Secure Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a 2TB hard drive which I bought to back up my DVD collection. At the time I thought I would never fill it, but at this point it is almost full and I can easily see myself filling another one some time in the future.I plan on adding another 2TB drive and putting them in RAID to appear as one volume, but I did this in the past (in RAID 0) and when one drive failed I lost everything. What would be the best way to keep 3-4TB of data safe?Is there an easy backup method or am I gonna have to bite the bullet and buy 3 more 2TB drives so I can do a RAID 1+0 configuration? I know this is a good way to do this, but I am cringing at having 4TB of space that is basically there just for backup. It seems like a ton of space to waste.

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Copy Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2010

I am having trouble copying large amounts of data, and was wondering if there were certain ways to speed up the process. Patch a few .dll's? Use a program?

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BSOD When Transferring Large Amounts Of Data

Sep 26, 2012

i built myself a new computer recently and although it's not the first one i've ever built, i'm certainly no expert. i was getting lots of BSODs right from day 1, but when i swapped out the PSU for a larger one, everything seemed ok. but when i started copying all my stuff onto the hard drives i started getting BSODs again. whenever i transfer more than a few GB of data, either from one HDD to another, or from a DVD to a HDD, the computer bluescreens. a BSOD will happen out of the blue, even if im not actually doing anything, but transfering more than 4GB or so of data is guaranteed to give me a BSOD. i tried various diagnostics like memtest86 but everything comes up fine. but when i swapped the system drive for a different hdd with linux, transfering data works fine. so i'm fairly certain it's either some element of windows or the ssd that windows is installed on.

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Copy Or Cut When Moving Large Amounts Of Data?

May 21, 2012

What is better when moving large amounts of files and data (20+) to either copy or cut the files? Or does it not make a difference?I was told cutting fragments your hard dive while copying does not

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Disable Encrypt Contents To Secure Data Of Windows 7?

Apr 8, 2011

Disable Encrypt contents to secure data of windows 7

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Memory Blocking While Downloading Large Data Files

Aug 18, 2009

When i start downloading large data files with multiple connections (it does not matter which download manager i use - flash get, jdownloader, IDM) it starts to consume a lot of MB until it consumes all of it, but when i close the download manager only about 200 MB becomes free (before downloading started i had used only 900/2048 MB and after closing download manager, it is used ~1800 MB / 2048 MB and there is no program in task manager which would consume such a lot of memory and i can free the ram only by restarting computer. This happens to me on celan RC version and even on clean RTM version.

I have quite a fast conenction 50/50 Mbps so the RAM runs out quite fast (in 15 minutes i have no free ram).

This happens only in Windows 7 (in Vista, XP it downloads without any memory leak using the same download managers)

Does anyone have the same problem or know how to solve it?

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Large Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Keeps Losing Rows Of Data

Mar 12, 2011

I have a large 4000 x 25 Excel 2003 spreadsheet that keeps losing rows of data. I normally add 5-10 rows a day and over the last few weeks I have noticed that a couple of days data has disappeared every so often. The sheet is being closed cleanly and saved. Fortunately I have a daily backup so I have been able to go back. the data is there for two days after it was originally entered and then disappears. There has been no restore of the data and the rows have not been accidentally deleted.

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"Encrypt Contents To Secure Data" Not Enabled?

Aug 30, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home Premium and I want to encrypt files, I saw A LOT tutorial how to encrypt filesAnd most ways are with that option, some how on my computer its disabled. why?Please I really want to encrypt some very important files and I can't.and I don't wanna use software cause I really don't like use this kind of software.

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Large Transfer Of Data Between Drive C: And Drive F:

Dec 3, 2011

I have been suggested to keep my data in a separate drive than my operating system.

Actually, my hard drive is partitioned in two drives, c: and F:

I want to transfers my directory c:user to f:user. I did try to copy between them, but some files where not transferred

So what is the best way to do that. After, do I need to do special thing to make sure that all the references will be followed to the new files positions, IE when accessing them via my task manager

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Where Are The Extra-Large And Large Icons Stored

Mar 7, 2011

If you extract the icons from imageres.dll or shell32.dll then the maximum icon size is about 64x64 and 32x32 for most icons. I am trying to extract the largest icons, where can I get them.

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Large & Extra Large Icons Blank?

Sep 7, 2010

My client's computer was infected with a virus obtained via Facebook. I removed this and multiple other infections (and I'm pretty thorough with my scanning). She gets it back, starts working on it, and apparently her devices and printers icons are blank. Not missing, like with a "blank page" icon, just... blank. Here's the kicker: it only happens with large and extra large icons. It also happens with normal folder icons. When I change it to medium or lower, they come back. I've tried rebuilding the icon cache database several times, tried sfc /scannow, tried chkdsk, tried uninstalling any recent updates, etc... There have been no hardware changes, the hard drive has been tested as good (no bad sectors), her dual monitors are at a sane resolution, and I'm confident that the viruses has been removed.

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Massive Amounts Of Network Traffic / Packets?

Jun 26, 2011

I purchased a new Dell XPS 17 and have previously been a long time user of XP. One big reason I am already not a fan of Windows 7 is because while some things have improved other things have gotten worse. By far this is the worst problem:

In XP my Duration online can be 1-2 days and would barely hit a million or a million and a half of packets for sent and outgoing individually. With the Same exact setup in Windows 7 what takes days in XP I experience in about 1 Hour in Windows 7!! As of right now I have over 19million outgoing packets! Similar for Received. What gives?? I have searched online and am hoping i'm not the only one with this issue.By the way I have an Intel 1000BGN Internal Adapter but I have it disabled and am using an Alfa AWUS036h b/g adapter. My router is a Netgear N300 WNR2000v2. I am experiencing very low speeds 1-5.5 and occasionally a stable 11mbps. I firmly believe this network traffic is causing both my low speeds and my random and frequent limited access / disconnections.

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Massive Amounts Of BSODs On Boot / Multiple Errors

Feb 23, 2012

I work at the IT department of a school where we have around 600 PC's that need to be maintained. Most things break by the kids and most is fixed my replacing, or simply imaging said computers again.However, after having switched over from Windows XP to Windows 7 we've been having masses of BSODs when loading Windows. Not just the normal PC's, not just linked to one type (although pretty much everything is from HP). But it keeps happening.The most common errors that we've been able to discover are:0x00000018, 0x0000000A, 0x0000007E, 0x000000BE.After having researched these things, they all turned out to have something to do with drivers, not only that, but when trying to boot into safe mode the PC's would all freeze at "classpnp.sys" and sometimes reboot shortly after.Our current solution is simply putting a new Windows 7 image over the computer and it'll work another day or two. It's great that it works again then, but we spend too much time on it.

It can't possibly be the hardware, there are too many different kinds of computers for it to be that. I'm quite sure the problem is somewhere originating from the drivers we install, but then he question comes as to what ruins the drivers? Not to mention that there are also different drivers for the different kinds of PC's.

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Anyone Have Secure-it To Download

Jul 1, 2011

Does anyone know where you can download the freeware version of Secure-it?!Sniff em website does not work for me.I have tried a load of links, but all are dead.IT is freeware, but older.

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How Secure Are My Documents

Mar 20, 2012

I'm always wondering about this. I have a laptop on which I have a password protected account. If someone steals this laptop and takes out the hdd, will they be able to access my documents by accessing it using another computer?

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Can't Access Secure Sites

Apr 28, 2011

i have changed to windows 7 last week and yesterday noticed that i cant seem to access any secure sites, eg barclays log in page and tesco/asda payment page, (https pages). get the same problem on chrome, firefox and ie. My wife says she has used the computer to access bank account but i cant think of anything that may have changed since then.just noticed i can access gmail which is a secure site.

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Most Secure Browsers For Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm probably using the worst browser, Internet Explorer. I used to use Firefox, but I was concerned with privacy issues once they teamed up with Google so I went back to Explorer. Two weeks ago I updated to version 9 of Internet Explorer and I'm constantly getting connection issues which I've never had before.What are the better browsers when it comes to both privacy and security?

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Is Win 7 More Secure Than Linux And Leopard ?

Apr 14, 2009

will Windows 7 be the most secure operating system ever? Microsoft seem to think so. Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner made the following bold statement yesterday: Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever built. It's also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard.

It's the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we've learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock do wn the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it.

And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn't work on Vista, it won't work on Windows 7.

I'm glad he stopped short of saying that Windows 7 will be the most secure operating system in the universe!


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SSD OCZ Vertex 2 / Secure Erase

Apr 18, 2012

Is it recommended to use the Secure Erase, often ? Once in 2 months ?Before i do the Fw update, should i Secure Erase ?i want to make a fresh install of Windows 7, today. Should i use Secure Erase before that, or not ?

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Creating A Secure Folder?

Nov 1, 2011

How do I create a folder which requires a password to open?

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How To Secure Router So No One Else Can Log On To Network

May 24, 2012

I do not have a manual for our router. I do not, therefore, know the username, password or the number to use as a web address, which is what Kim Komando is telling me I need. How can I secure the router so no one else can log on to my network?

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Cant Access Secure Login Pages

Mar 11, 2012

my problem is that when i try to log into facebook,paypal,gmail,Internet,twitter,minecraft,..the works it continues loding then it says the connection has timed out.

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Can't Type In Fields Of Secure Document?

Oct 17, 2012

Using Windows 7 I suddenly can't type in fields of secure documents (opened with https).I have tried documents such as for paying bills and making reports, using IE, Firefox, and Chrome.Applies to data entry fields or radio buttons.Data fields accept the click to select the field, but do not respond to data typed on the keyboard.i have searched the web for "can't type in fields of secure documents".I get lots of hits, but none are appropriate and few have solutions anyway.

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Can't Access Some Secure Sites Windows 7/IE9

Feb 21, 2012

I use Win 7 and IE9. In the past two weeks, all of a sudden I can't log in to one financial site, and on another financial site, I can log in, but have difficulty getting to my account. I've spoken to the sites' tech people and all is ok on their end. I've run virus scans, both in safe and regular mode and nothing is found.

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Cannot Access Secure Work Website?

Feb 23, 2013

I have an HP, p6710f, AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor with Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop, as well as on my HP laptop. I am a medical transcriptionist, so I access a secure website to work. Suddenly my desktop will not access the site, but my laptop will. Tech support from my company did a remote access on my computer and could not figure anything out. I took it to a computer shop, they removed a virus (which they said was nothing major), and were able to access the website. I got my computer back but it still will not access the website. I made sure my modem/router firmware is up to date, but the laptop uses that as well. The interesting thing is my computer will not ping the website I work on, nor will the laptop, but yet the laptop connects and works but the desktop will not. Any ideas why this would happen or what could have changed on my desktop? Oh I will say that I restored my desktop, as did tech support, to a week earlier when it was working fine

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Secure Sites Don't Recognize Passwords

Oct 29, 2012

Starting yesterday, most of my sites that require a password (e.g. bank, mutual fund, credit card) would not accept the passwords. A couple would not allow me to change to a new password, even after I was sent temporary passwords to use to do that. I had to call the sites to have them try, and it took several tries by Support to change the password. Windows 7; Malwarebytes (paid version)and Avira Premium scan daily.

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Change Secure Login Screen?

Jul 25, 2012

I need to change the "PRESS CTRL+ALT+DEL To Log On" on the secure login screen to something else. does anyone know how to do this? i assume i'll have to edit a dll, but which one?

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How Secure Is Remote Desktop Over The Internet

May 12, 2011

I am connected to the Internet through a router and I just learned how to properly configure Remote Desktop and port forwarding so that I can access my computer from outside over IP. However, and since I have a small home network, this causes me some doubts in what concerns both the security of the information being transmited over the Internet and the internal security of my LAN. Is it really safe to use Remote Desktop through IP? What encryption protocols/algorithms are used? And how much are other computers in my LAN protected?

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How To Secure Existing Wireless Network

Apr 15, 2012

About 2 years ago I bought Belkin router to set wireless connection from modem to 3 PC's at my apartment. But recently I learned that I have to secure it, to set a passworded setup. Where, in what utility I can do it?

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Windows 7 Sharing Printer To XP Secure

Oct 28, 2009

Soon I will install Windows 7, I like to share my printer.

The printer should be used by a Windows XP computer.

I read some treads in this forum about how to share the printer, but I was wondering if sharing everything without a password is a good practice?

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Which Is Better KIS 2012 And Webroot Secure-anywhere Complete

Oct 6, 2011

as me may know Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete is a cloud bases security protector...can it be used offline? I've been KIS 2012 user for many years before and I love it so much.But when I see Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete...

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