(R) common user interface
Intel corporationIntel(R) common user interface
Intel corporationIntel(R) common user interface
Intel corporation

Some programs in my log are there multiple times.

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Windows 7 On Laptop Is Running Slow On Startup?

Aug 12, 2011

i have a laptop with windows 7 and its become really upon startup, in particular when i click on the mozilla icon.... take foreva. From what i read thus far, i need to switch off programmes that are running on start up but not sure which ones to switch off

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BSOD On Windows 7 64bit Startup On Both Laptop And Desktop?

Mar 27, 2012

I have been getting the blue screen of death on my win 7 Dell desktop for about 2 weeks. I managed to back up all of my files onto an external hard drive , but then today started getting the same BSOD when starting up my toshiba win 7 home premium 64 bit notebook.

Since the BSOD on my desktop , I am unable to connect to the internet as it no longer recognises the wifi card in the PCI slot. So I will continue with the information from my notebook.

My system specs are:

Manufacturer: Toshiba
Model: Satellite L-650
Processor: AMD Phenom II P820 Triple-core 1.80 GHz


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Laptop Stuck On Windows Logo Screen In Startup

Jan 1, 2013

i recently install new updates on my laptop , after downloading and installing and asking me to restart my computer ,i did choose to restart now . After booting up again it is now stuck on windows 7 logo screen on startup. I tried booting up on safe mode and last known good config. but it didn't work. Also tried to use windows installation disk but it doesn't work either it just keep loading on "setup is starting" also tried "repair my computer" option but it just show me just a plain black screen

i had a Toshiba satellite laptop l745d with a6 vision AMD graphic card,windows 7 ultimate x64 os , 4gb of ram quadcore

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Samsung Laptop Freezes On Windows 7 Startup Screen

Nov 29, 2012

I just picked up a used Samsung Series 3 Laptop and had an issue with the keyboard not working properly. While reinstalling some drivers the computer re-started itself and then proceeded to freeze on the "starting windows" screen. I tried to run the windows repair option, it boots into a green background which says'please wait'...well I waited and waited and nothing happened so I kept retrying it. Eventually I left this on for a half hour or so and it actually finally went into the windows repair option!

I chose to re install windows from the partition and thought everything was fine, it went through the downloading and installing of those files and restarted, froze on the 'Starting windows" screen. I left it there for 40 mins plus, thinking maybe it just needed time, the only thing it did was reset itself after 30 or so minutes and froze again. I tried going into Bios and resetting the defaults, I don't even care about the keyboard not working anymore, I just want to get the computer functioning again!

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Laptop Wont Run Past Windows Startup Screen?

Jan 2, 2013

my laptop wont run past the start up screen! it freezes and then goes black. or if it restarts it goes to either lauch startup repair or safe mode. I have tried system restore, repair best last configuration. none have made a difference i am running it through safe mode at the moment as that is the only thing i can get on..i have no idea what else i can do!

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Laptop Wont Startup Windows 7 White Dash Blinking

Mar 10, 2012

I have several hours working on laptop that suddenly wont startup OS win 7. When I turn on laptop shows HP main logo (Press "ESC" key to enter start up menu) and after that shows a white dash flashing on the top left corner. I tried system repair disc, but it didnt work. I tried to restore system to an earlier point and didnt work either, it showed an error (0x8000ffff). I tried to restore to factory settings using F11 key but it only shows the white blinking. I already tried everything I found on the internet but no success.

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Gateway Laptop Windows 7 Unbootable, Startup Repair Loop

Nov 1, 2012

So I've got a gateway laptop here that one day was booted up and went to a boot menu screen stating there were errors with the option to launch startup repair. After doing so there has been no sucess, after a looooong process of checking for errors, it says it's unrepairable, says to exit/reboot and goes back to the same screens.

I've tried with a Windows 7 disc in there (vs using the recovery option built into the laptop) and still no success. I've tried restore to an earlier restore point with no success. I've tried to get into safe mode with no success and I've tried the 'last known good configuration' option with no success either!

I booted using 'spinrite' to do a deep check of the HD itself. It gets about 6-7% in and than suddenly completely shuts off! Powers off as if someone yanked the plug. The Cpu area and heatpipes underneath are VERY hot after this point so I suspect it's an overheat protection kicking in, but why it's overheating while running spinrite I can't figure out.

So I removed the HD and have connected it to my PC. It was accessible, could see the win and system folders etc. I right clicked the drive from my PC now and ran 'tools' error-checking. It makes some progress while counting sectors but eventually gets to a certain sector number and hangs there with no further progress of the error check.

At this point I'm planning to just yank any important files off of it (since it's still accessible when plugged into my PC) and reformatting/reinstalling Windows 7 but I am curious, these symptoms, are they synonymous with an imminent drive failure, or is it just a corrupt system?

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Windows 7 Installation Failure On Toshiba Laptop - Run Startup Repair

May 19, 2011

Toshiba laptop
Win7 home premium 64-bit
3gb RAM
freshly formatted hard drive
original media from Toshiba with win7

I am trying to completely wipe this laptop off and start fresh. The recovery partition has been removed as part of my search for a resolution for the problem. When I try to install windows 7 on this machine I start by selecting to format the entire hard drive. It completes this and then starts the installation of windows 7. It take a very long time for windows to unpack the files and copy them to disc. After about an hour and a half it starts asking me for the User name/location/time settings, etc.

After that it reboots to startup windows for the first time. It immediately tells me that windows cannot start and startup repair will need to be run or I can select to ignore this and try to start normally. Either option yields no improvement. After working with each of those options I just decided to reformat the drive and start the install again. Even after the drive was wiped and fully formatted I get the same error once the windows installation finishes.

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HP Laptop Freezing During Startup?

Jan 19, 2012

I've had issues with this thing for awhile but for the sake of the forum I'l stick to my current issue.Upon startup, everything works fine. I put in my login password and Windows begins to load. While Windows is loading it just reezes. The only thing I can say is it freezes after most of the applications load but it's still searching for networks. Straight freezenothing works. However, and this was weird, out of the 4 or 5 times it froze last night, one of the times I was still able to move the mouse. Nothing else worked though.My drivers should be up to date. I do check them and update them as needed.I do regular checks for viruses and spyware. I use free programs that are updated regularly.I "clean up" my system on somewhat regular basis.I defragment the hard drive on a somewhat regular basis.I clean my registry regularly.I deleted the programs that start up with the computer that I don't need. Winamp, my spyware scanner, and this clean-your-PC program I downloaded (see below) no result I recently got suckered into one of those clean your PC programs that cost like 20 bucks. That's the only major program I've downloaded recently. I did a system restore to before I downloaded that and the same problem occurred.The computer works fine in safe mode. Even "with networking" it connects to the internet just fine.I did just realize I didn't do a virus scan in safe mode last night, I'll do that when I get home tonight. But if you guys know a good free virus scanner to use let me know, otherwise I'll follow up if the virus scan fixes it.

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Laptop Flashes On Startup?

Feb 17, 2012

when i turn my laptop on, all i get is the gateway logo flashing and the option to hit F2...what can i do to get it going?

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Laptop Freezes On Startup?

Jun 3, 2012

I have a MSI CX623, and it was working fine a couple of days ago, now when I try to log on it freezes and that cup icon light goes off. I tried restoring the computer to three times, but it still freezes

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Laptop Powers Off At Startup?

Nov 5, 2011

On startup, power comes on, the hard disc runs and the system starts to boot but after 10 or 15 seconds the system powers off. This is a sudden and repeatable event, the screen sometimes getting into 'startup repair', but always powering off before any Recovery. After removal of the harddisk, memory slots and video card, I can poweron continuously and the main fan runs ok. A second fan (video chip?) does not run. Replacement of the hdd and memory is ok but as soon as the video card is re-installed the system returns to powering off after 10/15 seconds. The video card is an nvidia gtx go 7900/7950 and I don't want follow an expensive path of unit replacement- the laptop is 4 years old, a Rock Xtreme CTX Pro (a Clevo generic laptop with a Hannstar J MV-4 motherboard.

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Laptop Freezes While Startup

Feb 21, 2012

My sons laptop freezes part way through start up, shortly after windows logo has appeared, remains like this for few minutes befor shutting down. Have tried safeboot and starts until file windowssystem32DRIVERAtiPcie64.sys is reached when it freezes again. I've found some software called Farbar Recovery Scan Tool which has given me a large text file.

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