How To Find A Hidden Screen

Nov 15, 2012

i think that i have a hidden screen on my computer

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How To Find Hidden Local Drive

Dec 29, 2011

i dont find my local drive my system

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How To Find Hidden Pictures On Personal Computer

Jul 29, 2012

how would i go about finding picture that have been hid on my hard drive?

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Find Hidden Icons On The Right Hand Corner?

Jan 12, 2013

I cont see the tamil icon in my lap top.

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Create A Hidden Windows 7 Ctrl Alt Del Screen?

Jul 1, 2012

Is there a way to create a hidden windows 7 Ctrl Alt Del Screen? The enter a manual password and username only shows up when you press the three buttons but there is still a way to select users. I want to do this because I am setting a hidden account up and the only way to get in to it is by having a hidden account. Problem is I don't want people to know about the Ctrl Alt Del feature unless the press the right keys.

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Access A Hidden Account From Logon Screen?

Aug 4, 2011

how could I hide my account and access it by a button combination from the logon screen.

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See Hidden Text Or Hidden Streams In A Doc(x) File In Starter?

Mar 10, 2012

I was checking Microsoft Office Word Starter 2010 and I realized that one of the files had hidden text in it. From Options - Display, I chose show hidden text and it was "Top of Form" at the top of the page. But I got curious about this and made some search and I realized that you can hide text in a txt file with a stream method and also there can be hidden streams in processes also.How can I find out if a doc(x) file has no streams in it. I mean the hidden text may be seen by the method of Options - Display; but can someone hide something with a password in a doc(x) file? If yes, how can I find this out?

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Hiding Admin Account By Standard User To Log In Screen For Hidden Administrator

Jul 1, 2011

for ACER 5740 G WIN 7 home premiumi enabled the administrator in WIN 7 Home Premium with a password and hide this for the log in. All other users are standard users. Now I am unable to login to the administrator log in opiton. How can I unhide the administrator log in. Since I did this I have administrator password.

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Hidden System Files Are No Longer Hidden?

Sep 11, 2011

Some of my important system files are no longer hidden and I can't hide them even with the Command Prompt "attrib" command. Files such as bootmgr and ntldr are shown and I can't hide them. Also, show Protected System files is unchecked and show hidden files is also unchecked so they shouldn't be showing. I tried to re-add their system file attribute but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error in CMD and I do not have user account control on and I'm on a Default Administrator Account.

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Monitor Screen Shifts To The Left Side And Some Thing Is Hidden But On The Right Side A Black?

Jun 18, 2012

my monitor screen shifts to the left side and some thing is hidden but on the right side a black. how can i fix?

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Blue Screen Comes Where To Find Files

Mar 11, 2011

I don't know where to find the dump files or else i'd post that for you. I seem to only have an issue with crashing when my LAN is enabled. I'm on an HP G61-632NR laptop running Windows 7 64 bit.

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How To Find Find Locker Made Invisible Using Folder Protect

Apr 5, 2012

1.I had created a locker on my desktop using "Folder Lock" software.
2.Subsequently I made the locker invisible using "Folder Protect" software.
3.When I was trying to add more files to the locker created in 1 the locker tried to "increase it's size on the run"...
4.This process failed and "Folder Lock" shut down and since then I cannot locate the locker anymore on my PC nor can I see it in "Folder Protect"
5.Having read on a forum, I uninstalled "Folder Protect" and reinstalled...but that did not help..I still could not find the Locker.
6.I even uninstalled and reinstalled "Folder Lock"...even this did not help
7.I understand the lockers created by "Folder Lock" are UNDELETABLE.
8.Clearly my locker is somewhere on my hard disk but I am unable to locate it.

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What Are All Af These Hidden Partitions

Feb 2, 2012

This is a 1TB HD with Win 7 pre-installed on a 100GB partition (C and a remaining 809GB or 811GB depending on what I use to look at it on a second partition, I would like to partition the remaining 811GB (D however I ran into a confusing snag. Even though Windows shows only 2 partitions,when I run my partition manager it shows that there are 4 partitions, 100MiB NTFS, 101GiB NTFS, (extended) 809.65GiB,sda5 809.65GiB NTFS.

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Everything Under C:\User Is Hidden

Dec 21, 2011

I'm working on my son's laptop, it picked up some Malware. in following the Malwarebyte instructions, I noticed I couldn't navigate to the Desktop to save files. I worked around that, but noted that there's no visibility to anything in C:\Users. Applications, such as Malwarebytes, and McAfee can see those folders, and MS Office programs can access files in their history lists. But I can't get there using Explorer.

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What Are These Hidden Folders

Sep 20, 2010

can any tell me about these hidden folders (.files) ? they are same name as my pictures, how can i remove or prevent create these are folders ?

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Cannot Get On To Hidden Account

Oct 5, 2012

So today I by mistake made my regular admin just user and not an admin and my hidden account my admin. I tried to make my hidden account accessible but I cannot change it from 0 to 1 without admin user name and password, I could press Shift Right click and run as different user, but the main problem is I did not password protect my hidden user and when I just type in my Admin name and no password it says Logon failure: user account restriction. Possible reasons are blank password (I don't have one) logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced.

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Cmd Console Hidden

Jan 21, 2012

I am hosting a minecraft server, and am trying to use a windows scheduled task to start a .bat file that calls on java and shows input on the cmd.exe console. When I manually start the .bat file the console shows, but when I start it with the windows scheduler its hidden. When I start the run.bat with a scheduled task on computer start up. The server will start and function correctly, but I don't know how to open the cmd console to type things in.

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Hidden Icons Not Working?

Feb 16, 2011

I just did an up-date on my AOL (I know, I know). After the up-date, the hidden icon, for AOL, in the taskbar, is there but does not work. All the other icons work.

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Viewing Some Hidden Files?

Jan 16, 2011

Okay, I am trying to keep an open mind to the point that I invested my money into Win 7 Ult. 64 bit. While I find that it has some interesting addons, like Vista I find that is appears to be warmed over XP with the same features, just renamed and in different places so as to seem new. Now, that being said the deal breakers is really whether or not I can access and view files that I wish to. It seems no matter how I set up my admin access I can not view files such as, Temporary Internet files, cookies and many others unless I go through a 3rd party program such as Norton Utilities 10.5. In XP I could find and view them without problems. In Win 7, not only can I not view them but the difficulty in even finding that they exist makes me wonder what other files hold information that I wish to know about but windows is hiding from me.So, 2 questions. Can anyone give me an easy fix that will allow all files to be exposed to me AND viewable to me via Windows Explorer and 2, While Win 7 some nice little add ons can anyone explain what makes it fundamentally better than XP so that I would want to stay with it rather than going back to XP?

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Crsss.exe Hidden In Auto-run?

Feb 20, 2011

I checked my task manager and the file crsss.exe shows up. I rebooted in safemode and looked for the file in autorun (I enabled searching for empty locations, verify code signatures, and hide microsoft entries and pressed F5).I can't find crsss.exe in any of the image paths. Is this a common malware virus that goes by a different name or something in autorun or am I missing something?

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Accessing Hidden Folder?

Jan 5, 2012

i heard that when you delete a file, it actually puts it into a hidden folder in the recycle bin. i enabled the visibility of hidden folders, but i did not see it there.where else could it be?

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Hidden Files On Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2013

I intend to burn some hidden files onto a CD with a only a visible direct access into them, but the folder holding these files carry only the direct access onto the CD. I think that this trick might protect files on CDs from unauthorized copy. Does any one know how to do that?

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Hidden Folders Won't Show Up

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to get my music off my ipod to my laptop win 7 home. 32 bit. When I goto folder options and select show hidden types. I hit apply and ok. but it wont show up and when I return to the menu it stays on hide hidden files.

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All Files 'hidden' Attribute Set

Dec 23, 2010

For the past week or so, ALL of my files on desktop and in every folder have turned translucent. When I checked properties, the hidden attribute has been set. However this includes my special Libraries icons (Pictures, Music etc).Fair enough, I could simply go and manually unset the hidden property via DOS or Properties on the root C: folder, but this will be time consuming on a 640GB hard drive and it still won't answer why it happened in the first place.My first step was to perform an Antivirus scan which found nothing, then a malware scan which only picked up an infestation of 31 Relevant Knowledge files/registry entries. It tells me these are all now all removed but my icons are still "hidden".I have just done a test run to unset H on my C:usersusername folder (which required administrator privaleges to run) and it seems to have done the trick on folder and file icons, but my special Libraries icons are still translucent, and when I right click I don't get the usual properties dialog to unset the hidden attribute.After days of googling, I can't find anyone with a similar story for an explanation of why this may have happened, if it will happen again, if there are any other underlying issues/threats that are not obvious to me, or if I'm just being a numpty.In addition to this, around the same time but probably totally unrelated, my Chrome Shockwave Flash has crashed and have unsuccessfully uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail and I have now been forced to resort to using IE!

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Files Saved As Hidden?

Jan 26, 2011

Whenever I save a file to my desktop, I have to go into the folder options for the desktop and select to view all hidden files. The files I save, when I check their properties, are no longer hidden. I have to go through this process ANY time I save a file to my desktop, no matter the file type.

Files saved to other folders aren't hidden.

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How To Get Taskbar To Stay Hidden

Apr 12, 2011

I have the setting "Hide Taskbar" selected, yet I find it often refuses to stay hidden. It seems like sometimes it will do this when an application/window wants to "tell me something", like that there's a new email (sometimes even when the "envelope" that indicates new mail isn't in sight), but sometimes it just seems to stay up for no reason, and I have to close all the windows one by one to get rid of it. Is there any way to get the Taskbar to Stay Hidden unless I'm mousing over it?

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Getting An Accessible Hidden Account?

Apr 28, 2011

Mom bought a Win 7 puter so that my 15 year old grandson, who lives with them, could use it for school work, and play games. She uses it a little to email, IM, and play card games. Mom and dad are in their 70s and don't know anything about puters. They barely know how to use a remote control on a cable box. My grandson began downloading games that install BHOs, toolbars, plugins, etc that slow the machine down till it hangs frequently. I took it, created an admin account, cleaned off a billion toolbars, BHOs and unwanted games, and their tracking cookies, some Trojans, and viruses, and the machine began to respond again, but as soon as he gets hold of it, he accesses the User's Control Panel and lowers my privileges, so that I can't function as an administrator on mom's puter. This upsets the rest of us. He says he has to have admin privileges to install and play his games, and, that I keep messing up his stuff.

I've tried creating an admin account and hiding it from the logon screen, and the User's Control Panel, but that also makes it so I can't logon, not even in safe mode. Seems MS made Win 7 so that if there is just one admin account activated it sees no need for any other admin accounts to display in Safe Mode. I tried the following, "Hide the Admin Account" hack, but Win 7 would not allow me to logon, since I found no way to activate a logon run dialog, nor could I use Safe Mode, cause with His admin account visible, my admin account isn't, not even in Safe Mode.I noticed a thread entitled: Hidden Administrator Account? on this forum, which led me to ask you about this. I'm a "slightly" above average user, so be gentle.I need something hidden from him, even in the User's Control Panel, so that I can maintain this puter and put a stop to his ability to lower my privileges. Any suggestions, other than lowered privileges?Instructions to Hide the Admin Account from the Default Login Screen:You can hide accounts the same way you did in XP, but in Vista and Win 7 you need to create those registry keys.

1.In regedit, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon.

2.Right click Winlogon and select New / Key.

3.Name the new key SpecialAccounts (case sensitive).

4.Right click The SpecialAccounts key and select New Key again.

5.Name the key UserList.

6.Click the UserList key and in the right side window right click and select New / DWord (32bit) Value.

7.Name the new DWord value with the same name as the account you wish to hide. Double click this value and in the Value Data line enter 0 (zero) to hide the account or 1 to show the account.

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Taskbar Hidden When Using Browser

Sep 26, 2011

I just noticed earlier that whenever my browser is open I can't access my task bar. I keep the tb hidden, but I've never had this problem in the past. I'm not in full screen mode so I'm at a loss. I'm using Chrome if it matters.

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Using A Hidden Profile In Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2012

Is it possible to hide a user profile and still using it by changing the login screen to ask both username and password?I know that usually on the login screen I can only see profiles that aren�t hidden (which makes logging to a hidden account impossible), but if I change the logging on to ask both username and password can I log in to that hidden profile?

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Forgot The Hidden Folder Name?

Apr 10, 2012

how to unhide a folder as i forget the name of folder i have used attrib command to hide the folder with full sceeen shot as i dont understand your previous explanation

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Hidden Files Are Got Unhidden

Jun 16, 2012

I have to Hide many of System Files and My files (Which I hide) but after sometime all of them got unhide and also the Icons of User Name are also gone just they are looks like normal folders.

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