Drop Down Boxes Close Too Quickly

Mar 19, 2012

Drop down menus and windlows close before I can make a selection. This started after I stayed in a hotel with 1 gb/sec connect speed. The house computers always defaulted to switch user. After I check out I discovered that my lap top did also. I cannot even delete a progam using control panel. The window immediately scrolls to the top each try.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft� Windows Vista� Home Premium, Service Pack 2, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 14


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Start Menu Auto-close Too Quickly

Oct 3, 2010

When i open the start menu it automatically closes after 2/3 seconds if i dont click in anything.

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Install Games Onto The SSD To Run Quickly?

May 13, 2012

I am looking at an Alienware m17x laptop, and in the options, there are multiple RAID choices,and what appeals to me is a 64gb SSD and a 500gb 7200rpm HDD, but how can one run one system on two harddrives, and for example, how could I install games onto the SSD to run quickly, but media on the HDD?

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Fresh Install Of Windows 7 / How To Get SP1 Quickly

Jun 18, 2012

I am doing a fesh install of Win 7 from a pre-SP1 DVD.The last time I did this, Windows update dowloaded and installed literally hundreds of patches before and after SP1, taking hours.How can skip to SP1 and avoide downloading all of those unnecessary patches?I am installing to SSD, so in additional to saving time, I also want to minize space

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How To Make Windows 7 Machine Boot Up Quickly

Apr 27, 2012

I have read many articles on how to make your computer boot quickly. I have tried several, but after a month or so they become very slow again. I have four laptops and three PCs in my home. While they are from different manufacturers, they are all no more then a year old and running Windows 7 Home Premium. With my Internet service I have Norton installed. My newest computer can take up to 2 full minutes, while one of the laptops can be as quick as 45-50 seconds. Specifically what is the magic formula or method of how I can get all my systems to boot up quickly and continue to do so in future?

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Quickly Change Windows 7 Font And Back Again?

Oct 9, 2011

I have my computer plugged into my TV. I use HDMI connection. I find my system font a little small on my TV but i want to keep the current font size, while my desktop is switched over to my computer monitor. is there a way i can quickly and easily change windows font size? i have a feeling this will require at least a logoffI know there are settings to change size of most things, including font, but that's too much trouble every time i switch back and forth. whatg would be really cool, would be if windows recognized my preference automatically

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Program Previews Popup Then Disappear Quickly

Jun 30, 2012

I don't know the technical language to describe this problem. When I click on the icon to display, say, all open programs of a type the previews pop up and then fall down again within about a second. The same thing happens with alt-tab... pressing alt-tab brings up the usual screen, but it disappears within a second preventing me from tabbing through anything even though I'm holding down alt. I'm going to install a keystroke monitor to see if something's stuck without me knowing it, but I don't get the keyboard failures on startup that I should get if that were true.

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Mouseover URL Link Info Fades Too Quickly To Read

May 1, 2011

When I move my mouse over some link, the url identifier info fades too quickly to read. I filled in my System specs in my profile as best as possible.

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Quickly Hide Tray's Hidden Icons Menu?

Jan 27, 2012

The little popup box in the tray that comes up when you hit the up arrow (to "Show hidden icons") is bugging me. It seems to have a timer built in that hides it a couple seconds after you click on one of the icons inside. This really bugs me. I would prefer that it either hide itself immediately after I click on one of the icons (but not if I right click one, obviously) or else lets me hide it by clicking directly on it somewhere. I know I can hide it by clicking on the arrow again, but some of my tray applications (namely my Portable Apps Launcher) minimize again if I click that arrow, leaving me with no other option than to wait for that annoying box to hide itself and get out of the way.

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Video File - Window Opens For A Second And Quickly Disappears

Feb 7, 2012

This is rather strange but in my windows ultimate video editing machine every time I go to use my editing software and go to open or inpost a file the window opens for a second then quickly disappears. Could there be some sort of exe issue? I am running Norton's NIS2012 now but had just Karperskys anti virus lapse on me.

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Cannot Print Multiple Photos Quickly In Windows 7 Photo Viewer?

Jun 8, 2010

I've tried the Photo viewer in Windows 7 and it is not a patch on the old XP photo viewer in the ease of being able to print multiple photos.In the XP you could click on any thumb nail and then Print.This then brought up all your thumbnails and you could make a multiple selection by ticking the wanted thumbnails.This is not possible in Windows. In order to print multiple prints of thumbnails you have to rename the thumbnails so they are in order in the file. Then you highlight them, right click for Print and then select the amount of prints per page.This adds several unnecessary actions while prolonging of the whole opeation by minutes. have tried other viewers which may , or may not, be better for editing or

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Boxes Around Icons On The Desktop?

Sep 17, 2012

On the desktop on my Win 7 64-bit PC, many icons (but not all) have these boxes around them, as shown in the attached picture.

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Dialog Boxes Not Appearing At All

Jan 27, 2013

None of my dialog boxes are not showing up. Meaning when I go to "save as.." nothing comes up after I click on that. The little right click menu appears but when I select what I want, nothing else comes up. It's not behind any other windows or open programs or on the edge of the screen anywhere. I believe I did a defrag and I did a sweep with AVG anti-virus but nothing came up

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Text Boxes On Forms?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently purchased a laptop and I cannot figure out how to adjust some of the settings. For example, when you're on a website where you fill out information boxes such as name, address, email, etc. the boxes are so light that they don't show up. I have to hit tab just to find them. Even on this page right below title: the actual box does not show up.

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Cursor Keeps Typing [] Boxes?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue with my computer reading boxes from my input that look similar to []. When I use a readkey method in a program it will display that the input it is reading is a 255 which is ancii for 'blank' if I understand right. I believe the boxes are the visual representation of a blank?

I am using windows 7 ultimate on a dell inspiron 1501. what in the world would cause it to continue reading this input? The thing that is strange is it only happens during a readkey call in code or a program that uses a similar method to type with such as a java application that is used to show work for homework. Things such as threads like this, or word processors or notepad etc don't do this.

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Dialog Boxes Do Not Appear For Certain Programs?

Jan 27, 2012

For the past couple of months, I've noticed that dialog boxes (For Save as, Open, Error messages, ect) are not appearing. The window will go unfocused for a second but the dialog box never appears. This has only been happening with certain programs such as Microsoft Office, Steam, and Musenotes (Although there are many others too) while other programs such as notepad are working completely fine.All of the solutions I've found either have to do with AutoCad (Which I don't have) or the dialog box simply appearing off screen (None of the solutions work)

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Dialog Boxes Focusing Behind All?

May 11, 2010

Since Windows 7, I've noticed that all of my timed system events configured to pop up reminders or Microsoft Office Calendar events always pop up in the background.

Usually, I have sound on, so I can here the Windows notice, but not always. Also, I have dual screens that I keep pretty busy!

Is there a way I can tell Windows 7 that I want these dialog boxes to pop up in the front like they did way back in the WinXP day?

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Remove Check Boxes?

Jul 9, 2010

Last night, while going through a very informative troubleshooting thread with some of your knowledgeable members, I came across an option to when something is clicked to pick, it displays a checkmark box. On everything! I've find that I dislike this immensely. To my caprice and chagrin, I've forgotten where to find the option so that I can turn off this feature.

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Cannot See Many Fonts In Programs And Windows Boxes

Feb 12, 2012

I cannot see many font text in programs including all of Norton, some Ventrilo chats and League of Legends (peoples names in game arent seen and cant see gold gain when I last hit creeps) . Can someone please tell me a way to resolve this problem? I've tried changing the font size thru themes and changed the fonts themselves and they still will not show up for the buttons and the rest.

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Can't Bring Up Facebook Or Twitter Boxes Up In IE9

Sep 6, 2011

IE9 won't bring up any popup boxes in Facebook or Twitter, HOw do I rectify this? Popup blocker is off in IE9, Fire box works fine so I think it's a setting in IE9

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Text Drops Out Of Dialog Boxes?

Jul 29, 2010

For some reason, the text is not showing up in the dialog boxes, which makes it impossible to download software unless you have a VERY good memory about where the "Next" button is. The buttons show, but absolutely no text. Anyone had this problem

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Left Click Boxes Opening?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm being trying to figure out some funny mouse happenings to see what program might be causing the problem.
Sometimes when I attempt to select several words in a sentence the high lite stops during the drag operation and thhe edit box appears. I might try this several times before it finally works correctly. Other times the edit box appears when I select a Bookmark in FireFox. I just now hit Enter and the FF file menu box appeared.

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Black Boxes Instead Of Desktop Icons

May 26, 2010

dell studio 1545
win 7 pro 64 bit

i have been searching this and other forums for hours trying to find the cause/remedy for randomly appearing black boxes instead of desktop icons after boot up. its 50/50 wether normal icons appear or if black boxes appear. the icon texts are always present.

every time i boot in safe mode they appear normally. i use the "small icon" setting, if i change to medium or large icon size i still get the "small icon" sized black box overlayed on the larger icon (half icon half black box).

has anyone come accross this problem or have any advice for me, bearing in mind my computer skills are limited.

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Get Rid Of Check Boxes To Select Items?

Jul 2, 2010

when ever I click or select a icon a tick shows in the top right corner how do i disable this.

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Mailmerge And Text / Graphics Boxes

Jun 24, 2011

Using mailmerge in Word 7, with a template with a picture box (our logo) top left, and a text box (containing address) top right. If I print the document without merging any data, it's fine. As soon as I import my data - nowhere near either of the boxes - the address text box to the right of the logo picture box gets partially obscured by blank space and ends up showing only the last half of each line. If I remove the picture box, the contents of the text box print OK; or if I take the address out of the text box and enter it as indented text in the same place to the right of the logo, it's also fine.

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Select Items With Check Boxes

Jul 2, 2010

How to Select Items with Check Boxes in Windows 7 ?

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Why Does Japanese Letters Appear As Boxes On Computer

Dec 5, 2012

I'm trying to install a Japanese language pack on my computer, and when it's supposed to say "Japanese (), instead it will say "Japanese (three boxes)

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Black Boxes On Desktop Icons?

Jun 29, 2011

After I finished playing COD MW2 last evening, I shut my computer down. This morning upon starting it up, I had 3/4 of my desktop icons covered with black boxes. I have tried system restore, deleting the icon cache and reboot all to no avail. I am running Windows Home Premium in 64bit mode. Also ran a malware scan and cleaned everything it found. I am running Norton Security Suite which works great for catching anything that comes my way.

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Change Dialog Boxes To English?

Dec 7, 2012

I am an expat American living in France. I bought my laptop in the US, I have the Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OS and it is in English. I have my location set to United States through the control panel and all of my system is set to display in English.My problem is that when I visit english websites that open dialog boxes, the boxes opened are often in French. My current example is I'm trying to update my video card driver through Intel's website. They have a diagnostic tool that scanned my computer and suggested I download drivers and update 2 components. The website was in English and I assume there are files that are all in English.However, when I run the .exe files, the dialog box is all in French -- and I am not fluent. I am assuming that something is checking my IP address or something. Is there a way to only have these programs display English? I'm not sure if it matters or not, but I am using Google Chrome.

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Suddenly During Games GPU Started Overheating Quickly During Games?

Nov 5, 2009

ok so i have a problem thats been driving me insane. my toshiba F50 was working totally fine until suddenly during games my GPU started overheating quickly during games (Was not doing this before) i noticed that my fan didnt seem to be spinning as fast as before. i cleaned it still no avail, tried riva tuner and ntune and all of that jazz and all of them have the fan control options greyed out? (cannot use them)i noticed that when i start the laptop the POST test on the fans guns the fan to 100% speed so i know its capable of doing it. it seems like the fan doesnt know to speed up when it gets hot and it keeps shutting my system down and i reallllly dont feel like damaging my GPU. i tried rolling back my drivers and running the latest drivers.

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Entry Info Boxes Stop Typing?

Jul 22, 2012

Although it works fine on Foxfire, from time to time on IE, when I enter information in search/entry boxes, it all of a sudden prevents from continuing to type & make it very hard(like very slow to recover) after that to finish what I want to type in these boxes or shuts down the window completely(not responding).

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