Fresh Built Computer Is Freezing On Starting Windows Screen

Jun 17, 2012

So i just built a new rig i got everything hooked up and i installed windows 7 ultimate x64. Here are the details.

Intel i7-3820 3.6ghz
Asrock X79 Extreme9
RAM G Skill 4x4gb ddr3
EVGA geforce gtx 680 2gb
Corsair HX 850
rosewill rnx-n250pce wireless network adapter

I got all the motherboard drivers and the video drivers installed then when i installed the drivers for my wireless network card and restarted and it froze on the starting windows screen.

I've been trying everything i can think of to fix this. I pulled the extra memory out, switched the power supply with one from another rig, switched the hard drive out for another one that i had.

after that, since it was a fresh build and nothing was saved on it i tried to reformat the hard drive and re-install windows, but the install disc also freezes on the starting windows screen.

so now i can't get it boot normally, in safe mode, from the disc or from another hard drive. when i try and boot in safe mode it stops at ClassPNP.sys

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Can't Install Windows 7 On Fresh Built Computer

Sep 18, 2011

I just built a new computer ordering the parts online & putting them together and I have come to the stage of trying to do a fresh Windows 7 install on the HDD. But, for some reason when I get to the step of selecting which hard drive to install on, Windows can't detect my hard drive. A Samsung 1TB F3 Spinpoint SATA II. The weird thing is that it shows up fine in the BIOS. I've tried changing SATA connection port on the motherboard (this changes which channel it is listed under the BIOS. i.e Channel 1/2/3 Master/Slave) but Windows still can't detect it. So apparently I need to format the hard drive before I can install Windows on it. I've been told this is easily done using the Windows 7 disk but I am still having no luck. It can't detect the hard drive to format in the first place. When I press Esc to go to the boot manager there isn't an option to format there either. And when I browse for drivers under Windows installation, I click on C and format and an error message appears saying check that it's connected properly or it's read-only. I have also tried burning boot disks and running them but they just won't run when I insert of disk and boot from CD-ROM.

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Artifacts On Top Of Starting Windows Screen, Freezing?

Jan 9, 2012

My Asus G73-JH laptop is currently freezing at the Windows Starting screen. I've read a lot of other forum posts that feature the same problem, BUT there is artifacting (bunch of colored dots) on the top of this screen that goes across the "Starting Windows" screen in a sort of horizontal line. Sometimes it just goes straight to the "Windows has failed to startup" screen. None of the System Recovery Options from the Startup Tool seem to help fix the problem, they've all been tried. Trying to boot in safe mode doesn't work either, as after it starts to load the files, the artifacting appears on the top again after about the third file and it freezes.

I have not made ANY major changes to anything on the system for over two months prior. Because of the artifacting seen, I imagine the video card is fried or malfunctioning. I called Asus and all they suggested to me so far was to reformat, because apparently they think its a driver issue, but I'd like to consider myself fairly tech savvy and believe that there has got to be a better solution that does not involve reformatting the hard drive, as I had a lot of important data that had been stored and not backed up the previous night before the unexpected freezing. The only things I seem to have access to is BIOS and the Startup Tool. I have a System Recovery Disc too, and am curious if there is a solution to this problem (I am not well versed in BIOS), and (assuming the video card is shot) if there would be a way I can access by data and possibly back it up before reformatting so I can persuade Asus support that my card is in fact shot so I can send it in for a replacement!

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Artifacts On Top Of Starting Windows 7 Screen, Freezing?

Jan 10, 2012

My Asus G73-JH laptop is currently freezing at the Windows Starting screen. I've read a lot of other forum posts that feature the same problem, BUT there is artifacting (bunch of colored dots) on the top of this screen that goes across the "Starting Windows" screen in a sort of horizontal line. Sometimes it just goes straight to the "Windows has failed to startup" screen. None of the System Recovery Options from the Startup Tool seem they've all been triedTrying to boot in safe mode doesn't work either, as after it starts to load the files, the artifacting appears on the top again after about the third file and it freezes.

I have not made ANY major changes to anything on the system for over two months prior. Because of the artifacting seen, I imagine the video card is fried or malfunctioning. I called Asus and all they suggested to me so far was to reformat, because apparently they think its a driver issue, but I'd like to consider myself fairly tech savvy and believe that there has got to be a better solution that does not involve reformatting the hard drive, as I had a lot of important data that had been stored and not backed up the previous night before the unexpected freezing.The only things I seem to have access to is BIOS and the Startup Tool. I have a System Recovery Disc too, and am curious if there is a solution to this problem (I am not well versed in BIOS), and (assuming the video card is shot) if there would be a way I can access by data and possibly back it up before reformatting so

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Freezing On Startup, New Computer Fresh Install?

Jun 15, 2010

Just put together a brand new computer, Windows installed fine (running x64 bit Ultimate),everything loaded up fine the first time. Then I installed the driver and utility for my network card, and everything seemed fine til I got an internet connection, at which point it froze, and the only fix is a restart. Now every time it boots it freezes, sometimes within 10 seconds of starting, sometimes it doesn't make it past the "Welcome" screen and it'll just freeze. Haven't gotten to use my new machine for more than 20 seconds at a time, extremely annoying. In safe mode there doesn't seem to be a problem, I've had it on for more than 20 mins and it's been fine. Does anyone know where I can start looking to fix this? I've been struggling with this thing for 3 days and I'm running out of ideas. Here's the specs:Intel DP55KG MotherboardIntel Core i7 875K ProcessorOCZ OCZ3G1333LV8GK Gold 8GB PC10666 DDR3 Dual Channel MemorySeagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB Hard Drive (OEM)Ultra X4 750-Watt Modular Power SupplyRadeon 5770 1GB

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Computer Keeps Freezing When Starting

Oct 17, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron N7070 icore 5 laptop (17" screen) that I've had for about 10 months. Within the last 2-3 weeks, the computer started having problems starting. At first it happened a couple of times but after kicking into Startup repair (which itself never has repaired the issue) and shutting it down via on/off button, it would eventually come back up. Then it just froze and wouldn't start at all in my home environment. My brother works in IT for an organization and I asked him to take a look at it which he did. He first restored it to it's original state through the Dell Backup program at his house but when I brought it back to my house it immediately froze in the same way (the process starts but just gets hung up). I had an older router (G series) and he suspected that the problem might be related to that but when I got a new router (n series) the same thing happened when he repeated a restore process and brought it back to my house. It did actually reach the user choices a couple times but froze from there when trying to connect to the wireless system. Next he restored it again but this time used a restore image program (Acronis True Image 2012)and once again it worked perfectly at his place. We first took it to a different environment (Panera) to try to do a wireless connect but it got hung up there before it could connect. We did another restore image via Acronis and it worked fine in the Panera.However, when I took it home immediately afterward, it once again got hung up after starting and I had to do another restore image with the Acronis and it worked like a charm after that. When I turned it on this morning, it froze once again while starting and I once again proceeded to do another restore image with the Acronis program and it worked fine. What is going on here....why does it keep freezing in different environment or after certain durations of time? Is there some problem with Windows 7 when it initially tries to connect or is it something else perhaps corruption in the drivers? I also should state that we ran Malware Bytes and it was clean after it was restored. In addition, I should also mention that almost from the beginning this laptop had a tendency to freeze at certain times usually if left unattended for awhile (while still on) or when put in sleep or hibernation mode but until recently (as stated above) it never froze when starting up. Could there be a connection between all these glitches noticed from the start?

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Windows 7 Freezing On Installation At Starting Windows Screen

Apr 7, 2012

I have been trying to load Windows 7 on to my computer but it keeps freezing at the Starting windows screen. And it just sits there i left it for a few hours and it did nothing. it is gett me mad, i took out all of my pci cards except my video card, but i left my ram in (6 gigs).

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Windows 7 Getting To 'Starting Windows 7' Screen Then Freezing?

Nov 22, 2012

I am currently trying to fix my friends laptop but nothing seems to work, the problem is that you cannot get past the 'Starting Windows' screen as is freezes every time you boot, according to him this started to occur after an update. I have tried almost every recovery option and nothing seems to work and he doesn't have any restore points. I managed to get windows to boot once after doing a CHKDSK through cmd in advanced recovery options but the following day the error started occurring again and you no longer get to login.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install On Newly Built Machine

Apr 29, 2012

I needed to upgrade anyway, so I bought a new motherboard, new SATA HDD and a new copy of Windows 7 Home Premium..I had problems with th initial install, it started hanging three quarters of the way through, I checked online and found that if I disconnected all USB connections it installed fine.Now installed it won't load up correctly, or if it does it crashes almost straight away, it runs fine in safe mode, but I can't use Windows Update in safe mode.Rather than reinstall again.I've got the feeling the problem may relate to the build rather than the software, but wanted to check if anyone had experienced similar problems?

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Freezing At "Starting Windows" Screen?

Jul 20, 2012

I have a HP Touchsmart 300-1017 Windows 7 64 bit computer. About a week ago I was trying to clean a virus that was redirecting the links within Google. I was using IOBit and Adaware and figured I would update them while I was at it. So I was in the middle of updating them when I left for work and by the time I got back the computer was frozen. My wife said she pressed Deny when Spybot S&D was asking permission for the programs to make changes to the registry. Anyway, now the computer freezes at the Starting Windows screen. When I try to start in safe mode the last file that loads is ahcix86s.sys then it freezes. I ordered the System Restore CD's from HP they just came in today.I put them in and I go to the boot menu to boot from the CD but it still freezes at the Starting Windows screen.

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Computer Screen Turns Off After The 'Starting Windows' Animation

Jul 23, 2012

I have an MSI a6205 laptop, and have recently reformatted my computer to reset everything in it. My problem is this: Ever since I re-installed Windows 7 my computer has been starting up, getting to the little 'Starting Windows' animation, then the screen turns off completely, with no back light (the fans and LEDs still function perfectly). The way I have been getting it to work is by turning it on, waiting for the screen to turn off, then tapping the power button and putting it to sleep, after a few seconds I hit the power button again to awake it, and the screen turns on and functions perfectly.

I know this isn't a hardware issue, because I also have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on the machine, and it works perfectly. It's just Windows 7 that is giving me this problem.

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Computer Goes To A Black Screen With A Cursor After It Says Windows Is Starting?

Dec 8, 2012

what could be wrong with my computer i hit the power button and it start and it says start windows normally but when i click on it after is says windows is starting it goes to a black screen with the cursor i can move the cursor but nothing else. it goes to the black screen before it will let me even log on to my computer

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Computer Started Freezing On Windows Loading Screen

Oct 16, 2011

my computer started freezing on on the windows loading screen, so i had to turn my computer off again, wait a few seconds and start it agin, it then worked on the second time. i couldnt get into any kind of safemode.when i got into windows i had loads of generic win32 errors, i couldnt acess the internet or any anti spy/virus programs. i shut it down and it hangs so i have to manually swith it off.i was on xp so i thought i would format my computer and install windows 7. This has helped with all the win32 errors but my computer still freezes on start up at the windows loading screen and still requires me to swith it off and restart it, this works most of the time. might have to do this 2 or 3 times.i have looked in the events viewer and it says i have 3 errors: error 6 kernel process power / restart manager.

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Computer Freezing Up At Windows Splash Screen Before Login?

May 8, 2012

I have a 2 month old Lenovo with Windows 7 Home Premuim. When the Windows Splash screen comes up, the PC Freezes. After about an hour i can login with no issues, but the event viewer shows many errors. the error is:

windows event id 7001 The Computer Browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependency service or group failed to start.

I can also boot into Safe Mode just fine immediately after the freeze.

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Start Computer From Last Known Good Configuration Stuck On Starting Windows 7 Screen

Jan 5, 2013

my laptop will not load up. I can get it to the screen where it says repair computer, safe mode and all that. (advance boot options) but anytime I click any off them it goes to a screen where it says I need to put in the windows installer disk. I do not have any disk but I downloaded the repair disc from my other laptop. I put the disk in the computer and restart it and it just goes back to same screen. It does not automatic rebot, or ask me to rebot from disk.

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Fresh Windows 7 SP1 Install Randomly Freezing / No Error Msg

Dec 2, 2011

This week I built a new PC from scratch (done this a few times before so no newbie at it) and installed Win 7 Pro SP1 full retail version. Everything was working fine but randomly - 3 or 4 times a day - the system froze. No real pattern to it, perhaps happening slightly more when launching an app but hard to tell, and no error message, just complete freeze requiring forced reboot. Not a mouse/keyboard issue as I tried swapping them, plus screen progress bars etc freeze as well. Left for 5-10 mins, no change.Memtest and Prime95 return no errors. System Health Report all fine. To check for driver problems I formatted the HDD and started again - installed Win 7 Pro SP1 from scratch, didn't do any online updating, didn't install any drivers for GPU/soundcard etc, just kept a really minimal setup. But it happened again!Nothing showing up in event log that I can see. Most recent item before freezing this time was "The Windows Update Service entered the running state".

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Computer Stuck On Starting Screen

Aug 22, 2012

I recently upgraded my computers power supply and graphics card to brand new ones. When I oot my computer up, it is now stuck on "windows is starting" screen. When I try to boot in any of the safe modes, I load up to atipcie.sys then my computer freezes and never continues to load the rest of safe mode. When I click repair computer, I get stuck at the Blue windows screen, and as soon as it starts up a cmd box pops up then quickly closes before I could even read it. I also tried loading last working configuration but no luck. Even when I load boot recovery mode, a cmd box comes up quick then closes and continues to be stuck.

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Computer Will Not Boot - Frozen On Starting Screen

Oct 24, 2012

I turned on my computer today and it stayed frozen at the starting windows screen for. Long time, but it would not move on. Then it jumped back and started booting the computer again but hung at the same spot. I tried starting my computer in safe mode, but it won't boot into safe mode either. I can not do any of the system recovery options. Also by BIOS has a password on it and I have no clue what it is, So I can't not access my BIOS.

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Desktop Computer Has A Black Screen When Starting Up?

Dec 14, 2012

A few days ago my home built windows 7 computer did an automatic download. After the download installed itself I tried to turn on my computer. I got a black screen on my monitor. Was this download a virus?

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Computer Stuck On (Setup Is Starting Services) Screen

May 30, 2011

I am not trying to install Windows 7, it came on my computer and has been working fine for over a year now. I restarted my computer a few days ago (after it had been working just fine) and now it will not load past the "Setup is Starting Services" screen. I keep getting the error message "Install Windos: The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click 'OK' to restart the computer, then restart the installation." I cannot figure out why it is mentioning anything about installing windows when it came on the computer and has been working until now. I have hit "ok" and it does nothing but come back to the same stuck point. I do not have a disk for this computer as it never came with one. It is a Toshiba Satellite L455D.

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Win 7 Pro Fresh Install Freeze At Starting

Mar 4, 2010

I just got Windows 7 Pro plus a new machine and I am trying to install Windows 7 but it keeps hanging at Starting Windows when I go to install. Sometimes I see artifacts when it freezes and sometimes I just freezes. Any idea what is going on?

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing Randomly When Using Internet

Jun 13, 2011

My computer is relatively new and has been working fine until just recently. At random times when on the internet, it will suddenly freezes (but only the page) and not allow me to click anything. At first I thought it was the website but it has been happening on more sites than one. I have tried installing all the updates and have gone through almost all the tune-ups my computer offers.

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New Custom Built Gaming PC Freezing Randomly - Cannot Open Task Manager

Nov 29, 2012

I recently bought a new custom built gaming PC and it works fine in terms of performance. I've had the PC for just over a week and on two occasions I have had the problem where the PC would just completely freeze to the extent that I can't open task manager, move the mouse and the keyboard would stop working. Also the Skype call I was in would just stop. This would force me to have to reboot my PC using the button on the tower to shut it down. So far the two occasions have happened when I'm not actually on a game and when the problems did happen I was using two different programs. The first occasion I was on OpenOffice and the second occasion. I was just browsing using Firefox so I don't think it is program specific.

Here are my specs:
Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.4ghz
8gb 1333mhz ram
Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium
Gainward GTX 660ti
Asus P8Z77-V LX Motherboard
600w Xigmatek PSU

The first crash happened two days after owning the new pc, the second crash happened today. Is there anyway I could access a crash log?

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Computer Hangs At "Starting Windows" Screen For Over One Minute?

Jan 11, 2012

I just finished building my computer the other day and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. The install went great and the computer is amazingly fast, but I am less than impressed with the boot time. I have windows installed on two Corsair Force GT 60 GB Solid State Drives in RAID 0 configuration. The motherboard is a GIGABYTE G1. Sniper and the processor is an i7 990X. As I said, I am very impressed with the performance once the computer is on, but it takes ages to get there. I had some trouble with it stalling at the "Verifying DMI Pool Data..." for about 30 seconds each boot. That seems to have been fixed when I cleared the board and reconfigured BIOS. The problem I am having now is that when Windows begins to load, it says "Starting Windows" (right before the logo flies in). It will sit at that screen for over a minute before it starts to animate. It only takes about 5 seconds to load after the animation starts. No problems after that. It does change depending on the BIOS settings. It did not always do this. I have been messing with them so much to try to isolate what's causing it but I cannot.

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PC Keeps Freezing Within 5 - 15 Minutes Of Starting

Jun 1, 2011

Pc keeps freezing within 5-15min of starting. Have to hold down the power button to restart.I have tried running every diagnostic program on my pc. Also virus and malware. Every program says my pc is fine.My pc WORKS IN SAFE MODE.I don't have the disk to reinstall windows and only have 1 date (a few days ago) in my system recovery.I want to cry with frustration and getting sick of running in safe mode. [code]

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Computer Won't Get Past The Windows 7 "starting Windows" Screen

Nov 7, 2011

i was simply surfing through espn and Internet when i realized that my laptop (gateway nv79) was running quite slowly and then after a while it completely froze. i couldn't do anything, nothing i did would work . so unfourtunantly i had to hard shutdown it. and here's what happened after i rebooted it, it comes up with two options

1. start startup repair(recommended)
2. start windows normally

-i go to "start windows normally" and it goes to boot up normally, but then after the windows 7 logo appears it just stays there and nothing happens

-i go launch startup repair and it says loading files, but then it goes to a black screen with the logo � micosoft corporation and nothing happens

-i tried f8 advanced boot but it doesnt do anything

-i tried safe mode with networking, it says loading files and please waitt but even after 10 mins it just stays the same

-i dont have win 7 cd

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PC Built Gets Black Screen After Windows Boot?

Aug 2, 2012

I just finished a new built and I ran into a problem after installing Windows 7. I was setting up some some drivers the PC randomly went to a black pixelated screen and it sounds like the CPU fan started running on max speed. Now, every time I turn it on the fan is still running on max speed and the screen goes black soon after the desktop starts up. I know it could be a hundred things but it be huge if you guys have any information on this issue. One last thing is I switched the main graphics card back to the integrated one and it seems to be running okay but I only had it on for a few minutes because the CPU fan is still running on MAX.


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Just Built Computer But Cannot Get Windows 7 To Install

Jun 28, 2010

I just built a computer, but it will not load an OS. I got Windows 7 x64 to load once, and everything worked perfect for about an hour while I updated my drivers and whatnot, but then it froze and erased the hard drive. I've been trying to install it the exact same file in the same way off my flash drive and it just won't work. I've tried to switch the ram around and remove one each time, using the cd, using a friends cd, using new connectors from the cpu to each drive and I even tried installing Windows Xp pro but it didn't work for any of that. Here are the parts that I put in my computer, maybe some aren't compatible with each other? [code]

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BSOD On Newly Built Windows 7 Computer

Nov 6, 2011

So I recently put together a computer for a friend of mine. We booted it up, and everything seemed to be fine. Unfortunately, he has been having intermittent BSOD crashes, often when installing new software (though not always). We've tried reinstalling Windows 7 (64 bit) several times, and I've had him run various RAM and hard drive diagnostics, which have (so far) not indicated any issues. My suspicions are beginning to point towards the motherboard or power supply, but honestly I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to analyzing dumps. I've attached the relevant dump files. I don't have a full list of hardware directly at my disposal, but if necessary I can have him run a dxdiag tomorrow.

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New Built Computer Keeps Cutting Off When Try To Install Windows 7?

Dec 14, 2012

First time building a new pc. A new motherboard, new dvd/rw ram, old hard drive. I used the old case from my old computer - power supply was already connected so did not change it. System boots up fine but when I start to install windows computer shuts off. I have a seagate hd so I downloaded seagate tool and wiped the hardrive because I was thinking that may be the problem. Tried to install windows again computer cuts off. Whet in and checked the ram using windows.

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