Can't Install Windows 7 On Fresh Built Computer

Sep 18, 2011

I just built a new computer ordering the parts online & putting them together and I have come to the stage of trying to do a fresh Windows 7 install on the HDD. But, for some reason when I get to the step of selecting which hard drive to install on, Windows can't detect my hard drive. A Samsung 1TB F3 Spinpoint SATA II. The weird thing is that it shows up fine in the BIOS. I've tried changing SATA connection port on the motherboard (this changes which channel it is listed under the BIOS. i.e Channel 1/2/3 Master/Slave) but Windows still can't detect it. So apparently I need to format the hard drive before I can install Windows on it. I've been told this is easily done using the Windows 7 disk but I am still having no luck. It can't detect the hard drive to format in the first place. When I press Esc to go to the boot manager there isn't an option to format there either. And when I browse for drivers under Windows installation, I click on C and format and an error message appears saying check that it's connected properly or it's read-only. I have also tried burning boot disks and running them but they just won't run when I insert of disk and boot from CD-ROM.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install On Newly Built Machine

Apr 29, 2012

I needed to upgrade anyway, so I bought a new motherboard, new SATA HDD and a new copy of Windows 7 Home Premium..I had problems with th initial install, it started hanging three quarters of the way through, I checked online and found that if I disconnected all USB connections it installed fine.Now installed it won't load up correctly, or if it does it crashes almost straight away, it runs fine in safe mode, but I can't use Windows Update in safe mode.Rather than reinstall again.I've got the feeling the problem may relate to the build rather than the software, but wanted to check if anyone had experienced similar problems?

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Fresh Built Computer Is Freezing On Starting Windows Screen

Jun 17, 2012

So i just built a new rig i got everything hooked up and i installed windows 7 ultimate x64. Here are the details.

Intel i7-3820 3.6ghz
Asrock X79 Extreme9
RAM G Skill 4x4gb ddr3
EVGA geforce gtx 680 2gb
Corsair HX 850
rosewill rnx-n250pce wireless network adapter

I got all the motherboard drivers and the video drivers installed then when i installed the drivers for my wireless network card and restarted and it froze on the starting windows screen.

I've been trying everything i can think of to fix this. I pulled the extra memory out, switched the power supply with one from another rig, switched the hard drive out for another one that i had.

after that, since it was a fresh build and nothing was saved on it i tried to reformat the hard drive and re-install windows, but the install disc also freezes on the starting windows screen.

so now i can't get it boot normally, in safe mode, from the disc or from another hard drive. when i try and boot in safe mode it stops at ClassPNP.sys

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Just Built Computer But Cannot Get Windows 7 To Install

Jun 28, 2010

I just built a computer, but it will not load an OS. I got Windows 7 x64 to load once, and everything worked perfect for about an hour while I updated my drivers and whatnot, but then it froze and erased the hard drive. I've been trying to install it the exact same file in the same way off my flash drive and it just won't work. I've tried to switch the ram around and remove one each time, using the cd, using a friends cd, using new connectors from the cpu to each drive and I even tried installing Windows Xp pro but it didn't work for any of that. Here are the parts that I put in my computer, maybe some aren't compatible with each other? [code]

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New Built Computer Keeps Cutting Off When Try To Install Windows 7?

Dec 14, 2012

First time building a new pc. A new motherboard, new dvd/rw ram, old hard drive. I used the old case from my old computer - power supply was already connected so did not change it. System boots up fine but when I start to install windows computer shuts off. I have a seagate hd so I downloaded seagate tool and wiped the hardrive because I was thinking that may be the problem. Tried to install windows again computer cuts off. Whet in and checked the ram using windows.

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Windows 7 Clean Install On Newly Built Computer

Feb 1, 2012

I have put together a computer, new motherboard, processor, hard drive, everything. Now I'm trying to install Windows 7 from a boot DVD, but obviously have no drivers installed, so my computer doesn't communicate with my monitor. I guess I'm stuck between needing the driver installed, but needing Windows to install the driver? Do I need to install MS-DOS or something first?I have a completely blank hard drive. Trying to install Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit.

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Can't Install Windows 7 Premium To Home-built Computer

Apr 25, 2012

I have built my own pc and i know it works and all that but when i insert the disk for windows 7 Prem i get as far as to select drivers to be installed. It says no drivers were found?

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Computer Fails To Boot After Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 13, 2012

Ok so after years of running XP, I finally got an external HDD to back all my crap on and Windows 7 Ultimate. I backed up all my stuff, ran the win7 DVD through start up, reformated my hard drive, installed windows 7.

It installed fine, rebooted a couple of times through the install, finishes, and logs me to the desktop. Its all working fine, I can use the net etc. I shut it down to restart it, and it doesn't start back up. It gets to the bios window where it decides to start off the dvd or hdd, just prior to where it should normally change to the 'windows is loading' screen, and just sits there, blinking and doing nothing.

I've done three installs, I took out the hard drive, reformated it with another computer, made sure it had a ntfs file system, everything, it's working fine. But every single time I install windows 7, It logs me into the desktop for the first time, I can do everything fine, but then if I Shutdown or restart, it hangs on the screen prior to windows loading. I can't even choose a boot option.

I've seen some ideas on other forums, pulling the power out, resetting the bios/cmos, changing boot sequence, unplugging all non-essential hardware.. nothing. It's like as soon as I install windows 7 my hard drive isn't there anymore.

Abit AX78 - Latest BIOS version
AMD 9950 quad core 2.6
4GB DDR2-800
ATi HD 5870
Western Digital 500GB

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Freezing On Startup, New Computer Fresh Install?

Jun 15, 2010

Just put together a brand new computer, Windows installed fine (running x64 bit Ultimate),everything loaded up fine the first time. Then I installed the driver and utility for my network card, and everything seemed fine til I got an internet connection, at which point it froze, and the only fix is a restart. Now every time it boots it freezes, sometimes within 10 seconds of starting, sometimes it doesn't make it past the "Welcome" screen and it'll just freeze. Haven't gotten to use my new machine for more than 20 seconds at a time, extremely annoying. In safe mode there doesn't seem to be a problem, I've had it on for more than 20 mins and it's been fine. Does anyone know where I can start looking to fix this? I've been struggling with this thing for 3 days and I'm running out of ideas. Here's the specs:Intel DP55KG MotherboardIntel Core i7 875K ProcessorOCZ OCZ3G1333LV8GK Gold 8GB PC10666 DDR3 Dual Channel MemorySeagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB Hard Drive (OEM)Ultra X4 750-Watt Modular Power SupplyRadeon 5770 1GB

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Install Windows 7 On New Built Pc

Mar 8, 2011

A newbie and i want to build my own computer..i would like to assemble the parts on my own..can u guys give some guide to install the OS on a new built computer..can i install win 7 using usb drive on a new pc? im planning to buy two HDD..can u guys give a guide to set up RAID0

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Importing Windows 7 Install To A Fresh Install?

Aug 30, 2010

I plan on reformatting Windows 7 x64 due to some hardware issues. Basically, I would like to be able to have things like Windows 7 settings, themes, ect imported. Any tips on how to do this? I do have separate partitions/harddrives to backup files, program data, ect.

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Install Windows 7 On A Home Built PC?

Jun 29, 2011

I need to upgrade from Win XP 64 to Win 7 x 64. 1/ What is the difference between Win 7 Oem version and Win 7? Can I use either - are there problems? 2/ Occasionally I need to do a clean re-install ( Upgrading PC neds HDDs etc). With XP 64 re-activation is not a problem, I bgelieve Win 7 only permits one activation - is this correct and if so how are cases such as hardware upgrades and fatal crashes handled?

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BSOD On Newly Built Windows 7 Computer

Nov 6, 2011

So I recently put together a computer for a friend of mine. We booted it up, and everything seemed to be fine. Unfortunately, he has been having intermittent BSOD crashes, often when installing new software (though not always). We've tried reinstalling Windows 7 (64 bit) several times, and I've had him run various RAM and hard drive diagnostics, which have (so far) not indicated any issues. My suspicions are beginning to point towards the motherboard or power supply, but honestly I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to analyzing dumps. I've attached the relevant dump files. I don't have a full list of hardware directly at my disposal, but if necessary I can have him run a dxdiag tomorrow.

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How To Delete Built-in Windows Defender From Computer

Aug 11, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my computer. I have built-in Windows Defender. Is Windows Defender useful? If not, specifically how can I delete it from my computer?

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Just-built Computer Crashes On Windows 7 Updates?

Oct 1, 2012

build a new computer and now that I've got it up and running, I'm trying to go through the long line of the windows updates. At some points, the computer will just freeze up and crash, or randomly shut off, during these updates. Not all of them, but some of them. A lot of the time it will occur while I'm doing something else, so I've tried to update some of them and not use the computer at all while it's doing them, but I've still encountered some crashes this way.I can't remember all of the updates it has crashed on, as it has crashed around 5-6 times give or take, but the latest ones it crashed on were the general/security updates for microsoft .net framework 4[CODE]

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Install Windows On Home Built Pc Without Cd Drive

Apr 29, 2011

I guess my title says most of what i want. I've ordered parts for a new pc, but because of my budget I did not buy the cd drive in order to buy better parts for my pc. For two years, I've never used my cd drive so I didn't need it anyway. But now I need a way to install windows 7 on my pc without using the cd drive. I have a question if there is a way to install windows with a usb. I have a laptop at home which i can use to create the usb.

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Can Install WIndows 7 To A Built PC From An Upgrade Disk

Nov 6, 2011

I have read several accounts of people building a computer and installing the OS from a windows 7 upgrade disk.

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Old Windows 7 Hard Drive To Newly Built Computer

Jan 1, 2013

I have just built a new computer and i am wondering if it is possible to use my old windows 7 OS on a hard drive on the new computer. old computer was a HP pavilion elite-141f and the new computer has AMD fx-8350 , asus GTX 660 TI and a gigabyte motherboard

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Fresh Install Of Windows 7?

Oct 29, 2011

A couple months ago i bought my computer, it came with no windows 7 discs. How would i go about putting a fresh install of windows 7 on it?

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Fresh Install Windows 7 Pro X64 And SP1?

Mar 19, 2011

So I will be doing a new install of win7 pro x64 on my newly built rig. My questions should i go ahead and do the install and then install SP1 or install, get updates and wait until SP1 is pushed.I have a disk with the full SP1.

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How To Do A Fresh Install Of Windows 7

Oct 1, 2011

I'm just wondering how to do a fresh install of windows 7, as it keeps freezing lately, ive tried system restore but keeps coming up that it hasn't done id rather re-install from scratch again so ive got nothing on my system...Any help would be appreciated

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Windows 7 Fresh Install On SSD?

Mar 12, 2012

I am getting an SSD drive & going to be doing a fresh install of Windows 7. While I understand the process of configuring your system for usage of the drive (unplug the other drives so the SSD is only one connected while installing, turning off prefetch, etc).The part I'm confused with is how to move the users folder so it defaults to the "D" drive. I get I can "Move" the folder, Add the "Location" or do the "robocopy" method & create a junction.

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How To Install Fresh Windows 7 To SSD

Feb 17, 2013

FInally got an SSD! Now I just need to install it onto an SSD.. could someone give me an explanation on that? My motherboard is the Asrock Z77 Extreme 4. I am currently running Windows 8 (I will update 7 to this later on down again) on a regular hard drive (slow 5400 RPM Samsung HD)

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Newly Built Computer - Windows Backup Won't See Hard Drives

Nov 23, 2012

I have built many computers but am having a little bit of a problem with some things and my new one. My new install went great. All programs installed without a hitch. Fast and furious is the way it went to get everything installed. Now, after a week or so I have started having a couple glitches. When I go to install a new program or update it the program just sits there for 4 or 5 minutes before doing anything and then finally starts to do its thing. The other issue is that I am trying to do a backup and image clone to get my new system backed up. The problem there is that the windows backup won't see my hard drives. I then tried Norton Ghost and the same thing happened. What is causing this?

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Windows 7 Newly Built Computer Won't Boot Past Logo Sometimes

Feb 23, 2012

Alright I am running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my newly built computer. My computer can successfully boot past the bios and get to the logo screen. Then I get to the Windows logo which is a hit or miss. Sometimes it will boot successfully and I will have no problems whatsoever and I can enjoy my computer without worrying about anything. Then sometimes it will get hung on the logo and it will just stop responding. I don't know if this is an issue with my HDD or maybe my power supply. I think that this may be a problem with my power supply because I notice that my keyboard LED turns of when it hangs like that. The only question then is "why is this not a consistent problem that I can isolate?"

Here are my specs:
Case: Coolermaster HAF 922
CPU: Core i7 3930k (3.2 ghz stock; will OC to 4)
Motherboard: x79 Asrock Extreme 4 (x5 sata 6.0 Gb, x2 usb 3.0 ports, PCI-e 3.0 support, and quad-channel memory)
RAM: 8 gigs (2x4 gig's) of 1600 DDR3
GPU: x1 Radeon 6870
PSU: 600 Watts
HDD: 500 gig's 7200 RPM (Seagate baracuda)
Cooling: closed loop liquid cooling, Tuniq TX-2 High Performance Thermal Compound, and the standard fans on the case
Optical drive: LG 12x Blu-Ray reader and DVD combo drive
Monitor: 22" LED 1920x1080 -- ASUS VS228H-P (21.5 viewable)

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BSOD For Fresh Install Windows 7 During SP1?

Sep 13, 2012

I've just made a new fresh install of Windows 7 - 64bits (legal version). Everything was fine, all drivers were up to date.But, when I install updates from Windows Update, during the installation of the SP1 (when the screen is "do not turn off the computer"), the computer reboots, and it said that it occurs a BSOD !? I've seen nothing. According to Whocrashed, it's because of BAD_POOL_HEADER, from ntoskrnl.exe (which belongs to Nvidia I think) and e1c62x64.sys (for Intel LAN)... After reboot, Windows continues slowly its updates like everything was OK... but I wonder is that SP1 & updates have been compromised (poorly done, half or what) 'cause of this BSOD? Should I reformat the computer?Windows Update indicates that all these updates were successful...

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Windows 7 Fresh Install Locks Up?

Jan 10, 2012

I wiped it clean from issues of locking up. I have done 3 fresh installs of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit retail using all up to date drivers and everything, I have tried with CPU overclocked and normal clock. When I boot up she runs fine and then when I start listening to music off of my backup drive or browse the internet she will lock up at random, and by lock up I mean it is like im looking at a picture of my screen frozen with no responsiveness whatsoever not even the mouse moving no HDD activity ... nothing! So Ive installed the OS 3 TIMES fresh install new partitions format etc. It does it every time after I let windows update do its thing or just listen to music off the backup drive.pecs are:Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RetailBiostar A780XA2-03 Socket AM2+ MotherboardAMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 CPU4GB Ram - I have swapped sticks that I have had - ( 4 1gb sticks 533mhz)

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BSOD Before And After Fresh Windows 7 Install?

Feb 18, 2012

This PC has ran fine since 2008 when it was built. It was recently updated to Windows 7 Pro OEM. During the OS upgrade it had more memory added (4x2GB, all slots filled). Upgrade and install went flawlessly. All software (photoshop, premiere, firefox, antivirus) was re-installed without any errors or hick-ups. Upon updating firefox (I believe the timing was co-incidence) it Blue Screened. It has had issues ever since. So my last stitch effort was to back everything up and re-install Windows and hope that it fixed the problem. Needless to say that it hasn't been fixed and it still randomly blue screens. Windows Memory Diagnostic ran with no errors returned

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BSoD After Fresh Windows 7 Install?

Mar 19, 2012

Bought a new computer 2 weeks ago, came in 3 days ago. Been having trouble with it since. Usually I'm the "Mr. Fix-it" when it comes to PC's but I've never messed around with any debugging tools.

I've tried all the troubleshooting you can possibly do when trying to diagnose a blue screen of death. Tried both RAM sticks separately, took the video card out and used on-board video. I even tried both RAM sticks with on-board video separately. Unplugged the DVD-ROM, no avail. I called ASRock and got a technician who I could barely understand, but was telling me something about "XMP". I didn't see the XMP option under the DRAM configuration, even if my sticks don't support it wouldn't the option still be there? I think he has my motherboard confused with another one. He told me to either replace the RAM with new RAM or send the motherboard back in and exchange it.

I came here to see what the BSoD DMP files REALLY have to say the problem is, so I can solve it once and for all. I didn't pay for new hardware to let it sit here and collect dust.

SPECS: Nothing is OC'd except the GPU, it was OC'd straight from the factory

MOBO: ASRock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 @ P1.30 (latest BIOS update)
CPU: Intel Core i5 2500 Sandy Bridge @ 3.30ghz
RAM: GSkill RIPJAWS 2x4gb DDR3 1333
GPU: MSI 560 GTX-TI Twin Frozr ii 2gb
PSU: Corsair TX750W
HDD: 1TB Samsung SATAII @ 3gb/sec
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit RETAIL

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BSOD After Fresh Install Of Windows

Nov 25, 2012

Ive ran memtest86 4.0a and i found several million errors. So i scanned through 1 and 1 ramslot to try to determine which ram was giving the errors, this only resulted in 1 of my 4 ram had only 1 error? I found this weird so i thought it might be the DIMM thats corrupted.

So now i removed 3 of my rams and i only run with 1 which passed the test. Still i get unexpected shutdowns aka BSOD.

Ive tried to remove my SSD and only use my HDD back and forth , changing to IDE inside BIOS, but with no good results at all..
Ive also tried to change my PSU to a different brand, but all volts seems ok.
I also reinstalled windows with USB, CD, from HDD yeah you name it, different versions... etc.. i even tried to install Windows 8 but with the same result

This all actually just started out of the blue, i have no clue how but i didnt install anything , all of the sudden i started having connection problems which resulted in BSOD.

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Fresh Install Of Windows Without Disk?

Nov 14, 2010

They used to have more of a 'restore disk' but lately I haven't been seeing that anymore. What are users left to do when you need to do a fresh install of Windows? If its for someone else, could I use my windows install disc and use their product key (sticker on bottom)? I've heard that it doesn't always work that way? Does Microsoft have any official documentation about this and if possible, could you share your experiences?

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