Creating A WinPE Script File?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm using the WIAK CD to create a winpe boot media and it works fine, there are a few commands that you have to remember so I created a winpe.cmd file to make life easier. Here is the content of my winpe.cmd file:

copype x86 c:winpe
copy c:winpewinpe.wim c:winpeisosourcesoot.wim
copy "c:program fileswindows aik oolsx86imagex.exe" c:winpeiso
oscdimg -n c:winpeiso c:winpewinpe.iso

when I run (from the WAIK command line in admin mode) the first line copype x86 c:winpe is the only line that executes,why the rest of the commands don't run?

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Creating Batch File?

Nov 23, 2011

I have 2 files that are in the same directory which I want to start one after the other.I have created a simple batch file like this which opens 2 files at the same time. ExampleStart Server.exeStart Game.exeIs it possible to leave say a 10 second gap between opening the Server.exe and Game.exe? Also is it possible to quit Server.exe when I exit Game.exe?

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Creating A Dvd With A Avi File In Nero 9

Oct 26, 2009

For some reason when i add my movie which is .avi format into nero 9 dvd-video burn it says please add rather .avi or.mpg but the movie im adding is .avi

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

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Creating An Image File With MS Office?

May 16, 2011

Our small office has several laptops, some with Intel chips, some with AMD. I'm trying to find a way to create an image for each laptop type that would include Windows 7 and MS Office.

I've looked around a bit, and I'm finding plenty of info on creating the Windows 7 image, but can't really find anything in layman terms for also including MS Office and any other necessary programs (snagit, Adobe Reader, etc.) to include or how to include, in the image.

Obviously, free (shareware) software is good to do the job in order to keep the cost down. I think I might even have a copy of WinPE I inherited from the person that was there before me, unfortunately, no documentation....Like I said, I've never done this before and I could use a step-by-moron-proof-step process if one actually exists...

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Create WinPE Boot CD?

Jul 5, 2010

I need to create a winPE boot CD for use with my backup software (Paragon Backup & Restore 10.2 free). The one created by Paragon free is a Linux boot CD that does not work correctly for me. They do have a WinPE CD but it comes with the $69 paid version. I checked on the web and it seems pretty complicated to create my own WinPE requiring me to first install a 900 MB free program (WAIK) to create it with. Is there no simple way to create a WinPE CD right from my installed Windows 7 home premium 64 bit system (or XP system) or by simply downloading a WinPE CD iso? Finally, how is a WinPE boot CD different from the boot CD the Windows 7 system creates?

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Creating A Copy Of A File And Modifying The Name Of It Automatically?

Jan 27, 2012

In Windows Explorer, while viewing files and folders;

I want to be able to create a copy of the file, with an option when I right click. Instead of choosing Copy at right click, and then again right clicking in Windows Explorer and choosing Paste).

And also my main problem is Windows 7 is creating the pasted file name as "Filename - Copy" in the same folder with the original in it, but I do not want any spaces or even the dash. Can I modify it somehow to create the pasted filenames as 'FilenameCopy' instead of 'Filename - Copy'?

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Desktop Bug - Creating Duplicate Instances Of Same File

Sep 25, 2012

Basically, I've recently made the long-overdue transition from a 5-years old Windows XP machine to a brand-new Windows 7 one, which I've now had for a few days. Only yesterday, what appears to be a small bug reared it's ugly head.

Any file or folder created or moved onto my Desktop is automatically duplicated with another instance of that item. I say an instance because it's not simply a copy of that file, strictly-speaking, because when the duplicate is clicked, it opens the original file. So, I'm left with two instances of the same file on my Desktop. Just to make this clearer, suppose that, as an example, I created/moved a Plain Text file onto my Desktop. A duplicate of that item would then appear. When clicked, this duplicate opens the very same file, meaning therefore, that I have two instances of the same file. In case you were wondering, the duplicate is also not a shortcut to the original file: bringing up its properties, it has the exact same properties as the originally-created one does. I hope everyone's following me so far.

As well as the strange behaviour mentioned above, the bug also affects deleting files or folders in the Desktop. As I've already said, two instances of the file are created when a file is created on the Desktop. In the same way, deleting one instance of the file also deletes the other - but not straight away. It registers as deleted, but the Desktop has to be refreshed for the other instance to disappear.

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Stop Creating File.db And Recent.db On USB Drive?

Jan 12, 2013

When I plug in a USB flash drive, it's creating 2 files: file.db and recent.db These database files will open in notepad. File.db seems to be a list of all files on the flash drive and recent.db is a list of recently accessed files on the drive. If I delete them, it just recreates them. I don't see similar files on my C drive.Also, my work computer running Windows 7 Enterprise does not create them when I insert a USB drive.As a matter of privacy, I'd rather not have lists of my files on the drives.

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Creating Bat File For Restart Display Adapter?

Apr 12, 2011

I have to boot twice for my display adapter to start. Im making a bat file in startup folder who does this operation for me, but i cant get further than starting device manager.

Here is my .bat file so far: set DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS=1 start devmgmt.msc

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Error Creating A File Needed For Installation

Jan 1, 2013

Not sure if this is in the appropriate area, sorry about that but i am having said error when trying to install/repair/remove anything with windows installer ?

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Create Windows 7 WinPE Bootable CD

Oct 30, 2009

Does anyone know the method how to create windonw7 WinPE bootable CD? I once create XP with PEbuilder, but it cannot create Windows 7 WinPE CD, I heard that it requires AIK?

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Creating A Batch File To Auto-login To A Website

Nov 28, 2011

I have created the following batch file to automatically load and login to a site, I created it and tested it on a computer running xp, but I can't get it to work on a windows 7 machine "@ECHO OFF TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up mode con: cols=42 lines=1 REM Create a time delay Visual Basic file of 1 second cd c: IF NOT EXIST ECHO Wscript.Sleep 1000 >> 1second.vbs:timeloop REM Using a for loop to count for 20 seconds to allow startup script to finish for %%d in (20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) do TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up in %%d Secs && ECHO. && 1second.vbs && cls.

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Creating Scheduled Task With .bat File Delayed Execution?

Sep 14, 2012

I know how to create scheduled task from .bat file. But if the PC is turned off, i want it to run first time someone logs on. Code: SchTasks /Create /SC MONTHLY /D 15 /TN My Task /TR C:RunMe.bat /ST 14:00 what should i add to this code to make it run if the user opens his pc at 16:00?

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WinPE Emergency Disk Won't Load, PC Reboots

Nov 20, 2011

I made a WinPE Emergency disk for recovery, I also made a partition backup of my system which I put on a USA 1TB external drive.Nothing is wrong with my system but I just wanted to check to see if I could access the backup image. But when I boot from the CD I get past the 'Windows is loading files' page, then to a different page with the EaseUS lgo, but the load ba only goes 1/8th of the way before my computer reboots itself.The same thing happens if I use the EaseUS Linux version of the CD.Could it be an error made during the burn process?

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Creating Custom Command Line For File Association Table

Sep 7, 2011

How can I create a custom command line to be used when I double click on a file with a specific extension. For example for a .jar file I'd like to have this:
javaw.exe -jar "%1" -myOpts

Can you have more than one custom command line for an extension and use the RightClick context menu to chose the one you want to use?

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Creating A Command Prompt Or Ms-dos Batch File For Joining Domain

Dec 13, 2012

I want to know how to create the batch file and execute it automatically in DOS, and what are the advantages of batch file.

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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Creating A New User Without UI?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to create a new user for programming purposes i.e the user will have access to computer resources only through applications I plan to write. Such a user should not be able to log in from main Win7 logon screen - in fact, the user should not even be listed on that page.

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Why Is Creating A DVD Still So Difficult?

Oct 30, 2009

why is it that making a simple DVD movie that is playable in your home DVD or Xbox 360 still so hard? it was difficult under Xp, same under Vista, and now it continues with Windows 7. The built-in DVD Maker and Movie Maker work sometimes, they can't burn many types of files, and you ahve to go through a 2 hour burning process before you find out the DVD has no sound during playback!

has anyone come up with or used a DVD authoring software that works all the time, effortlessly? even Nero is a finicky one

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Creating Backups

Nov 6, 2009

Can someone direct me to a place that I can read how to create backups using Windows 7.

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Creating A System Image

May 8, 2011

When i got my 500 gig internal HD, I messed up and the C: partition is too small. I can't move anything else outta the C partition into the much larger D partition. SO now I want to create a system image on my external HD, so I can re-install Win7 Pro, and not use any partitions. WELL, when i try to create a system image on this external, which sez only needs 396 gig,Windows tell me the external doesn't have enuff space for the shadow volume? There is nothing ON this external. Has 434 of 465 gig free. SO why is that NOT enuff space?

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Creating A Shortcut Folder?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm setting up my new desktop that has Windows 7 on it.I created a SHORT CUTS FOLDER on my old computer which had icons to run programs so my desktop wouldn't be cluttered.How do I setup something like this with Windows 7?I have the used all the time programs in plain view likethe Firefox browser. moranacus has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Creating A Restore Point?

Aug 6, 2011

I need to a system restore point file without getting into the desktop through Windows 7.

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Creating Image Stopped?

Dec 29, 2011

I was trying to make an system image of my Win 7 OS to my hard drive...all went well until it finally stopped with the following message: backup failed! System could not find file specified ( 0x80070002 ) close. Nothing is one suppose to make sense of this? Does this mean i can never make an image file of my system? Prior to the backup, Win 7 said that it would check system to make sure its OK to make backup. After it did the checkup it gave me the go ahead to do it

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BOSD After Creating A New Partition?

Jul 28, 2012

Today I wanted to create a partition on my WD 3 tb hard drive, so i opened disk manager and shrunk the current partition creating unalcolated space when i right clicked on it to create the new partition all the options were greyed out so i use partition magic to create the partition shortly after BOSD with error 0x00000078 or 7b not sure happened too fast and i have no clue how to get my computer working again, start up recovery has proved useless. i tryed the drive on my old computr and it worked just fine the new partition was there and useable. so can someone please explain how to fix this or if thats not posable please explain a way to get the inportant data(pictures word documents ect.) off my computer so i can reset it to factory settings without looseing anything?

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Creating Registry Entry

Jan 28, 2011

I got admin rights to edit the registry (and I've edited it before), but I've never 'created' registry items.I need to create this item:Quote: [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplor er]"NoSaveSettings"=dword:00000001

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Creating New Partition When Reinstalling Win XP?

Apr 4, 2011

I have recently purchased a new Samsung NC110 netbook with Windows 7 Starter installed. However, I find it runs fairly slowly so I intend to install XP on it from an old installation disc.However, when I first started my netbook I set up a partition with 40Gb allocated to the C drive and the remaining 240 to a D drive. Not being that computer savvy I got confused and despite having a portable hard drive for back up and the computer having a separate hidden restore partition, I went ahead with this.My question is that if I start again with XP can I reset the partition to a single C drive with separate restore area?

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Creating A New Partition On D: Drive?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm thinking of installing Windows 8 on my second hard drive. I'm downloading it right now.

I would like to create a new partition for it so that it isn't on the same volume with my data files. I've done this often using 3rd party software but never using Windows 7 disk manager.

I have my D: drive backed up and will update it before I try anything but is this reasonably straight forward or are there pitfalls I should look out for?

I could always format the disk create the partition and then after installing Windows 8 restore all my data to D: again, but I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. There's over 500 gigs of stuff on my 1TB drive.

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Error Creating Directory

Aug 22, 2012

I'm new on this forum and I'm having a little problem when I try to install a new application, the DAZ 3D. I can't install because Windows 7 shows me this message: There has been an error. Error creating directory C:/Users/?Wagner/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D" Something (not me) is putting a question mark (?) before my username.

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Creating A Recovery Partition On New SSD?

Oct 30, 2012

I recently upgraded my Acer 722 netbook to an 265GB SSD and installed Windows 7 on it. I was wondering if there was a way to create a partition for a recovery environment (just in case something happens). I have a system image of this pc saved, however I feel it would be best to also create a recovery partition.

Note: This does not have a CD drive.

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Creating Borders In Windows 7?

Dec 11, 2010

A friend says that she cannot create a border to a windows document in Windows 7. Presumably she is using M/S word. She usually produces an invitation to the annual Christmas lunch with a border of Christmas trees around the page.

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