Hook Up To Printer After Leaving Homegroup To Laptop

Jul 19, 2012

I personally hate the Homegroup. I would like to remove my laptop from it and was wondering if I do so will I be able to hook my computer up to my laptop?

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When Go To Print Something Through The Homegroup From The Laptop Only 1 Printer Shows Up?

Jun 25, 2012

I have a homegroup set up with a desktop and a latop, 2 printers which are physically connected to the desktop.When i open homegroup to see what devices are connected the 2 pc`s and the 2 printers show up but when i go to print something through the homegroup from the laptop only 1 printer shows up to print from even though both printers show up in the homegroup?

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Hook Up Printer To Dlink Router Usb Port?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to connect a Samsung 320 to the usb port of a Dlink router model number DIR-655 extreme

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How Do I Hook Up Laptop To Tv

Jul 26, 2012

how do i connect my laptop to my tv

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Possible To Hook Hard Drive To Laptop

Oct 6, 2012

can i Hook a hard drive up to a laptop?

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HomeGroup HP Network Printer

Nov 10, 2009

I have a wired desktop and a wireless netbook. Both have 7 Ultimate. I set up HomeGroup on my desktop and my netbook can see & access my shared folders.

I also have a couple of printers. The one I want to be able to access is a wired HP Laserjet 4000. It's old, but built like a tank and has 64MB of RAM and a Jet Direct card. I have it plugged into a Cisco router. When I added the printer I chose "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer". It locates the printer and assigns an IP address. As long as my desktop is on I can print to it from my netbook.

The problem is that I want to be able to print to the printer without having my desktop on like any small network. I should be able to since it has it's own IP address. It is on the correct port and everything in HomeGroup is working except printing while the desktop is off. I hesitate to install the massive Jet Direct software but I will if this will solve the problem.

I am very tired after staying up way too late doing a clean install of Ultimate on my desktop and reinstalling apps & arranging everything. I am thinking it has to be something simple I am overlooking ATM as I am not clear headed on 3 hours of sleep.

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Cannot Connect Printer To New Network Or Homegroup

Oct 9, 2011

I had my computer at my home, connected to my home network. I moved to a Corporate apartment, which has a different network, and now I can't print to my printer, which I brought with me. I did set the new network as my 'home' network, and folowed instructions, but it does not seem to be working.

THe printer is a C6280 Photosmart, and is wireless enabled, but my new place doesn't have a router to attach to. Basically, I'd just like to connect the printer directly to my computer, since I will be the only one printing to it.

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Homegroup Printer Sharing Fails Error

Apr 30, 2012

We have an ASUS Zenbook U31F. We like it, but may have to return it because we cannot get it to print to our network printer on our HomeGroup. We have a Dell Studio 17 that prints to this computer with no problem.When we attempt to print to the printer (HP OfficeJet 6100 Series), the ASUS computer downloads a driver from the server and then issues the message "Operation failed with error 0x000003e3."

1) Updating the HP printer driver.I cannot do this. Windows reports that the printer driver is included in Windows 7 and I do not need to update it (and I cannot update it - the OS will not allow me to.)

2) Attaching the printer directly to the ASUS ZenBook ASUS ZenBook can print to the HP OfficeJet 6100 if it directly connected with a USB cable. This is not an acceptable solution: my wife needs to use the printer from anywhere in the house.

3) Registry Hack.I read about a registry hack to fool Windows into thinking that the printer is already connected. I did this and the printer appears in the Devices and Printer applet. Unfortunately, the first time I attempt to use the printer, the ASUS ZenBook downloads the printer driver and fails again.

ASUS and Best Buy have been completely useless. ASUS points the finger (I am not sure which finger) to HP. Best Buy wants me to pay an additional $70 for a support contract to get the computer that I bought from them to work.The server is a home-built gaming system built on a Gigabyte motherboard - Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, SP1, 6GB RAM, Intel i7 920 @ 2.66 GHz.The laptop is an ASUS ZenBook U31F running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

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Print To Wireless Printer If Disconnect The Homegroup?

Oct 3, 2012

Can I still print to the wireless printer if I disconnect the Homegroup? I do not wish to share files and see no point in joining a Homegroup.

Would removing the Homegroup cause internet connection problems?

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UnSharing HomeGroup Folders But Sharing Printer

Dec 1, 2009

I found it somewhat difficult to completely Unshare files and folders on my HomeGroup Network and still allow Printer sharing in Windows 7 (Home Premium).

Initial UnSharing still allowed files like those below to be viewed on other home network computers:


{user x} (folder)

AppData (folder)

Default (folder

Public (folder)

desktop.ini (file)

Other computers on the home network could step through many levels of hiarchy in the AppData folder and appeared to have "Delete" access!!

To completely decouple the computers, I had to go through the following several different Sharing/Unsharing assignment locations, till I could completely break the linkage.

I would appreciate any clarifications or simplifications.

File UnShare Confusion on HomeGroup Network

There are several different Network Sharing/Protection assignment locations in Windows 7.

To prevent all sharing between computers on the Homegroup Network, but allow Printer Sharing:

1) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options.

Uncheck sharing boxes that you don’t want to share. Save changes.

2) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options->Change advanced sharing settings.

Click “Turn off Public folder sharing (people logged on to this computer can still access these folders)”.

3) Start->Control Panel ->Network and Sharing Center->Choose Homegroup and sharing options->Change advanced sharing settings.

Choose Media streaming options.

Click “Block All” button. Turn off. Click OK.

Anomaly Note: You have to close Control Panel and repeat all step 3 again for the change to take effect.

4) Open Windows Explorer.

a) Select “C:/”, select “Users” folder with single click, then click “Share with” in toolbar.

b) Select Advanced sharing.

Under Sharing tab, select Advanced Sharing. Uncheck box labeled “Share this folder”. Apply and close.

5) Open Windows Explorer.

Select “C:/Users/”, select all folders and files under "Users", then click “Share with” in toolbar, then click “Nobody”.

6) Verify success by going to other home network computer(s) and trying to access your files and folders. You should only be able to see there is a computer and not be able to see any folders of files.

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Setting Up HomeGroup Or Sharing Printer With Laptops Using Windows 7 And Vista?

Dec 30, 2011

Is it possible to set up a shared printer with one laptop running Windows 7 and the other laptop running Vista? I have tried setting all the required sharing settings on both units, but without success!

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Homegroup Can't Be Seen On Laptop With Wifi

Feb 22, 2012

Despite being able to connect to a Homegroup containing two wired desktops, a router, and a wireless printer, using it's LAN connection, I can't get the laptop to see the Homegroup just using wifi.The laptop can still access the internet and printer, but no homegroup.If I plug in the LAN cable I can see and automatically join the Homegroup. If I then remove the LAN cable, the wifi then connects to the Homegroup.If I start the Laptop on wifi only. It can't even see the Homegroup.

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1 Laptop Not Visible On HomeGroup?

Oct 11, 2012

I have 4 laptops, LT01, LT02, LT03, and LT04 running Windows 7 64 bit. All 4 laptops are visible (and inter-operable) with standard network. However, 1 laptop, LT02, is not visible in HomeGroup on LT01, LT03, LT04.

Whereas LT01, LT03, LT04 are visible in HomeGroup on LT2. Granted its not a real show-stopper for me but it is very irritating. Done all the obvious thinks like setting up HomeGroup on LT02 and then joining the common HomeGroup.

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Can't Get Laptop And Netbook Linked Via Homegroup

Aug 12, 2009

Have one laptop running Windows 7 Build 7100.

And a netbook also running Windows 7 Build 7100.

On the laptop I am running Kaspersky Internet Security 2009.

On the netbook I am running Avira anti-virus (although this problem existed when there was no anti-virus program installed).

I created a homegroup on the laptop and shared all folders.

I then joined this homegroup from the netbook (and shared all folders there too).

So under homegroup on either machine, I now see the other computer's name.

If I click on that name it brings up the libraries- documents, music, pictures, videos.

But if I click on any of them, nothing happens. If I right click, then properties it says 'the properties for this item are not available'.

Something seems to be preventing the machines from sharing these files properly.

I have tried looking in Kaspersky but can't see what might be 'untrusted' that I should mark 'trusted'.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Homegroup was the main reason I installed Windows 7 on the netbook!

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Cannot Print From Laptop To Pc In Homegroup Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a new laptop w7 and a pc in another room w7.have set up homegroup and all seems fine untill i tell pc to print,i get a messageoc has been sent to printer then comm error

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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Trying To Hook Up A Nook?

Aug 18, 2012

i am tryng to hook up a nook

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Pc To Tv Connection - How To Hook Up-MDMI Or VGA

Oct 23, 2011

vizio tv has "rgb pc" connector as well as an audio port. I am told to hook rgb(VGA) cable from acer pc directly to the rgb port on tv. In addition, I am told to hook up a stero mini jack cable to the audio port. My question is whether this is the way it should be done. Why does the tv have 2 HDMI jacks if you aren't going to use them?
Wouldn't the HDMI connection be much clearer?

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Unable To Hook Up Wireless

Sep 5, 2011

i just bought this computer an cant hook up wireless?

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Required Hardware To Hook-up?

Dec 30, 2011

What do I need to hook-up my BA7500G speakers to my Gateway computer

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How To Hook Up Internet Explorer

Jan 28, 2013

I can't find internet explorer on my computer.

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Computer Freezes After Leaving Internet?

Feb 18, 2012

My computer began freezing when I close the internet. Mouse moves but when I click on icon nothing happens. I can use ctrl,alt,del to bring up logon/off window. When I log off and back on I can regain use of all programs.I am running Windows 7,and using IE9,with 6 gig ram. I t seems to have slowly began when I uninstalled Firefox about 2 weeks ago. It was too unstable. This issue was happening just a few times but has now progressed to each time I leave the internet

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Hook Up A Pair Of Stereo Speakers To Pc?

Mar 1, 2012

can i hook up a pair of stereo speakers to my pc

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Possible To Recover Domain Profile And Data After Leaving?

Dec 1, 2012

So I had an issue with our windows 2000 server and took it off the network. Won't get into that right now. I ended up just setting up a workgroup for the time being until something can be done about the server. Three computers running windows 7 were pulled from the domain and put on the workgroup with no difference to the user profile. The desktop and all local data stayed the same. But for the 4th computer when it left the domain and restarted it had a new local profile and has a new desktop with all the data from the domain profile gone. My question: is it possible to either get a copy of the data from the domain profile, which I don't see under user accounts and can't switch to it as a different user, or to do a system restore to before leaving the domain then copy the data? The biggest issue is the loss of the pst file and a few files on the desktop that were not backed up recently. Is there anything I can do to get that data?

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Desktop Icons Disappear Leaving Only Wallpaper

Apr 13, 2012

Over the past several days my HP Windows 7, 64 bit, Home Premium PC has developed a freeze problem! After rebooting by pushing the button, it functions quite normally for anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. Then, without warning, one of several things happens, each resulting in a freeze. And in all cases I have to reboot by pushing the button.

* The desktop icons disappear, leaving only the wallpaper.
* The cursor disappears or freezes in place and nothing can be done.
* I will be working in a browser or in a MS Word document and it will grow faint and when I click I get the prompt that the program is not responding, then I am unable to do anything even though the cursor works. I can't close anything, open anything or reboot.

I have researched the issue, but it is so broad a problem, I don't have a clue where to go to research it.I have checked that no sleep mode is on. I have turned off all screen savers.I have disabled a good number of startup programs, including uninstalling several potential offenders.I have run cleanup programs such as CCleaner, etc. I have defragged.I ran scannow on my command prompt. No system errors were detected.I have run several spyware programs, but the problem persists.My hunch is that there is some program conflict or perhaps the browser is the problem. [code]

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Windows 7 Joining/leaving And Rejoining A Domain?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a number of new Window 7 laptops and have joined the company domain with no problems (SBS running Windows 2003).When I was on the domain I set up a number of printers by browsing the server mainserver\OkiC9650 and finding the printer and it and correctly installs the drivers and provides me with full functionality for the printer.However, if for some reason I have to leave and then rejoin the domain, and I don't delete the printers first, when I rejoin the domain the printers are no longer showing (as one might expect), and when I try to add them again, or add anything connected to themainserver\OkiC9650 I get an error.

It don't think it is anything to do with the printer as I can't connect to any printer in this way.Although the 0x00000006 indicates a permission problem it is not that or a setting problem as it works the first time and no changes are made other than leaving and rejoining the domain.It happens with four laptops, two different makes, and three different models.I don't think it is a Server problem as I have tried leaving the domain, and deleting the Computer name from the Active Directory, and even tried giving the joining computer a different name between leaving and joining. I was hoping if it was recognised as a new computer it would work at least once - but still no good.I am therefore left with the assumption that the problem is with Windows 7, there must be some sort of reference not being cleared that results in a 'duplication' type error when I try the same action again.

If I delete the printer first, before leaving the domain, I can rejoin the domain again and setup the printer correctly, the problem is when I don't delete the printer first, I can never then connect to the printer in this way (I can connect directly to the printer if I use the printers IP address).I am convince the problem is with Windows 7 - can anyone suggest where the mainserver\ reference is being held in Windows 7, or if I am barking up the wrong tree if they could suggest what tree I should be barking at?

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BSOD When Leaving PC On For Longer Period Of Time

Aug 21, 2012

this is the second time I've gotten this message in the last 3 days and both times my Pc was turned on and left when I was absent. Here are the details!

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System Files Becoming Corrupt After Leaving Computer Off All Day

Mar 8, 2011

I just built a new computer and I installed windows 7 and it worked fine all day.I shut it down the next morning before going to work and when i got home later i got tons of messages about processes not working and system files being corrupted. It wouldnt even stay turned on for long. I later reformatted and installed windows xp, it worked fine all weekend but when i turned it off before going to work on monday and came home later i got the same problem.I did several restarts while it was working and nothing bad happened, but when it was off for a long period it screwed it up on both operating systems.

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Hook Up To Mice And Keyboards To The Same Computer With 2 Monitors?

May 23, 2011

is there any way two hook up to mice and keyboards to the same computer with 2 monitors. and if so can someone link a site that shows how to do this.

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Is It Possible To Hook A PC Up To A TV For Sole Purpose Of Streaming That Channel

Sep 12, 2011

I'm hoping to be able to stream certain a certain program(s) to my HDTV. This cable provider we just switched to does not offer international channels (in this case Italy's RAI international). Is it possible to hook a PC up to a TV for the sole purpose of streaming that channel? I know there are several sites that let me stream that channel. What hardware would I need? Do I need to worry about graphics card limitations? Internet connectivity won't be an issue. Would I need a remote control or a certain software package for this? Will TV have to have certain adapters to act as the monitor? Are there any software packages that act as a DVR?The TV in question is a Panasonic Viera, 36" I believe. The side connections are HDMI, RCA Vid/Aud and the has HDMI, component in and Video in.

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Can't Hear Any Sound When Hook Toshiba Satellite Up To Tv?

Jun 9, 2012

I have a Toshiba satellite L655-S5150 and i have all the cables that the guys at best buy told me to get. I hooked them up but i still cant hear any sound. I had to hook a cable up from my headphone port to the back of the tv but still no sound.

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