Shared External Drive Folder Unshared Itself?

Aug 4, 2011

I recently replaced a Freeagent Pro with a Goflex Desk. Both the new and old drives were permanently assigned drive letter H and the new drive fitted in seamlessly about a week ago. The old drive is not used My Synctoy backups (run via Task Scheduler) all worked fine daily from 28th July until today when H was not found.I checked the properties and sharing was unchecked (not by any human hand!)The drive is permanently attached via USB.

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Cannot Access Re-shared External Hard Drive

May 2, 2011

I have a Maxtor External Hard drive and Windows 7 Premium 64 bit. I have a user setup for each member of my family on the computer. The maxtor drive was working fine uptil I decided that I wanted only myself to be able to access it only. The drive appeared as my K drive. I went to sharing and added myself as read/write access and removed the everyone share thinking that only I would be able to use the drive. I restarted my PC and now nobody can access it. When I plug the drive into the usb slot the drive whirs up as normal but there is no drive letter for it and it does not appear in device manager etc. I plugged it into my old XP machine and that cannot read it either..

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Mapping Network Shared External Drive?

Jul 26, 2011

We have a company drive that we map folders from to certain computers. They reconnected at log in like normal. However, we have a separate external drive that when I map a folder from it, it never reconnects on log in. I have set the folder permissions for the user I want. I have tried directly connecting with the folder share name and also using the IP address of the server. They will initially connect when you set it up at first, but then it never reconnects to the drive/folder when logging back on. I have tried almost everything I can find and it still never seems to connect.

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How To Allow Access To A Shared Drive But Not A Specified Folder

Dec 19, 2012

I have just created a VHD on my laptop so I can share is as a shared area as I have over 5 computers in my house. I want the whole household to have access to the drive but not to a folder that i own as it contains private stuff. How would I go about protecting a folder from being accessed without the correct password and username. Or maybe, how would i go about stopping the folder from being accessed from the whole network but being able to access it on the local machine?

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Can't Open A Folder On An External Drive

Sep 27, 2012

I use the external for backup and I have a critical folder with a couple of years of backups that I can't open There is only one user defined for my Windows 7 PC and it has administrator privileges. I might have directly accessed the drive from a laptop that is part of my Workgroup.

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Folder Lock On External Hard Drive?

Jul 17, 2011

I am using folder lock 6.0 to lock folder on my two laptops. I have a WD External hard drive. I want to lock (password protect) some folders on the portable/external harddrive. I don't want aany encryption because I may forgot the password and may not be able to recover data. I also don't want to lock complete partition. I just want to make it hidden/password protected from casual users. Is it possible using folder lock? It has a portability feature but it requires to transfer all data to a locker. I have a very large amount of data which I want to lock (~100GB). Folder lock has a feature to lock any folder on hard drive but it dosn't work when it is external/portable hard drive.

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$recycle.bin Folder On External Hard Drive?

Jul 24, 2010

I was using Ace Utilities to scan an external hard drive and I noticed that 35.5GB was taken up in a folder called $recycle.bin. Can I empty the contents of this folder and all will be ok?

edit to add....theres also a folder called RECYCLER which contains 3.3GB...can this be emptied too?

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Can't Access User's Folder On Any External Hard Drive

Jan 10, 2012

I am using Windows Seven ultimate x64 and I started having a problem when trying to access user's folder under documents and settings or users on any attached external hard drive on my computer. i didn't have this problem before, it started on the same installation of windows and without any changes to my system settings or user settings.
I am a computer tech and I use my computer to backup data before repairing computers so I attach the hard drive to my computer using a USB enclosure. This is limiting my work since I didn't find any solution yet. It's giving me the error below: "you don't currently have permission to access this folder" This is happening on any external hard drive I want to access the user's data.

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The Folder Titles On External Hard Drive Are In Green

Jul 28, 2011

The folder titles on my external hard drive are in green when I open them up with one laptop and I am unable to see my pictures and video. However, when I plug the drive into my other laptop... I can see them fine?? Both laptops are identical Compaq 6910p running Windows 7 with 4 gigs of Ram and 320 gig hard drive .

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Why Is The User Folder Shared When Share A Folder

May 6, 2009

I recently made a folder to share with an XP machine. When I look at the network through my seven machine I see the folder I shared and the USERS folder shared as well. Why is that? I have the network setup at a home network. 7100 32 bit.

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Folder Missing From External Hard Drive - Not Deleted Or Hidden

Apr 8, 2012

A folder has disappeared from an external hard drive, as confirmed by plugging it into another computer and checking, searching for several filenames it should contain on all possible drives (with hidden files shown), and searches with Recuva and testdisk of deleted files. There is no discrepancy between the size of the remaining folders and the reported size of the folder that contained it along with the remaining folders.

The drive in question is a 2TB WD Mybook external that may be showing its age- another folder had a cyclic redundancy check error, and the folder in question developed one several weeks later. I'm making plans to move my data off and have already duplicated the most important files on it.When the folder developed the CRC error mentioned in the previous paragraph, I ran scandisk. It was after running that utility that I found it had disappeared, so that is the most likely reason. However, the other folder remained (with error unfixed, eventually resolved by using testdisk to copy the folder to another drive.)

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Backup Folder Simply Disappeared From External Hard Drive

Nov 16, 2011

Last week I've reinstalled my Windows 7 because my notebook was slow and I wanted to went back to the factory setting. I've picked my Seagate external HD (2TB) and moved everything I had into a folder called "[Acer]".

Well, I had some problems with external hard drives this year, I've lost many information from an external HD, and I found out that it was because I've connected this HD in a Macintosh. I really DON'T KNOW WHY, but every folder that I had opened in my Macintosh went CORRUPTED in Windows 7, with no chances to repair the files.

Since then, I haven't plugged my external hard drives into my Macintosh.

I don't know if it's a Windows 7 problem or a problem with my Seagate HD, but the quantity of issues that I had with this external HD since then was crazy. Every time I disconnected this HD and then connected again, Windows asked me to repair and scan the files. And the amount of time to scan everything was, like, one and a half hour... so it was bugging me a lot. But the real problem is: yesterday I've plugged my external HD and my backup folder (called "[Acer]" simply disappeared from the drive. I've tried to run "chkdsk E: /F", with no success.

Now I'm running a "chkdsk E: /R", and it will take me a lot of time, and I'm really not positive to recover my backup folder.

All the old folders are there, everything is fine, but this folder disappeared, only this folder (and everything that were inside of it) disappeared.

I've also tried Recuva (Recuva - Download) to recover my folder, but it haven't found it.

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Enable Copyright Protection For Folder On External Hard Drive?

Jun 23, 2011

How do I make a folder on my External Hard Drive able to be accessed and useable, but also unable to be copied/moved/cut/deleted until I switch it back and how do I switch it back?

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Unable To Delete Folder On External Hard Drive - Permission Required

Jul 27, 2012

I have windows 7 on an AMD processor computer, it's a new computer with some upgrades. I'm trying to delete a folder on my external hard drive and it gives me this error message despite the fact that I am the administrator. You require permission from S-1-5-21-3908285926-3313324932-2694402914-1000 to make changes to this folder.

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Access Denied To External Drive - Documents And Settings Folder Locked

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my Documents & Settings folder to copy into my external drive for backup purposes. The external drive already has this folder in place and the proper files and folders within D/S as I have been routinely backing it up for the last few years. However, now when I try to Copy Folder To the external drive, I get the error message that access to the J drive (external drive) is denied. As you can see from the pic below, the D/S folder on my hard drive is apparently locked. I don't recall locking it and how do I unlock it so that I can copy to to the external drive?

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Can't Access Shared Folder

Jul 6, 2011

I have Windows 7 Professional x64.My pictures are located in this folder: L:Users<name>My Pictures

I want to share this folder with another user on my computer. Can't do it.

Simply altering the folder's permissions doesn't work. If I change permissions so that the folder in question does not inherit any permissions from parent folders, and instead allow my user read-only access to the folder...access denied.

Alright then, I tried to share the folder with my user. Although sharing usually means sharing with other computers on a network, it also applies to other users on the same machine. But the user can't access the shared folder...access denied.

I could move the folder in question to the Public user, but then everyone can see it. Holy cow...what does it take to share a folder with another user on the same computer?

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Get Shared Folder Using IPv6

Jul 6, 2011

I m trying to connect two PC using IPv6 and i m getting reply to connected but i can't access shared folder it say Network Error Windows can't access.i m tried following Address \fe80::1 So How can i get shared folder Using IPv6..

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Always Online Shared Folder?

Dec 26, 2012

So a friend of mine has a folder setup on his PC that he can access by inputting IP address, along with some other information. It looks similar to this: \151.x.x.xxxdatadata. How would I go about setting something up similarly on mine? I run Server 08 R2 if it matters?

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Moving Files From Shared Folder

Dec 28, 2012

Whenever I move folders from my shared folders ( Users/public/public documents for example) it copies the files instead of just simply moving them. The folders are on the same hard drive/partition so there does not seem to be any reason it should start doing this. I dont know what I could have changed on the computer to cause this to happen either. it is quite a frustrating problem however because large files take a while to transfer when they should be moved instantly.

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Shared Folder Access Over Network

Jan 3, 2013

Recently a few computers in our domain has switched to Win 7 from Win XP. Now after sharing folder shared folder are not visible while accessing that computer from our Win CE device. Windows XP or Win 7 users can browse shared folders but not WinCE device.Media Streaming, Network discovery, File sharing is Off. Firewall is turn off.

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Cannot View All Files In Shared Folder

May 9, 2011

I am running winows 7 ultimate 32bit as a server, i have the c: drive shared to all 13 users on the network. All 13 computers are running windows xp pro. The problem that I am having is this:When i open up the shared c: drive on a windows xp computer, and open a folder to view files, it only shows 122 out of the 227 files.when i open up the c: drive on the windwos 7 machine, i can see all 227 files.when i open up excel or word, and open a file that is stored on the windows 7 machine, it will open fine, but when i try and browse for the file that is stored on the windows 7 machine, it does not show here is the interesting thing:when i open up the shared c: drive on another computer running windows 7, (not the server) i can see all 227 files and have no problems.i have multiple folders, ex: mypics2008, mypics2009, mypics2010, mypics2001, mydocs2000, mydocs2010, all shared off of the c: drive on the windows 7 server. this problem started a few weeks ago, i was able to see all the files in every shared folder off of the windows 7 server through all of the windows xp pr machines a month ago, and all of a sudden in the past few weeks, i am no longer able to see all of the files shared off of the server.i have rebuilt the index on the windows 7 server i have removed and redone ALL security, and sharing settings i have checked, rechecked and checked again all the file sharing settings I am stumped, and i consider myself knowledgable with computers.

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Setting Up Shared Folder On Windows 7?

Aug 24, 2011

I explain how frustrating this has been...Ok, so just a very brief back story, my job has a shared Toshiba file, where all scanned documents, and received faxes can be viewed as PDFs. Everything was fine until my computer (Windows XP) crashed, and I rebooted it with Windows 7. Everything else has been fine, but resetting up this file has been a nightmare. After about 15 calls, someone was finally able to create a folder that worked yesterday, however today it is back to the drawing board. , the folder that was set up was NOT the same one that my co-workers use, which is fine as long as I can access the data, but for whatever reason it is not working...I don't know if it has to do with the network path, the file name, or what.

Now, I am definitely hooked up to the network, and I definitely have network discovery on. Password protect is not on so that anyone can view the shared documents. If it makes any difference, the printer/copier/fax machine/scanner is a Toshiba E-Studio202L machine. When I click homegroup/sharing options, everything is checked off...I really do not know what the problem is, as the documents are just not getting forwarded to my folder (or any folder).

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Stop My Personal Folder From Being Shared?

Aug 22, 2011

How do i stop my personal folder from being shared? I am not part of a homegroup.Under the advanced tab, sharing is not ticked and the 'share with' is set to nobody.

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Cannot Connect To Shared Folder Or Printer

Sep 26, 2012

I've got two Vista Ultimate computers. Both have the same username and password. Same workgroup name.

Password protected sharing is enabled on both. I shared a folder on computer 1, and added Everyone to the security tab, with full control.

When i try to map the folder from computer 2, I can see computer 1 listed. But when I click on the + next to it, it asks for a username and password (which I did not expect to be necessary since they are both the same user account and password) and when I enter it it says Logon Unsuccessful.

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Can't Access Files In Shared Folder Windows 7

Dec 27, 2011

I have 4 worstations in the same HomeGroup I can access the files of workstation 1 from the two workstations but the 3th one in the 3th one the the shared folder appears but when I try to aceess the files inside I get an error can't acess contact administrator the pasword protection is disabled in the workstation 1 and I can access the files from the other two workstations so I have no clue what is going on I have disabled the firewall and Norton IS on both workstations but still can't access the content of the sahred folder

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Pinning Network Shared Folder Shortcuts From LAN?

Feb 20, 2011

Windows 7 adding network drive shortcuts to taskar. I'm searching a similar way with XP Quick launch bar to add some network folders (which aren't mapped as drives) to taskbar.hen dragging to taskbar, there opens a window (Pinned/Recent/) which I understand means shortcut has now pinned. Now there are listed already several network shortcuts, but still these are not visible on taskbar. Where do these go and how to make these visible? It looks like it's a separate toolbar, where I can open already previously dragged shortcuts, but how to open it without dragging a new network shortcut to taskbar?When dragging an application to tasbar, there isn't such a window and application shortcut is added without any question asked.It seems like Windows 7 doesn't support dragging and creating network shares shortcuts directly onto taskabar or did I missed something essential?

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How To Get Username Password Prompt Shared Folder

Sep 12, 2011

I have a file sharing server and about 10 client computers that access files on this server.

What i would like to have is when each client computer wants to access any of the files on the server that they are prompted with a usernamepassword dialog.

I do not want to create each user on server if i dont have to. The server is Windows 7 Pro 64Bit 6 of the client computer are Windows 7 Pro 64Bit 4 of the client computers are XP Pro

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File Moved To A Shared Folder => Not Visible?

Sep 16, 2012

I'm sharing a folder with other PCs on the network and it works fine, except in this case:1. file in D:folder1 (normal folder)2. move file to D:folder2 (shared folder)3. file not visible from other PCs

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Access A Shared Folder On Windows Xp Machine?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm trying to access a shared folder on my windows xp machine. i went to map network drive, use different credentials, and typed in the account name and password that i had given rights to on the other computer. but it just reprompted for different a temporary fix i created a user on this computer with the exact same credentials as the ones i typed in, and it works for that user. so apparently the computer didnt understand what i typed in for 'use different credentials'?

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Shared Folder Permission - Windows 7 32bit

May 31, 2012

How to set permission for shared folder for windows 7 32bit?

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Computer No Longer Recognizes The External Drive After Removing External Hard Drive

Oct 23, 2011

.I didn't wait for the computer to tell me it was ok to remove the drive in the usb port. Now my computer no longer recognizes the external drive After removing my external hard drive (without the ok) my computer no longer recognizes the external hard drive. What do I do.

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