Memory Blocking While Downloading Large Data Files

Aug 18, 2009

When i start downloading large data files with multiple connections (it does not matter which download manager i use - flash get, jdownloader, IDM) it starts to consume a lot of MB until it consumes all of it, but when i close the download manager only about 200 MB becomes free (before downloading started i had used only 900/2048 MB and after closing download manager, it is used ~1800 MB / 2048 MB and there is no program in task manager which would consume such a lot of memory and i can free the ram only by restarting computer. This happens to me on celan RC version and even on clean RTM version.

I have quite a fast conenction 50/50 Mbps so the RAM runs out quite fast (in 15 minutes i have no free ram).

This happens only in Windows 7 (in Vista, XP it downloads without any memory leak using the same download managers)

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to solve it?

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Ipconfig Returns Nothing In Cmd / Internet Stops Working When Downloading Large Files?

Jul 11, 2012

When trying to run ipconfig using the cmd it returns nothing. Also, when downloading large files my internet will stop working and then start working after a while. OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64?

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Computer Goes To Sleep When Downloading Large File

Apr 7, 2012

New xps 17' running 64 bit Windows 7. In firefox when I'm downloading a large file the computer goes to sleep even though the power settings are set not to. I didn't know if this is a Windows 7 problem or a firefox problem.

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Copy Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2010

I am having trouble copying large amounts of data, and was wondering if there were certain ways to speed up the process. Patch a few .dll's? Use a program?

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Secure Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a 2TB hard drive which I bought to back up my DVD collection. At the time I thought I would never fill it, but at this point it is almost full and I can easily see myself filling another one some time in the future.I plan on adding another 2TB drive and putting them in RAID to appear as one volume, but I did this in the past (in RAID 0) and when one drive failed I lost everything. What would be the best way to keep 3-4TB of data safe?Is there an easy backup method or am I gonna have to bite the bullet and buy 3 more 2TB drives so I can do a RAID 1+0 configuration? I know this is a good way to do this, but I am cringing at having 4TB of space that is basically there just for backup. It seems like a ton of space to waste.

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BSOD When Transferring Large Amounts Of Data

Sep 26, 2012

i built myself a new computer recently and although it's not the first one i've ever built, i'm certainly no expert. i was getting lots of BSODs right from day 1, but when i swapped out the PSU for a larger one, everything seemed ok. but when i started copying all my stuff onto the hard drives i started getting BSODs again. whenever i transfer more than a few GB of data, either from one HDD to another, or from a DVD to a HDD, the computer bluescreens. a BSOD will happen out of the blue, even if im not actually doing anything, but transfering more than 4GB or so of data is guaranteed to give me a BSOD. i tried various diagnostics like memtest86 but everything comes up fine. but when i swapped the system drive for a different hdd with linux, transfering data works fine. so i'm fairly certain it's either some element of windows or the ssd that windows is installed on.

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Copy Or Cut When Moving Large Amounts Of Data?

May 21, 2012

What is better when moving large amounts of files and data (20+) to either copy or cut the files? Or does it not make a difference?I was told cutting fragments your hard dive while copying does not

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Making More Use Of My Large Amount Of Memory

Sep 4, 2009

I have 4gb of ram installed. Windows 7 says it exists so I think it's set to go. What's annoying is that the computer never uses more than say 1.5 GB of memory. I'm annoyed than when I want to seek through a video file there's an annoying lag as it has to stop every notch and seek from the hard drive. Is there a way to set it, or a certain video player, that will have it load, say, the entire video file into memory, and, say, load more into memory when running intensive applications?

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Difference Between Blocking The Sender Versus Blocking The Senders Domain?

Apr 30, 2012

I seem to have had a surge of spam. Many supposedly from "techdaily at (various domains)" Any others have this?Whats the specific difference between blocking the sender versus blocking the senders domain?

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Large Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Keeps Losing Rows Of Data

Mar 12, 2011

I have a large 4000 x 25 Excel 2003 spreadsheet that keeps losing rows of data. I normally add 5-10 rows a day and over the last few weeks I have noticed that a couple of days data has disappeared every so often. The sheet is being closed cleanly and saved. Fortunately I have a daily backup so I have been able to go back. the data is there for two days after it was originally entered and then disappears. There has been no restore of the data and the rows have not been accidentally deleted.

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Memory Usage While Downloading

Aug 22, 2009

I having some problems with memory in PC. (Win 7 64bit)

I use Flashget classic ver. (latest)

I left PC to run over night and i find dead PC in the morning.

It usualy runs with 600-700MB when i run PC, but after some time running Flashget i got 1,7GB+ untill PC stop respond (it has only 2GB of RAM)

Now with litlle more details..

This is my PC after turning ON:


And about 2 hours later running Flashget, downloading 250KB/sec.


When i turn off download manager, memory still stay high. Only restart helps.

Somebody said that i have too litlle memory for 64-bit Windows. Lets say thats true, will 2GB more be enouf? (4GB total) and how i will find same memory moduls almost 1,5 year after I bought this PC? Can they be different?

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Large Tmp. Files In C?

Jan 25, 2011

I've used disc analyze and it shows 4 tmp files that are 4gb in size and they are in C:$Recycle.Bin and I would like to know what are they and if necessary how can I erase them bay the way my computer feels sluggish and my internet traffic is huge (it shouldn't be) so I was wondering does this has to do with it?

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Can't Delete Large Files

Jul 21, 2012

Just about every time I try to permanently delete a large file or folder, either by shift/delete or emptying the recycle bin the operation hangs up.The little window opens and it counts up the size of the file and that it. Nothing else overtly happens. The status bar never starts indicating and the window just sits there with the little green lights chasing each other across it. If I try to cancel or close the window it nothing happens.During the time all this is going on, I can hit ctrl/alt/del and select Task Manager and it simply goes back to the desktop with this window still squatting there doing it's thing. I have pinned TM to the task bar and tried starting it from there but it never starts. Eventually everything just slows to a stop and nothing works which would seem to indicate some kind of memory leak. There are no error messages during any of this.I have to hit reset and restart the computer that way in order to regain control and we all know how bad an idea this is. I've already had my boot sector eaten once causing me to have to do a total rebuild and I'd prefer not to have to do it again.

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Can No Longer Upload Large Files

Oct 7, 2012

I usually send clients large images around 4Mb via the email. I also upload to various sites, files up to 15Mb. They are all usually jpeg or .psd format.

For some reason it just doesn't work anymore - they get so far and seem to just hang. I contacted my ISP provider and they went through all their trouble shooter but told me that the problem is my end.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit. I have tried IE9 and Google Chrome but neither helps. I use Microsoft Security Essential. I have tried turning off the firewall but this doesn't work either.

Smaller versions of the jpegs seem to upload OK. I haven't done anything to change what I am using recently other than to run the automatic updates.

I have internet satellite using an ipstar modem. No router.

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Large Strange Files 35MB's?

Jan 16, 2011

Every couple of weeks I get a strange large file with a title that doesn't make any sense. What is this file and is it necessary to keep them?

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Moving Very Large Files In Windows 7 X64?

Jul 2, 2012

I have a video file that is 5+GB. Windows is telling me it can't move it because it is too large, even though there is ample space in the directory I'm moving it too

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Computer Slows Down After Large Files?

Sep 24, 2011

I am running Windows 7 x64 and my computer drastically slows down after opening or transferring large files >1GB. If I reboot the system everything is fine again.

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Movie Files Too Large For Burning

Jun 7, 2012

I tried burning a 11minute and a 23 minute long movie in windows 7 media player but I get a message indicating that the files are too large to be burnt. I have previously burnt to disc a lot longer movies

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Extra Large Icons For Video Files

Nov 23, 2011

If you set the view to Extra Large Icons for video media files, it shows a screen capture from an instant very early in the video file (like in the first 5 seconds or something). Is there a way to modify what point in the video file the screenshot is taken from?

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Renaming Files - File Name Too Large - How To Disable This

Dec 26, 2011

I'm renaming some songs but when I do this I get this message:But my filename is not that long! Here is how long I can make it before my keyboard does not enter characters. They just don't show up when I type.

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Deleting Large Number Of Files Very Slow

Apr 17, 2012

I run a software tool that often generates 75,000 - 100,000 small files that need to be deleted after the software exits. Right now, it can take 8 - 10 minutes to permanently delete all these files from a single run, and I usually have 4 - 8 runs to deal with, so do the math. I have tried shift-del to permanently delete but it doesn't work - Windows still copies everything to the recycle bin. Also, while moving the files to the recycle bin, I often get an error message: "Error 0x80070050: The file exists." Bottom line is that it takes a *really* long time just to delete these files and I need a quicker way to do it.

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Network Error - Transfer Large Files

Oct 21, 2009

For some reason I am not able to transfer large files to my Windows Home Server (home build). The file will start to transfer then just stop and error out.

The error message says Network Error: There is a problem accessing serverfolder.

This is on a wired connection so I dont know why it would just be dropping the connection. I can still surf the internet fine during this time.

Realtek RTL8169/8100 network cart, cat5e cable, 10/100 netgear 24 port unmanaged switch, WRT54GL router(tomato firmware). NICs are set to auto negotiate.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

I attached a screen shot of the error message and network monitor.

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Windows 7 - How To Move Large Files To External HD

Jan 28, 2012

I have a 30 GB file on my desktop and I want to move it to an external hard drive. In Win 7 it just won't go! Cut/paste, move to, nothing. How can it be done?

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Unable To Push Large Files Onto Network Drive?

Nov 8, 2011

This is my set up. I have my PC running Windows 7, connected through wireless to the internet and my home network via Apple Airport Extreme. I have a harddrive connected to the Airport Extreme acting as a network drive.I can see the network drive, and I pull files of all sizes from it, but I have not been able to push large files to it. I can push smaller files to it with no issues (so far success with up to 706MB). I tried pushing a 1.4GB video file to it and it keeps giving me the error message: "There is a problem accessing A: Make sure you are connected to the network and try again" I have an iMac hooked up to the network. I can push the same 1.4GB video file from my PC to the iMac over the wireless network. I just cannot push it onto the network harddrive. While I have no problems pushing large files onto the network harddrive from my iMac.So in summary:Pushing large files from PC to network harddrive - FailedPushing large files from PC to iMac - SuccessPushing large files from iMac to network harddrive - Success I've tried most of the proposed solutions I found on the internet. 've turned off the firewall - no change. I've turned off my anti-virus - no change. I've tried disabling autotuning - no change. I've turned of the power setting on my network adapters - no change

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Free Service To Send Large Files Via Email?

Nov 9, 2011

Am looking for a free service that would let me send a 30gb file via email if this possible, or somewhere even I could upload the file too for someone to get access too.

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Small Disk Or Partition Better Than A Large One Full Of Files?

Jul 10, 2012

I am trying to get several peoples opinion. I believe that a small disk that is bootable similar to a ssd is better that a large one full of data. There is less disk to deframent and it should be faster. The larger data disk will contain most of the files many of which will not be used a large part of the time. One can keep larger files such as pictures or videos in that data disk. I probably prefer a small ssd(less than 100GB) but am not sure that is the best way to go right now. Later on when the price and quality of ssd goes down I could substitute that drive for the small hd partition or drive.

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System Freezes When Copying Large Files Between Drives?

Nov 15, 2012

how to move all my files from my internal harddrive to my external harddrive. Everytime I try to transfer my files it will transfer for like 1GB and then it will freeze and restart.

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Windows Freezes When Copying Large Files After A Search?

Jan 31, 2013

I have 2 internal-sata hard drives(320 gig. And 2tb.) and 1 external usb/2.0 hard drive (750 gig.). The pc is an old dell gx520 tower with a fresh install of Windows 7 pro. No antivirus, network connection, or firewall enabled. Processor is a Pentium4 running 3 GHz with 1.5 gigs of ram. This is the problem: If I do a search on the 2tb. Drive for all of the jpegs, I have a total of about 84000 pictures. When I select all of the pictures and right click-copy and try to paste to another hard drive the pc will lock up and won't display a copy status window. Windows says it's not responding. Now, if I right click-copy a single folder which has anywhere, from a few files to several hundred gigs. of data in it, using the same 2tb. Drive, it will copy over to another drive just fine. I have tried, changing the swap file from "windows managed" to, up to 20 gig. Thinking the search was maybe having to write to the swap file. This didn't work. I also booted in to safe mode and tried to do the copy from the 2tb. To the 320gig. drive and still no difference. I have tried this with windows copy handler and teracopy. It all has something to do with the fact that I am doing a search for the files before copying them.

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Unable To Push Large Files Onto Network Drive?

Nov 8, 2011

This is my set up. I have my PC running Windows 7, connected through wireless to the internet and my home network via Apple Airport Extreme. I have a harddrive connected to the Airport Extreme acting as a network drive.I can see the network drive, and I pull files of all sizes from it, but I have not been able to push large files to it. I can push smaller files to it with no issues (so far success with up to 706MB). I tried pushing a 1.4GB video file to it and it keeps giving me the error message: "There is a problem accessing A: Make sure you are connected to the network and try again" I have an iMac hooked up to the network. I can push the same 1.4GB video file from my PC to the iMac over the wireless network. I just cannot push it onto the network harddrive. While I have no problems pushing large files onto the network harddrive from my iMac.

So in summary: Pushing large files from PC to network harddrive - FailedPushing large files from PC to iMac - SuccessPushing large files from iMac to network harddrive - SuccessI've tried most of the proposed solutions I found on the internet. I've turned off the firewall - no change. I've turned off my anti-virus - no change. I've tried disabling autotuning - no change.I've turned of the power setting on my network adapters - no change. I've turned off the Remote Differential Compression - no change. I've tried the file transfer in Safe Mode - no change.

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Large Transfer Of Data Between Drive C: And Drive F:

Dec 3, 2011

I have been suggested to keep my data in a separate drive than my operating system.

Actually, my hard drive is partitioned in two drives, c: and F:

I want to transfers my directory c:user to f:user. I did try to copy between them, but some files where not transferred

So what is the best way to do that. After, do I need to do special thing to make sure that all the references will be followed to the new files positions, IE when accessing them via my task manager

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Random BSOD - Transferring Large Files Or Playing BF3 And Other Games

Apr 21, 2012

System build 11 months ago
Windows 7 Pro x64 Full Retail
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
16.0 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
AMD Radeon HD 6950
250GB M4-CT256M4SSD2 ATA Device (SATA-SSD) (OS)

I get BSOD sometimes when playing Battlefield 3, sometimes I don't get it. I also get BSOD when transferring large files from external hard drives or from my internal network.

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