Massive Amounts Of Network Traffic / Packets?

Jun 26, 2011

I purchased a new Dell XPS 17 and have previously been a long time user of XP. One big reason I am already not a fan of Windows 7 is because while some things have improved other things have gotten worse. By far this is the worst problem:

In XP my Duration online can be 1-2 days and would barely hit a million or a million and a half of packets for sent and outgoing individually. With the Same exact setup in Windows 7 what takes days in XP I experience in about 1 Hour in Windows 7!! As of right now I have over 19million outgoing packets! Similar for Received. What gives?? I have searched online and am hoping i'm not the only one with this issue.By the way I have an Intel 1000BGN Internal Adapter but I have it disabled and am using an Alfa AWUS036h b/g adapter. My router is a Netgear N300 WNR2000v2. I am experiencing very low speeds 1-5.5 and occasionally a stable 11mbps. I firmly believe this network traffic is causing both my low speeds and my random and frequent limited access / disconnections.

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Massive Amounts Of BSODs On Boot / Multiple Errors

Feb 23, 2012

I work at the IT department of a school where we have around 600 PC's that need to be maintained. Most things break by the kids and most is fixed my replacing, or simply imaging said computers again.However, after having switched over from Windows XP to Windows 7 we've been having masses of BSODs when loading Windows. Not just the normal PC's, not just linked to one type (although pretty much everything is from HP). But it keeps happening.The most common errors that we've been able to discover are:0x00000018, 0x0000000A, 0x0000007E, 0x000000BE.After having researched these things, they all turned out to have something to do with drivers, not only that, but when trying to boot into safe mode the PC's would all freeze at "classpnp.sys" and sometimes reboot shortly after.Our current solution is simply putting a new Windows 7 image over the computer and it'll work another day or two. It's great that it works again then, but we spend too much time on it.

It can't possibly be the hardware, there are too many different kinds of computers for it to be that. I'm quite sure the problem is somewhere originating from the drivers we install, but then he question comes as to what ruins the drivers? Not to mention that there are also different drivers for the different kinds of PC's.

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Packets And Bytes Sent And Received / N-work Connection / Why Did Network Randomly Change To "network 3"

Oct 26, 2011

(the bytes sent and received). It seems skype calls and watching in browser videos shoot them up into the billions after a few hours +. Upon googling around i am quite alarmed. Why did my network randomly change to "network 3"? A few weeks ago it just said 'network'?

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Can Network Traffic Be Logged ?

Sep 3, 2009

While I'm playing Battlefield 2, I get a warning of a connection problem. This lasts about 4 seconds, then again about 3 seconds after that. This used to happen once every half hour or so, but its become much more frequent, to the point where the game is unplayable.

I have a network meter gadget on the desktop and I've noticed a spike in traffic at about the same intervals. At first, I thought it was Skype or Avast to blame, but I can count them out after stopping each one.

I need some way to log which program accesses the network at what time, so I can compare the spikes to the correct time and hopefully find the program responsible. Is this possible?

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From Where Can Disable The Filter Network Traffic

Sep 18, 2011

I want to use the intel my wifi technology but it always tell me to disable the filter network traffic and i cant find where it is?

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How To Determine What Generates Network Traffic

Sep 9, 2011

Lately I've been having some unusual network traffic. I've checked with Network Monitor 3.4 and the process name is either svchost or system or unknown.How can I find out what generates the traffic ? There were mainly TCP packets, but others too.I don't expect to solve the problem for me, just want some guides that you might know of, or tools to analyze network traffic, or some info on how to interpret Network Monitor frame details.

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Network Traffic Causing Huge Spikes In CPU

Jul 28, 2010

For the last week or so, my network traffic has seemed to be related to some pretty sever spikes in my CPU usage. These spikes are causing extreme stuttering in my music playback, freezing of my cursor, and other symptoms of a really laggy computer. This pretty much occurs whenever I use the internet in any way. The worst spikes are when I'm loading webpages in Google Chrome and seeding on uTorrent, often freezing my cursor and music for several seconds at a time, though they're not limited to those two softwares. Prior to this last week, I've never had this problem. My CPU usage never caused any stuttering or lag beyond just slow-running software, but now it's becoming a real issue to use my computer.

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Network Traffic Causing High CPU Usage

Sep 24, 2010

For the last week or so, my network traffic has seemed to be related to some pretty sever spikes in my CPU usage. These spikes are causing extreme stuttering in my music playback, freezing of my cursor, and other symptoms of a really laggy computer. This pretty much occurs whenever I use the internet in any way. The worst spikes are when I'm loading webpages in Google Chrome and seeding on uTorrent, often freezing my cursor and music for several seconds at a time, though they're not limited to those two softwares. More recently, it seems that when I am loading pages in a browser, it's spiking CPU usage in bother the browser and even more so in the System process. It's becoming a real issue to use my computer.

On a side note, I've noticed that the displayed memory usage in the task manager (2.74 GB) is way more than what all the processes appear to add up to, usually by more than 1 GB.

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Copy Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2010

I am having trouble copying large amounts of data, and was wondering if there were certain ways to speed up the process. Patch a few .dll's? Use a program?

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Secure Large Amounts Of Data?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a 2TB hard drive which I bought to back up my DVD collection. At the time I thought I would never fill it, but at this point it is almost full and I can easily see myself filling another one some time in the future.I plan on adding another 2TB drive and putting them in RAID to appear as one volume, but I did this in the past (in RAID 0) and when one drive failed I lost everything. What would be the best way to keep 3-4TB of data safe?Is there an easy backup method or am I gonna have to bite the bullet and buy 3 more 2TB drives so I can do a RAID 1+0 configuration? I know this is a good way to do this, but I am cringing at having 4TB of space that is basically there just for backup. It seems like a ton of space to waste.

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BSOD When Transferring Large Amounts Of Data

Sep 26, 2012

i built myself a new computer recently and although it's not the first one i've ever built, i'm certainly no expert. i was getting lots of BSODs right from day 1, but when i swapped out the PSU for a larger one, everything seemed ok. but when i started copying all my stuff onto the hard drives i started getting BSODs again. whenever i transfer more than a few GB of data, either from one HDD to another, or from a DVD to a HDD, the computer bluescreens. a BSOD will happen out of the blue, even if im not actually doing anything, but transfering more than 4GB or so of data is guaranteed to give me a BSOD. i tried various diagnostics like memtest86 but everything comes up fine. but when i swapped the system drive for a different hdd with linux, transfering data works fine. so i'm fairly certain it's either some element of windows or the ssd that windows is installed on.

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Copy Or Cut When Moving Large Amounts Of Data?

May 21, 2012

What is better when moving large amounts of files and data (20+) to either copy or cut the files? Or does it not make a difference?I was told cutting fragments your hard dive while copying does not

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Minecraft Massive Lag Spike

Nov 3, 2012

recently got a new Pc the Asus G75 to be exact but every one and a while Minecraft will MASSIVELY lag. This shouldn't be happening on a gaming laptop like this does any know what the problem is?

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How To Know How Much Traffic Is Used

Jun 1, 2011

Lately, at around 1 PM my time, the traffic of my connection is always 48 KB/s (i have 384 kbps internet connection),i see that is maximum speed i got. but the problem is everytime i browse, it's so slow.My download speed from JDownloader is also drastically decreased from maximum 48 KB/s to 5 KB/s max. so i guess something is using my bandwidth maybe it's a trojan, and how to monitor which site or program uses it with nice interface (i can't read machine language)?

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Massive Physical Memory Usage On Windows 7, 64 Bit?

Mar 15, 2012

Why does my laptop use around 2-3GB of physical memory for NOTHING.
I know my skype, Msn, and TS3 lauch on laptop start, but that should be just about it.
Atleast form anything that takes much memory. Even those 3 dont take much.
i just turn it on and it instantly uses that MUCH OF IT.
How do i reduce it!

My computer stuff:

Laptop: XPS L502X

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz

CPU Speed 2.0 GHz Performance Rated at: 5.00 GHz

Bios Name
Name: Default System BIOS Version: Dell Inc. A06

RAM 8.0 GB

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

Video Card: GeForce GT 540M

Disk Space: total 679 GB, Free 417 GB

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HP Laptop Suffering Massive Slow Downs?

Dec 26, 2012

I bought a used HP Pavilion g7 about a month or two ago. I first noticed that I was suffering from a massive slowdown problem that often prevents me from opening programs or even shutting down the computer from a cold startup. My computer is currently running chkdsk from bootup and is finding file segments 58724-58731, 58756-58763 unreadable.My computer is running Windows 7 sp1. This is the second time this has happened; I had reformatted the hard drive once already due to this issue, and it has now started occurring again two weeks later.Considering that all I've only put League of Legends, LackeyCCG, and Google Chrome on my computer, I doubt this is a software issue. I have heard that I may have to replace my HDD if I'm receiving errors such as this in such volume. If this is one of the vagaries of purchasing used computers, how should I act? Do warranties typically cover dead hard drives, and if not how much would it cost to replace mine?

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Massive Memory Usage & Explorer Crashing?

Apr 15, 2012

I've been having major problems with svchost.exe.. From what I can gather, this process relates to Windows update service; and I don't want to end the wrong process (since each leads to one or more separate locations) I would like to know what I can do to remedy this; because it is extremely irritating! I am also having trouble with Explorer crashing, which of course bombs my desktop.. I've been experiencing missing paths for icons, even the parent location of an executable program shows the standard 'file' image Image reference : The latter of those two is the containing folder for that program of course; and the .ico is related to the file within it's properties, but does not show on the desktop or explorer window! )

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Mouse Casuing Massive System Slowdown?

May 2, 2011

After running tf2 for the first time in a while I discovered that it was running slower than it normally does and noticed it happens only when I move the mouse, without moving the mouse I sit at around 150fps, when I do it goes down to basically 1fps,I tried this on CSS and it happened again, so I tried a Call of Duty Black Ops Multi + Zombie and there was no problems at all, so then I tried on Trackmania Nations Forever and it happens on that game.I have tried un-installing mouse drivers then replugging the mouse, a recent system restore point and had no luck?

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Is Windows 7 Blocking UDP Traffic On

Mar 1, 2012

We are building an 2 application that connect to are used to send data from app A to app B, acting as a local p2p connection. On windows XP, everything runs as it should. On windows 7 it doesn't work anymore.We've tried turning off the firewalls, opening ports etc but we cannot get this connection to work on Windows 7. Anyone got an idea of what changed in Windows 7 regarding tcp/udp or socket changes?

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Is Windows 7 Blocking UDP Traffic On

Mar 1, 2012

We are building an 2 application that connect to They are used to send data from app A to app B, acting as a local p2p connection.On windows XP, everything runs as it should. On windows 7 it doesn't work anymore. We've tried turning off the firewalls, opening ports etc but we cannot get this connection to work on Windows 7. what changed in Windows 7 regarding tcp/udp or socket changes?

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Is There Program That Counts Traffic

Jun 8, 2011

Is there a program that counts the traffic on my laptop?

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Frequent BSOD With Massive Slowdown, Possibly Caused By Ntoskrnl.exe?

Feb 25, 2012

My computer with Windows 7 Home Edition x64 has been getting frequent BSOD as well as being super slow and unresponsive. I have attached a copy of the recent dump files hoping to find anything out as to why this is happening.

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Massive Difference Between Between An External Hardrive And A Desktop Hard Drive?

May 14, 2011

I'm looking at getting an external storage device to store my files on, and I can't decide what to get.Is there a massive difference between between an external hardrive, and a Desktop hard drive? These are the ones I can't decide from..Western Digital 1TB Elements External Hard Drive | there much difference between the two? Which one would suit me better? I'm running a samsung rv510 laptop.

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Block All Internet Traffic In Windows 7 Firewall

Jan 6, 2012

"Is there possible in Windows Firewall to block all the internet traffic just by a few clicks?" I mean like the other firewalls just by selecting "Block all traffic"... (a right click on the tray and select this option) or (enter in the firewall window and click on a button -> Block all traffic). Is there a method or a button that i haven't discovered? Or there are some fast steps in which i can do this thing? I'm using Windows 7.

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Correct Network Tray Icon - Requires Network And Sharing Center Open?

Aug 9, 2012

I have a peculiar issue where I would need to have "Network and Sharing Center" open to be able to see that my my laptop's wireless connection. I would see the signal bar and also see the dreaded red x.Even when I have it open, I can see it refreshing each second; like its losing connection and reestablishing.My internet connection is working and has no issues.

Network and Sharing Center - Open
Network and Sharing Center - Open and refreshed
Network and Sharing Center - Closed

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File Sharing Across A Home Network - The Network Path Was Not Found"

Aug 9, 2011

I'm having difficulty trying to get my new Windows 7 pc set up to share files across my existing home (wired) network which consists of 1 desktop pc running WinXP and 1 laptop running WinXP.I want the 'C' drive on each of the 3 computers to be shared. I've had the 2 Windows XP computers set up and working like this for several years without a problem but I can't seem to get the 'C' drive on the Windows 7 computer to do the same.All 3 computers have the same workgroup name and none of them require passwords to log on to Windows. There are no problems with the firewalls on any of the machines.On the Windows 7 PC when I right click on the 'C' drive and select the 'Sharing' tab, I have set this up to be shared and when I click on the 'Advanced Sharing' button there is a tick in the 'Share this folder' box, the 'Share name' is 'C'. If I then click on the 'Permissions' button, this shows a 'Group or user name' 'Everyone' and this group has Full Control, Change and Read boxes ticked. As far as I can see there is nothing more I can do.

However from my Windows XP computer, when I go to My Network Places and double click on the icon for the Windows 7 'C' drive, I get the message "\Computername is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The network path was not found"I've subsequently set up a sub folder (of the Windows 7 'C' drive) for sharing by right clicking on the folder, choosing 'Share with' and then selecting 'Specific people'. I then set up a group called 'Everyone' with read/write permissions. Now I can navigate to this folder from my 2 WinXP computers.

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Network Card Name Reporting Incorrectly In Wireless Network List Area?

Jan 30, 2012

My rig uses a Centrino Advanced-N 6230 wireless mini half-card. It reports the correct name except within the wireless network list. Instead of 6230 it reports 6320. I searched the registry to see if I could find the error, but nothing found. It's only a nuisance, and a minor one at that.

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Unable To See Home Network Computers In Windows Explorer Network Screen

May 14, 2012

Unable to see home network computers in Windows Explorer Network screen.

I have a home network with 2 laptops and 1 desktop. The desktop I use as a "file server" in that all work done on the laptops is stored to the desktop. The desktop computer name is HAL. One laptop is fine and sees the network. The other just stopped seeing it; rebooted the laptop; rebooted HAL; did a number of refreshes without any luck. I opened EXCEL and found a worksheet that was listed that I knew was saved on HAL. Was able to open the file and when I tried the SAVE AS I could navigate through all of HAL just as normal. Went to Windows Explorer and still no HAL listed as a COMPUTER on the NETWORK. I have a internet connection so I know I am making it to the router at least. And when I check NETWORK AND SHARING CENTER it shows an active home network. The laptop is running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

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Will Adding A 2nd Network Card Improve Local Network Transfer Speed

Jan 23, 2013

This sounds really noobie of me but is it possible to improve local network transfer speed by adding a 2nd network card. I was planning to connect one exclusively for lan transfers and another one hooked to a separate wireless router.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off the PC before it gets a little choppy.

The pc in question runs on windows 7 and it's board has built in gigabit, I happen to have a spare gigabit card.

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Network Constantly Changing Between Unidentified Public Network And Home

Aug 30, 2012

Home network with Wifi and ethernet. Using 3x Notebooks and 3x workstations. One of the workstations (W7 ultimate) keeps changing between Public and Home. When this happens, the internet connection dies. I cannot see other workstations either when on public network. Workstation using wifi. Does the same on cable. When it changes to Public, it disconnects from the internet and I cannot get to the router even though it has the workstation has an IP(DHCP or static). Default gateway and subnet is correct. TCP v4 is being used and nothing else is enabled.

Why is this happening?
- I have tried DHCP as well as Static addresses
- Reconfigured NIC(Netgear WG311T), uninstalled and reinstalled it.
- Removed Wifi connection and re-added it.
- Changed auth type, encryption type and keys to connection

Have I covered everything? The only thing different is that I installed a new router - Duo Plus 300wr. It cannot be the router because all the other notebooks connect to it wireless and so does my iPad, Android device and it rules that out?

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Windows 7 Client And 2003 Server: Network Slow In Very Big Network?

Sep 6, 2011

My problem is windows 7 hangs and freeze when access 2003 server Enterprise edition. This is not a small network, one of the biggest network.i have doubt on individual users on domain. before 2 months we had department wise users mean, for example Accounts@domainname.local. But after we created the individual users like john@domainname.local to all users. this is i believe the cause of problem. When we acess the server via the software it freezed for 5 seconds and then repeat to normal state. And after some time it hangs for 2 minutes.

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