Computer Freezing Up At Windows Splash Screen Before Login?

May 8, 2012

I have a 2 month old Lenovo with Windows 7 Home Premuim. When the Windows Splash screen comes up, the PC Freezes. After about an hour i can login with no issues, but the event viewer shows many errors. the error is:

windows event id 7001 The Computer Browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependency service or group failed to start.

I can also boot into Safe Mode just fine immediately after the freeze.

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PC Skips BIOS Splash Screen And Goes Straight To Login Screen

Mar 27, 2012

Okay so lately I've noticed that my PC isn't displaying the BIOS splash screen anymore and skips straight to the Windows login screen.It didn't really bother me until today when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu and I couldn't select which OS I wanted to use.I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the BIOS itself since I unplugged all the peripherals except the speakers, removed all the RAM and the BIOS did beep repeatedly. And given enough time, I can boot into windows (and only windows ).Apparently people have had this problem before and all the solutions I've read such as "Press 'del' to go into your BIOS!" really doesn't help since I can't see anything in my BIOS menu.The only solution that made sense to me was that my CMOS battery could be dying. I haven't changed my rig since I built it in 2009. The only significant event that happened recently might be that Windows updated itself.

-PC doesn't display BIOS splash screen
-Can't see messages displayed by system
-When windows does bootup, everything runs just fine
-Haven't changed rig for ~3 years

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Black Screen After Splash/before Login?

Jun 28, 2010

Been trying to fix this for hours now. So, this morning I was gaming a bit, playing Cryostasis which I got for super cheap from the sale on Steam. You can see my system specs in my signature. You'll notice that I have a PhysX card running with ATI. The game itself has been having some freezing issues, I looked online and read there was PhysX freezes but the 1.1 patch was supposed to fix it, and that's the version from Steam. So anyway, it was running ok for a while and then the game froze up during one of the "dream sequences". I had no option but to do a hard reboot (previous freezes allowed me to ctrl+alt+del and close it). After this, I saw the windows splash/loading screen, and then the screen goes blank at the login screen. I don't see anything but I hear the chime sound. I can even login but again no video signal - the monitor can't find an input.

I rebooted into safe mode and it worked. I then ran Driver Sweeper and deleted all my ATI, Nvidia, and PhysX drivers completely. After that, I rebooted and I can get into windows with a normal login, but not again after that as it will automatically install some ATI drivers. I've treid reinstalling 10.6 and 10.5 multiple times but after install it always goes to blank screen at login. It certainly seems like a driver issue, but the drivers have been working fine for a couple months. One thing I noticed is that now when I run the Catalyst driver installs, it fails at the end trying to do the "Drag and Drop Transcoding" which I know is a Windows feature so maybe that's a part of the problem.

I've taken out my Nvidia card completely to rule out incompatibility issues. I've taken off the Crossfire bridge and even removed the 2nd card. As I stated, I've completely deleted everything relating to ATI and Nvidia and tried a fresh driver install of the ATI drivers with no luck.

I've read of people getting the blank screen after login but mine is different as it's occurring before I'm able to see the login page. I found one response where it appears the poster had the exact same issue as me and nothing could fix it, except for a system restore... Somehow, however, I don't have any restore points... I've seen it say it was creating restore points (such as before a windows update) but when I went deeper into the options I found that there was 0HDD space allotted so it probably tried to make a point then didn't save anything (I've now allotted space).

Seems like the only option I have right now is to do a reinstall of Win 7 and hopefully be able to copy over most of my files... although anything requiring an install is a huge pain in the butt since simply copying won't actually install it.

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Black Screen After Splash Before Login - Restarts?

May 20, 2011

i have important files on my system, so want to repair the install, as opposed to restoring from an image, or reinstalling.i have Windows 7 x64 on a single raid disk (single because is already setup when i buy more disks). this system has been operation for more than 6 months. Virus maybe i had avg=-x64 free, it had some errors last week(first time i have ever seen this), so i removed it, and installed m$security essentials. after a few days i got a virus and or trojan, maybe vundo, from running a program fix that was cleverly disguised. i tried scanning with MSE to no avail. so i removed the deadbeat program and reinstalled avg-x64 the recent past, the pc started to exihibit some symptoms. after boot, and after splash screen, it would stay on a black screen for about 30 seconds while hard drive thrashed incessantly, then the login screen would finally come up. this is the main symptom that bugged me enough to run the scans. i also had checked the windows firewall, and i cant get into that, its kicking back errors and wont let me access some stuff across my network. looks like the virus had a field day.

so after putting back on avg-x64 free, i updated and ran scan, and installed/updated malwarebytes and ran scan. it found stuff, i removed them, restarted. i thought teh system was clean eventhough still thrashing like mad, the next day i ran them again it found more stuff, and removed them. a couple of them were registry entries, a couple of them were just game files found bad. nothing really in the system directory which you would expect to see with a virus. one of the things i noted to be the virus was a file called mse or msde in the user appdata temp folder, then onto the system32 or syswow64 folder. no boot now on the last run of the virus scan, it rebooted, but it wont make it past the splash screen. this is where i am stuck.what i have done i have ran system repair several times, and i manually ran sfc /scannow a couple times, and chkdsk /f /x. i started to run kaspersky 10, but i saw that it has problems completely manglind raid arrays, so i avoided that. i have tried to start in safe mode several times, same symptom after splash screen goes black, then reboots. i have tried booting in logging mode,i have tried booting in command prompt, the last driver is loads is ahcix64s.sys, it thrashes for a bit, then restarts,i have tried to load last known good configuration, and it restarts after splash screen goes black as well. one more thing, i have system restore turned off since im a virus remover kind of guy, not a m$ dependent kind of guy, but i think this has shown that system restore is needed on Windows 7 more than xp.

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Dec 20, 2011

I'm not sure of the system specs of the computer in question.I bought it cheap off of a friend and he's doesn't remember the specs and I can't get into it to check them.When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing.I'm not sure what it all is for.At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems continue. I'm fairly certain it's a virus, my computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Apr 4, 2011

When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing . I'm not sure what it all is for. At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Windows 7 Freezing On Login Screen (choose User)?

Dec 31, 2011

recently my laptop (Toshiba Portege R830) started to freeze on the login screen almost everytime I power it up. As soon as I enter the login screen (the screen where you choose which user you want to log in with), my laptop just plain freezes: nothing works except shutting it down and restarting and praying. But sometimes it works and doesn't freeze, strangely (like right now).When I open my laptop in safe mode, it always work. There isn't any problem at all.I did a chkdsk in the console command screen (the famous cmd.exe) and also checked for any ''integrity problems'' (sfc/scannow I think it was) but it came up with nothing.I know it's vague but this is all I know. Does anyone know what might cause freezes on the login screen when you have to choose user? Personally I'd say this isn't related to hardware since the computer is like 2 or 3 months old, which there isn't much stuff on it right now too. It's also not a virus, I didn't do anything shady (yet) with this laptop.

I also have another small problem with my user folder. It's the default folder located at C:Users/(my name). It has been acting strangely since I had this computer. Sometimes when I delete one of the annoying useless folders like ''Favorites'' or ''Searches'' they don't disappear right away. I have to refresh the page to make it disappear for real, and this is troubling me because I never saw anything like that before. Usually when you delete something, it just goes away instantly. Also, I backup'ed some of the folders in the user folder on an external hard drive and sometimes when I power up my external hard drive some duplicate folders are created, which is so unbelievably annoying since when they keep coming back and I have to refresh everything to confirm I really deleted them

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Computer Hanging On Splash Screen?

Mar 22, 2011

It boots fine but when it gets to the windows 7 splash screen the log in box takes up to 20 mins to display. When it does display I can log in and the computer runs fine.I have tried:

- virus scan which is clean
- malwarebytes comes up with nothing
- restoring to before the problem started

But, the problems remains - up to 20 mins for the log in to appear. It is almost as if it forgets to put it up.

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Computer Stuck At Gigabyte Splash Screen?

Mar 10, 2011

I share my computer with my father in order to pay off a debt I owe to him, and when I arrived home in the afternoon I was greeted by him, informing me that my computer wouldn't turn on. Generally this would simply be a random issue, or perhaps he turned off the computer and thought it was in sleep (though he's smart enough to tell the difference.). This time, however, was different.I turned the computer on, and to my horror the splash screen shows and then the computer hangs. The only responsive key is Tab, which then shows me the detailed POST description. It tests my memory and shows my processor, etc as well as my drives, but after that it freezes at 'Looking for IDE drives...'. At that point, the only responsive (often it isn't responsive either) key is Delete, and that simply shows a 'prepare to enter Setup' message, and proceeds to do nothing else.I have already tried draining my capacitors (turning my PSU off and holding down the power button), removing and replacing my CMOS battery, continually restarting it, pressing multiple buttons, removing and then putting back my GPU (had to in order to expose my battery) as well as disconnecting and then reconnecting my two drives. I've considered reseating my RAM, but in my past experience doing so has done nothing for previous, similar problems.Both of us have done absolutely nothing that could have damaged the BIOS.


GPU: NVIDIA GTX 260 Core 216
CPU: Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850
RAM: 4GB DDR2 PC8500 Corsair Dominator
Motherboard: GA-EP45-UD3P
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

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Computer Is Frozen, Black Screen With Movable Mouse After Splash Logo?

Jun 8, 2012

Computer is frozen, black screen with movable mouse after splash logo. Same happens in safe mode. The log in screen never shows up. The computer sounds like its loading at that point, but nothing ever comes up. I can get into ubuntu. This happened after updating my graphics card nvidia. I have dual monitors. Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium, HP Pavilion p6107c Desktop.

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Computer Started Freezing On Windows Loading Screen

Oct 16, 2011

my computer started freezing on on the windows loading screen, so i had to turn my computer off again, wait a few seconds and start it agin, it then worked on the second time. i couldnt get into any kind of safemode.when i got into windows i had loads of generic win32 errors, i couldnt acess the internet or any anti spy/virus programs. i shut it down and it hangs so i have to manually swith it off.i was on xp so i thought i would format my computer and install windows 7. This has helped with all the win32 errors but my computer still freezes on start up at the windows loading screen and still requires me to swith it off and restart it, this works most of the time. might have to do this 2 or 3 times.i have looked in the events viewer and it says i have 3 errors: error 6 kernel process power / restart manager.

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Fresh Built Computer Is Freezing On Starting Windows Screen

Jun 17, 2012

So i just built a new rig i got everything hooked up and i installed windows 7 ultimate x64. Here are the details.

Intel i7-3820 3.6ghz
Asrock X79 Extreme9
RAM G Skill 4x4gb ddr3
EVGA geforce gtx 680 2gb
Corsair HX 850
rosewill rnx-n250pce wireless network adapter

I got all the motherboard drivers and the video drivers installed then when i installed the drivers for my wireless network card and restarted and it froze on the starting windows screen.

I've been trying everything i can think of to fix this. I pulled the extra memory out, switched the power supply with one from another rig, switched the hard drive out for another one that i had.

after that, since it was a fresh build and nothing was saved on it i tried to reformat the hard drive and re-install windows, but the install disc also freezes on the starting windows screen.

so now i can't get it boot normally, in safe mode, from the disc or from another hard drive. when i try and boot in safe mode it stops at ClassPNP.sys

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Splash Screen - Loading Windows

Oct 17, 2009

I just wanted to throw this out there. The animation when windows is loading is the best loading screen for any OS I've seen. Anyone else have any thoughts on that part of the boot process?

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Windows 7 Won't Load After Splash Screen?

Jul 28, 2012

CPU: Intel i5 2500kGPU: MSI GTX 560ti Twin Frozr IIMOBO: MSI p67a-gd65PSU: CoolerMaster gx 650OS: Windows 7 Home Premium - OEMAs the title states, Windows 7 will not load for me after the splash screen. Before this happened, I was having problems with my graphics drivers repeatedly crashing. I updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers and upon restarting the computer the screen had a shade of pink. I started to do a restore and when the computer rebooted, the screen went black after the splash screen with nothing but the mouse pointer.I went in to my UEFI click bios and ran a memory test which said the memory was fine. I tested a Visiontek Radeon 5750 which returned the same result, a black screen after the splash screen.The only thing that I can conclude is that there is problem with the operating system. I may however, be very wrong.Does this sound like an operating system error? If it is, I can get Windows 7 professional upgrade for $65 because I am a student. If this is not an operating system error

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Windows 7 Hanging On Logo Splash Screen

Jul 6, 2011

So basically over the weekend I shut my computer down because I was not going to be home. On sunday I go to turn my computer on and it hangs at the windows logo splash screen after POST. So I grab my laptop and start researching. I am able to get into safe mode with out any trouble only when I start windows normally do I run into problems. So here is what i have tried and with no success. Start up repair w/ and w/out disc, system restore, I have reinstalled windows 3 times, with 2 different versions, pro and ultimate and on first reboot I have the same problem. I flashed my bios about a year ago and have had minor issues since then that were all fixed by using krndbg and windows symbols server as a reference...

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Windows 7 Booting It Get Stuck On Splash Screen

Oct 8, 2011

im having a problem with win 7 booting it get stuck on splash screen and when im trying to repair in the recovery mode it tells me that not all problems could be fixed and gives me these details: [code] i can boot with safe mode most of the times, some times it gives me blue screen and restart ,but if i unplug and then plug the power cable it works in safe mode.

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Can't Make It Past Windows 7 Splash Screen

May 29, 2009

Well i just got my new DVD-Drive today, so i burned a copy of the windows 7 ISO x64. i have backed up all my files and inserted the disc. when i reboot my computer it makes it past the windows is starting up screen. but then when i can see my mouse cursor with the little circle spinning, the circle stops and the screen stays at the blue screen, no pop up boxs to install or anything else i can do...

A74MX-K Foxconn MB
AMD Athlon x2 2.6ghz 5000+
HIS Radeon HD 4650
2 X 1GB Kingston RAM

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing Randomly When Using Internet

Jun 13, 2011

My computer is relatively new and has been working fine until just recently. At random times when on the internet, it will suddenly freezes (but only the page) and not allow me to click anything. At first I thought it was the website but it has been happening on more sites than one. I have tried installing all the updates and have gone through almost all the tune-ups my computer offers.

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Computer Frozen At Login Screen?

Feb 17, 2011

I turn on my computer and it will take me to the log in screen but the mouse is stuck in the middle of the screen and my keypad wont work. So I can't log in and get to my desktop. I've turned my computer off and retried several times. It was doing this yesterday too. I've tried restarting it in all the different types of safe modes, and still nothing.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Acer Splash Screen?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an ACER extensa 5630Z. It's been running all day, and I looked over and it had restarted and got stuck at a blank screen with a blink cursur, Every reboot will show the Acer splash screen, then straight to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I've hit F2 and can get into the bios, but other than that I don't know what to do..

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Windows 7 Install Freezes At Mainboard Splash Screen

Sep 6, 2011

I was trying to install windows 7 on another volume in my windows xp machine. I don't know if I was supposed to change in BIOS to the new volume or not, but I didn't. During the installation process when windows 7 rebooted the first time, it hangs at the mainboard splash screen. I'm on another machine right now, so I borrowed this data from a recent post:

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2046 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 28003 MB, Free - 11849 MB; D: Total - 29996 MB, Free - 8332 MB; E: Total - 180464 MB, Free - 84723 MB; F: Total - 38154 MB, Free - 15970 MB;
Motherboard: Foxconn, 45CMX/45GMX/45CMX-K, , UYRL81513187
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011

The computer now also has two new Hard Drives:
I: Total - 200000 MB, Free, (appx) 190000 MB
J: Total - 800000 MB; Free - 800000 MB
It's on HDD "I" that I was installing windows 7.

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Flashing Splash Screen - Windows 7 Machine Won't Boot

Nov 19, 2012

When I get to the splash screen it just blinks. It won't boot. I've tried going into the safe mode by pressing F8 at the previous screen. I've tried booting from a start disk. It won't go into the advanced boot options, and booting from a disk made no difference. This has happened before but I was able to get in through safe mode. Once I get in I can do a system restore and it will work for a while. How can I get in to my machine?

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After Splash Screen Goes Away / Windows Shows Up Saying That Overclocking Has Failed

Jul 16, 2012

today after installing a windows update, my computer took forever to shut down. (5 minutes)after trying to start it back up, my motherboard splash screen hangs there for a good 10 minutes, then starts up.but after the splash screen goes away, a window shows up saying that overclocking has failed (even though i didnt overclock it)

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Black Screen After BIOS Splash And Before Windows Install Comes Up

Dec 11, 2012

I'm loading a new system and encountering a problem I haven't seen before. I have a Gigabyte Z77MXD3H motherboard with an Intel i5 3570 proc. When I boot to the Windows 7 install disk I get the BIOS splash screen, then the monitor goes so dim I can't read any text during the boot process but I can tell there is text on the screen. The monitor's menu also appears so dark its unusable. After some time the text mode finishes and the Windows install menu pops up and everything returns to normal. I can find loads of posts about black screens after windows boots, but not before.

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My Computer Logon Screen Is Black And Cant Login

Apr 10, 2012

My computer logon screen is black and i cant login

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Windows 7 Freezing After Login?

Jan 28, 2013

It only works in safe mode other then that.I think that it might have started after a rough time shutting down one night, I hit shut down whilst on a game and a skype call, and it didn't shut down for a few seconds, and I could still hear my friend until it shut down.this, been working non-stop the past few days ( And exams are tomorrow, aswell ): )[CODE]

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After Login Windows Is Getting Freezing?

Jan 21, 2013

let me know the problem and how to solve the issue.

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Windows 7 Freezing After Login?

Feb 8, 2013

I recently restored my computer after using Windows 8 for a while. I had backed up everything to a drive, then I went through with the desktop installation of Windows 8. After using it for about a week, I decided that it wasn't for me, and I reverted back to 7 from the backup I'd made. After it went through the entire process, I rebooted, and found that the boot time was MUCH longer than it was before I'd put Windows 8 on there. Mind you, I'm booting from an Intel SSD. Whereas before using Windows 8 I had a boot time of, at most, 30 seconds, now it's taking about a minute and a half to get to the login screen. Now here's the real problem: Once I login, if I try to do anything, approximately 5-10 seconds after I'm at the desktop, everything except for the mouse freezes. This means that whatever window I have open at the time becomes unresponsive. Windows Explorer won't even respond. If I try right-clicking, nothing happens. Ctrl-Alt-Del, nothing. Ctrl-Shift-Esc, nothing. All the while the cursor is still able to move around the screen.I have more or less ruled out hardware problems, as once Windows has started and everything becomes un-frozen,everything seems to work as normal. I think it had something to do with my re-image. If I had the resources, I would probably run Startup Repair by using the original install disk, but I'm at college right now and it wouldn't be easy to convince my parents to ship me our only Windows 7 install disks.

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BSOD When Halfway Through The Windows 7 Splash Screen Error 0x0000007B

Nov 30, 2011

I cloned a hard drive that had an image all set up with all kinds of programs and settings. Now that I put that cloned hard drive in a new computer (any) even the same exact harddware of an older computer, it gets BSOD and auto restarts. Tried startup recovery and no fixes found or worked.

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Randomly Stuck At Windows Splash Screen Precision M4700

Sep 20, 2012

Brand new Dell Precision M4700. You can restart or shutdown the laptop at numerous times and on occassion the laptop gets stuck at the splash screen (where the windows come together), and will sit there for hours on end. Sometimes a single hard reset will allow it to boot, and be on it's merry way. System runs great once it boots into Windows.I'm not running any external drives on it. I've encountered issue on and off docking station, or running on power and or battery.M4700 with core i7, 16 GB Ram, Quadro K2000M, 256 GB Seagate OEM SSD.I checked hard drive with HDTune, and it checked out okay, except for 1 communication error, so to be on the safe side, I had the drive replaced. Still did it.Did a repair installation of Windows 7, still doing it. There's nothing different installed on this machine that isn't the exact same as the M4600s at the office.Is there a log that can be looked at, and or turned on to see what's causing it to hang at the splash screen? A few times it will go past the splash screen, but never displays the welcome screen (displays just a black screen).

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past EVGA P55 Splash Screen After Update

Jul 18, 2010

I have been using my Windows 7 x64 system for about 5 months without a problem. I booted it yesterday, and an autoupdate occurred as soon as Windows 7 started up. It looked like this autoupdate made changes to /COMPONENTS. As soon as it finished, the system rebooted, and got stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. It was stuck there for about 10 minutes, so I manually shut down the computer. Every time I turn it on now, I get stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. I can not get into safe mode or anything. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this? Did some stupid Windows autoupdate crash my new computer? I am turning those off if that is what happened.

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