Getting Windows 7 Installation Setup.exe Error

Jan 13, 2013

I m reinstalling window 7 on my new laptop ..previously it got 000000f4 error blue screen appers and it restarts all the time so i decide to reinstalll when i reinstall it setup was working fine but at the end it got setup.exe error ..i thought may be cd is corrupt i bought new cd now when inset a cd it appera press any key to boot from cd han i presss any key than window is loading file after that window is starting up appers than it is frozen their why .

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Installation Error: Setup Cannot Continue Due To A Corrupted Installation File

Sep 13, 2009

I am installing Windows 7 (Custom installation initiated from Windows XP) but I get the following error message when the installation is on the "Installing updates" step of the installation:

"Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance."

Do you have any idea what the problem may be with the installation? Is there a way to see what file that may be corrupted?

I have tried to burn the DVD in low speed, but the error appears anyway. I have a MSI K8T Neo2-Fir mainboard and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor application says that my hardware is okay for upgrading.

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Error Code 6 - Setup Was Unable To Complete The Installation

Nov 1, 2009

i recently installed windows 7.. when i installed VIA drivers for graphics it didn't get installed properly... i had the message "setup was unable to complete the installation (error code-6) ".. so i was asked to upgrade my BIOS... i downloaded it and installed it... when i ran the update, the system just hanged up and nothing happened for hours,..

so i had to restart the system and went to BIOS settings and clicked load optimized settings,,,.. from then onwards my OS is booting until the windows startup screen appears and just's not booting to the users login... but it logs in at times... i dont have any restore points too..what to do?

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition / Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.The stupidity that I did was deleted the partition which had the Recovery Drive in it. So, now I am stuck and not able to install Vista as well as Windows 7. I am not able to boot Windows as there is no OS in my laptop now.

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Windows 7 Starter Getting Error On Initial Setup; Locked In Setup Loop?

Oct 5, 2011

one of the netbooks was plugged in to initially power it up, but then hard-shut-down before Windows could run through its initial setup.Now when I boot up the netbook, and it attempts to go through the initial windows setup "Setup is starting services", and then throws an error message: The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation.I restart, and the cycle continues. This happens whether I try to boot normally or in safe modeI've got no CD-drive attached to it, so I'm not sure what I can do to break this error cycle.

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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Windows 7 Won't Complete Setup Installation

Jul 9, 2012

I am trying to install my windows 7 and it wont complete the setup. After all the files load from my original disks, the computer restarts and starts the setup but its been a blank screen for over 2 hours now and still nothing. I can use the restore from an image file and it sets up in 30 minutes and works but i have no home group setup and cant read some external hard drives right so I wanted to try a clean install. The computer is a Gateway 64 bit.

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Can't Continue Windows 7 Setup Installation

Apr 22, 2012

i am trying to upgrade my computer from vista 32 bit to windows 7 ultimate i did a windows advisor got everything installed but it keeps showing my cd rom driver as being outdated i have done the upgrade that windows 7 called for (cyberlink 8.2)oh i am on a dell inspiron 530s with 3gig mem and 140gig hd i have copied windows 7 to a flash drive (8gb) when i run setup form usb drive setup comes back saying: (windows could not retrieve information the disks on this computer) then it stops..... i am wondering if my recovery disk has something to do with this........????? when my computer starts there are 2 copies of vista 1 is corrupt which is called (recovery) the other one takes me to vista..... i would really like to do this if possible.....also usb drive is bootable.... but i think my computer does not support it start windows 7.

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Service Setup On Windows 7 Installation?

Aug 17, 2012

ust like you ca slipstream windows updates is there a way to pre-configure windows services - either to disable or sc delete?

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Cannot Complete Installation Of Windows 7 On RAID 10 Setup

Feb 18, 2010

- build a system with 1 WD1101FALS HDD and installed Windows 7 64 bit no problem. All was good for few days until I got a bug to set up a RAID 10.

- Went out bought 3 more of the same drives. All 4 drives are WD1101FALS 1TB.

- Set up the RAID 10 array on the ASUS motherboard, got the RAID drives for Win7 64bit on a USB key.

- Start install, no problem. Win7 asks for drivers, I click browse and select the drives from USB for the RAID. Install continues, files are copied, thing are flying, it's fast.

- Then 1st re-start

- Windows continues to install (finalizing things, registry update, etc).

- I get to 4 check marks on the Windows Install screen and then it goes into the last step "Completing Installation". The progress bar goes to about 80% complete and then

BLACK SCREEN, computer re-starts. Windows comes up with a message "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation can not proceed. etc.." It assks to press OK and and PC re-starts and the installation re-starts from scratch. I tried about 15 times, with different RAID drives, from XP to Vista, to Win7.

I have no clue what else I can try. Usually people have problem with the RAID drives but I have no problem with that step. The drivers are selected and seem to be working fine. The install almost completes.

Here are the images on how far along the install goes. The progress bar actually goes more than that, I just took a picture before the black screen.

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Windows 7 Installation Hanging On Setup Is Starting

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to install Windows 7 on a new hard drive but it is hanging on the "setup is starting" page.

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Windows 7 Installation Fails After 1 Setup Session?

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to install Windows 7 on my Acer Predator 7750G but everytime the first installation phase stops it says that it cannot configure my computer so the installation will stop.I have had some virus problems on my HDD were i couldn't see what was on them, that is the reason why i have choosen to install from scratch on the computer!

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BSOD When Windows 7 Is Extracting The Installation On Setup

Mar 17, 2011

BSOD when Win7 is extracting the installation on setup

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Windows 7 Installation Stuck At Setup Is Starting

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to install Windows 7 through USB in my Dell studio 1555 Laptop. Every time it gets stuck at "setup is starting".I have already disabled all other boot options except USB. There is no floppy drive option.I have gone through more or less every post related to this problem , but the common solution that is to remove all the USB, Firewire etc. attachments. It does not work in my case as I am installing from USB.

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Windows 7 Installation Hangs At (Setup Is Starting) Screen

Mar 22, 2011

I am with a friend re-installing Windows 7 on his laptop. Unfortunately the laptop had been infected beyond repair by a virus/malware and would not boot past bios. When installing Windows 7 x32, I make it to the "Setup is starting..." screen and it does not continue. It is not the disk as I have used the same one to install it on my laptop. The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545 with 4gb of ram and 500gb HDD space.

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Setup Is Starting Services / Windows Could Not Complete Installation

Jul 19, 2012

Setup is starting services.Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation.About one month ago I decided I wanted to have a clean install of windows 7 on my acer machine. I did this by using an acer made pre-installed program. It claims to be very straightforward, all you have to do is click a button and they will reinstall windows 7 for you and even back up all your data ,so that after the clean install you don't lose a thing. Sounded great but in reality it has stopped my notebook from working.I am now in a circle-jerk of the error message I stated in the beginning of this topic. Once my computer restarts it just gets me the same error message again. I tried booting from a bootable USB-key with the windows 7 iso downloaded from official sources. But this did not do anything from me. I also went to acer support in my city. They offered me to fix it. All they had to do is copy all the info of my hard drive I wanted to keep and do a fresh install of windows 7. Would take them 3 hours. This is the easyiests option for me. But problem is I live in China and I don't trust those tech support guys for good reasons. I went there with my laptop, the tech-support guy put in a usb-key and started up my computer. It started some kind of diagnostics. After 20 minutes of this he stopped the diagnostics and started running some chinese software on my computer. Presumably booting from the USB-key. After a couple of clicks he was browsing around on my hard-drive. I was right behind him and could see him every move. He was snooping around my folders looking for all sorts of personal stuff. He was going to folders he had no business going to. I think he thought I had no idea what he was doing or would not recognize he was snooping around on my computer. At one point he went into a folder and told him not to go there in chinese. He quickly exited, but then couple of seconds later went back to that same folder to do some looking around. Presumably cause he thought I would not notice. So I do not trust these people one bit. And would not want him to copy all the info of my hard drive to then re-install windows7.

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Setup SSD With SRT Or OS Installation?

Feb 1, 2012

I just ordered a Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H- B3 mobo.

If you were me would you add a 64GB SSD and setup this system for Smart Response Technology or would you add a 120GB SSD and install the OS on it?

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Installation Got To Setup Services?

May 10, 2011

i installed windows 7 but didnt know u had to partition the hard drive the instalation got to setup services and restarts then it says that the hard drive is in bad condition but i cant open any options such as bios or setup only thing i can do is press f1 to resume which does same thing wit services setup then goes back to the black screen with f1 resume

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Getting The Setup Of Photoshop For Installation On System

Jan 23, 2012

How can I get the setup of photoshop for installation on my system

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Make An Installation DVD That Boots Without Setting The Setup?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to make a 100% automated Windows 7 installation. (Literally 100%, meaning you do not have to know anything to install it) You only need to put the DVD into the DVD Rom and restart the computer and it will automatically:

1- Boots the computer from the DVD (No need to set the DVD Rom to the first priority)

2- Formats the drive C:

3- Installs the windows and drivers and some software

I know how to do part 3, but I'm not sure about parts 1 and 2.

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Installation Freeze After Setup Files Are Loaded

Dec 10, 2009

So I just built my new computer and fired up my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit disc. The setup files load, the Windows logo video plays, the pretty blue screen with the flowers in the corner appears and my cursor has the rotating green circle indicating something is happening.

Then the circle stops spinning and disappears. At this point it appears the installation freezes. Pressing any keys or moving the mouse does nothing. I have to restart the computer. Same thing happens. Any off-the-bat suggestions before I start troubleshooting hardware?

My hard drives are in a RAID configuration per the M/B controller and a mirror volume has been created on the disk. I have one IDE DVD rom drive (the only part of the computer that's not brand new) and one additional HD audio card installed. The system is stable in the BIOS.

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Setup Starting Services Loop - No Repair Or Installation Disk

Feb 8, 2012

My laptop Specs below:
Acer Aspire 5742
Intel i5-480M
Intel Graphics

It started when I needed to take the computer back to factory default with a fresh install. It was going back to Acer to have the charger point fixed (charger socket had become loose but still charged when it was held in). I used the control panel interface to reinstall windows, all was going well until the laptop power died, I restarted the laptop and the screen displayed:

"Setup is starting Services" a pop up box then appeared with "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer and then restart installation."

I have searched around the net and found a few guides but most require a repair disc or Installation disk. I have neither. Is there any way of starting the install again? For example from Command Prompt?

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Ranish Partition Manager - Setup Cannot Continue Due To Corrupted Installation File

Dec 11, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEB23FM, At first when I tried to go to windows i got a black screen that said "Operating System Not Found", so my friend tried to fix it with a windows 7 repair cd. But here is the problem he accidentally formatted the Hard Drive which deleted all the files and file the manufacture put in it, he also tried to mess with the ranish partition manager, so he tried to install a fresh windows 7 OSX but the laptop shutoff, now he tried it again and we get a message saying "setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file" I cant get to my desktop either.

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"DVD Drive Device Drivers Missing" In Windows 7 Installation Setup

May 30, 2010

my attempt to install windows 7 today ended in ! When I boot from the DVD, choose the Language and press "Install" I get an Error message stating "A DVD/CD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver CD/Floppy please insert it now..."

Here are my specifications-

HP Pavilion p6126f Desktop PC Product Specifications HP Pavilion p6126f Desktop PC - HP technical support (Austria - English)

I have experienced this same problem with Vista x86 and x64. I am trying to clean install Windows 7 64bit.

I put the drivers on a thumb drive and Browse to it when 7 prompts me. Funny thing is, Windows 7 reads all the other files on the thumb drive like .psds, .flas, .skps, and so on.... but it just plays stupid to the actual drivers for the motherboard/chipset. The system rejects XP and I was forced to put Ubuntu on it. Ubuntu sucks, nothing runs. I know all about WINE to get some programs to run but I use the entire Adobe Suite.

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Windows 7 Installation Hangs At "Setup Is Starting..." Screen

Mar 22, 2011

I am helping out a friend by re-installing Windows 7 on his laptop. Unfortunately the laptop had been infected beyond repair by a virus/malware and would not boot past bios.When installing Windows 7 x32, I make it to the "Setup is starting..." screen and it does not continue. It is not the disk as I have used the same one to install it on my laptop. The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545 with 4gb of ram and 500gb HDD space.

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Get The Error Code 0xc0000098 After Trying To Start Windows Setup

Feb 2, 2013

I get the error code 0xc0000098 after trying to start windows setup from windows boot manager.

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Stop Error 0x1E Caused By Nvlddmkm.sys During Windows 7 RC Setup

Jun 1, 2009

Workaround for nVidia display driver issue
Motherboard: ASUS M2NPV-VM
BIOS Version: 0504
GPU: nVidia GeForce 6150
in Windows 7 RC
Symptoms: Stop Error 0x0000001E caused by nvlddmkm.sys during Windows 7 RC setup

Details:Perform these steps on another computer:

1) Download a current driver from nvidia.

2) Extract nvlddmkm.sy_ using WinRAR.

3) Expand nvlddmkm.sy_ from windows command prompt

cd [path_to_nvlddmkm.sy_]
expand -r nvlddmkm.sy_ nvlddmkm.sys

4) Put a copy of the new nvlddmkm.sys file on a flash drive

Restart Windows 7 Setup and perform these steps:

1) During the "Expanding files" step, press Shift-F10 to open a command prompt

2) Replace the nvlddmkm.sys file located at C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryv_lh.inf_amd64_neutral_4f38d443efdd0a70 with the new one from the flash drive. Wait for setup to create the file before you replace it -- seems to occur when the progress meter reaches about 70%.

3) Let the install process finish,

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Install Windows 7 And Error: Setup Was Unable To Create New Partition

Jan 16, 2013

I tried to dual boot Fedora 18 with my Windows 7. They are on two different hard drives. Fedora 18 worked but I was unable to boot up Windows 7. Frustrated, I decided to just delete everything from all the hard drives and try to do a clean install of Windows 7 using the USB-DVD Windows tool to make a USB Windows 7 installer. I then got the following error when trying to install Windows onto my hard drive:

"Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the Setup log files for more information"

I tried unplugging the other hard drives and got the same error. I also went to the command prompt and used Diskpart and did clean all. Still the error shows up. Something that might be useful is that when I did disk list in the command prompt it showed my hard drive but with 0 free space. Not sure if this is useful but the drive I want Windows 7 on is a solid state drive but the one I had Fedora on is a normal hard drive and I had an extra harddrive that I used for storage that is a normal hard drive as well.

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Inatall Office 2010 On Windows 7 - Get The Error : Setup Cannot Find ?

Jan 23, 2013

I'm trying to inatall Office 2010 on Windows 7 and I get the following error :

Setup cannot find Browse to a valid installation source and then click on OK.

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Installation Not Successful An Known Error Has Occurred Error 0x8008095

Jan 14, 2012

I have tried to install Windows 7 SP1 64 bit and it gave an error message of: windows update encountered an unknown error code 80246007. I also get the error message after my laptop restarts if the installation shows it supposedly installed: installation not successful an uknown error has occured Error 0x8008095. I have also tried the 3 steps to try before installing Windows 7 SP1 and I still get the above errors.I would like to know the following:

1. When we update Windows where does it store the updates. Because I noticed that each time I update I loose disk space and I am wondering if I could delete these updates once I know they work.

2. I noticed a folder in the color of purple. It is: c:userusernameApp Datalocalmigwiz in this folder it contains the following files: debug.txt, diagerrr.xml, diagwrn.xml, miglog.xml, setupact.txt, setuper.txt what is the folder for.

3.I use windows disk cleanup and ccleaner. I noticed that when you install or uninstall programs it creates a restore point and shadow copies. I clean them out once a month. Is there anywhere else that shadow copies are created and can be deleted. How about does Windows 7 has a cache where we need to delete files. How many temp folders does windows 7 create. I would like to retain some disk space back. Do you know if Office 2010 where it stores it updates and can we delete them once we know they work.

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Error 651 After New Windows 7 Installation?

Jan 28, 2013

I've just installed Windows 7 on top of my old XP machine. For the first hour I had no problems connecting to the internet. I downloaded antivirus protection (AVG) and Comodo firewall and windows 7 began updating itself. The comodo firewall download stalled and I had to manually reboot the computer. It seemed to start fine in normal mode and windows finished updating itself. Since then however (i.e. after the reboot) I have not been able to access the internet with an 'error 651" message displaying. I removed both AVD and Comodo with no change in the situation. I also did a system restore to before the windows updates, still no luck.

I access the internet via a broadband modem connected to a router. I don't have the full details of the models with me now but can repost in about five hours with the details if needed. I've searched online and note that many have said I should replace the raspppoe.sys file.

Since this is a brand new instal, should I just re-install Windows 7?

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