IE 9 Hangs On First Launch When Accessing Website

Nov 1, 2012

Windows 7 Home Edition, SP 1

Lately I have noticed a strange behavior with IE 9 (version 9.0.8112.16421). Here is the scenario. I log into my account and launch IE. When I try to go to any web site, IE hangs - I get the "not responding" message. I then exit from IE (sometimes using task manager). Once I relaunch IE, it works fine, even if I exit and relaunch IE several times. I have scanned my laptop for malware and nothing is noticed

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Windows 7 Hangs While Accessing Usb Devices

Dec 28, 2011

I have below configuration.

Board - DQ67SW.
CPU - i5-2500
HDD- 1 TB 2 HDD's
SMPS/Power Suppply 600W.
RAM- 8 GB 2gb in each slot.
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate edition.

My machine gets hang or get rebooted frequently. What can be the cause. Do I need to purchase high volt smps.

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Windows 7 Hangs For A Bit When Accessing Network Drive

Aug 17, 2011

I can't seem to find a solution anywhere but the problem is. I have one central computer with windows 7 on it. When any computer in the house, whether it be my laptop with Vista, my desktop with XP, or my other desktop with Windows 7 connects to that network drive it hangs for a couple minutes before being able to open the file, or copy the file. This happens on all 3 machines accessing the network drive on the central computer. This same result occurred when I setup my other desktop with windows 7 so that makes me think its something with windows 7 itself.I do not have any firewall/antivirus programs installed, and I even turned off windows firewall and windows defender on the server that were all accessing.

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Accessing Network Drive Via DFS - Namespace Hangs

Jun 1, 2012

I have a Windows Server 2008 file server with DFS Namespace role. The server hosts file services and uses DFS-R to replicate content to another member server. One of the folders has a Users directory where PST files are located. When these files are open, DFS-R will not replicate them but queue them in a backlog. Once the backlog grows significantly, the client machines tend to lock up when trying to access the shared drives. The drives are mapped using the DFS namespace, but even navigating using UNC path will still lock up. This is seen with Windows 7 clients and XP clients seems to be fine. If I exclude PSTs from DFS-R the issue does not occur.

I should mention that there is a DPM 2010 server in the environment that backs up the file/print server. The sync is set to every 15 minutes. Recovery points are during the day and XP and Windows 7 clients can lock up if a recovery point is running at the same time as a DFS backlog. If there is no backlog, all seems to run fine. Is there some option in Windows 7 that is attempting to index network drives? I've checked the settings in Indexing Options and don't see anything that stands out. Like I said, I currently have PSTs excluded so the issue does not happen right now, but once I enable them and a backlog starts to build, the issue happens again.

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Windows 7 Explorer Hangs While Accessing Shared Homegroup Folders?

Jan 28, 2013

I have three computers all running Windows 7 Ultimate x64, one of which functions partly as a media center (hosting music etc), the second and third being my office workstation and laptop respectively. The media center has a hard line to my cable modem (via Trendnet wireless-N router) while the latter two connect via wireless; the workstation via a wireless ethernet hub and the laptop via it's integrated wireless.I currently have all of my media folders shared via homegroup on the media center.
My laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad W500) can access all of the shared folders.My office workstation, while I can "see" the shared libraries/folders on my media center, hangs (the explorer window appears to be perpetually loading) whenever I attempt to open any of the folders. Sometimes when this happens I can kill/restart explorer but ever so often explorer itself will be unable to restart and I will have to reboot the entire machine.I have Windows Security Essentials running on both machines - all three are almost identical with respects to the installed software.I have tried reconfiguring the homegroup multiple times, flushing the dns cache, resetting and cycling the router, and have even swapped out wireless adapters (on the problematic workstation) to no avail.

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Specific Website Can't Be Opened, Then Firefox Hangs At Exit

May 10, 2011

I have just managed to get rid of one nasty virus, and then installed the Service Pack 1 on my Windows 7 pro 32 bit system. The scans are clean and everything is running back to normal now, except this: I cannot access my online banking website. When I try to, the page does not load, and once that happens, no other page, in this or another tab, can load, and firefox will hang at exit (getting the "Firefox is already running..." message when trying to start it) and has to be killed in the task manager. While browsing in firefox then doesn't work anymore (no pages load), any other application using internet will still work (i.e. skype).
This happens only from this computer, using my laptop on the same internet connection (we have a Wi-Fi router and DSL internet in my flat) everything works fine. This happens with Firefox AND IE, except that with IE it doesn't hang and I'm still able to load other pages. I'm running Firefox 4.0.1 and IE 9.0.8112.16421. The website I'm trying to access is [URL] I've installed the latest Java : (Build 1.6.0_25-b06)

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BSOD On Startup / Accessing New HD / Accessing Internet?

Feb 17, 2012

I'm running on a relatively new install of Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. I recently (about 2-3 weeks ago) installed a new HD and decided to have a fresh start so everything was formatted followed by win 7 install. Everything has been running great up until mid day yesterday. Out of what seems like nowhere I experienced 6 or 7 BSOD's yesterday and from what I could tell they occurred when I tried to do any of the following: 1. Access drive D and play a video file (This is the new HD, it would instantly BSOD). 2. Access internet within 1 minute of startup.

Since yesterday I haven't had any BSOD's and have had the computer running, I haven't tried to play any videos off of HD and haven't reset my computer since (hoping that whatever it was has gone away, although I'm sure it hasn't). For the record I have accessed some music files on drive D without any issue, as well as several word and excel documents (not sure if that makes any difference?)I have a feeling it may have something to do with my new HD that I installed, but have no idea what it could be as it was running without issue up until yesterday (for at least 2 if not 3 weeks).

My system specs are as follows:S: Windows 7 64bit UltimateManufacturer BIOSTAR Group Model A740G M2+ Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAMSystem type 64-bit operating system umber of processor cores 2 isk partition (C) 272 GB Free (298 GB Total) isk partition (D) 1630 GB Free (1863 GB Total) isplay adapter type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 other info:-all drivers should be up to date to the best of my knowledge- i've looked around and have seen a lot of recommendations to run memtest? I have yet to do soI've enclosed a system health report and minidump file as outlined on forum requirements.

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Accessing Windows 7 Via Rdc?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to set up windows 7 so I can access it remotely from my iPad.Ive set up windows 7 to allow remote access. I've tried disabling avg and windows firewall but I still keep getting connection refused.

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G: Is Not Accessible On Accessing MP3 Player

Sep 30, 2012

Here is what is going on. I plug in the MP3 player, does not matter which port, and when I go to "My Computer" to click on the drive to get the music files it comes up with error message "G: is not accessible. Access denied."

I have tried going to properties and configuring security options, but there is nothing with "security" or related to that. I am already logged in as Admin, there is also no "run as admin" either.

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Accessing Internet From Domain?

Oct 25, 2012

Using Win 7 Pro on Dell Latitude D630. I joined my domain and completed all Windows updates. I can access internet as long as I am logged in as administrator,but when logging into the domain as any other user, IE9 remains when blank.I have switched from a static ip address, to a received DHCP address but to no avail.

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Accessing Data On Another Drive?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a clients harddrive (XP Home) to extract their data.I just got a Win 7 laptop for servicing computers and discovered I bought a nightmare.I cannot set sharing access to the clients drive in order to extract their files.Any ideas on accessing other drives from Win 7?I have connected this one by USB and even cloned it to empty space on my Win 7 drive.I have been through advanced sharing at the root and every folder I can get to.

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Accessing Hidden Folder?

Jan 5, 2012

i heard that when you delete a file, it actually puts it into a hidden folder in the recycle bin. i enabled the visibility of hidden folders, but i did not see it there.where else could it be?

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Having Difficulties Accessing Old Hardrive

Oct 29, 2012

My laptop started randomly shutting down a while ago but only when i play a game, but if i have both of my 3d modeling programs, itunes, chrome, and other programs running the computer would run fine for hours on end. A couple days ago the laptop did its usual random shutdown. so i started it back up and the mouse wouldnt work. so after opening it up and reconneting the cable to the board the computer wont boot. It'll get to the starting windows screen but after a minute or two it show a blue screen for about a fraction of a second then restart. It'll keep doing that till i uplug it and take the battery out. I cant start in any of the safe mode options, i cant launch windows repair. Im not able to use a recovery disc cuz the laptop didnt come with one. I basically cant do anything. Now the computer will shut down randomly again but during startup, but the laptop is still cold. So now i decided to take out the hardrive hoping to either save the files or most of them at least or to find the cause of my problem and fixing it. After i hook the hard drive up to my desktop via SATA cable it shows up in My Computer as System Reserved and Local Disk (F: ) but i cant access local disk but i can access system reserve. At the top of the explorer i just get a green bar that never reaches the end and when i click on local disk the explorer becomes unresponsive and what not.

I open devices and printers and it read the hard drive as usb storage so i checked device manager and it recongizes it as a Hitachi Hard Disk. When i click on disk management Nothing happens besides at the bottom it says " Connecting to Virtual Disk Service" for an extreme amount of time. I also tried booting the hard drive on the desktop but it goes through the same proccess as it did on the laptop and i also cant do anything.

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Accessing The Old Hard Drive?

May 18, 2012

I have a desktop (Using it right now) with a hard drive, 7 etc etc and everything works fine. I am however having issues accessing a hard drive from an old lap top I used to own. It was sold, but I kept the hard drive. This was a while ago so I can't remember its OS, but I'm pretty sure it was XP but possibly vista. I have plugged it into one of my towers extra hard drive spots in hopes of being able to retrieve some old pictures from it.This is my problem: After reboot, it got a message saying the usual installing device driver software thing, after that... nothing. I look in my computer and no new drive showed up.

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Accessing Another Os In Hard Disk?

Jun 1, 2012

I have installed newly a windows 7 in my pc that it eaither have windows 8 installed in when i boot manage screen is showing only os that i can see is windows 7,i already installed easybcd but it also do not show me windows 8 and actually i do not can boot my windows 8 and use it what can i do?

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Error Accessing C Drive?

Dec 11, 2012

I have a problem with Windows 7 and the c drive. I will try to explain a little bit the situation: have a Dell xps l501x with a home edition windows 7 licence.Since I prefer to use linux, I resized the Windows7 and create another partition for the linux distribution when I bought. So I had Windows 7 and linux (arch linux) working together for some months.I barely used Windows 7 so I decided to use virtualbox to use windows7 (the raw device as a harddrive). And here started the problems, because I ended with a black screen and the mouse pointer in windows7 (the probably was due to a resolution problem)After many months (as I said, I barely used it), yesterday I decided to fix the problem and I managed to do it. But now I have another problem that I don't know how to fix it (I'm not using virtualbox anymore).

When I start windows 7, the wallpaper is black with the infamous "compilation 7600" and many advice that "is not a genuine copy" (actually it is), and a lot of errors at start. Trying to use the OS:- Many application don't work. Even diskmgmt.msc doesn't work.- I can't access C drive, if I tried prompts an error about permissions, even if I change the permissions I can't access. And If I try to see the properties all the values in the c drive are "0 bytes" (size, free space...)Regarding that, I can't download anything.It seem the c drive is not recognized and I suppose that is the main problem.If I boot with the option "Directory Services Restore Mode" I can acces to C and everything seems to work better. And in the properties the values are correct (the size, free space....)

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Accessing SharePoint Via Outlook 7?

Feb 15, 2011

When using XP and Outlook 7 we were able to create a new email, click the attach button and in the File Name section type http://intranet. This would give us access to the intranet page and the various folders and documents that needed to be emailed to customers.

When using Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional following the above steps will only put a link to the intranet site in as the attachment.

How do I go about replicating the XP way of accessing files on the intranet?

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Personal VPN Without Remote Accessing

May 5, 2011

I have a Dell Dimension 8300 and a Gateway MFATXPNT ESX 500S P04 just sitting around. Lately I have been thinking about trying to make one of them into what I can only describe as a VPN. I don't really know what I am talking about so I am going to tell you my result, or the end goal, of what I want to have happen.So basically I want the "Machine" to: act as a firewall, mask my IP and Subnet Address, and encrypt what pages I visit and what I download. I don't have to be able to access it from a remote point but the option is always nice.I am not downloading or uploading anything illegal. I just want another project and I figured this would be good to do until I can go to school to become an IT Administrator.

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Accessing Other Computer Denied?

Jun 5, 2011

I had a 3 computer network all running Xp - simple to setup and never any problems. Changed computer 1 & 2 over to Windows 7 Pro and setup workgroup. Have tried everything I could find and so far nothing works. Probably some little ole setting I have missed. Here's what I have


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Accessing NAS 0x80070035 Error?

May 9, 2012

I have a readyNAS Duo where I keep all my music files, a few days ago the Raidar program stopped allowing me to browse the drives saying to check spelling and error code 0x80070035 was displayed, I can access the NAS via it's web page but this does not allow me to access the file structure.This is via my router.If I connect the ethernet cable from the NAS straight into the PC all is fine?

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Accessing Internet From Domain?

Oct 25, 2012

Using Win 7 Pro on Dell Latitude D630. I joined my domain and completed all
Windows updates. I can access internet as long as I am logged in as administrator,
but when logging into the domain as any other user, IE9 remains when blank. I have switched from a static ip address, to a received DHCP address but to no avail.

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Disabling Program From Accessing Web

May 15, 2011

Recently I dug up one of my older games that I used to love as a kid. The game was one of the first online games, and then offline games when you couldn't get online. However, I managed to make it work on windows 7, but every time I get on it will spend 5-10 minutes trying to ping the dedicated server that no longer exists.

My real question is there a way that I can make it so just that one program cannot access the web, if I can pull that off then I won't have to wait a year to play each game.

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Accessing The Installation Directory?

Oct 18, 2012

I can't seem to access the installation directory in Auslogics Boost-speed 5 of course I am very new at working with computers!

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Ejecting USB And SATA HDD With Nothing Accessing Them?

Jan 10, 2013

I have an external USB 3.0 HDD as well as an internal SATA 3 HDD. I am unable to eject (ie "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" ) either the drives because I get the error:Quote :This device is currently in use. Close any programs or windows that might be using the devices, and then try again?

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Accessing Vhd Files / Cannot Open A VHD File

Apr 17, 2012

I have extracted a HDD from an old PC that ran on Windows XP. I have put it into an enclosure and connected to my Windows 7 Home Premium PC via USB.I cannot open a VHD file. Can I do this with my limited PC knowedge ?

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Accessing User Files From Another Computer?

Jan 24, 2011

I had a Dell Laptop with Win7 64-bit. But there was a problem and it wouldn't boot anymore. The problem is that there are some very important files in that laptop. So, I got that hard drive out and connected it to my Toshiba (Win7, 32-bit) as an external drive. I was not able to access the 'user' files from the dell. When I tried to open it, I got an error message 'access denied'. So, I went to properties --> Security --> Advanced, and changed the permissions to everyone. Now, when I open the folder 'Documents and Settings', it opens the folder on my Toshiba, and not the actual files that are on that hard drive. I need to get those files out of there.

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Accessing A Motorola I870 With Windows 7?

Feb 21, 2010

if it is even possible to access my i870 with a usb cable?

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Accessing File On Old Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2011

My old computer was put to rest with a big power surge last week. I had to buy a new computer and now I would like to access my old files. I have taken the hard drive out of my old PC. My new PC of course has windows 7. I am not a computer expert but I am not a novice either. The old hard drive has the sata connection and I have a sata cable, but have never used one previously. I connected the cable to the old hard drive and then plugged in the power cord to the wall outlet. I then I connected the USB cable from the sata cable connected to my old drive to my new PC�s USB port. I haven't been able to access the files on the old drive but I know my new pc has recognized the hardware. After I connected the USB cable to my new pc under Devices I can see a hardware named USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge. Not sure what that means. There is �No� drive listed for it though when I open Windows Explorer. I can only see the (OS) C drive and the HP Recovery D drive.

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Issue With Accessing 2 NTFS Partitions

Oct 19, 2009

I now have a problem with Win 7 (RTM edition) as follows:

I have SATA1 drive 500gb: 1 Primary, and 5 logical or whatever you call that. Of these, I only see 3 (2 are unassigned letters, and when I try to get there, I get the error "The operation failed to complete because the disk managment console view is not up-to-date. Refresh view by................" (obviously this doesnt work).

I also have the new SATA2 1TB hdd split into 4 partitions (one of them is the OS ones) as well as Disk0 which is older 120gb U-ATA hdd.

Obviously I mean the two rightmost partitions from Disk1.

Also, I copied everything from that partition to another new one using XP, then tried to format it - which failed with some error... anyway tried to format it from this screen as well in 7, but it gave another error: "An unexpected error has occured. Check the system event log blabla.

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Prevent Windows 7 From Accessing/seeing Other Drives?

Aug 10, 2011

I installed a second HDD on my laptop that can have up to 4 different HDD. I have a XP running on the first HDD. I just installed Windows 7 Premium 32bit on the second HDD. When the installation was done, Windows 7 can see and access the folders/files/drives from the first HDD. How do I restrict this? I knew how to do this with XP but I can't figure out how to do this with Windows 7. Basically, I don't want the Windows 7/Second HDD interacting with the first.

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Accessing Windows 7 Installation After MBR Deleted

Aug 3, 2012

I got another SSD for my system, win7x64 professional, plugged it in as master and made a fresh new install on it and therefore a new mbr was created during installation. Now I need to access the working OS I have installed on the older SSD and used as a main drive before. How to make the current bootloader know that there is another windows 7 installation on a different drive that I would like to be able choose to boot in at startup?

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