Doesn't Windows 7 Have Auto-scroll On "Select Folder" Boxes

Jul 6, 2010

Let's take ApexDC++, for example. When selecting more than one file and clicking Download to=> Browse, it doesn't autoscroll to the "Downloads" folder like it did in XP. I've attached 2 pictures to understand what I'm trying to say.

The first one(Capture1) shows the window that would appear in Windows 7, no autoscroll to the Downloads folder, and the second one(Capture2) shows how it would appear in WinXP, with autoscroll to the Downloads folder. This is important when downloading many files into different subfolders located in Downloads folder. It takes less time when you have the Downloads folder right in your face.

For example, I like to download pictures, and many of them have the same name, so I'd have to download them in different subfolders. Now I have to scroll myself everytime.

This problem isn't related to ApexDC++, it is caused by Windows 7, other software behave like this, too. DoubleKiller and probably any other software where you'd have to browse to an implicit folder would behave like this.

And, of course, these things don't happen in WinXP. Is it an option in Windows 7, or is it a bug?

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Stopping Folder Navigation Pane Auto Scroll Down?

Oct 3, 2009

Sometimes when I open (click or double click) a folder on the navigation pane (folder browser on the left pane of windows explorer), somehow the folder will automatically scrolled down to the bottom. Not always, but sometimes. Is there anyway to stop it from scrolling down unintentionally?

Here is the screen cast: [URL]

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Get Rid Of Check Boxes To Select Items?

Jul 2, 2010

when ever I click or select a icon a tick shows in the top right corner how do i disable this.

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Select Items With Check Boxes

Jul 2, 2010

How to Select Items with Check Boxes in Windows 7 ?

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Dell XPS L502X Windows Auto-scroll/minimize/pause?

Apr 29, 2012

I recently bought a new dell laptop. Im running a Windows 7 Home premium x64. Now since the start i have noticed a few weird things happening. 1. When ever im using a browser ie. Internet explorer and google chrome, my browser scrolls down automatically to the bottom page even if im typing or watching a video.2. when im playing a fulls screen online video my video tends to auto pause.3. when ever i donot have a browser open and i open any other window/application everything minimizes, though i haven't noticed these issues when im playing game in full screen.

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Have Vertical Auto-scroll When Viewing Folders And Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 6, 2011

Is it possible to have vertical auto scroll when viewing folders and files in windows Explorer, ie. click mouse wheel and then move downwards to scroll down and vice versa?Currently my WE does not allow me to select auto scroll vertically.

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How To Remove Auto-scroll Feature

May 4, 2011

Hundreds of post asking how to tur off the irritating auto scroll feature, but so far no remedy for the major fault with wndows 7

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Arrow Keys Don't Work With Auto Scroll Function

Dec 3, 2009

I use the auto scroll feature on my mouse frequently to browse web pages. Before upgrading to win 7 (and ie8) when activated I could scroll using the arrow keys on my keyboard. Since upgrading the arrow keys no longer work. You can only scroll by moving the mouse itself. That function is very important to me as it allowed me to keep my hand off the mouse reducing the aggravation of carpal tunnel syndrome. Any fixes? I am not sure if this is an IE8 problem or win 7 as I only use the function when browsing the web.

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Bad Scroll On Folder Tree Pane (in Windows Explorer)

Jan 18, 2011

When I open a folder using the tree in the left pane the position of the selected folder change. It's like the layout of the tree pane is not working fine. Maybe they autoscroll in order to display all the child's folders but I don't like this. When the folder i want to open is in the middle of the pane (vertically) it moves often to the bottom and i can't even see the child's folder, and some time it move the opened folder to the top of the pane

I just would like to have the thing working as it's in XP. When we open a folder, this one don't move and the children appears under this one.

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Notification Icon Change And Another Auto-select Option?

Nov 12, 2010

the first is during a disk format of a cd-r or dvd-r the OS displays a notification icon for the process until it is complete. My problem here is the system runs in a program that is kept in the forground and there is no access normally for the start bar or windows. During the time that the notification icon is in the task bar though it allows them full access to the start bar. Is there anyway to disable this notification icon for the formatting process?Is there a way to auto select like a flash drive for burning everytime. Ok so found out that during a format, which i did a dvd-r to keep the notifcation open longer that i could then modify the notifications and see that process to hide it and it looks like it stays hidden now to not pop the start bar to the front of the program.So now i just need to find a way to auto select like a flash drive for burning everytime.

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File And Folder Names In Boxes For Asian Fonts?

Jan 19, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and have been using Asian fonts in the titles of files for over a year with no problems. Something in the latest service pack update (which automatically updated this week) turned these all to boxes. (The Asian fonts still worked just fine in documents and on the internet, but not on file/folder names on my computer desktop and libraries.) I backed out of the entire update and everything is fine again. How do I identify which of the multitude of updates is causing the problem so that I can ditch just that portion?

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Bios Doesn't Let To Change To DVD Boot Even When Select It

May 18, 2012

I forgot my windows password, so I created an Ophcrack ISI Image DVD. When I try this the bios shows my DVD drive in the list of bootable devices, and I select it, save changes, and exit bios, the computer then tries to boot from the hard drive (not the DVD drive selected) and obviously starts up asking for my windows password which I do not have. WHY won't the bios allow me to change the bootable drive to DVD?

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Auto-play In Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Doesn't Work On Fresh Install

Dec 15, 2011

I have Windows 7 Professional x64 and autoplay is set to play using Windows Media Player but DVD's, and CD's spin but nothing comes up on the screen or audio.

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Auto-play In Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Doesn't Work On Fresh Install?

Apr 2, 2010

Smallish yet irritating problem with my Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit install - Autoplay doesn't work, and hasn't since I was forced to reinstall a couple of weeks back.Doesn't work for discs inserted, USB flash drives, memory cards, external HDDs plugged in etc (Firewire & ExpressCard/34 not tested). I have of course gone to the Autoplay settings and restored defaults, also tried setting every category (DVD, CD, etc) at "Ask me every time". No luck. I was working fine on the same OS before before I had to reinstall fresh, also on x86 version of Win 7, and on Vista.Nothing wrong with the USB ports/disc drive, inserted media is still detected.

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How To Set Folder To Select A File

Sep 26, 2011

I recently started working with Windows 7 and I haven�t figured out yet how to set a folder to select files to download.When I go to a web form and I want to upload files from my hard drive, in all previous versions of Windows that I worked with, I used to select once the desired folder, pick a file to upload and for all subsequent file uploads, pressing the "Examin" or "Select file" button would take me to the same folder, saving me a lot of mouse clicks if I manually need to upload several files.Since I switched to Windows 7 everytime I want to upload a file, it takes me to the Documents Library and I need to navigate to the desired folder again.

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Auto-play Doesn't Work?

Sep 5, 2012

When I plug in a camera or my iphone to get photos off them, the autoplay does not ork (Toshiba Satellite, Windows 7). I have already done the following- Checked autoplay settings (it is set to Ask Me Everytime)- Uninstalled and reinstalled the devices- Checked that they drivers are up to date (they are)- Gone to regedit andgone toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer but under policies I don't have an explorer and I can't find the NoDriveTypeAutoRun ey

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Browers Scroll When Cursor Not In Scroll Area?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a gateway m-6843 laptop that originally came with vista. It has a track pad, or whatever that thing on laptops is called. I installed windows 7. In both FF and IE when the cursor is NOT in the scroll area, it acts as though I am holding on to the scroll bar. So if I move my cursor down near the bottom of the main part of the browser page (again, outside of the scroll area) it acts as if I grabbed the scroll bar and flung it down. It is intermittent, but bad enough that doing anything online is almost impossible.

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Type Letters To Select A File Or Folder Instead Of Typing A Search Term?

Oct 5, 2012

In XP (and Vista), you type alphebets to select a file or folder. For example, you are trying to access a file named "My file.txt", you type "m", "y" and it goes directly to folder or files start withm and y so it's close to My file.txt. This is convenient way to find a file you need.But, it's not the same in Windows 7 anymore. Typing anything will activate the search. It narrows down the files in folder window and it shows many unrelated documents and folders.Is there a way to disable that so I only search by keywords when I press Control-F while typing only takes me to the folder or file?

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How To Set An Auto Playlist According To A Folder On Wmp 12

Aug 7, 2011

I am running Windows 7 SP1 and using windows media player 12.I keep all my music folders and files in a main folder that i have named it : Music.I want to create an auto playlist in windows media player 12,so that any changes in the Music folder on my hard disc, including adding or deleting songs and aslo changing the tags, be automatically set in that playlist.I remember this feature in wmp 11 but don t know how to do it in version 12.

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WLAN Auto-config Service Doesn't Start, Error 1067

Feb 2, 2013

WLAN AutoConfig service gives error 1067 when trying to start it. What I've tried:

Reset winsock settings
Ran SFC /scannow
Did system restore
Uninstalled and reinstalled drivers

I tried all of these in normal mode AND in safe mode. None of it worked. Then i thought the service dll (C:Windowssystem32wlansvc.dll) itself might have been damaged/outdated, so I decided to delete it and put a new one from donor pc. NOPE.It wouldn't give me access to the file. No matter what i tried, safe mode, unlocker tools, auto rename it on startup, doing everything in administrator or even messing with permissions under file properties. It just wouldn't give me access to the file.Wi-Fi was working smoothly few days ago and i literally have no idea why it stopped working.


Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
3945ABG Wi-Fi card

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Doesn't Format C Drive Instead To Create Windows Old Folder

Nov 13, 2011

I brought windows 7 pc before 6 months. I did not know even abcd of computer at that time. I installed lots of software and games without having proper knowledge. Even i delete registry files thinking that, they are not useful to me. so i got serious problems on my pc. I finally format my pc a month before. As i describe earlier without having proper knowledge, just reading few post on internet i just insert my windows 7 cd, and install it like normal software without booting cd. It install smoothly without having any problems. The only thing was that, it doesn't format c drive instead it create windows.old folder. I delete it safely reading post from internet.Now the problem is for speed up my pc i decide to try xp on it. so i brought xp cd. I understand that without booting it is not installing xp on my pc. So i follow normal procedure of booting cd(Restarting pc and pressing f12). There was options like boot from hard drive, LS120, CDROM . I select cdrom. After that there was message "Verifying operating system Boot from cd/dvd. " for 2 second. After that it take me to the normal windows start up. I try these lots of time but i am unable to boot cd.I even try it with windows 7 cd but i am steel getting same message.Does this is because my first wrong formatting of pc.

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When Right-click A File Or Folder And Select The "Show Versions" Option Nothing Happens?

Nov 6, 2010

Running Windows 7 Pro X64.When I right-click a file or folder and select the "Show Versions" option nothing happens.I have to click "Restore previous versions" to get a list.What is the point of the "Show Versions" option?

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Folder Name(s) Said To Be Too Long Even When It Doesn't?

Aug 15, 2012

unfortunately i'm here because i have issue that ih (i have two actually but i will make other thread for the second one)The issue goes like this:When Windows 7 was out around 2 and half years ago it was fine, after that.around the time that SP1 was out Windows 7 start to gave me alot of folder's name too long errors
even if the folders names are only 2 letters!i happened to format my pc alot last year and the issue don't seem to be solve and just keep getting worse each day, i'm aware that Windows 7 have a limit of something around 260 letters But it gave me these errors randomly Even when everything is fine and don't allow me to either burn or copy path stuff, it even don't let me see the folder size when the name is "too long"i discovered more Windows 7's annoying bugs But this is undoubtedly one of the worse i have encountered (if it even count as a bug...)

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Files Doesn't Automatically Sort By Name In Folder?

Sep 16, 2010

I just bought a new 1TB drive. On my previous drive, everytime i (i.e) copy/paste files to that directory, it automatically sort itself out by Name. Now, it does sort by name but not if i don't click refresh or navigating to another folder and coming back to that directory.I've set it to sort by name. Is there something that's missing?

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Explorer Doesn't Display Content Of One Folder

Jan 7, 2013

I can't open a specific folder to display the content with Explorer.I'm running Windows 7 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333 Home Premium. The folder is on a secondary HDD where I also have the system folders Libraries and Download. All the system and program files are on my primary SSD C: drive.What doesn't work:With my regular account, on that specific folder, I can't display the content via Explorer. I can't either get it when I try to open it from inside applications such as Notepad++, PotPlayer, Media Player Classic, VirtualDub. What works:If I enter the name of a file in the File name field of the Open command of the application, the file will open normally.When I point to that folder with the Windows command line console, and use the DIR command, it will display the complete list of files.Finally, when I look at the folder from the Admin account or from a Guest account, Explorer will display the content.instantaneously.

Things I did:I have checked Show hidden files in Folder Options.I did a Check Disk, which didn't find any error.I also ran: ATTRIB -s -h mbrp /s /d (Where mbrp contains the directory causing problem) hoping that somehow, some System Attributes could be removed.FWIW, it seems this happened as I was trying to run an Avisynth64 script with new installation of MPC-HC64.A this point, I am out of ideas. I know that switching to a new regular user account would solve the problem, but I see that as a last resort.

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Taskbar Doesn't Show - Library Folder Popped Up

Sep 24, 2010

I logged onto my computer this morning and instead of getting the normal taskbar and being able to do what I want, my Libraries folder popped up and I got no taskbar. I can't use any keys or shortcuts on my keyboard. Only the mouse and open programs through the folder window. There was no error message in the booting process and it was fine last night.

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Cannot See Many Fonts In Programs And Windows Boxes

Feb 12, 2012

I cannot see many font text in programs including all of Norton, some Ventrilo chats and League of Legends (peoples names in game arent seen and cant see gold gain when I last hit creeps) . Can someone please tell me a way to resolve this problem? I've tried changing the font size thru themes and changed the fonts themselves and they still will not show up for the buttons and the rest.

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Stop Auto-hide Taskbar From Being Auto-ticked?

May 20, 2012

I bought a Asus U36J laptop back in April of last year and ever since then I have been beating around an issue that I dont seem to be able to resolve one way or the other. When ever the laptop is on battery and in battery saving mode it has my taskbar on autohide. If I turn that off, then it stays off right until it is put back into battery saving mode at which point it is "magically" ticked on again.

Is there no way to simply disable that feature, as its annoying me greatly. I know its tied into the battery saving desktop, and I want to keep the battery saving desktop but want a full taskbar all the time. I found a supposed fix to make that happen, and while it actually makes the taskbar appear all the time, it still is a bad hack as any windows I have open wont "attach" to the taskbar but attaches to the buttom of the screen.

So for the love of god is there no sane way for me to keep the battery saving desktop but get rid of the autohiding taskbar. Otherwise I know Asus most likely wont be my laptop of choice next time aroumd.

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Windows Open And Save As Dialog Boxes Cannot Expand Folders

Dec 29, 2011

Whenever I use the windows open/save as dialog box, I'm unable to expand 'My Documents' folder under Documents. Yet, I'm able to expand 'My Documents' folder from windows explorer. Same is true for all the Libary folders under Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. I can only expand the first folder level.

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Get Touchpad To Scroll With Windows 7?

Aug 30, 2011

I replaced vista with win 7 and touchpad won't scroll.

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Windows Scroll Bar Is Not Working Good

Sep 24, 2012

I can have my internet up (chrome) and it wont be involved but any other type of window i open up if i try to move it it will snap back to the postion it has been in, if i try to scroll the scroll bar will move and snap back to where it was before, my windows will flash constantly and if i try to watch a movie my task bar will flash in and out of the full screen movie.

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