Error Creating Directory

Aug 22, 2012

I'm new on this forum and I'm having a little problem when I try to install a new application, the DAZ 3D. I can't install because Windows 7 shows me this message: There has been an error. Error creating directory C:/Users/?Wagner/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D" Something (not me) is putting a question mark (?) before my username.

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Make All The Files In Directory A Have The Same Date Created/modified Attributes As Directory B?

Oct 25, 2011

One directory (Directory A) containing the same files as Directory B but with the wrong Date created / modified to make all the files in Directory A have the same date created/modified attributes as Directory B.

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Error 0x80070091: Directory Is Not Empty

Jun 18, 2010

Have a problem with 2-3 directories that I cannot delete. If I try I get the following message: Error 0x80070091: The directory is not empty I have done a disk scan several times now - at first there where some errors, but they should now be fixed.

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Replace Files In Multiple Directory, From A Single Directory?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a 10 files that have all been categorised into about 40 folders. These files have been damaged.I have a backup of all these files, but they are not categorised and sit in a single directory.Does anyone know of an easy technique to batch replace the damaged files with the originals?

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Error 5: Acces Denied (Unable To Create Directory)

Aug 19, 2012

If I run the setup of new program I recently get this error message more and more: Setup was unable to create the directory "C:usersgebrui~1AppDatalocalemp.... Error 5: Acces denied."I looked quite a while around the internet and found some people with exactly the same problem but the solutions didnt work out for me. I tried turning AUC both on and off, I tried running the file as admin (My account is admin also), I even tried to install it with my virus scanner turned off but nothing seems to work?

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Robocopy - Access Denied Error 5 Real Directory?

Jul 18, 2012

I know similar questions have been asked but I "might" have a unique one. What I have been trying to do is to copy the "C:Users", "C:Program Files", & "C:Program Files (x86)" to another clean hard drive "D:".I'm doing this to make more room for the OS in the C: drive while date will be in the D: drive. Now I have successfully robocopy Program Files & Program Files (x86). I also have copied most of the Users directory but for this stubborn Realupdate directory. This is I think the real player program. I get this Access Denied and "Error 5" error. I am in elevated command prompt. I achieved this via the Repair your computer prompt on the Windows install DVD.I also have rmdir for Program Files & Program Files and have made a mklink for both of them so windows knows where they will be. But I have not did a full boot because I don't think windows will access my Users directory because they have been moved over to the new drive. What I can only do will have to be via the command prompt.

I can't make a mklink for Users because I get an error saying something about duplicate areas? What I was trying to do is go to this Realupdate directory but even trying to access that directory via cd commands will not work, giving me a access denied. Again I am in elevated command prompt Administrator:X:windowssystem32cmd.exe How can I get to that directory. I just want to delete it now since I have all the files I need. I just want to create a junction point for Users directory linked to the D: drive. I used the following command: mklink "D:Users" C:Users" /JGrant it the D and C are turned around but in Windows Recovery Console it mixes up the drive letters but I know what is the source drive and destination drive. I verified this via the Volume Drive Titles.

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Error : 0x80070570 The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jan 22, 2011

I have Dell 15r, which runs on win 7 home basic, i recently started using toshiba hard disk,i have some files in the external hard disk when i try to move them or delete them i will get this kind of error message. Error : 0x80070570 The file or Directory is corrupted and unreadable.

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Error 0x80070570: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Apr 10, 2012

recently i've been having a problem when trying to move ISO files from one harddrive to another. I've tried with 3 different ISO files and all come up with the same error:"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.Error 0x80070570: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."First time I got this error i just thought something had gone wrong with the download so i deleted the file and downloaded it again. Same problem. This made me think that maybe it was just that download but now I have tried 2 other files and gotten the same error every time. This only happens with ISO files though as in case it was the harddrive or connection issue I tried transferring some other .avi files and they went across without problem.

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Run Time Error 75 In Active Directory User For Windows 7?

Dec 20, 2011

I m having problem accessing a specific software while log in to my PC under Active Directory domain user. This software works file while work as administrator but show run time error 75 , path/file access error.

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Error When Creating New Folders?

Apr 9, 2012

The video shows it better than I can explain it. Throws an error when creating new folders.

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Error When Creating Simple Playlist For WMP

Jan 3, 2010

Whenever I try creating a simple Playlist, I get an error right after I hit enter when I'm done naming the Playlist. Is there anyway I can fix this? I was really hoping to use WMP to manage my songs and videos!

I didn't have this problem before. Also, I recently [few hours ago] reformatted my HD and installed a fresh Windows 7 to rid all the bloatware software that came with my Acer laptop.

From Google I found this thread DEAR WANDY / windows media player 12 The person had the same problem and fixed it. Problem is I have no idea how to "edit the registry" and all that.

Edit: I think I've found the solution. The music MUST be in the "Media Library" in order to have it in the playlist, albums, etc. Very lame.

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Unable To Execute File In Temporary Directory Setup Aborted Error 5

Dec 12, 2012

i just downloaded dishonored pc game but it comes that unable to execute file in temporary directory setup aborted error 5

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Error Creating A File Needed For Installation

Jan 1, 2013

Not sure if this is in the appropriate area, sorry about that but i am having said error when trying to install/repair/remove anything with windows installer ?

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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What Is This Directory / C:2f04dd45bebca7274eda34cc24490614

Feb 27, 2011

The following directory has zero files. What is it?C:2f04dd45bebca7274eda34cc24490614

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Can't Create A Directory In Windows 7

Dec 16, 2011

I recently got a new PC it has Windows 7 Pro 64Bit OS. My old XP box finally died. I have my music drive which is external USB 500 GB drive Seagate Free Agent drive. I used in on my old system. I have about 110GB of music on it. It is my main music drive. I got some new songs that i wanted to add to the drive. I tried to make a new directory and I received a message saying that I don't have permission to create a folder. I tried creating a new folder within my music directory. I can create a new folder within the root of the drive but I cannot create a new directory where I want it. I am an admin on the PC so I even made sure that I was added as a user on the drive when I set permissions and sharing.

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Can't Access Directory On External USB

Oct 8, 2012

I moved a external USB drive formatted NTFS from an XP system to a Windows 7 system, and it will permanently stay on the Windows 7 system. I can't get any write or change access on the USB drive folders or files. I cannot change permissions in advanced mode, and it lists the file/directory owner as unknown in the group or user names box. It complains that I don't have administrator control, however I am logged in as administrator.How can I take ownership & change permissions on this drive?

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Clean Up Root Directory?

Feb 9, 2013

Just looking at my root directory and trying to clean up what is not needed. I have Win7 64 bit. Can I delete any of these files??.rmd{45F28847-516F-40B7-9C6C-7A08E848927B}{03793A38-AB8E-48AB-B8DE-C78202EOFC83}{97782997-1B5D-4500-8514-8DCC63EFF45E}app_messagelog.scvlog

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Trying To Delete Directory That Is Not Empty

Apr 22, 2012

I have a folder I've been trying to delete for some time but I am unable to. I am using cmd prompt and get the message "the directory is not empty". I know it's not empty but it needs to get deleted.

D:>RMDIR /s m
m, Are you sure (Y/N)? y
- The directory is not empty.

What can I do?

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MSDIA.dll In External Directory?

Dec 13, 2012

I was emptying my external drive to start some new backups and I noticed that there was a msdia.dll in the directory of the external drive. How did it get there and should I delete it? Or is it OK there? I'ts a MS Debug Information Accessor. dll, whatever it does or is.

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Backup Directory - You Do Not Have Permission

Nov 10, 2009

After I make a full system backup in Win 7 I move to the WindowsImageBackup directory. I try to move down the chain to the directory named after my computer. But when I try to move down the chain I get an "You do not have permission" message. I am an administrator and I am able to get around the message but I'm just wondering if there is something I can do to not make the message pop up each time.

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Directory Icon In Network?

Aug 19, 2011

i set up an OU in AD that contains shortcuts to various shares on various servers. instead of having 10+ shortcut icons on their desktops, my w2k users could access all network shortcuts from one shortcut. plus, when the location of a share moves to a different server, i don't have to delete old shortcuts and create new ones on 30+ desktops. in xp, the directory icon went away so i couldn't create a shortcut to the OU. i discovered copying the dsfolder.dll icon to xp fixed the problem. can a desktop shortcut to an OU be achieved in Windows 7?

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Cannot Run Ping.exe From Another Drive/directory

Feb 28, 2011

I wanted to have copies of some of the intrinsic Windows 7 operating system command line .exe files located on another drive and directory. When I run C:WindowsSystem32Ping.exe /? at an Adminstrator's command prompt, it runs fine. If I copy this .exe to X:Tempping.exe (X: is on the same hard drive on the same computer), it will not run at an Adminstrator's command prompt. The file on X: has full permissions. I am running Norton Internet Security.

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Accessing The Installation Directory?

Oct 18, 2012

I can't seem to access the installation directory in Auslogics Boost-speed 5 of course I am very new at working with computers!

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Moving User Directory From SSD To HDD?

Mar 23, 2011

I recently purchased my PC components which include a Corsair 60GB Force Series SSD to use as a boot and application drive. In order to maximize the free space on the SSD I want to move the User Directory from the SSD to the HDD. After looking into this I have found numerous articles which suggest numerous ways to accomplish this.Nearly all of them have people saying that it may cause this or that to go wrong. So what options do I really have? Which method is best (on the list, or found elsewhere)? Is it even worth it (i.e. how much space does the user directory really use)?

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Why Can't View Usb Directory In DOS Windows 7

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to create a portable Ubuntu machine on a USB drive. Unzip/installation instructions I have require command line inputs to do this. when it comes to DOS but am pretty familiar with Linux command line - at any rate I don't know how to change directory in DOS to view the USB directory. Stuff I've tried ("J" is the drive of my USB):

cd c:
cd c:Windows (and users)
cd J:

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Active Directory Main Services?

Aug 12, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 3, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor, x86 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2943 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 238472 MB, Free - 3959 MB; E: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 273517 MB; F: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 865347 MB; G: Total - 476929 MB, Free - 427039 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., M2N68-AM Plus, Rev X.0x, MS1C96B07804918
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated: Yes, On-Demand Scanner: Enabled

This PC is attached to a network containing several desktops and laptops running Vista. The Samsung laser printer ML-2240 is attachde by USB to this XP PC. Printing over the network operates perfectly with all other PCs. I have just purchased an Acer laptop with Windows 7 and followed the instructions for file sharing, which works perfectly. I have followed the instructions for installing the printer, and received confirmation that it is installed. However, when I attempt to print out of Word 2007 and press the button "find printer" in the Samsung printer profile I get the message "Active Directory Main Services is currently unavailable". I see that this has been found over the years by many people! I am looking for a solution in my context. The rest of the network operates fine still and I can edit the same Word file over the network and print fine.

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Delete Found Files From My C Directory?

Apr 19, 2012

Delete Found Files from my C directory?

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Print Directory Of All Folders And Subfolders?

Mar 14, 2011

Using Win 7. Windows Explorer. I navigate down to a catch- all folder which has many folders with files, subfolders with files, and subsubfolders etc.. How can I dump the entire tree of this large folder into a text file so I see the entire tree?

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Kill Mentality Of DOS And Directory Tree?

Apr 20, 2011

Is Microsoft dumbing down the operating system now with kill mentality of DOS and directory tree.Look at windows vista and windows 7 ![URL] Among other window you open that too much for 7 old kid.Look I can understand file manager along with windows 9.x GUI was very user friendly GUI for more advance computer users but too dangerous for computer novice.In fact it was simple GUI crude in look not candy GUI but was user friendly GUI for more advance computer users .

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Windows 7 Explorer Crash On One Directory?

Oct 27, 2011

If I click on one directory I get "Windows Explorer has stopped working". It used to be fine but crashes WE every time now. A colleague suggested right click and reset the properties, but right click causes the crash too.I can open it remotely from an XP system, and I can navigate it in a DOS box so I know the files are all still good.Disk check says "No problems".Sophos anti-virus scan finds nothing. Malwarebytes scan finds nothing.None of these crash or report corruption.

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