Constant BSODs On Startup - System Recovery

May 22, 2011

[Using Windows 7 64-bit]. My computer has been working fine for months and out of nowhere I get a BSOD. I think it may be a one time thing so I just let it restart but I get a BSOD again. This keeps happening for 3-4 times. Afterwards I think a system restore might fix the problem. When I went to the startup repair screen, right when I'm about to click the system restore button I get a BSOD again. I think it may be something on my drive so I burn a recovery disk. When it's searching for my Windows installations, I get a BSOD again. All of the recovery methods I know of get blocked by this annoying BSOD.

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Constant BSODs And Program Instability?

Dec 17, 2011

I've had these issues since I built this computer in about February last year. Programs are unstable or freeze (SC2, Skyrim, even firefox). I get seemingly random BSODs. I can't really define a pattern of when they occur, but it is at least daily.I have reinstalled the OS (Windows 7 home premium 64 bit, full retail version) multiple times in an attempts to resolve. I have 2 HDDs in addition to my SSD. OS is currently on SSD. I had tried installing the OS on the HDDs as part of troubleshooting but ran into the same issues. I wiped the HDDs with Deriks Boot n Nuke before using them as storage.I can run Furmark with no issues. I have run memtest86 with no reported errors. I've run Driver Genius Pro to keep everything there up to date.I believe that is all relevant information. Please let me know if there is any further information required. I have been looking for a definitive conclusion for a long time.

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Constant BSODs On Sony Vaio, Windows 7 Ultimate 3- Bit?

Jun 1, 2011

I've been having troubles for a month or two now and decided to finally take my woes to the internet in the hopes someone could help me, before I consider giving up and buying a new laptop.I had troubles first running Windows 7 Home x64, now I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. I have a Sony VAIO laptop, 500 GB hard drive.I first had problems after running a Malwarebytes scan - I ran it overnight and when I woke up my screen was black and said "Operating system not found" or something to that effect. From then on, my computer would only boot about once in every 4 times I tried. I ran startup repair many times, and when I did get in things ran very slowly and inevitably I would get an abrupt BSOD. This persisted for a month or so. Some days it worked great, but always went back to the usual.A few days ago I bought a hard drive enclosure, got all the files off my hard drive, and totally formatted my hard drive. Then, after some difficulties in the installation, I installed Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit, because a family member had the disc for it.The computer worked a lot better at first but now again it's running slowly and I'm starting to get the BSOD! Sometimes I can use it 5 minutes before I get the BSOD, sometimes I have 2 hours.It's been hard to write this because it keeps BSODing while I was typing.I set it to not restart when it crashes, so I could write down the error messages I got on the BSOD. The second to last series of numbers is the only thing that changes BSOD-to-BSOD. Here are the codes (I skipped the middle part, which is text and all the same) for the last 4


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Get Rid Of System Recovery Messages At Startup?

Dec 30, 2012

When starting my computer, I keep getting a "start up repair" window, where my computer is checking for system problems. After it does this for a while, another window pops up says that I can chose to send information to Microsoft or not. No matter what I do from here, every time I start my computer I get the same message, and I cannot access my desktop with it.

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Almost Constant BSOD Soon After Startup?

Apr 7, 2012

I had a thread before with some blue-screen errors, mostly memory errors, so upgraded my RAM (8Gb DDR3), installed a new operating system (32bit to 64bit) and on the first boot-up: CRASH.

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Constant BSOD & Reboot On Startup Of Dell Windows 7

May 23, 2011

For the last couple of weeks (I was just given the laptop) my friends Dell Inspiron has been Blue Screen of Death'ing on start then rebooting (loop on this) - I was able to see the BSOD when I disabled the "reboot on error" and all I get is the following: Blue Screen STOP: 0x0000007B.I cannot get into Safe Mode (same error) to get any dumps (at least I wouldn't know how)I tried Startup Recovery, Last known configuration, Restor points (many of them), Chkdsk, sfc, and bootsec but nothing seems to resolve the problem... The next step is a re-install from the Dell Recovery drive (I hope because I don't have the origial Windows 7 Dell Install CD),

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Intermittent BSODs On Startup 0x0000000a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

Nov 21, 2011

It's a windows 7 home premium 64 bit new build pc. Very very carefully stuck together, very very carefully installed only the right drivers, very very carefully installed software to make sure nothing starts that I don't want starting and there are no lazy apps using up memory.

Windows 7 flies, it's a lovely machine now but occasionally I get a bsod at startup. I've followed the instructions and added a zip file with all the outputs.

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Multiple BSODs - One At Startup, Another While Running Computer

Apr 29, 2012

I recently got another different BlueScreen, with an older not resolved. I got two BCodes, 0x000000c2 and 0x0000005a. I ran 'chk dsk /f' and ' sfc /scannow' and got no errors. Latest BSOD Earlier BSOD

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate

- the original installed OS on the system? Not originally installed. - an OEM or full retail version? Retail. - What is the age of system (hardware)? 2 months. - What is the age of OS installation 2 months. I attached 'Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2' and 'perfmon.html' below.

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Random BSODs While Surfing The Net / Startup / Shutdown

Jun 23, 2012

I recently built a pc but been having random BSODs. I have updated all my drivers to the latest versions. The most recent BSOD I got is today while surfing the net.

It displayed MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and fltmgr.sys

My PC Specs:
i5 3570k
z77 extreme4
corsair vengeance low profile ram (2 x 4gb)
sapphire 7850 (non oc version)
128gb crucial m4 ssd / 500gb sata2 seagate hdd
antec 620m psu
windows 7 home premium 64 bit

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Constant System Restore Error

Aug 4, 2009

Now on to the issue I have run into.

** I am currently running WIN 7 Ultimate 64 Bit RTM **

Every single time I try to use system restore, it comes back with the exact same error, on reboot:

{"System restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed. Details:

Unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0xc0000043)"}

I have tried different system restore points, (within Windows), but it does not seem to fix the issue. I have also tried disabling my security software, (KIS 2010), and that doesn't seem to help either.

The puzzling thing is that when I run system restore in safe mode it seems to work no problem, but it just will not work within windows itself, (normal boot).

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BSODs After System Restore?

May 7, 2011

When I upgraded my video card months ago I had problems with the video drivers causing BSODs. I fixed that problem after updating the drivers properly.Just recently I reverted to a restore point and now the same problem appears to have come back. The restore point seems to have created a mismatch in drivers or a windows update.To fix the problem I've updated multiple drivers and I still get BSODs. It most often happens when playing a game. Sometimes the games graphics appear to be skipping and having trouble and then the BSOD happens. I have had BSODs without having anything intensive running too.

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Regular BSODs On New System?

Jul 28, 2012

I built a new system about four days ago using all new parts except for an optical drive and hard drive, which I brought over from my previous machine.I've had about 10 BSODs since then - they seem to happen a few times a day. It doesn't seem to be triggered by any one thing e.g opening a certain application.

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Random BSODS Daily, New System?

Jun 3, 2012

MY in-laws bought a new computer a few weeks ago.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM
SP 1
Acer Aspire M1470

bought 3 weeks ago. Been crashing from day one one or two times a day.Ive tried to update the audiodrivers and the LAN-drivers but still BSODS. Most of the BSODS are memory_management but Ive gotten a few others (page fault in non paged area and pfn_list_corrupt)Ive also done the windows memcheck and found no errors.Unfortunately I cant use the perfmon to generate a report. I get an error and Ive tried the guide here making sure the right services are started and set to manual but I just cant get it to work.

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Random 0109 BSODS After System Revamp?

Jul 25, 2011

Recently revamped my system with no mobo/ram/cpu and a clean windows 7 install, but now I'm experiencing random BSODS 0 to 10 or so times per day.

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Windows 7 Randomly Crashes On Startup Or Requires System Repair On Startup

Jan 14, 2011

Ever since I bought my new computer and installed Windows 7 64 bit Pro I have noticed that sometimes when I start my computer the startup locks up or crashes, requiring me to restart or it takes me to the system repair screen and running this process does nothing.

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Display Freezes / BSODs And Random System Crashes

Oct 27, 2011

My computer has been crashing a lot lately. Usually, the computer freezes and weird lines appear on the display when it happens. Other times it just shows a BSOD and restarts. It started happening around 2-3 weeks after my motherboard, processor and RAM were changed because a part of the previous motherboard had burnt. The previous motherboard was ASUS M3A78-EM, the onboard graphics was ATI Radeon HD 3200 and RAM was 2 GB DDR2.I took the PC to a my computer vendor after everything I tried had failed. Firstly, he diagnosed it as an issue because of improper earthing/grounding in the switchboard where I plugged the computer and the UPS. I got the earthing issue sorted but to no avail, it still hanged/freezed. The second time I took it to him he said that he might have to update the BIOS and when I brought it back the problem had apparently been fixed but that was only for a few days. After like 4-5 days it started happening again. Same weird lines - green, magenta, purple and all the rest of it - started appearing. The HDD LED stops when this happens. I only observed the LED today, though. Today the computer freezed without those weird lines on two out of the 5 or 6 times it happenrd, it looked like it had just hanged but the HDD LED had gone off.Sometimes the PC doesn't start up at all immediately after it has crashed. That's what led me to guess it's a hardware issue. Also, it happens in safe mode and Windows XP too (I dual boot Windows XP and Windows 7) and I remember it once happening even before the computer had completely booted.Computer details:Windows 7 32-bitASUS M4A78LT-M-LEAMD Athlon II X2 250ATI Radeon 3000 onboard graphics1 x 2 GB DDR3 RAM250 GB SATAMinidumps and NirSoft BlueScreenView HTML report: url..

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Unknown Random BSODs - Freshly Recovered System

Dec 27, 2011

I am having these random BSODs everytime. I've tried resetting my laptop on its factory defaults and still getting this random blue screens. I also tested my memory using Memtest with atleast 5 passes, NO errors reported. I used check disk many times.

I also tried sfc /scannow but it stopped at 45%. Also I always get errors like "...has stopped working" from any apps. I've tried updating all the drivers to the latest, still no luck. I've done 5x full recovery and still BSODs.

System Specs:
Asus A42D-r Laptop
1 year old
AMD Athlon II
2 GB Ram
1 GB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM
Minidump attached..

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BSODs Memory Management, Edit Of A Critical System File, Etc?

Mar 4, 2012

Windows 7 x64 Professional Hardware less than 2 months.OS re installed after MS updates failures.perfmon named failure.

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Computer Randomly Restarts, BSODS Cache Manager, System Service Except

Aug 20, 2012

Been happening to me for awhile computer will either crash after running for awhile and sometimes the BSOD will state a reason of Cache Manage or System Service Exception, or no reason at all. Sometimes the computer just randomly restarts though.

-System Spec
-Custom built
Windows 7 64bit
Cpu- AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
Memory-G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3
Sound Card-(1) NVIDIA High Definition Audio (2) NVIDIA High Definitio
Hard Drive- ST3500418AS ATA Device
Video Card- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Motherboard- ASRock M3A770DE
Power Supply- Diablotek UL Series PSUL775 775W ATX 12V v2.31

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Startup Recovery Not Working?

Jan 1, 2013

THis is the problem i keep receiving:[CODE]

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Cannot Create A System Restore Disc(s) (Cannot Do A System Recovery)

Mar 21, 2011

I want to have a Factory Reset of my computer. In order to launch a System Recovery, I need to create Restore Discs. When I launch the Recovery Disc Creation, it says:"This computer does not have a burning drive, which is required to make DVDs. Please contact HP Support for asistance."My computer did not come with a build in CD Drive. Even plugging in a USB CD Drive will not make creating the discs possible. So. I ask you. How can I reset my computer to Factory Condition?

Computer Specs:

Windows 7 Home Premium (64-Bit)
Model: HP Pavillion dm3 Notebook PC

edit: This notebook came with a Recovery Partition built in.

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Windows 7 Freeze At Startup Can't Get To Recovery

May 11, 2011

My system suddenly turned off, I turned it back on freeze at start up cant get to F11 to start recovery then goes on black screen. How can I bypass or having my computer running again, ( Did not make a recovery disc).

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Startup Recovery Corrupt Registry?

Jan 15, 2013

I have a computer with a corrupt registry to the point where it will not boot. I do not have a good system recovery and the backup registry files in RegBack don't help when I copy them over to system32.

I can't use any of the registry repair tools that I have found because they all require booting into windows to run them and I can't boot windows.I am able to copy the files in RegBack to a flash drive, so I did that.My question is whether there is a tool that I can run on ANOTHER Windows 7 computer that will scan the registry files on the flash drive instead of the files of the computer I am running windows successfully on?

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Windows 7 Startup Recovery Wont Start?

Nov 6, 2012

I have a windows 7 home premuim laptop with 4gb ram from compaq (Model Compaq Presario CQ62) i use it mainly for gaming but recently when i trid to install The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 10th aniversary my computer restarted during the process and i was asked to boot up normally or use start up repair i choose normal then after a while it reset and asked me the same question. i choose startup repair and after 45 minutes

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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Startup Repair Loop--after Recovery To Factory Defaults?

Oct 13, 2011

EDIT: This is added by moderator. The problem system has been "restored" to factory defaults, so you can skip to post # 11 and be missing only some history. I have also at this time moved the thread from Networking to Windows 7.Okay, this is my boyfriend's laptop. He's left it with me to see if I can fix it. I'm at work right now, and it is at home, so I can't try anything until I get home tonight.Here'e the situation, as best I can tell:He has 2 is old, and connects fine, the other is probably 6 months old - a Dell - Windows 7, and this is the one that is having problems. The other laptop has no problem with its connection - it is just the Dell laptop. He brought it over to my house last night, and it is doing the same thing. It finds and connects to my network, but it states that it is a "limited access" connection, which essentially means you have no internet connection (apparently).

So here is what I have found out. For one, his laptop came with few months subscription to McAfee...and apparently that is now expired. He's never renewed it. I did put MalwareBytes on there for him, when he got the thing, but I don't think he runs it unless he thinks there is a problem. I've told him to keep it updated, but I guess he thinks I can fix it if there is a problem. Again... (Once we get this fixed, he WILL keep this stuff current..darn it.) Anyway...he said he kept getting some popups - the ones that ask if you want to "allow a program to make a change to your computer"...and he always said no. I think he got several of those in one night. He ran the MalwareBytes, and it found and quarantined some malware (I don't know what sort of things - I was not there when he ran it) and then when he tried to access his network again, he got the "limited access" thing. So...something has happened, just on that laptop. I messed around with it a little last night, but I couldn't get anything working.

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[64-bit] Missing BOOTMGR On The 2nd Screen On Startup, F11 Or ESC Can't Open Recovery

Jun 15, 2012

I want to switch my graphic (I have dual graphic one is intel and one is ATI mobility Radeon), I click okay to switch to power saving graphic intel, and so the screen blacks out. It never respond after black out, I made hard restart and screen freeze at the win 7 icon. No lucky, I hard press again and start up to ask me if I want to scan for my previous startup problem, I did and it tried fixing the problem til next morning. No luck, give me a choice of to do a HP recovery or system recovery, some how I must have accidentally click on HP recovery and preceded to click through all the warnings, til it was at 1% then I realized that it was going to delete all my DATA!Well, I was still very sleepy when I decided to terminate that power shut down.So power up: "BOOTMGR is Missing Press Crtl-Alt-Del to restart"I went through F11 system recovery to try and see if I can still recover, but no luck, later i tried some steps in cmd window:

got error says I have zero OS installed!

Bcdboot c:windows also give me failure when attempting to copy boot files I restarted, try and try again, but now it won't even let me into system recovery says "BOOTMGR is missing" now I can't even access my command to try some recovery without totally deleting my files.... I tried burning a win7 ultimate iso to a DVD and try boot from there but it says no OS system found.My computer is HP touchsmart with switchable graphic, HP has a recovery partition that can restore my computer but I don't know how to access it now. Can't get pass the screen of BOOTMGR is missing...I learn my lesson don't touch computer til im fully sober. I may have done the DVD bootable wrong. And now I NEED EXPERT HELP! MY NOVICE SKILL HAS TAKEN ME NO WHERE, PLEASE EXPERTS REPLY WITH INSTRUCTIONS..........

My original system is win 7 home premium 64x, but all I have at my disposal is a copy of win 7 ultimate 64x.Some specs of my computer: HP touchsmart with switchable graphic, intel i5 and ATI mobility Only has one OS: Windows 7 Home premium 64x Has HP recovery partition, and 300GB of other space.have this InsydeH20 Setup Utility Rev. 3.5 and currently all I can do is do some random scans.. Primary hard disk self test, and then memory test, I don't expect to see any problems since I have this done with in the HP system recovery environment.

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Stuck On Startup Recovery Loop / Can Backup My Files

Mar 1, 2012

I have a pc that is setup with a 60 gb SSD for Windows and a 2TB RAID 0 for the rest of the stuff. Last night I decided to partition some of the RAID to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview and see what the fuss was about.I partitioned it just fine, and everything was going smoothly, until I decided to use the windows tool to make my pendrive bootable with the Win8 ISO.In the middle of the process, I was doing something else (unistalling firefox to be more exact) and suddenly a blue screen comes up!Now my PC is stuck on the famous startup recovery loop, and I cant find a way to make it boot.

- Manual CHKDSK
- That tutorial on this forum where you mess around with the prompt wnidow
- restarting 1 billion times
- booting up from the windows DVD and trying to repair the hard drive

And as you can imagine nothing happened and I am still stuck with my har drive being unbootable.Now I cant help thinking that this was due to my pen drive being in the middle of that process in some way, but I have since removed it, burned it and buried in a forest, and still my problem persists.Since I havent found another solution online, I think now that the only way for me to get my PC back running is by reformatting my SSD (while hopefully keeping all my RAID files intact) and reinstalling windows. BBUUUTT!!! I have 100s of hours worth of Skyrim in that drive, and if I loose that I will seriously freak out! While I dont play it a lot anymore, when the expansions come, Dovahkin will rise again!Can I copy my files from my messed up SSD to somewhere else, before formatting it and starting a new life?

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System Restore Point : Create At System Startup

Feb 27, 2010

How to Automatically Create A System Restore Point at Startup ?

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Laptop Running Startup Repair In A Loop, No Recovery Disc?

Jun 29, 2012

I am having a nightmare with my Dell Latitude E4300 laptop. At the moment it runs a continuous loop of start up repair and will not allow me to even attempt to get into Windows 7 until this has been done. When it runs the test it stops, giving the error message no OS files found on disk. Everytime I restart this process just continues.It is a work laptop, so I do not have and windows recovery disks.To make matters even worse, before the startup repair loop the laptop wouldnt even let me into the Windows system, even in safe mode. After attempting to get into safe mode it would stop at the driver classpnp.sys. Further tests would also show up the error message 2000 0146.I am not technical at all, so am hoping this is going to make sense to someone who can explain it in very simple lanuage.Just to reconfirm, I do not have any windows recovery disks - and cannot access safe mode at all.

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Done A "system Recovery" But Saw One Of It Has A "mini System Recovery" Option?

Jul 7, 2012

I decided to do a system recovery for my laptop. I've already done a couple of experiments before and from what I remember the first time I done a system recovery, the partition where my personal files where saved did not get deleted.The only thing that was "system recovered" was the partition where the OS was located. Yesterday, I again decided to do a recovery but this time, the partition where I have my files got deleted and the space it had "returned" to the OS partition. Orignally, I shrunk the OS partition so that I can have space for my partition for my personal files.If it helps, I've done a "system recovery" but saw one of it has a "mini system recovery" option. What is the difference?

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