Is It Possible To Change System Hardware Mac

Mar 12, 2011

Is it possible to change your system/hardware (network card) mac? all hardware come with its own unique mac but I was just wondering whether or not its possible to change it without causing a problem? also if not, what network card would people recommend.. no wireless added feature needed, just a stand alone ethernet card.

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Change The Name Of System?

Apr 4, 2011

I recently purchased a new computer and my son registered it or did something under my name after building it. I tried changing the username and the computer name but it still shows files with my name attached to them. Call me over protective but I was taught when I first started using computers that you should not have your name attached to them. I don't want someone hacking into my computer and knowing anything about me. It pains me to see my name right in front of my face knowing someone could use it in some way.When I search my name in the search box it brings up a folder with a Lock on it. Inside the folder is a group of folders. These folders say things such as contacts, desktop, downloads, favorites, links, my documents, my music, my pictures, my videos, saved games, searches

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Should Change From 32-bit To 64-bit System

Aug 2, 2012

I'm going to format my pc and I was wondering if I should change from 32-bit to 64-bit system. My pc specs are Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6300 @ 2.80GHz, 4GB RAM, Radeon HD 7770. Should I change to 64-bit or leave it the way it is?

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How To Change System Driver From D: To C:

Feb 4, 2012

My harddisk has 4 partitions

1st - bootloader
2nd - win7
3rd - win7 ghost image from 2nd win7 (logical disk)
4th - recovery

After using easybcd to add 3rd partition win7 and boot in I find that the system drive for this win7 is D: & using user profile in C:and basically if i install a new win7 on 3rd partition and boot the system drive in it still display c:so now i would like to change the system drive from d: to c:, i tried in windows management but it displays parameter errors, is there any way to do that?

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How To Change System Language

Jun 4, 2012

My systrem language is in turkish and i want to change to english.

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How To Change System Administrator

Aug 1, 2012

Why am I not the system administrator on my computer? How do I fix this? I am trying to run sfc /scannow in the command prompt, but it won't let me because it says I'm not the system administrator.

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How To Change System Type From 32 Bit To 64 Bit

Jan 9, 2013

My laptop is 64 bit system type now it is showing 32 bit only. How to change from 32 bit to 64 bit.

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How Do I Change The System Partition ?

Nov 26, 2009

I want to be able to safely remove the D: partition in the image linked above. I can tell that I will need to change the Z: partition into the System partition to do so, but I cannot find out how.

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Windows 7 Change All System's Language

Jan 22, 2011

i would like to know how can i completly change my windows 7 language and not only keyboard language for example saying υπολογιστης (greek) than computer than control panel and all messages errors warnings all in can i do that?

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How To Change System Font In Windows 7

Sep 12, 2011

I want to change the default system font for my Windows 7 to Calibri? How do I go about doing that?

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Change Windows System Shortcut Key?

Feb 7, 2011

is that possible to change windows system shortcut key? the shortcut is somethings like this can i change to another shortcut like open a program or open another file/folder that i like? Windows Key: will open the Start menu Windows Key+Break: will display the System Properties dialogue box Windows Key+D: will minimize the windows to show the Desktop Windows Key+E: will open Internet Explorer Windows Key+F: will open the Search option for files and folders Windows Key+F+CTRL: will open Search option for computer Windows Key+F1: will display Help/Assistance option Windows Key+L: will lock your Desktop Windows Key+M: will minimize or restore all windows Windows Key+R: will open the RUN option Windows Key+TAB: will switch between open items Windows Key+U: will open Utility Manager ALT+ Hyphen: will display the Multiple Document Interface child window�(TM)s System menu ALT+ ENTER: will view the properties for the selected object ALT+ ESC: will cycle through the items in the order that they were opened ALT+ F4: will close all the window that is open ALT+ SPACEBAR: will display the System menu ALT+TAB: switch from one open program to another on your taskbar. F1: used to request help/assistance SHIFT: If you press and hold down the SHIFT key while inserting a CD-ROM it will skip the automatic-run feature SHIFT+DELETE: will delete the file permanently CTRL+ESC: will open the Start Menu

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Cannot Change System Icons Setting

Jan 15, 2013

So i installed windows 8 transformation pack, and then window update to service pack 1 now my volumn network action center etc cannot be accessed. Sorry for crappy grammar, typing this from an ipad as i am currently restoring back.

Uh, i tried the solution of group policy editing and got a error message with three choice about mmc. i tried sfc scan and it get disrupted at 14 percent and said that the scan cannot be completed. I tried deleting hideScanetwork and rebooted but it doesnt work. I tried editing the dword 00000000 for hidesca but it doesnt work.

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System Partition Letter Change

Jun 2, 2009

The system:

Drive 1: vista boot loader, vista32, two partitions (vista on C, some stuff on D), both NTFS

drive 2: broken grub loader (never mind actually), one ntfs partition with some porn, games, and other usual stuff . named E.

so then, i copy the 7100 x64 distr into my flash drive, boot it, and install our beloved 7even into the drive 2. it does not ask me anything, write its boot loader to drive 1, lets me choose which OS to boot into each time... perfect. BUT(T):

7even named her own partition C, while drive 1 partitions became D and E. i swapped last two easily, using 7even's disk management utility. that's 1 of 3 and that's not enough. i really want 7even's partition to have the same letter as in vista. i even googled it, and didn't find any answers.

7even is still unconfigured, so it would not be a problem to reinstall it. even more, if it's really necesarry, i can move all of drive 1's data somewhere else, so i can format it.

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Can Change The Location Of System Restore

Oct 29, 2011

I read that system restore hurts the performance of your SSD (as well as takes up valuable space), however I still would like the feature as I am constantly tweaking and don't want to lose everything.I have a 64 gig boot drive ssd and a 1 tb HDD. Can I disable my system restore on the SSD and create a system restore on my HDD where space is a non issue?

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350GB - Change The D: Not To Be An Operating System

Apr 7, 2012

I have a disk (350GB) which is partitioned into 3 = 1 is just the mft files no drive allocated, c: is my operating system and d: was the operating system. I need to change C: to boot now rather than my d:. When i start up. When I start up my machine, I have to press f1 to get started then 2 win 7 shows up. I have to move the arrow down to select the second to boot up, how do I change it, please could you help. Also is there a way to change the D: not to be an operating system.

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How To Change Operating System On Laptop

Sep 8, 2012

I have a laptop compaq CQ40 installed windows7. but i want to install windows XP instead of windows 7.

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Change The Network Icon In The System Tray?

Jun 17, 2012

I currently have the "window screen with the power plug."

I would like to change it to the Wi-fi icon (the three bars).

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Cannot Change User Password In System Recovery

Jun 14, 2011

I'm working on a Windows 7 laptop for which the user has forgotten the password. So, putting my windows 7 DVD in, I boot into System Recovery and go to a command window. I try to change the user password for "User X" as it displays at login, and the system kindly informs me "User X" doesn't exist.

Using net user, I see that the only two users that exist are "Administrator" and "Guest". So, I activate administrator using "net user administrator /activate:yes". Then I change the password of administrator.

Rebooting into safe mode, I find "User X" and "Guest" still my only options. I try the password I set for administrator (since User X doesn't exist), but that doesn't work.

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Change The Voice In Speech Recognition System?

Sep 14, 2011

Iron Man has like this super computer interface system that monitors his suit, home, life, work. Pretty much a life assistant.What I want is to change the voice in my Speech Recognition System to that British accent J.A.R.V.I.S. (Iron Man's super computer) had in the movie.Moreover, When I say " Open notepad". I want the computer to open notepad and reply by saying "Opening notepad".Is that possible in any way or means?

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System Administrator Permissions / Users Name Can't Change

Jan 9, 2012

Basically my cousin accidentally thought my new computer was his.. and he set it up all in his name and what not (lets go with the name STEVE).. I basically have changed the names of the login Everytime I goto Network..then click on BOB (let's just say that's my name), I see two things listed. Under Users.MY stupid cousin's name (STEVE) and then "public." When I try and change the folder's name to MY name (Bob), I always get this message:You need permission to perform this action You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder.I've already gone to control panel, User Accounts, changed the name to BOB and made it the Administrator.

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Change Dynamic System Partition To Basic?

Aug 13, 2012

i got only one disk and all of the partitions are dynamic i have low space on the system files partition so i decided to extend the partition i deleted a partition and had an unallocated space but i couldnt extend the the system partition i tried to install windows but it couldnt install on a dynamic disk

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How To Change System Font Color On Windows 7

Oct 18, 2012

How do I change font to Black? The fonts on all the Windows 7 windows, titles, information screens, are all some kind of washed out blue or gray. Almost impossible to read! How do I get just plain Black text?

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Change The Type Of Discs System Files?

Jan 2, 2013

[SIZE=5]I can not change the type of disk files [SIZE=5]D[SIZE=5

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Editing Registry - How To Change Name In Windows 7 System

Jul 14, 2011

How can I change a name in Win7 system's registry?

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How To Change Operating System Of Laptop From XP To Windows 7

Oct 10, 2011

How to change a operating system from my DELL Vostro.Presently I am using windows XP and I would love to change it to windows 7

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Change Windows 7 System Type From 32bits To 64 Bits?

Jul 20, 2011

I format my laptop and install window7, but forget to choose 64bit operating system.Is that possible to change it without re-install the window?

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Windows 7 Set System Policy To Force Password Change?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set system policy to force password change. It is my understanding that Windows 7 group policy editor is not availible with Windows 7 basic or Home Perimum. This being the case does this mean that there is no way to change policy these to versions or just that the policy editor itself is not available.

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Change System Protection Disk Usage In Window 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to adjust the disk usage used by System Protection, also known as System Restore in the earlier version of Windows.

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Possible To Change External HD File System From NTFS To FAT32?

Nov 4, 2011

I am using windows 7 65 bit sp1, I have a number of films on pc of granddaughter and to save putting them onto DVD I have put them onto an external HD which is NTFS, I have tried to link it up to my freesat box which has a usb port, TV hasn't, unfortunately the box wont accept the NTFS sile system, have tried changing to exFAT, again this isn't accepted, tried friends ex HD which is FAT, (FAT32)? and this works, can I change my ex HD to then old FAT system?

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Recent Change To System - Can't Re-position Desktop Icons + More

Jul 18, 2012

A few days ago (16th July 2012) the Resident Shield of my AVG Internet Security 2012 reported an issue with the 'Services.exe' file located in C:WindowsSystem32 - specifically stating 'Trojan horse dropper.Generic_c.MMI' and saying that the 'Object is white-listed (critical/system file that should not be removed'.

I use the following command in the cmd box: "sfc /scanfile=c:windowssystem32services.exe". After doing this I had no more problems reported with services.exe.

Problem 1:However, now, my desktop icon arrangement has reset and grouped to the left side of the screen. I can re-position each icon however, upon reboot or the desktop Refresh command all Icons return to the left - to exactly the same position. Auto arrange icons is turned off and align to grid can be turned off however, it keeps turning itself on upon reboot.Icon re-positioning was always retained previously - this problem has only just appeared.

Problem 2:Upon double-clicking the desktop Computer icon I am now unable to permanently set the view from 'Tiles' to 'Details' (I can, temporarily) - this was never the case until the issue above (i.e. all explorer/folder views were permanently set to detail via 'folder options/view/apply folders').So, something has changed very recently. I've ran full scans using avg (virus,tracking and rootkit), malewarebytes mbam, spybot but the problem persists. I've re-checked system files using 'sfc /verifyonly' and no 'integrity violations' were found.

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How To Change System Attribute For All Folders Using Command Prompt

Feb 25, 2012

I work at a school as Computer Applications Technology teacher.The students bring homework to school on their flashdrives, and though we have good antivirus software at school, the viruses on their home PC's will often do considerable damage to the data on their flashdrives.One of the most common problems we have is some virus that sets the "system" attribute on all folders, effectively hiding them, and then creating shortcuts named after those folders, inviting people to double-click them, thereby effectively installing the virus locally (though our antivirus blocks it). So the problem is that those folders (with their homework) can only be revealed by going into "Folder Options" and selecting "Show hidden files and folders" and removing the option to "Hide protected operating system files". This is a big breach in security.So I usually have to change those settings, run the Attrib command in the command line to change all the folders, and then re-enable the settings.All of this takes up valuable time.What I would like to know is, is there a way to give the attrib command once, thereby changing the attributes on all folders on a specific flashdrive? I played around with the /S /D and *.* settings, but couldn't accomplish anything.

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