Cannot See Many Fonts In Programs And Windows Boxes

Feb 12, 2012

I cannot see many font text in programs including all of Norton, some Ventrilo chats and League of Legends (peoples names in game arent seen and cant see gold gain when I last hit creeps) . Can someone please tell me a way to resolve this problem? I've tried changing the font size thru themes and changed the fonts themselves and they still will not show up for the buttons and the rest.

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File And Folder Names In Boxes For Asian Fonts?

Jan 19, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and have been using Asian fonts in the titles of files for over a year with no problems. Something in the latest service pack update (which automatically updated this week) turned these all to boxes. (The Asian fonts still worked just fine in documents and on the internet, but not on file/folder names on my computer desktop and libraries.) I backed out of the entire update and everything is fine again. How do I identify which of the multitude of updates is causing the problem so that I can ditch just that portion?

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Dialog Boxes Do Not Appear For Certain Programs?

Jan 27, 2012

For the past couple of months, I've noticed that dialog boxes (For Save as, Open, Error messages, ect) are not appearing. The window will go unfocused for a second but the dialog box never appears. This has only been happening with certain programs such as Microsoft Office, Steam, and Musenotes (Although there are many others too) while other programs such as notepad are working completely fine.All of the solutions I've found either have to do with AutoCad (Which I don't have) or the dialog box simply appearing off screen (None of the solutions work)

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Size Of Fonts In Programs?

Jun 2, 2011

Windows 7 and I am having problems with the size of the fonts in some of my programmes for instance both google search and facebook are really small also my outlook express. I tried changing font sizes got really big icons but no changes on programmes Fiddles around and now the back buttons and the X to close the programes dont appear unless I point to them.

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Japanese Fonts Not Displaying In Programs

Nov 8, 2011

Even though the Meiryo & Meiryo UI (Japanese) fonts are enabled, they still shows up as little squares in word documents(notepad, etc.) and in song titles(iTunes, Winamp, etc.). However, I can view and type Japanese just fine in web browsers(Chrome, IE, etc.)

Here's the weird part, when I open up the fonts window and click "hide" for both Meiryo and Meiryo UI and then click "show" to enable them, once I restart the computer, I can type and view Japanese just fine...for that session. Once I restart the computer again, the problem returns(they're still enabled), and I have to repeat the process.

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Windows Open And Save As Dialog Boxes Cannot Expand Folders

Dec 29, 2011

Whenever I use the windows open/save as dialog box, I'm unable to expand 'My Documents' folder under Documents. Yet, I'm able to expand 'My Documents' folder from windows explorer. Same is true for all the Libary folders under Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. I can only expand the first folder level.

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Add Fonts To Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm moving from an XP machine to a Windows 7 machine. I want to take a bunch of fonts with me, but Explorer in Windows 7 won't let me actually look at what files are in the font directory; all I can see is their characteristics, provided by Control Panel. Will it work to just copy font files into that directory from the XP machine? Or is there some additional voodoo to get them installed?

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Boxes Around Icons On The Desktop?

Sep 17, 2012

On the desktop on my Win 7 64-bit PC, many icons (but not all) have these boxes around them, as shown in the attached picture.

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Dialog Boxes Not Appearing At All

Jan 27, 2013

None of my dialog boxes are not showing up. Meaning when I go to "save as.." nothing comes up after I click on that. The little right click menu appears but when I select what I want, nothing else comes up. It's not behind any other windows or open programs or on the edge of the screen anywhere. I believe I did a defrag and I did a sweep with AVG anti-virus but nothing came up

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Text Boxes On Forms?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently purchased a laptop and I cannot figure out how to adjust some of the settings. For example, when you're on a website where you fill out information boxes such as name, address, email, etc. the boxes are so light that they don't show up. I have to hit tab just to find them. Even on this page right below title: the actual box does not show up.

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Cursor Keeps Typing [] Boxes?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue with my computer reading boxes from my input that look similar to []. When I use a readkey method in a program it will display that the input it is reading is a 255 which is ancii for 'blank' if I understand right. I believe the boxes are the visual representation of a blank?

I am using windows 7 ultimate on a dell inspiron 1501. what in the world would cause it to continue reading this input? The thing that is strange is it only happens during a readkey call in code or a program that uses a similar method to type with such as a java application that is used to show work for homework. Things such as threads like this, or word processors or notepad etc don't do this.

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Dialog Boxes Focusing Behind All?

May 11, 2010

Since Windows 7, I've noticed that all of my timed system events configured to pop up reminders or Microsoft Office Calendar events always pop up in the background.

Usually, I have sound on, so I can here the Windows notice, but not always. Also, I have dual screens that I keep pretty busy!

Is there a way I can tell Windows 7 that I want these dialog boxes to pop up in the front like they did way back in the WinXP day?

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Remove Check Boxes?

Jul 9, 2010

Last night, while going through a very informative troubleshooting thread with some of your knowledgeable members, I came across an option to when something is clicked to pick, it displays a checkmark box. On everything! I've find that I dislike this immensely. To my caprice and chagrin, I've forgotten where to find the option so that I can turn off this feature.

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Windows 7 Fonts Missing

Dec 6, 2009

I don't know what happened, but when I turned on my PC this morning I found out that the following fonts are missing from the Windows/Fonts directory: Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman. Maybe others are missing also, but I can't tell. Everything is Italic and/or Bold.So my questions are:

01. Why is this happening?
02. What happened with the missing fonts?
03. How could this be fixed?
04. What is the default font and size for Windows 7?
05. Where can I change it?

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Windows 7 64-bit Fonts Not Shown

Sep 11, 2010

I received my laptop yesterday - Core i5, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I proceeded to install some apps from Microsoft and Adobe. Installation went fine and the apps started without problems. As soon as I saw the long list of fonts in Word, I wanted to remove as many of them as I possibly could. Brought up Fonts panel. Only 10 fonts - 10 ancient, bitmap fonts. What!? I saw and selected many fonts in Microsoft and Adobe apps. The fonts are indeed there, but they are simply not shown - no Segoe, no Cambria, no Corbel, no Constantia, not even Arial and Times New Roman, nothing.I got nervous and decided to restore Windows all the way back to the starting point.Today, I created the recovery DVDs from the factory partition. Rebooted from the DVDs to re-image C drive. Set up Windows and created my account. Windows 7 came up fresh. I went straight to the Fonts panel to check. Horror - the same 10 bitmap fonts, and nothing else.The factory-installed Windows 7 has problems showing fonts? What should I do now?

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How To Adjust Fonts In Following Windows

Feb 15, 2011

I cannot change the fonts in these two following windows. I would like to change all these fonts into Arial, but I cannot find a way to change them.I try to adjust them in personalization window coloradvanced appearance settings Active title bar or Menu. This method was practicable in browser menu, PDF files menu, etc. But it only failed to adjust these two windows...what a marvelous.BTW, since the fonts in this window are odd so that some contents in this window cannot be shown.

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Installing Fonts In Windows 7?

Apr 6, 2011

I want to install some "old" fonts (TTF and Adobe PS) on Windows 7I tried to copy them in the c:WindowsFonts directory, but copy is refusedI also had a message telling that I have not the rights to do thatI bought a configuted computer with Windows 7 - 64 bits already installed and defined myself as an administrator, but this problem sometimes happen (for instance with Xplorer2)

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Cannot View Any Fonts Via Windows

Jul 18, 2010

I cannot preview any fonts in Windows 7 anymore. I haven't tried this for a very long time so I'm not sure what may have caused it or when. When I try to view a font in windows (double clicking on a font file) I receive an error message instead of the classic "The quick fox jumps over the..." examples of the font in action. I've already attempted to reset the font settings to their default (Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsFontsFont settings, click restore default font settings button) and I'm unsure of how to proceed. Double Clicking A Font File Should Produce Instead I Receive This Error

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Drop Down Boxes Close Too Quickly

Mar 19, 2012

Drop down menus and windlows close before I can make a selection. This started after I stayed in a hotel with 1 gb/sec connect speed. The house computers always defaulted to switch user. After I check out I discovered that my lap top did also. I cannot even delete a progam using control panel. The window immediately scrolls to the top each try.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft� Windows Vista� Home Premium, Service Pack 2, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 14


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Can't Bring Up Facebook Or Twitter Boxes Up In IE9

Sep 6, 2011

IE9 won't bring up any popup boxes in Facebook or Twitter, HOw do I rectify this? Popup blocker is off in IE9, Fire box works fine so I think it's a setting in IE9

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Text Drops Out Of Dialog Boxes?

Jul 29, 2010

For some reason, the text is not showing up in the dialog boxes, which makes it impossible to download software unless you have a VERY good memory about where the "Next" button is. The buttons show, but absolutely no text. Anyone had this problem

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Left Click Boxes Opening?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm being trying to figure out some funny mouse happenings to see what program might be causing the problem.
Sometimes when I attempt to select several words in a sentence the high lite stops during the drag operation and thhe edit box appears. I might try this several times before it finally works correctly. Other times the edit box appears when I select a Bookmark in FireFox. I just now hit Enter and the FF file menu box appeared.

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Black Boxes Instead Of Desktop Icons

May 26, 2010

dell studio 1545
win 7 pro 64 bit

i have been searching this and other forums for hours trying to find the cause/remedy for randomly appearing black boxes instead of desktop icons after boot up. its 50/50 wether normal icons appear or if black boxes appear. the icon texts are always present.

every time i boot in safe mode they appear normally. i use the "small icon" setting, if i change to medium or large icon size i still get the "small icon" sized black box overlayed on the larger icon (half icon half black box).

has anyone come accross this problem or have any advice for me, bearing in mind my computer skills are limited.

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Get Rid Of Check Boxes To Select Items?

Jul 2, 2010

when ever I click or select a icon a tick shows in the top right corner how do i disable this.

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Mailmerge And Text / Graphics Boxes

Jun 24, 2011

Using mailmerge in Word 7, with a template with a picture box (our logo) top left, and a text box (containing address) top right. If I print the document without merging any data, it's fine. As soon as I import my data - nowhere near either of the boxes - the address text box to the right of the logo picture box gets partially obscured by blank space and ends up showing only the last half of each line. If I remove the picture box, the contents of the text box print OK; or if I take the address out of the text box and enter it as indented text in the same place to the right of the logo, it's also fine.

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Select Items With Check Boxes

Jul 2, 2010

How to Select Items with Check Boxes in Windows 7 ?

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Why Does Japanese Letters Appear As Boxes On Computer

Dec 5, 2012

I'm trying to install a Japanese language pack on my computer, and when it's supposed to say "Japanese (), instead it will say "Japanese (three boxes)

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Black Boxes On Desktop Icons?

Jun 29, 2011

After I finished playing COD MW2 last evening, I shut my computer down. This morning upon starting it up, I had 3/4 of my desktop icons covered with black boxes. I have tried system restore, deleting the icon cache and reboot all to no avail. I am running Windows Home Premium in 64bit mode. Also ran a malware scan and cleaned everything it found. I am running Norton Security Suite which works great for catching anything that comes my way.

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Change Dialog Boxes To English?

Dec 7, 2012

I am an expat American living in France. I bought my laptop in the US, I have the Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OS and it is in English. I have my location set to United States through the control panel and all of my system is set to display in English.My problem is that when I visit english websites that open dialog boxes, the boxes opened are often in French. My current example is I'm trying to update my video card driver through Intel's website. They have a diagnostic tool that scanned my computer and suggested I download drivers and update 2 components. The website was in English and I assume there are files that are all in English.However, when I run the .exe files, the dialog box is all in French -- and I am not fluent. I am assuming that something is checking my IP address or something. Is there a way to only have these programs display English? I'm not sure if it matters or not, but I am using Google Chrome.

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Cannot Use Polish Fonts After Reinstalling Windows 7

Jun 18, 2012

After reinstalling Windows 7 and adding polish keyboard, polish fonts do not work. When pressing right ALT + letter - nothing happens.

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How To Re-install Default Windows 7 Fonts

Mar 16, 2010

i installed a bunch of free fonts, and i dont have a system restore point to go backi really don't want to re-install 7. A certain font is out of wak, and i can't seem to figure out which one.

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