Configuring Second Managed Switch On Network?

Nov 30, 2012

I would like to confirm that the settings I have are correct for a second managed switch I am adding to my network. DHCP I have disabled, IP address I have found one on the network unused (, subnet mask is The only thing I'm not sure about is the default gateway setting

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DrayTek Firewall And Netgear Managed Switch Setup

Jan 28, 2013

I am trying to setup a DrayTek firewall (DrayTek Vigor 2830) with my Netgear 24port Managed Switch (Netgear GS724TS). The DrayTek works fine when plugged directly into a PC however once plugged into the switch the computers connected cannot seem to get an IP even when setting statically. I have been told things like multicast need to be off for the data to translate this is off on my settings, I must be missing a setting?

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Run One Network Switch Off Of Another Network Switch?

Feb 16, 2012

i have a 20mt ethernet cable going from my router along my loft to my gaming room to which it plugs into a network switch with 6 sockets for devices.Can i run another switch off of one of the plugged in cables to split another cable into 6 ports?The reason i ask is i need ethernet connections the other side of the room and dont fancy running any more cables under the carpet as i already have 3 computers and a server networked under it as it is

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System Managed Vs Custom Page File?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on a custom PC with Pentium Dual-Core 2.50GHz and 4GB RAM and have been having some "low memory" issues occasionally, seemingly due to Firefox hogging up memory.

So I looked at what my paging file settings were. They're currently set as "system managed": minimum 16MB, recommended 6141MB, and currently allocated 516MB. It says in Windows Help that it automatically sets the initial paging file as minimum four times the RAM plus 300MB, and the maximum as three times the amount of RAM. Obviously it hasn't set these parameters. My question is: should I change the settings manually to reflect these recommendations?

BTW: I have less than 1GB on the drive, so would Windows change the settings to reflect this, or does it allocate it separately?

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Switch From Public Network To Home?

May 2, 2011

i have a little problen here i need to switch from public network to home and i cant seen to be able to due

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Wireless Switch Is On But No Network Available In Dell?

Jul 9, 2011

In my laptop wireless switch is on but no network available in dell studio 1745

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Pressing Of The Keys Within 10 Seconds Had Managed To Turn The Screen Upside Down?

Dec 19, 2012

My Grandchildren were playing with the keyboard on my HP lap top (windows 7) and during their manic pressing of the keys within 10 seconds had managed to turn the screen upside down, everything is there only the screen is affected.

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Plugging Into A Switch Disables Entire Network?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a my HTPC plugged into a 5-port switch along with my Xbox 360, PS3, and U-Verse TV box. Naturally, all 5 ports are being used with line 1 going into my router. There are 3 other computers in my house plugged directly into my router.My problem is that my network ceases to work whenever I plug in the switch. I am neither able to access the internet or view any other computer on my network for file/printer sharing. Running ipconfig shows that I have no LAN/internet connection. If I unplug the switch and plug in the components individually, then everything works normally.I have tried 3 different switches but I am getting the same result. It is very inconvenient to have to manually unplug and plug in my various game consoles and TV box in order to enable them to access the internet.

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Switch User Accounts The Computer Will Start The Switch And Then Lock Up With A Display Message?

Aug 10, 2011

Whenever I switch user accounts the computer will start the switch and then lock up with a display message that says no signal on the monitor. It happens if the computer has been running for hours or only a couple of minutes. I have to shut the PC off and leave it off for 20-30 minutes. I can then restart and enter any user account. But if I try to switch user or logoff and pick a different user the whole cycle begins anew.

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Have To Switch User To Continue After Switch On?

Oct 19, 2011

I use windows 7.When I turn on laptop (acer Aspire 5742) cannot connect to internet until I switch user and log in again. Soon as I touch any browser icon the rest of computer stops responding as well. It's only me on computer. Have virgin media security/ spyware/ virus protection. Tried CCleaner. After I switch user everything is fine.Additional info; On 16th October had great difficulty getting my emails from Yahoo. Sometimes sign-in box appeared without my security signature and different style of writing for browser remembered log-on details.

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Configuring LPD For USB Printer

Oct 7, 2010

I have a USB printer that I would like to configure to print via LPD/LPR. How do I do this? I have installed LPD and LPR already on my Win 7 Ultimate machine. I have also added my USB printer and it prints perfectly fine on its own. However changing the port to LPR does not seem to work.

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Windows 7 64-bit Configuring Updates?

Aug 8, 2012

Trying to update manually today and keep getting a loop of blue screen death appears always at 32% of the configuring updates when re-starting up no matter how many updates are selected, which is about 40?? (100Mb)
Can get round it by running safe mode w/networking then it takes 2 cycles to remove the previous updates, I can then use as normal.

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Configuring Start Up Programs

Aug 16, 2011

i have only recently switched to windows 7 and am slowly getting all the programs i want to have for its daily use ... the problem i have is i cannot find where the start up program manager is ... has this been removed or am i just being duhhh

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Using And Configuring The Windows 7 Firewall

Apr 1, 2010

The Windows 7 Firewall provides a basic level of protection against hackers as soon as you start your computer up. Although the firewall can be configured to filter both incoming and outgoing traffic, by default it only acts like the firewalls in Windows XP and Windows Vista, that is, it will only filter incoming connections. Configuring the Windows 7 Firewall to filter outgoing traffic is a little easier than it was in Windows Vista but is still a complex process and is not covered in this tutorial.

This video tutorial demonstrates the most common configuration options for the Windows 7 Firewall and discusses when you might need to use them. If you need to turn off the Windows Firewall for any reason, the video will also show you how to do that. Finally, we'll also show you how to access the advanced options for the firewall, although these options are not covered in this tutorial.

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Keeps Saying Failure Configuring Updates And Reverts Changes?

Sep 2, 2012

My windows will never update. It keeps saying failure configuring updates and reverts changes.. I've tried Microsoft fix-it with no luck.

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Windows 7 Could Not Finish Configuring The System?

Jan 14, 2009

resume configuration restart computer" i have more than enough to install this is a clean install on a 60 gig PATA HD. my pc is a P5N-E SLI asus MB.. 8800gt 512 MB video card. 2 gig pc6400 ram.. and theprocessor is e6850 dual core. so what gives?? i get no other info other than listed and when i reboot i get the same message?

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12/14/2011 - Windows 7 Updates Not Configuring?

Dec 15, 2011

Last night while bring windows 7 home premium down it indicate 16 upgrades. The system appears to load the upgrades and the computer shut down. This morning I turned on the computer and I get to the screen "Preparing to configure Windows. Do not turn off your computer." It has been stuck here for over an hour. How long do I let it go before I turn it off?

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Windows Could Not Finish Configuring New Image

Mar 20, 2012

So I created an image earlier this week, sysprepped it and captured it after restarting the computer.Settings were OOBE / Generalize / Restart.When the computer had finished capturing the image to deploy studio, it restarted and went through the normal 'first run' procedures, but stopped during the configuration process saying:"Windows could not finish configuring your system. Restart the computer to try again" or something similar.I had a look at an earlier thread on here but the answer was similar to 'If you sysprep more than 3 times now it won't work'.

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Configuring Windows 7 Using HP Recovery Manager?

Dec 28, 2011

Due to some problems I was having with updating windows, I decided to recover my HP computer to its factory condition using HP's Recovery Manager.I don't have a recovery disk, so I chose to recover from the recovery partition on the hard drive. I chose to not do a backup and the recovering process went fine. After it was done, I was asked to restart my pc and once it restarted, I was at a black screen which said something along the lines of "setting up devices". After a couple of minutes, a small window showed up with the fallowing message:"Windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware." This window shows up when the black screen says "Setting up devices". I press ok, then the black screen says "setup will continue once your computer is restarted". The pc is restarted automatically and this window shows up again.At first, I had unplugged an external USB hard drive and an external wifi antenna, leaving my monitor, mouse, and keyboard plugged. But, after doing some research, I found that some hardware installed inside the pc might also be causing the problem. So, I removed the wireless card, disconnected the DVD drive, and disconnected the cable from the USB and analog ports of the front panel. The only things that were connected (as far as I saw), were the fans, motherboard, power button, and the only hard drive. I went back into the recovery manager and did the recovery again, once it was done and the pc restarted, I was brought back to the same message.

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Configuring Boot Drive To Windows 7

Jul 6, 2010

Recently bought a 2tb storage drive and I'm using all 6 sata ports on my mainboard! I've got a 74gb raptor that's got windows xp dual boot with my main os windows 7 though windows 7 is on another drive! I want to remove the dual boot as I don't need windows xp anymore (do I?) the thing is the raptor is my first boot device that gives me the option to boot into windows 7 or xp and if I select the windows 7 as my first device it just comes up with the error can't find boot device so there must be a config file on the raptor 74gb that I need to move to allow me to boot from the windows 7 drive and remove the raptor to use my new drive! Any advice on how I can do this as any software that I could use?

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Connecting And Configuring Creative 2.1 Speakers

Oct 6, 2012

For a very long period, I have been using the headphone in my desktop PC and kept my creative 2.1 speakers aside .Now I need to use 2.1 speakers.I am not able to configure it properly and hence no sound coming in the speakers.

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Configuring Internet Connection Windows 7?

Apr 14, 2011

My computer will not let me connect to the internet using a wireless connection. My router and modem are working. I can connect to wireless using another computer. How do I reset my configuration back to factory settings?

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Configuring Internet Explorer For With Wireless LAN

Nov 19, 2012

the wireless is connected and shows internet access. I can ping internet sites but i can't access them through explorer? hat can I do?

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Reboot Stuck On Configuring Windows Do Not Shut Down

Jul 29, 2012

I ran the lastest Windows updates on my PC and when it rebooted it was stuck on the "Configuring Windows do Not Shut Down" screen for hours. Finally, I shut down and the PC would not start up. I tried to do a system restore to before the Windows update, and got errors. However, the PC did start up (and actually said the restore worked), but not everything is functioning correctly on the PC (there is no HDMI sound for example and Google Chrome Updater will not connect to the internet). I tried to do another system restore from within Windows and got the error message in the attached screen shot.

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Configuring Windows Updates And It Has Been 7 Hours And It Is Still On Stage 1 / 30%?

Oct 16, 2011

I am configuring Windows updates and it has been 7 hours and it is still on stage 1 30%,

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Start Up Message About Configuring Solution Center

Apr 20, 2011

Whenever I start up, I get a message from the Windows Installer stating that it is configuring the Solution Center. Then it says that it can't find the information needed because it is on a disc that came with the computer. It says to find the disc that has solution center on it and insert it. Why am I getting this? I've had my computer for 7 months now. I got 2 discs with the computer. One disc says: Drivers and Utilities Already Installed On Your Computer (Contents: Device drivers, Diagnostics and utilities). The other disc says: Drivers and Documentation (Contents: Device drivers, Setup Guide, User's Guide). Would either of those be what they're referring?

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Failure Configuring Windows Updates / Reverting Changes

Nov 19, 2012

I have been onto the Microsoft support page and followed various "cures" all to no avail. I have been into control panel and gone through the windows troubleshooting advice and it tells me that it has found and fixed problems with my Windows update and installed 9 updates. When I click to restart I get the same failure message at startup.It seems to recycle the startup procedure 3 times before it eventually gets to my desktop page, and when I look ar my update history there is a long list of failed installations.

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New Laptop - Windows Could Not Finish Configuring The System

Sep 25, 2010

I ordered a refurbished/reconditioned Packard Bell EasyNote TJ74 laptop from a very well known retailer in the UK called Currys. I received it two days ago. Initally, the laptop stayed on for all of about 5 seconds before shutting down, however I have solved that problem by Googling the text and looking here: pxe-e61:media test failure check cable. It was basically trying to boot from something other than the HDD itself, so I set the HDD to the top of the list in the BIOS.Then, the next problem I got was this: I get the "Windows is Starting..." screen, and then a setup services starting message, and then this:"Windows could not finish configuring the system. To attempt to resume configuration, restart the computer."I restart the computer and... nothing happens. No Windows installation/recovery disk came with the laptop.So, I set the laptop to boot from CD in the BIOS and, using a 64-bit edition recovery disc I found online and ran startup repair using it, apparently no problems were found, and I got a message about ensuring I didn't have any cameras etc. attached... ..Someone online recommended I disable digital driver signing, so I did that by pressing F8 at one point when it was booting... it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Safe mode doesn't work either.Currys have told me they can do nothing but send a courier to my house to pick up the laptop... I don't get a replacement, simply a refund. I needed this laptop for Monday as I start university.I've set it back to boot from HDD and I'm getting the "Windows could not finish configuring the system, please restart" message again and again and again, and the system just constantly restarts and the same message appears. It is a never-ending loop!

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Configuring Windows 7 Pro As Remotely Controlled Download PC?

Nov 13, 2012

i need to know where all the settings are that might shutdown/power off my PC.Already i have found and changed:

settings that power down my wireless network usb and harddrive - off
ability to power off all usb ports - off
sleep mode - off

i have made max remote access 30days. what are some other settings that may suspend or logoff or power off my pc and stop it from downloading?

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Configuring System With Two Sound Controllers Installed?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm running Windows 7, 64-bit on an Intel Corei32100T processor on a Gigabyte H67A motherboard with 8gb ram, connected via HDMI to a Sony Bravia. No sound or video card as its all on the processor. I want to set up the system to record a line-in source for (1) my turntable and mixer, and (2) interface for my guitar and microphone. My device manager shows both Intel(R) display audio and Realtek HD audio. Clicking on the speaker icon in the notification area brings up the Intel display audio mixer with three sources, the Sony, system sounds and Firefox. I'm sure this is controlling the system audio output. No way to a recording mixer. Bringing up the Realtek audio manager still shows me no way to set recording levels. Since I'm planning to use the pc for recording LP to disc (on my second thousand, now, switching from favorite old programs on an XP machine to the newly built system)and for live recording, properly setting up the basic sound paths in the system before setting up Audacity and Artist One from Presonus.

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Configuring Folder Permissions On Windows 7 Home Premium?

Nov 27, 2011

I think I may have messed up some folder access permissions between my two user accounts on my laptop. I have two user accounts: Owner & PersonalOwner is being used for everything, while Personal is now being used for gaming/torrenting.y father likes to use my computer fairly often now and I dont want him to be able to snoop around all my folders on both accounts. Both accounts are adminstrators and are password protected. I tried to change permissions myself and messed some things up. Now my Owner user account cannot access the Personal user folder. It says access denied and to see the security tab of the folder.anting to do. I have seen it set up on one of my friends computers how he was able to lock his user folders but still access them from opposing user accounts via entering the password when it was prompted, similar to inputing the password into UAC window when you want to change things..

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