Installing Windows Xp On A System With Windows 7 (Separate HD)

Jun 3, 2010

Windows 7 Home premium pre installed on system when purchased (SATA0). I put in a new hard drive (SATA1). What i want to do is install windows XP home edition on the HD that i just installed. When i restart and boot from disk the windows installer shows up and gives me an error message that says check drive F: (New HD) for errors, Viruses etc. which i have done over and over and still nothing. I have searched more threads than i can count and have found problems similar but have tried to do what others did to correct with no luck.

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Installing Windows 7 On 2 Separate Drives?

May 19, 2010

I have 5 hard drives in my system and I have installed windows 7 x64 on 2 separate drives and done this within windows. However a few times it booted okay but then started hanging on the post where it states verifying DMI pool data. Subsequently I tried everything to repair as I thought that the MBR was probably corrupted.

I have installed windows separately now on each drive by disconnecting all drives except the one that I am installing and then shut that down, disconnected it and connected the next and installed a fresh copy there to.

I am concerned that windows will corrupt the MBR again when I connect the drives one by one. I am not overly optimistic about windows boot manager and its reliability.

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Installing Windows 7 And XP On Separate Drives

Nov 23, 2011

Ok I have Win XP on a ide drive (still use) I bought Windows 7 and installed on a seperate drive (sata) I also Have a 1TB Storage drive for media, files etc... (sata)

Now how do I do a dual boot with what operating system I want to start with Currently, I am disconnecting one of the drives from inside the case to use either Xp or 7.

As I know when using XP it says C Drive and the same for Windows 7 when Im using that...

Think it will crash or fail to install as they both say C Drive where the O.S. is.

Ok.I got it using Easy BCD..with no issues apart from a major one now!

I have 4 Sata connections on mobo
1-Data Drive for files / media (1TB)
2-Win 7 (320Gb)
3-DVDRW Drive
on iDE cable - is Win XP

Now upon startup where it asks wither I want 7 or XP I can open/eject the drive but when either OS Starts and is ready to use drive sticks ...cant open screen freezes!

Tried in 4th Sata connection and also other drive and same thing happens!

Mobo specs are : MCP6P M2+
4GB Memory

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Installing XP On Separate Partition - Chkdsk Error

Oct 17, 2012

My computer has windows 7. I created a separate partition on my hard drive to install windows xp, but now when I try to install it I get an chkdsk /f error.

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Installing Windows 7 With Windows XP But On Separate HDDs

Mar 26, 2012

I have a common problem, which I see has afflicted many (wish I had read the forum b4 venturing forth). I have a Win XP SP3 install working on the C drive. No problems there and working for over a year. I wanted to set up a dual boot Win 7 on a separate disk. No problem in the installation.

When I went to boot the system I realised that the install had changed the XP install because when I removed the Win 7 HDD my old system would not boot. I now realise that I have to use the two HDDs in tandem to have a working dual boot, which is not what I had wanted.

Another silly mistake made was that I didn't set a restore point when setting out as I thought I was being careful in installing Win 7 on a separate HDD. Now I realise that theWin 7 boot loader has overwritten the old boot.ini file. Without a restore point how do I get back to a working Win XP boot.

I am wanting to return to old state and install Win 7 again, but this time disconnecting the Win XP drive. The system will detect a new formatted blank drive only and hopefully set up a stand alone Win 7 installation.

Am I making sense and more importantly can it be done given I didn't set a restore point on my Win XP installation before setting out? I have read in forums that in Win XP I can go to the boot.ini file via msconfig and manually make some alterations to make the dual boot go back to only booting the Xp install.

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Installing Data To A Separate Physical Drive

Sep 23, 2009

When the final version of Windows 7 is released I am going to install the Windows 7 operating system to my C drive and put my data on a separate physical D drive. I am going to put the temporary Internet files and the Windows temporary files folders on that D drive. What user folders would anyone suggests go to the D drive and what other data and/or folders would anyone suggest to go on the D drive?

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Why Is Separate 100 MB System Bootmanager Partition Not Always Necessary

Apr 13, 2011

As far as I know Win7 introduces a new Bootmanager system.At old WinXP times the bootmanager was put into the first bootable partition on the first hard disc.This partition could contain the actual Windows XP itself in addition.From Win7 times on Bootmanager should be installed in a separate (only 100 MB small) additional primary partition.When booting the system at first this Bootmanager "meta" partition is called which in turn calls the actual Windows 7 OS partition.Ok, currently I prepared three partition on my hard disc:

- 40 GB for Win7
- 100 MB for Bootmanager
- 500 GB for data

When I installed now recently 64bit Win 7 Pro everything was put on the first 40 GB partition.The installation procedure did not ask where to put the Bootmanager. Where is it? Is Bootmanager only created/established when a SECOND OS is installed on the hard disc?

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Partition - Separate The File System

Apr 30, 2009

So after 0 signs of problems I restart the computer and get the bsod after windows loads everytime. I decided to order a new hdd and i'm going to install 7000 on it so I can download 7100 on it next week. I decided to try putting windows on a seperate partition but I have a couple questions and concerns. First, is there a way to seperate the file system (program files, documents, etc.) so that I can install into these places. Because I'd still like to have the start menu programs and also, many programs just automatically install things into my documents automatically and I don't want anything other than drivers and system files on the partition so it doesn't become fragmented. Is there any way these issues can be addressed?

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Dual Boot Two Separate Harddrives, 2 Separate Operating Systems?

Aug 28, 2012

I have got two separate hard drives one running Windows 7 one running xp. I need to be able to chose which os to run but currently I can only do so by pressing F12. I have tried EasyBCD but it wont work - does anyone know how I can do this?

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No System Properties After Installing Windows 7 SP1

Aug 15, 2011

After installing windows 7 x64 SP1 (Service pack only), System properties box/window won't open. As usual I right click on "Computer" - select "Properties" but nothing happens. There is a "Properties" option in right click menu, but it doesn't open anything.

There are other options I can not change like some Taskbar Properties options, I can install but when I click on Controll Panel -unisntall a program - nothing happens..... It looks like my Administrator account is kind of "limited". I double checked and it IS a Admin account.

Then I enabled Hiden Adminstrator account using windows 7 DVD Command Prompt. Still have exactly the same proplems as with my account.

Laptop came with Windows 7 Home premium preinstalled OEM Asus. Its a genuine copy straight from the manufacturer. I never reinstalled windows 7. I didn't have to, just working fine since always untill....Sp1 install Sp1 exe file downloaded from microsoft tried sfc /scannow with no success

laptop Asus M60j
Win 7 Home Premium x64 (OEM Asus)
I7 720M
4 Gb Ram

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Installing Windows 7 On A Dell System?

Jul 8, 2010

I recently won a competition where the prize was Windows 7 Ultimate (full, not upgrade, version). I also just bought a new Dell Studio XPS desktop (please see the specs. in my profile... if you can) which came pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) (OEM version with no disc, of course).I want to (clean) install Windows Ultimate onto the new Dell PC. Will I run into any problems in doing this? I basically also want to get rid of all the Dell crap and 3rd party software that came with the computer, and set it up the way I want it. I have heard that Win 7 will install all my drivers automatically, so would I be right in saying that I do not need the Dell "drivers and utilities" disc that came with the system?The internet is littered with people bitching about how their Dell keeps screwing up or how Windows isn't compatible with this or that, and I'd like to try and avoid becoming one of those people. Basically, I'm just wanting to know if there are any issues in straying from the Dell OEM operating system, and installing my own full retail version of Win 7.

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Installing Windows 7 64 Bit From Pendrive On 32 Bit System?

Feb 27, 2012

I have windows 7 32bit installed on my pc and i want to install windows 7 64 bit FROM USB PENDRIVE. how to do that?

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Installing A New SSD Drive On A Windows 7 64x Pro System

Apr 27, 2012

Currently I am using 1 500GB SATA on a Win7 64 Pro system.

I am attempting to install/add a SSD. The BIOS does see the drive. But after the BIOS gets done with its check, Windows never loads.

Attempting to use F8 or F5 does not seem to do anything. Disconnected the SSD, and reboot, and Windows boots fine. How do I get Windows to load while having the SSD connected?

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Installing Windows 7 On Old 2 Disk System?

Dec 9, 2012

I have Win XP on my system and thought it might be time to upgrade to Win7 64. I don't want Win8 and heard Microsoft will stop serving XP soon.My question. I have a 2nd hard drive [1 TB] I keep my files on so I can reinstall the OS on the 1st HD easily.
When I install Win7 on the 1st HD, will I be able to plug my 2nd HD back up with no problems, or will it need to be reformatted somehow? There are no programs on it, just files.

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Make Mc7 Default Audio Output Separate From System Default?

Mar 6, 2012

My issue is that i would like to be able to have media center audio play only through my tv and not through my pc main speaker system, tv is hooked through hdmi output on graphics card, speaker system through 5.1 output on motherboard. I have tried the audiorenderupdater extender but all that does is set default audio out for entire system, so when itunes is used or game is played on computer audio goes through tv. I would like all system noises, media player, and game audio to run through pc speakers and simultaneously all media center audio (recorded/live tv) to go through tv audio, so i can watch sports center while playing mass effect and have audio from sportscenter on tv audio from mass effect on pc speakers.

Also is there a way to separate media player's actions from media center's. For example if you are laying music in media player and then open media center and play a tv show, music playback stops, not a big deal just like media player better than itunes and would like to be able to watch tv in media center while playing music in media player rather than itunes

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Help With Installing Operating System Windows 7 Ultimate

May 10, 2012

I just bought a new laptop. It has one hard drive (C/)with 600gb and I partitioned it. However Im not sure if i did this correctly. I had to provide a file path etc and the only place to save the partition (E/)was on the primary C drive itself. (So now theres a file on the C drive called "E" with its own amount of memory).

I made the new partion into a primary drive and it shows up as such on "my computer". The current OS is windows 7 home premium but now I want to install windows 7 ultimate. I realise that Ive done things kinda back to front - my question is: if i install the new windows 7 ultimate OS, will the partition remain as it is or will it be ereased because its located on the C drive?

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Installing Games On Windows 7 Operating System

Jul 10, 2011

I don't play many games on my computer, but occassionally I enjoy (or used to) playing Bejeweled or specifically Jewel Quest. I purchased the latest Jewel Quest game from Best Buy and it said it was compatible with Windows 7, and in fact in installed fine. When I attempted to play the game I got a gray screen, then a white screen then a screen that resembled a flat with red, white and green strips and these three screens just kept alternating.

I couldn't stop them; I couldn't Cnt/Alt/Del out of it and I coluldn't get to the start menu to shut down. I turned the computer off manually. Upon restarting, the computer would not go past the "Windows" screen. I did this a number of times, but was never able to get it to reboot normally. I ended up having to boot in Safe Mode, uninstall the game that I had installed and do a recovery reboot to an earlier date (yesterday) in order for my computer to come back up normally.

I had this very same problem when I tried resetting the screen resolution manually to play another game that I had installed. I ended up abandoning the idea. I am guessing that the problem that I am having has to do with the 64bit Operating System as opposed to a 32bit - but if the game says it is compatible with Windows 7 would it not automatically be able to run on a 64 bit Operating System.??? I am not so much concerned with the game as I am with other software that I may want to install in my computer. if there is a patch or a Windows update that I need to install to fix this problem?

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Installing Windows 7 Home Prem 64b On New System?

Jul 13, 2011

First build finished putting everything together and then went through the settings in bios now trying to install wind7 home pre 64bit and when I insert the disk"Loading operating system comes up but is just sits in this screen for hours nothing happensA prompt saying " press any key to boot from CD is supposed to come up but does

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Windows 7 - System Cannot Find Path Specified When Installing Programs

Oct 1, 2011

after i reinstall windows 7 ultimate i try to install Internet music downloader and it says: the system cannot find path specified, i try to run as administrator but it doesn't works. i open troubleshoot compatibility and it says: incompatible application. i am using 64 bit windows 7 and i get this error on every program i want to install.

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active". I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message.

I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc. I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "Factory Image" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP?

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Non-system Partition No Longer Formatted After Re-installing Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an Asus 1215n netbook. It came with Windows 7 Home Premium installed. The drive came with the following partitions:

100 GB Windows 7
15 GB Asus Expressgate (a quick-boot minimal OS)
118 GB Empty partition
15 MB (unknown)

I had been using TrueCrypt to encrypt the 100 GB system partition, which required that I enter a password before booting into windows.Other than that I never touched it until now. Today I decided to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate, so after making sure everything I wanted to keep was on the 118 GB partition, I booted into the Windows 7 setup, formatted *only the 100 GB partition* from within the setup, and selected it as the volume to which to install.Upon restarting, the third partition wasn't shown in My Computer. I went to Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management, which shows the following partitions:

100 GB Healthy
15 GB Healthy
118 GB Free space
20 MB Healthy

I've done these exact steps in the past with similar configurations, and have never had this happen to me before. I can only surmise that this is due to having had a TrueCrypt boot manager, but beyond that I am uncertain. how I might be able to recover this partition?

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Installing Windows 7 Onto New System With 3 Hard Drives - MBR Or GPT Partition?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm about to install windows 7 64bit, onto a new system, with 3 hard drives. One for OS and Data. Second one (SSD) will only be used for caching - fast boot. Third one for -printer-pagefile etc. System is ASUS P8Z77-V deluxe, which has UEFI. Do I need MBR partitions or GPT Partitions.

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Installing Programs On Windows 7 64bit - System Creating Restore Point

Jan 15, 2013

On my system I have an SSD, so I have (Windows Restore) turned off. When I download a program and try to install it, it says creating a Restore Point and sits there for a while. A long while. I have found that I can go into Safe Mode and install things with no problem, fast. Even after it is satisfied with the restore point and says it is installing, it will just sit there and drag on. What can I do to get things to install without Safe Mode?

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Installing Windows 7 - Bad System Config Info Error On Blue Screen

Mar 23, 2010

Attempting to install win 7 on cpu that is currently running linux, I am getting a blue screen with "bad system config info error".

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Install 2nd OS Windows XP On Separate HD?

May 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop and want to install Windows XP on a WD External Hard Drive. When I insert the CD for installation will I have the option of determining which HD it loads to?

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Two Separate Drives Running From Same Windows 7?

Jul 5, 2012

I want to run two separate drives from the same windows. I want to have all of my personal stuff on one disc and my business on the other disc, but still just running one windows from one hard drive. What is the best way to do this?

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Windows 7 Separate Disks / Same Machine?

Sep 13, 2010

My computer has two 1GB HDDs.Disk C: is the boot disk and is running Windows 7 64 bit upgraded from Vista 64.Can I use the same Win 7 disk (and key) to install to Drive E: as a clean install? I think the new installation would pickup a dual boot system and give me the option as to which I wanted to use.I understand that I can't use the same disk for two different machines.But can I use it for two installations on the same machine?

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Windows 7 - Use Administrator Account Or Keep It Separate?

Apr 16, 2011

I've just got a fresh Windows 7 install up, and I was wondering-- is it worth keeping an admin account separate, and running on a standard user unless needed? Would some things be restricted completely, or would it just require a password instead of automatic? Also, if it is the case that I should be running in standard for security reasons, can I make a new account, switch that one to admin, and make this one standard without messing anything up? I have a bit of programs installed on this current administrator account (right now, the only one on the computer. The programs I have installed, specifically, are Avira/Malwarebytes and Firefox.

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