External Storage Formatted In NTFS?

Dec 29, 2009

I have an external drive that does backups of files for me on a weekly basis through windows, needless to say the backup was getting bigger so I decided to go for a better data storage solution and formatted the external into NTFS. While doing this I also decided to format a USB key into NTFS.THE external drive format took hours, four or so hooked up via firewire. I blamed the issue on the drive and ignored it for the next couple of weeks. The backups didn't work properly they stopped halfway according to Windows even if I let them run 12+ HOURS. Before I formatted it took only 2-3 hours for the backup. I blamed the entire issue on the drive, maybe time to replace it, but I didn't have time to mess with it cause it was simply annoying me.Didn't use the key until tonight. Remember it is formatted as NTFS also. I started to copy a movie file to it, 700mb, it stopped at nearly 89% with 5 seconds left and did not move one bit. I hit cancel and it stayed on the cancel screen for 10 minutes with no resolve. At this point I tried to open a firefox window and it was not responding.......so what did I do I pulled the key and just like that Firefox window popped up and all was well. At that point it hit me, but the external storage solutions are NTFS, could it be my Mobo? Surely not!, Oh Microsoft you make me sad again....Just like with Vista. I reformatted the USB key back to FAT32, transferred a larger 1.4gig file in about 2-3 minutes and had no hangup issues. I can't blame the issue on the mobo especially since it relates to both USB 2.0 connection and the FireWire has the same issue. I guess windows 7 64bit doesn't like external NTFS connections. My windows appears up to date!

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External Hard Drive Formatted In NTFS - Suddenly Inaccessible?

Sep 20, 2009

I have an external hard drive that was formatted in NTFS on an XP machine not too long ago. It is a 160 GB Western Digital. It has been working great on windows 7 for a couple of weeks. Just today it won't let me access the drive and it is telling me that I will need to format the drive before I can use it. I have so much important data on here. I am really worried about losing it all. Why is this happening?

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Formatting External Storage Device From Raw To Ntfs 7 Without Losing Data

Mar 20, 2012

Every time i plug my external storage device to my computer, i am asked to "you need to format the disk in drive F: Before you can use it. Do you want to format it?" I checked my drive and its File system is RAW. I don't want format it because all my important data are in it.

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Fat 32 File Formatted Ipod For Ntfs

May 6, 2012

An apple rep put the fat 32 file on my nano ipod formatted for ntfs

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Setting Up Permissions On NTFS Formatted USB Drive?

Apr 11, 2011

I have had no trouble in the past setting up permissions on a NTFS formatted USB drive using XP. I am able to set everyone to have only read access and myself to have full rights. The process is as follows:

- Remove all from the list except everyone.
- add myself as a user with full control.
- Go to advanced options for everyone and disable write access, and enable read access.
- Deny takes over allow, so that's all good.
- Eject USB everyone's happy .

In Windows 7 this is not the case, after formatting the USB to NTFS and going to permissions, that is where the problems start. At first the only group that has permissions as default is everyone, if I change any of these permissions I get access denied even though I am the owner because I formatted the drive. So I ignore and continue to add myself as full control. I get access denied! I then move on to making it so that everyone has read access but no write access. again access denied! What is the same process ins XP is not the same in 7, why?

It seems every time I make an amend to a permission in 7 is says access denied even though I am the admin and the owner. Tried this also on the hidden admin account and I still have the same problem. My guess is in windows 7 everyone actually means everyone, including admin and myself, so even though adding myself as an additional user it still wont allow, unlike XP where adding a user seems to overwrite everyone.

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NTFS Formatted 1TB Disk Shows As RAW When Connected Via Usb

Nov 28, 2012

I have purchased a new 1 TB WD HDD (internal) and have connected it internally in my PC to my motherboard using the spare power and SATA cables within my PC. (This is the second internal disk ) I booted on the PC (windows 7 (64 bit)) - the new HDD was detected and i continued to format the disk using quick format option with NTFS (allocation cluster size 4096 bytes). I have not made partitions on this and therefore this is essentialy one large 1 TB partition.

I then loaded all the data that i wished to back up from the 3 partitions of my older existing 500 GB disk as the purpose of acquiring the new 1 TB was exactly this. Till now all is fine.

3 days later i wished to transfer some of backed up data files (on my new unpartitioned but formatted new 1 TB disk) to my Toshiba laptop (Win 7 64 bit). So i discconnect the new 1TB disk from the PC and attach it using a USB 2.0 TO SATA/IDE cable to the usb port of my Toshiba laptop. The disk is detected but a message pops up saying that the disk is unformatted and the disk management tool in Windows shows this as a basic disk (RAW).

In case you'd like to know what cable i am referring to - here it is Brando USB 2.0 to SATA/IDE Cable

PS: I have tried formating the disk via the USB cable (as requested by my laptop message) but then when i attach it back as an internal disk in my PC it (the PC) detects it as an unformatted RAW disk (the vice versa problem) and requests me to format the same!

What i want to know is how to make this HDD usable both as an internal disk drive as well an externally connected USB drive? What i am doing wrong?

PS: Many years ago i have done the same without any problem with an IDE HDD

PPS: I have done the same exercise using win XP PC but i get the same problem
Is it a bios setting, OS issue, partition table issue or what?

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USB Mass Storage Device Will Not Recognize External Storage Devices?

Oct 14, 2011

Keyboard and mouse drivers unaffected.USB Mass storage device properties messagewith driver check on:"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device."with driver check off:Tells me drivers are corrupt or missing.Search show diver where it should be:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbstor.sys (also usbfilter.sys).Used the HP Recovery Manager to restore factory setting for USBStor.sys, it indicates it is successful but no changeon reboot, still cannot use flash drives, SD cards, external HDs. Units work find on my laptop.Called HP 4 times, after extensive troubleshooting each time, following their instructions, go to hp.com/go/instant, get screen saying request has been received. Each time tech tells me he cannot find my request.After a while, read 2 hours, told they need to talk to supervisor, will call me back, KISS OF DEATH, never hear from them.

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External Hd Asking To Be Formatted?

Nov 25, 2011

using windows 7 64 bit sp1, using old hd from last pc as external drive, using it for backup, today when I switched it on I get a message telling me it needs to be formatted, why this has suddenly happened, formatting no problem as I still have files on pc, just like to know why this message has suddenly popped up, drive is SATA if it helps,

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External Hard Drive Fat32 To NTFS?

Oct 8, 2012

Well tomorrow I am receiving my SSD. And my external hdd is fat 32 and I can't backup some of my stuff because of the file size limit. I believe I need it to be NTFS but how do I change it from fat32 to NTFS?

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Possible To Change External HD File System From NTFS To FAT32?

Nov 4, 2011

I am using windows 7 65 bit sp1, I have a number of films on pc of granddaughter and to save putting them onto DVD I have put them onto an external HD which is NTFS, I have tried to link it up to my freesat box which has a usb port, TV hasn't, unfortunately the box wont accept the NTFS sile system, have tried changing to exFAT, again this isn't accepted, tried friends ex HD which is FAT, (FAT32)? and this works, can I change my ex HD to then old FAT system?

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Converting External Hard Drive To NTFS - Showing Raw

Feb 20, 2013

I'm having a problem to convert my external hard rive to ntfs its showing raw it don't pickup the volume label. I whet into prompt also and it doesn't seem to see the hard drive. I tried so many stuff already.

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Formatted An External Drive - Get It Back?

Jul 1, 2011

I was working with two drives and mixed them up on a format. What is on the drive isn't essential, but it would be nice to see what was lost, so I can go from there. Can anyone recommend a way to get it back? It just happened and I haven't put anything else on the drive since it happened. Hit Quick Format, and stopped the formatting about 10 seconds into it, sucks

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External Hard Drive Suggesting To Be Formatted

Apr 15, 2012

I have a 1tb external hard disk which was working fine till yesterday. It fell down last week. After that, I transferred two files (total of 25gb) from my laptop into the external hard disk yesterday. The problem started after that. When, I tried to open any of all the files (a total of 11 including the two I transferred yesterday), it's suggesting to be formatted. The external hard drive is recognized in the disk manager to be healthy. Currently, I have turned the Easeus Recovery software on, it's showing 12 hours to be completed.

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Can Windows 7 Read MS-DOS FAT Formatted External Drive

Sep 19, 2012

I have a 1.5TB Seagate ext HD that is formatted as MS-DOS (FAT), this was formatted on my iMac. The Mac internal HD has completely crashed. I attached the ext HD to my Toshiba Satellite laptop, the ext HD does not show in the drive list. It does show in the device manager. It also shows as working properly in the properties menu I need files from this drive. How do I get my Windows 7 system to read the ext usb drive?

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Windows 7 64-bit Corrupting Large Files Copied To External NTFS Drives?

Jan 26, 2012

a number of backup copies of large files on external USB-connected NTFS drives differed from the source versions still on my hard drive. I also discovered that I could reproduce the issue with newly-copied files.Here are the specifics of the issue, following a series of experiments:

- On my system, copies of large files, files typically larger than 500MB, are corrupted (altered) roughly 30% of the time when copying them under Windows 7 64-bit to USB-connected NTFS-formatted external drives.

- No error occurs / no error message appears during the copy

- The file size of copy is always identical, whether or not data was altered during the copy process.

- File differences are confirmed via either the command-line "FC" command or a utility such as WinDiff

- The issue impacts copies made via the Windows GUI -OR- via command-line copy or xcopy

- The issue occurs with multiple external USB NTFS-formatted drives, no matter what make or model.

- Subsequent attempts to copy an affected file will ultimately yield an identical copy. This would seem to rule out interference by an external program such as an anti-virus program (and the only AV I am running is Microsoft Security Essentials)

- The USB drives involved pass error checks, and copies made to these drives on other (non Windows 7) systems produce identical copies

- So far, the third party utility "TeraCopy" manages to consistently produce clean copies, and therefore is a temporary workaround. This utility apparently works because it, by default, bypasses the NTFS memory caching operation used by the Windows 7 OS...a caching system which I have so far found no way of disabling.

- The problem does not appear to impact relatively small files (1 to 100MB or so). I have not found any particular threshold, but I have seen the issue impact numerous files in the 500MB neighborhood.

- The problem seems to date at least to the version of Windows 7 that was in release as far back as the Fall of 2010, as I discovered corrupted backup copies of files dating back that far. Again, the files are corrupted with respect to the original copy...NOT with respect to file structure itself.

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Having Poor Performance On ExFAT Formatted External USB HardDisk

Sep 18, 2012

Recently I have formatted my Usb External Harddisk with exFAT, as I heard of the benefits of it over FAT32. Its an IMATION Drive with 320gb storage. Device Properties: TOSHIBA MK3252GSX USB Device, The problem is that it takes forever to copy files from the drive as compared to when the format was FAT32. Currently, Im trying to backup all my files on my PC and I've been trying to copy out 60gb of Data that I started 10+ hours ago. The wierd thing is the progress bar moves a fraction and then stops for about 5mins before continuing the another fraction.

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Windows 7 Not Recognizing Dual WBFS Formatted External HDD At Same Time

Mar 7, 2011

as the topic states, my main desktop and my netbook cannot recognize having two identical external hdd's at the same time.It will recognize each seperate,but not both at the same time. The reason i need this is that i am backing up all my WII iso's

both hard drives are WD mypassport 500gb external portables (both powered by USB), and each are partitioned. on one partition its formated ntfs,the other WBFS and both are the exact same like that.

i guess im wondering if its because i named the second hdd drive x and drive z?

i got a warning when formating the second one something like (windows doesnt like when you name the hdd letters like x and z) what i dont get is that both drives can be recognized when plugged in seperately...

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External Hard Disk Formatted Mistakenly - Any Way To Recover Files?

May 26, 2011

By mistake my external hard disk formatted by clean and clean. How to recover my all file Inside now when I connect the pc its detecting hard disk but not showing its connected.

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Transferring All Bookmarked Favorites Onto External Storage?

Feb 19, 2012

I have a 4 month old HP ProBook 4530s with a hard drive in danger of 'imminent failure' according to 'Intel SMART technology' warnings that start to flash upon boot-up. Hard drive has been backed-up. Does this include ALL web links in the favorite file? Running Win 7, Explorer 9. Lots of 'eHow' 'solutions' appear upon a search of this topic, none of which seem to be correct for my system.

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Auto-play Option For External Storage?

Nov 20, 2010

i've currently disabled the autoplay to no action for all the options set in the autoplay options in control panel however whenever i connect a external storage like external hd thats split into 3 or 4 partitions i get 4 pop up options on what i want to do & its really annoying. Is there something different i need to edit for external mass storage devices?

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Unplugging A Removable Storage Device Such As An External USB

Jul 16, 2012

I tried to install window 7 to new Extreme SSD couple times but I always got the same message:Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. This error can be caused by unplugging a removable storage device such as an external USB drive while the device is in use, or by faulty hardware such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive that is failing. Make sure any removable storage is properly connected and restart your computer. If you continue to receive this error message, contact the hardware manufacture.Status: 0xc00000e9..Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred.

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External Storage Device Does Not Show Any Data?

Jan 20, 2013

My computer shows the space and everything else but doesnt show the folder and files in it like pictures and videos... and also i cant copy anything to it... on other computer there is no problem.

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Self-Powered External Storage Not Recognized/randomly Disconnecting

Mar 16, 2012

I have a 1TB external storage drive that uses its own power supply and connects to my laptop via USB 2.0 cable. For months I've had absolutely no problem out of the device, until the computer randomly decided to forget the device was plugged in. Now I'm lucky to get the device to be recognized by the computer at all, and when it is recognized, if I try to move anything to/from the device, the connection is immediately severed from the computer.I use this device for my backup as well as holding on to things I would rather not get rid of. All my drivers are up to date, I've done all the Power Management checking and unchecking that I've read from other threads found via Google search, and still it won't work correctly for me.

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Connecting FW800 External Storage Drive To ExpressCard To USB 2.0?

Aug 20, 2012

I have a FW800 external storage drive and only usb 2.0 ports on my laptop.Would it be possible to use a laptop ExpressCard with a FW800 port plugged into a USB ExpressCard adapter?If it does work, would I see any of the FW800 speeds or get capped by the USB 2.0 port?

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Removable Storage Devices (Flash Drives, External HDD) Do Not Work With My Windows 7?

Mar 24, 2011

All of my Removable Storage Devices (Flash drives, External HDD) do not work with my Windows 7. When I connect them, I hear the beeps but the device sometimes show up, sometimes not and sometimes they appear after a long interval. On accessing them, Windows tell me that I need to format the drive. Well, I can't do that. It's happening with all of my removable devices, not just one. They work fine with my laptop which is Windows 7 too,

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TDL-4 Infection On 4 PCs And Multiple External Storage Mediums-entire Network Unsecure

Jan 11, 2012

I have reformatted and installed a minimal version of Windows 7 but have yet to stop this thing from maintaining its hold on my network. After some 20 hours a day for nearly a month, it has taken its toll on my family. My son's new laptop for Xmas is now infected too. We will fix that very soon tho. Please guide me on how to proceed with this laptop for now. They have already wiped out my bank account once.

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External Hard Drive Suddenly "needs To Be Formatted" After A Reboot?

Aug 27, 2012

I just put about 25 gigs of data on this drive. It's an 80 gig drive and has about 20 gigs of space left on it before it's full. Out of all the files I cut and pasted over it got stuck on this last ISO file.. it refused to move this file.. so i stopped the move operation, and rebooted. I never had any trouble with this drive. It's a drive that is hooked up via a USB port. On reboot, to try to copy or move the file again, Windows tells me this drive cannot be accessed and needs to be formatted before it can be used.

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XP NTFS Versus Windows 7 NTFS?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a triple boot system: XP 32 bit, XP 64 bit, Win7 Pro 64 bit, each on a separate partition on separate hard drives. I can backup each of the XP OS partitions with a program I wrote that basically does a file and folder copy to a folder in a spare partition on one of the hard drives. The copy program I wrote tries to preserve time stamp and short file name info, otherwise, it's just a file and folder copy program. I use windiff to verify after a backup (or restore). For a restore, I can quick format a partition and copy the files back (using the program I wrote).

I tried doing the same with the Win 7 OS partition, backup, quick format, restore, but some of the information (metadata?) is lost. All of the actual data is there, and windiff doesn't show any differences, and Win 7 boots up, but then there are issues. ATI video driver catalyst control center fails to run (don't recall error message). The publisher information for many (or most or all) of the programs is lost, causing User Acess Control dialog box to appear anytime I tried to run a program,which should be Microsoft, but shows up as unknown. Internet Explorer 8 will state that a program has corrupted the default search provider repeatedly (even after selecting one).

So something is different between Win 7 NTFS and Win XP NTFS, or I need to enhance my copy program to copy addtional file information when doing the copies. If I get the time, I'll try a drag and drop from windows explorer in XP to see if that makes any difference.So currently I'm stuck using Win 7 system image backup for the Win 7 OS partition (it also images the C partition which contains the boot files like bootmgr).

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Why USB External Hard Disk Show Now " The Disk Need To Be Formatted"

Jul 23, 2012

I don't know what is my problem because is not the first time that usb external hard drive is working fine until get damage and said " it need to be formatted " and lost all the INFO because I have to format again the disk to be usefull. Also it is not the same hard disk.

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Handle And Difference Of USB Storage And In Camera USB Storage?

Dec 15, 2011

how to handle USB removable media inside camera.With camera there is no "Safely remove hardware and eject media" option.When Photo camera is connected, a new camera device is installed and GUI window is opened with option to browse or copy photos. But there is no removable storage devise eject button on notification area. The USB removable Storage devise is also present on File Manager Computer left panel but again, there is no mouse right button eject option as normally with removable storage devices. I have checked in on several computers. How to understand. I don't believe that it's camera specific but Camera is Canon S95.

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Can't Format FAT32 HD With NTFS

May 9, 2011

I have a second hard drive that is formatted FAT32 and I need to reformat it to NTFS so I can install Windows XP as a dual boot option. It shows 146GB of 148GB free space; however, when I open the drive it says "This folder is empty". I once had Ubuntu installed and reformatted the drive, but it may be hidden somewhere on the drive. I have tried to reformat by right clicking the drive letter and using the format command, but I get an error message "Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.". When I check the drive for contents using CMD it says "Volume in drive is New Volume Directory of D: File Not Found". When I try to format D: from the C: prompt, it says "Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode." I am logged on as Administrator

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