Downloading Files From 32-bit Vista To 64-bit Windows 7

Dec 14, 2012

I just rebuilt my system -- new motherboard, CPU, memory, HDD and OS. My previous hard drive died. Fortunately, everything was backed up onto a portable hard drive using Windows Backup in Vista.

I went with a new full retail version of 64-bit Windows 7 on my rebuilt system. I now need to create the other User Accounts and restore all our files from the Vista backup. I want to make sure I don't mess things up, so I have two questions:

(1) Is there anything I need to do to make sure my Windows settings don't get messed up when I use that 32-bit Vista backup to restore my files onto my new 64-bit Windows 7 system?

(2) There are 4 user accounts on the backup (mine and 3 others). My account was, of course, created during the installation of W-7. Should I create the other 3 user accounts before running Restore, or do they get created automatically during the restore process?

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Downloading Multiple Files In Windows 7?

Nov 20, 2012

I'm trying to download multiple files, not from those download sites but these are files full of wallpapers. I've tried the usual 'download accelerators' but they don't work for one reason or another. Is there a download accelerator/plug-in/add-on, etc. That works in Windows 7?

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Way That Can See Which Pages Are They Going To Or Which Files They Are Downloading?

Jun 23, 2011

I am using cable internet with a wireless router (NOT DIR-615, a netgear one).From the router settings, I can see which machines are connected, but I cannot see how much they are using the connection resource such as how much they are uploading or downloading.Also, I see a device with a static IP. How does this device getting a static IP?Also, is there any way that I can see which pages are they going to or which files they are downloading?

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Downloading Files - Major Error

Nov 24, 2009

For some strange reason today, whenever i download a file from the internet, it finishes but the download box automatically dissapears and the file doesn't show in the place i asked it to save.

Ive tried several different files, and have also tried using firefox instead of IE8.

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Downloading Files From Internet Nor Windows Player Runs Properly After Installing Windows 7?

Feb 6, 2011

I can neither download files from internet nor Windows player runs properly after installin Windows7.

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Downloading Vista's Nvidia Driver Shows Up As W7 Driver

Jan 18, 2009

I just downloaded the Vista driver for my Nvidia 8500GT , and during install, Nvidia shows it as a "Windows 7 32-bit Driver"...

Did this happen now or was I sleeping all this time?

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Memory Blocking While Downloading Large Data Files

Aug 18, 2009

When i start downloading large data files with multiple connections (it does not matter which download manager i use - flash get, jdownloader, IDM) it starts to consume a lot of MB until it consumes all of it, but when i close the download manager only about 200 MB becomes free (before downloading started i had used only 900/2048 MB and after closing download manager, it is used ~1800 MB / 2048 MB and there is no program in task manager which would consume such a lot of memory and i can free the ram only by restarting computer. This happens to me on celan RC version and even on clean RTM version.

I have quite a fast conenction 50/50 Mbps so the RAM runs out quite fast (in 15 minutes i have no free ram).

This happens only in Windows 7 (in Vista, XP it downloads without any memory leak using the same download managers)

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to solve it?

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Ipconfig Returns Nothing In Cmd / Internet Stops Working When Downloading Large Files?

Jul 11, 2012

When trying to run ipconfig using the cmd it returns nothing. Also, when downloading large files my internet will stop working and then start working after a while. OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64?

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Files From Vista To Windows 7?

Dec 4, 2011

I intend to replace my vista laptop with a windows 7 machine and wondered why I cant just copy the files to a hard drive and then on to the new laptop.

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Can't Restore Files From Vista To Windows 7

Nov 25, 2009

Can't restore my files from 7...have them on external drive i know they are there...used to restore this new dell laptop and it worked fine....installed 7

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Upgraded From Vista To Windows 7 - Files Are Gone?

Oct 1, 2010

I've installed the Windows 7 upgrade from Vista onto my C drive - I was careful about making sure I didn't do a custom installation because I wanted to keep my files and programs. After the installation - my programs are still installed, the file folders are still there, but the folders on my D drive are empty. My music, photo, video, and document libraries are completely emptyOther threads have said to look in the Windows.old folder but there is no Windows.old folder on my computer. I had a few folders with documents on the desktop that are intact - so why would it delete some files but not others?

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Downgrading To Vista, Will Keep The Files Have On Windows 7?

Apr 21, 2012

I'm planning to downgrade to vista, (don't ask why) and I was wondering if I will keep the files I already have (images, music, documents) in a Windows.old folder, because I remember having that when I reformatted Windows 7 or something like that.The downgrade to Vista is built in my Samsung notebook (F4 on Startup to repair computer) but I have images/music on this laptop that I can't lose, and I don't have any USB's or hard drives I can use at this moment.

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Is Windows 7 Using Vista Files For Boot ?

Nov 6, 2009

I like many others have a dual boot with Vista and now want to delete it. I have read other threads about using "Startup and Recovery" to remove Windows Vista from the Splash screen and then Formatting that Vista partition.

However I have also read something about Windows 7 using boot files from the Vista partition. How do I no if Windows 7 is doing this or not. I believe Windows 7 is the primary boot OS.

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How To Share Files From Vista To Windows 7

Nov 9, 2011

i have all my music files on my desktop using vista. i cannot seem to access these files on my win 7 laptop. they can be accessed via windows media player on the laptop, but thats it. I was attempting to add the music folder to my itunes on my laptop. i have made the music folder public. It can be seen on my xbox as well as my ps3 the network sees the laptop and destop, but when i try to access them they both ask for a user name and password. I have not set any passwords for either.

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How To Move Programs And Files From Vista To Windows 7

Jan 29, 2011

I have a new desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium. My old desktop is a Vista Home premium and both systems are 64 bit. I bought a program called Laplink PC mover and I want to move all my programs and files from the Vista system to the Win 7 system. Can I do this?

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Moving Backup Files From Vista To Windows 7

Mar 7, 2012

As my Vista machine was failing I did a full system backup. I did not do a simple file backup. That machine is now dead. Now I need to move the files within the system backup to my new Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit machine but I'm not finding any way to accomplish this.

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Restoring Files From A Vista Backup To Windows 7

Oct 24, 2009

I'm trying to restore files from a Vista backup into 7, but, once they're restored I can't find them.

It only affects files that were in the various 'my documents', 'my downloads' etc folders on my Vista install - files from other partitions etc restore fine.

It seems as if the files are definitely being restored somewhere, because if I restore them again I get 'would you like to overwrite these files' dialogs. I've tried searching for the filenames after they're restored but they don't appear. I think maybe it's possible that 7 is restoring them under a different user (although my user name on 7 is the same as it was on Vista).

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How To Remove Windows Vista Files From Computer

Aug 23, 2010

My computer originally came with Vista. I began to have issues with navigating in "My Computer", as it would often freeze and make it nearly impossible to use at times. I received a free upgrade to Windows 7, which I had hoped would solve my issues. It did not, unfortunately. Is there any way that I could remove all the Vista files from my computer

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Opening Encrypted .uea Files From Windows Vista?

Feb 8, 2011

I have been running Windows Vista Home Premium for two years. This was getting very slow so I have just re-formatted my hard drives and have installed Windows 7 Ultimate. This is running much better but I cannot open the encrypted .uea files which I had protected on Vista. I have fixed all issues on my registry using Uniblue Registry Booster but still I am unable to open them.

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EZ Move Apps, Files To Windows 7 From Vista?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a new HP Win 7 Home Premium computer, AMD 6-core, 6GB, 1T HDD, 64 bit and want to minimize the hassle of transferring apps and files from an HP Vista computer, AMD dual core, 32 bit, 2GB, 350GB. Any advice re PC Mover v. Zinstall

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Transfer All Files/folders To Windows 7 From Vista Without Having To Reinstall Everything Again?

May 4, 2011

Right now I'm using Vista Home Premium but I'm thinking about upgrading to Windows 7 Ultimate. Is there a way to transfer all my files/folders to Win 7 from Vista without having to reinstall everything again?

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Opening .rom Files With Vista?

Sep 1, 2010

Does vista 64-bit include the necessary program to open .rom files or is there something wrong with my OS?

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Cannot Delete Old Vista Files

Jan 26, 2012

When I u/g to 7 from Vista it left a bunch of folder on each partition of my hard drive. They were prefixed by the $ sign.They are large - many Gbs and I want to get rid of them.When I try to delete them I get the usual UAC window asking for permission, which I give, but then I get a window saying that i have to get permission from PBS - OFFICE - PCPBS.I am signed on as administrator and further checking with whoami.exe shows that I am PBS - OFFICE - PCPBS.I have given PBS - OFFICE - PCPBS ownership and full control privileges via Properties/security/owner tabs but I still get this problem.Why do I need permission to delete when it is telling me that the permission is needed from ME???? If I am logged on as PBS - OFFICE - PCPBS - according to whoami, why is it still telling me that I need permission from myself?

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No Boot Files In Vista

Sep 9, 2009

I am dual booting Windows 7 64 and Vista and using EASYBCD in each operating system. I am able to Boot into either program with no problems. However When I start EasyBCD in Vista I get the Vista1 and Vista2 screenshots. The Vista3 is what My msconfig tab in the Vista operating system looks like.

When In Windows 7 operating system and use EasyBCD I get the Windows 7 1 screenshot. My msconfig boot tab in Windows 7 looks like Windows 7 2. Let me add that I'm using a product called RollbackRx (ONLY) on the Win 7 operating system, both systems are on seperate harddrives. What do I have to do to get the boot files to be seen in the Vista msconfig boot tab, and the EasyBCD view settings window?

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Windows 7 Computer Cannot Access Shared Files From Windows Vista?

Jan 18, 2012

I've been working with I.T. for years, and when I went to a client's last night to share a drive over the network so they can install a program on a secondworkstation and use the database on the original machine. Anyway, sharing this drive shouldn't have taken me more than five minutes. However, I'm encountering problems I've never seen before. The Win7 PC sees the Vista PC on the network, but not any of the shared drives. And when I try to explore the Vista PC from the Win7 PC, I get an errors: ""Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (Vista PC) is not responding."Both PCs are on the same network, obviously, AV software and Windows firewall disabled on both, Homegroup off on Win 7 machine, both machines on same workgroup "WORKGROUP," set with static local IPs/DNS, etc., and both able to access network resources and the internet. One thing I HAVE noticed, however, is that when exploring the network on the Vista PC, I can't see anything (including the Win7 machine,) except the Vista PC itself and the router.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what's wrong? I've tried pretty much everything I can think of. Even the SFC on the Vista PC didn't find any issues. I've checked the services, and all that should be running are set to Auto, and are started and running. I've looked for hours online, trying every possible option I can find, to no avail. I'm completely stumped! Never in my years in IT have I encountered this.

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Restoring Files From Vista Backup To 7

Oct 24, 2009

I'm trying to restore files from a Vista backup into 7, but, once they're restored I can't find them.

It only affects files that were in the various 'my documents', 'my downloads' etc folders on my Vista install - files from other partitions etc restore fine.

It seems as if the files are definitely being restored somewhere, because if I restore them again I get 'would you like to overwrite these files' dialogs. I've tried searching for the filenames after they're restored but they don't appear. I think maybe it's possible that 7 is restoring them under a different user (although my user name on 7 is the same as it was on Vista).

Is there any way I can view these files?

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Get Windows Xp Vista And Windows 7 'ALL' Default Registry Files?

Jan 15, 2011

get windows xp vista and Windows 7 'ALL' Default Registry files?

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Windows Vista Shared Files And Printers Won't Appear On Windows 7?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. My desktop has Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I have been trying to allow folder sharing between the two, but it won't work.

On my desktop, I can access all my files from my laptop. However, when I try to access the shared files from Vista on my laptop, it takes forever and then I get a message that says "Windows cannot access \BILL-PC." But I can access all of the media files.

They are both on the same network entitled WORKGROUP.

So far, I have done the following on both PCS

- Enabled sharing of the printer itself.

- Gave permissions to 'everyone' and full access under c:windowssystem32spoolprinters.

- Added guest users that share all files and folders.

They are obviously on the same network since I can see them both listed. However, why it keeps telling me it cannot access my desktop.

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Vista 32 To 7-64 Clean Install Save Files

Oct 2, 2011

what I have: Vista 32 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want: Win 7 64 bit system - 2 hard drives

what I want to do: a clean install of Win 7 64 bit on the primary hard drive

the second hard drive is free to be used as a backup location during the clean install process

question: how do I backup all critical data to the secondary hard drive before doing a clean install on the primary drive? and then how do I reinstall the data from the secondary drive back to the primary hard drive with the new Win 7 64 bit system on it?

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After Upgrade To Win7, Can I Delete Some Old Vista Files ?

Oct 22, 2009

I have seen in the program files folder that windows sidebar is still there. I wonder, can I delete some old vista stuff that isn't used by 7 after my upgrade? are there programs folders like this that I can rremove? or Is 7 still using this for gadgets? I didn't do a clean install some I am not sure if these a reminents of old programs that no longer work.

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Transfer Files And Parameters From Vista To 7 On Same Computer

Oct 23, 2009

Any suggestion to safely transfer files and parameters from Vista to 7 on same machine (just like the one usually done from old to new machine) would be much appreciated.

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