How Do You Search On Shared Drive?

Jan 15, 2013

In a small office (about 50 staff members) we have a shared drive on Windows Server 2008 R2. The file server is virtual machine on Hyper-V. The shared drive is mapped to every users account.And the data on that drive gets more and more.And now my goal is to organize a search on that drive. So how can I do that? Will Google Desktop installed in every user�s computer solve the problem?Or is there any other (better) ways to search on shared drive?

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Search Tool Not Working In Shared Network Directories

Jan 13, 2012

The search engine does not work on network directories.

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Send An Email From A Shared Mailbox The Sent Item Not Saved In Shared

Nov 8, 2011

How do I get it to save in the shared mailbox folder not my personal folder in outlook 2010?

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Remove Ghost Shared Drive?

Oct 20, 2011

Me and a friend were testing if Windows 7 Home Premium could host a shared Drive. It was able to easily, but now I cant get rid of the Shared Drive that was created. I went in and selected to no not share the drive and yet it wont disappear under the network locations category in windows explorer. How do I get rid of this Shared drive.

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Can't Connect To Shared Hard Drive

Nov 2, 2011

heres the setup: nfts hd on mac os x lion with read write drivers installed for the nfts format workgroup name on both windows and mac is the same"WORKGROUP" both are on same local network shared on mac using smb and with username and password in mac database that was entered on windows 7 to gain access to majority of shared components

i was able to access all of the mac hd which was actually kinda scary, and i was able to even access a external backup drive.

when i try to click on any of the shared folders as well as the whole drive shared on the network from my mac i get an error saying "Windows can not access \computers name\(folder/drive) check the spelling of the name. otherwise there might be a problem with your network" error code:0x80070035 the network path was not found. its a 3 tb hd and i would prefer not to format it becuase 2 tbs have been used and i would prefer not to have to transfer it to variosu other devices and then back

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How To Allow Access To A Shared Drive But Not A Specified Folder

Dec 19, 2012

I have just created a VHD on my laptop so I can share is as a shared area as I have over 5 computers in my house. I want the whole household to have access to the drive but not to a folder that i own as it contains private stuff. How would I go about protecting a folder from being accessed without the correct password and username. Or maybe, how would i go about stopping the folder from being accessed from the whole network but being able to access it on the local machine?

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Shared External Drive Folder Unshared Itself?

Aug 4, 2011

I recently replaced a Freeagent Pro with a Goflex Desk. Both the new and old drives were permanently assigned drive letter H and the new drive fitted in seamlessly about a week ago. The old drive is not used My Synctoy backups (run via Task Scheduler) all worked fine daily from 28th July until today when H was not found.I checked the properties and sharing was unchecked (not by any human hand!)The drive is permanently attached via USB.

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Cannot Access Re-shared External Hard Drive

May 2, 2011

I have a Maxtor External Hard drive and Windows 7 Premium 64 bit. I have a user setup for each member of my family on the computer. The maxtor drive was working fine uptil I decided that I wanted only myself to be able to access it only. The drive appeared as my K drive. I went to sharing and added myself as read/write access and removed the everyone share thinking that only I would be able to use the drive. I restarted my PC and now nobody can access it. When I plug the drive into the usb slot the drive whirs up as normal but there is no drive letter for it and it does not appear in device manager etc. I plugged it into my old XP machine and that cannot read it either..

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Mapping Network Shared External Drive?

Jul 26, 2011

We have a company drive that we map folders from to certain computers. They reconnected at log in like normal. However, we have a separate external drive that when I map a folder from it, it never reconnects on log in. I have set the folder permissions for the user I want. I have tried directly connecting with the folder share name and also using the IP address of the server. They will initially connect when you set it up at first, but then it never reconnects to the drive/folder when logging back on. I have tried almost everything I can find and it still never seems to connect.

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Windows 7 Unshares Shared Network Drive

Oct 9, 2012

I have two computeres set up in an offline LAN with a 4 port switch connected to a router. One is a server with 4 shared 1TB drives. The other is just a works station. Both computers are running windows 7 ultimate x64. My problem is that 1 drive which I've label as Z: keeps disconnecting in the workstation. When I check the server I noticed that the Z drive has been marked as un shared. So I re enable sharing and set the desired permission. Then I re map the drive on the workstation. A few days later and the same issue happens. Both computers are always left on and I've set the power options accordingly.

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Unable To See Shared Folders And Shared Printers?

May 14, 2012

I am able to access shraed folders and shared printers, I Not able to see anything...

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Can I Add Back Right Click Drive Or Folder To Search?

Jan 3, 2010

In Win XP I used to be able to right click a drive or a folder /directory and it would bring up a menu of options, one of which would be to search for files or folders. Now with Win 7 I have to move my mouse all the way top the top right corner to be able to search. This is a lot of time and effort. It tires me out and is boring (LOL). Is there a way to add the search function back to the right click menu? I also liked the way the prior search options /filters were shown below (ie, date and size)

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Disabling Search Feature For A Flash Drive?

Apr 10, 2011

I was curious if there was a way to disable searching on a flash drive, when you open any folder or anything up there's always a search feature on the upper right. Anyway to disable to for flash drives, hard drives etc, make them unsearchable?

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Recover Files Doesn't Search On C Drive

Oct 5, 2011

recover my files doesn't search on C: drive.The hard drive have C: and D: partition.Win 7 runs from the C: drive.Recover my file and some other programs doesn't search on C: Recover my files cannot find Crive, but works on Drive.I have some other recovery programs and find my files,pictures-BUT they not completely recovered, so cannot open them.Had same problem before. Somehow Recover my files did make a better search and was able to recover the picture files fully.

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How To Prevent Showing Of Search Results From Drive/folder

Feb 20, 2012

I want to keep the Windows 7 start menu search feature. But I want to prevent files in certain drives/folders from showing in search results.

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New Hard Drive - Search Not Working / No Results Found

Aug 12, 2012

I have been doing some searches using the search box that comes up when you press the colorful button on the bottom left. It finds nothing. I can have folders and WORD documents on my desktop, and it always comes up now with nothing found. If I create a test Folder, or WORD document, put on the Desktop, it won't find them. Always used to work fine. Only difference now is that I put in a new HD after the old one failed. Everything else seems to work fine.

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Outlook 2007 Task Search Versus Windows7 Computer Wide Search

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook 2007 Task search versus Windows7 computer wide search.

I enter the same keyword (one of the words contained within the title of a completed task) in the Outlook Task search box as I do the Windows 7 orb 'search programs and files.' The Windows 7 search returns the correct search result (along with a lot other results having the same keyword) practically immediately whereas Outlook is still searching...and searching.

If I have index options set to include the C: drive and Outlook, what's going on with Outlook?

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Dual Boot With Shared Data "D" Drive?

Dec 6, 2012

I have a system with 3 drives disk0, disk1, and disk2.What I'd ultimately like to do is install Windows 7 on disk0 and install Linux on disk1. Then I want to have disk2 split into 2 partitions(part0, part1) for programs and other misc install files.However I don't want disk1 and disk2part1 to be visible while using disk0 and disk2part0 and vice versa.Is there any way to make this possible?

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Replacing Windows 7 Desktop Search With The Old Search Companion?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any way to replace the Desktop Search with the 'Ole Dog ( Search Companion) You can not find all the related files with Desktop search like you could with Search Companion.

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Search Torrent Files With Windows 7 Search?

Dec 19, 2011

how i can search for torrent files with windows 7 search function?when i look for my downloaded files (downloaded via µtorrent),then i can i only find my downloaded files,but no torrent files(the torrent file still exists in my µtorrent program,so i am sure i still have the torrent file).

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Does Search Bar Lacking In Search Filters

May 4, 2012

Not only does my search bar lacking in search filters (cannot search for videos only etc) but I could never get print screen to work. With XP I never had any of the above problems. How can MS downgrade their OS to such an extent??

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"windows Cannot Find 'search:query=XXX'" Error Message Windows Search

Nov 25, 2010

"windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error I have been experiencing lately.

The problem is similar to the one I described previously (here: Windows could not start the Windows Search service on Local Computer)

...namely, I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and have experienced the same error message ( windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX', where XXX is my search query) when attempting to initiate a search via the Windows start menu search box. Unfortunately, my previously proposed solution (of removing a network search location from Windows Search Index list) does not resolve it.....and so finally I resorted to using Samhrutha's proposed solution of modifying the registry to reset Windows Search back to default (which DID work...but ended up removing all the search index customizations I had made).

However, when I then modify the search indexing options to include indexing of my C: drive, I get the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

If I then uncheck the C: drive box in the search in the search indexing options, the error message does not I then went thru a tedious process of trying to identify which folders on my C drive were causing the issue, and from what I am able to tell, the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message seems to always occur when the indexing options include at least one folder WHICH IS OWNED by TRUSTED INSTALLER (e.g., program files folder, program files (x86), c:, etc.). This wasn't a problem previously, so my guess is that MS Update recently (e.g., w/in the last few months) changed some security setting which now prevents Windows Search from being able to index/access folders owned by TRUSTED INSTALLER, resulting in the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

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Using Mac Shared Printer On W7 PC

Dec 16, 2009

I have a Home network that was configured as follows:


XP-Pro PC - connected via USB to a - Shared Photo Printer

Mac Leopard - connected via USB to a -Shared All-in-One Printer

XP-Pro Laptop

I also have an Ethernet networked Laser Printer and an Ethernet networked NAS.

With this setup I could print on all three printers from all three computers. I stored all documents, photos, music, etc on the NAS and it could be accessed very quickly from all three computers.

I replaced the XP-Pro PC with a new Win 7 PC. Now I cannot see the Shared All-in-One that is connected to the Mac via USB. I cannot get into the Mac from the Win 7 machine without an ID and Password which I never set and do not have. I can still print on the Mac-attached printer and get into the Mac from the XP-Pro laptop.

Can anyone help me to be able to access the Mac and to use the Mac-attached shared printer from the Win 7 machine?

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Can't Cut From Shared Network Drives

Oct 19, 2011

ok i have a home network set up on 2 pcs with win 7 64bit

i have set up shared drives on both pcs ,, i have set the permisions on the shared drives so that everyone can do whatever they want change files delete files ect

so i expect to be able from one pc to cut files and paste to the other but i cant ,,, i cant even copy from one pc to the other unless i do it from the pc that is going to have the file added

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Can't Connect To Windows 7 Shared From XP?

May 20, 2009

I'm having a hell of a time trying to connect to my shared folders on my Win 7 RC machine from my XP machine. I have my shared folder permissions set to 'full control' for 'everyone'.On my XP machine I click to open my win 7 machine from the workgroup and I get the username/password screen. The username is already filled in like this: WIN7PCjohn. I type my win 7 password for john user account and I get an error that says: \win7pc not accesible. You might not have permission to use this network resource ... multiple connections to a server by same user ... etc.

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Cannot Connect To Shared Printer?

Feb 20, 2011

I just upgraded all of my computers to Windows 7 Professional and Office 2010 Professional Plus, and they're all running great. Much faster than the previous configuration, Windows XP Professional SP3 w/Office 2003 Standard. I'm using one computer to store all of the file backups and share the printer, a Dell Photo AIO 924. Everything's working fine, except for the printer. The printer prints from the computer its directly connected to, and I have it shared. However, when I try to connect other computers to it, I get an unable to connect to printer error with code 0x06. I checked a couple of things, Print Spooler service is running, network passwords are disabled, and all computers are in the same workgroup. I've gotten this to work before, but that was a while ago when I was running Windows 7 Enterprise trial on the same computer, everything worked great

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Homegroup And Shared Folders?

Apr 8, 2011

I have two laptops(Win7x64 Home Premium) and a desktop(Win7x64 Professional)set up to use Homegroup.I can access each computer from the other, however, the desktop folders that are set to Specific Person under shared can not be accessed by either laptop; public folder is ok.I am using Live ID on all three computers.I tried to add the folders to the libraies that I can access and I still can not access them. However, the odd thing, to me anyway, is if I use Explorer and type the Desktop address I can access the folders.

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Shared Printer Not Printing?

May 2, 2011

I have an Epson 1290 connected to my Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 PC, and it is shared with my Vista Home premium SP2 PC, the printer works fine when printing from my Windows 7 PC but when I try to print from my Vista PC, nothing prints and all the jobs are shown in the "Open Printer" Dialogue box.I have tried right clicking and selecting "Restart" on each entry but still nothing happens.The printer is the default printer for both PC's and shows up in the Control Panel/Printers box.

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Can't Get To Shared Folders Without Going Through Network

May 10, 2011

I have no problem networking the two operating systems and sharing folders and printers (use work not home on Windows 7). BUT, the minute I open network and/or network sharing on the windows 7 computer I lose my internetconnection on both computers and have to go through a shut down of the Windows 7 computer and unplug the cable modem and the router and restart everything.You can't get to shared folders without going through network. If you do you have to restart everything to get back internet connection.

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