Computer Boots Up To Windows 7 Animation Then Restarts?

Apr 10, 2011

My old hard drive crashed, so I went ahead and bought a new one.I installed the new one, and popped in my Windows 7 CD. The first problem happened here. During the installation where I partition my drive, it told me no drivers were found and I had to insert a floppy disk with the drives on there for my hard drive.I didn't know what drivers I needed, nor had a floppy drive so I just transferred the hard drive to another computer in the house, and successfully installed Windows 7 on it from there.After transferring it back to my original computer, the computer boots up (takes a long time unless I request the boot sequence to boot directly from the HDD) to the Windows 7 starting animation, where the four colors come into the Windows logo, then restarts and repeats in the process.

I've searched online, and I'm not sure if it's a connection problem or not. I think the connection I had previous to this new hard drive is the same.The only difference is my old hard drive was SATA but it was connected with the 4 input power chord, but my new one is just connected by the SATA power connector (no option for the 4 input chord).I'm not sure what the problem is. I tried going into the BIOS to change SATA settings and boot order preferences, however I don't see the option. I'm sure I tried checking under every setting.

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Game Crashes Failed Boots / Random Restarts Hard Hangs

May 30, 2011

[code] Now here is what has been going on since 26/05, While I was playing "World of Tanks" the game froze, sound was stuck and screen turned black with white stripes, I had to force a restart, the minidump was accusing a dll file of nvidia's which when I searched for on the internet it sounded like a random hiccup of Nvidia and it only happened once so I ignored it. But the game started crashing to the desktop since then but not very often, it never did that with my older pc, so I don't know if it's from the game side or my side.Yesterday around 8pm, I was about to transfer a 7gig folder from my main disk to the storage disk, as soon as I opened the partition that I was transfering to, I had a blue screen saying only "Unknown hard error", I force restarted and the MB resat the Bios and it restarted again and since then windows wouldn't boot, it kept asking for repair and during that repair it said "System was unable to boot" several times and after the many repair runs it kept saying it failed to fix the problem.Then I unplugged my storage HDDs and only left the system HDD, booted from windows 7 DVD and tried to repair but still said it couldn't fix the problem, in the report it said there was a problem with ci.dll, so I started "command" tried these commands (bootrec.exe /fixboot, bootrec.exe /fixmbr, bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd) after that I restarted and windows booted perfectly, right after that I shut down the computer, plugged in the 2 other HDDs, windows booted perfectly then all of the sudden, the keyboard wasn't responding (not even it's leds were working) same thing with my mouse, I looked at the HDD led and it wasn't doing anything at all, no small flickers or anything, so I force restarted, it booted like normal, I started to transfer a folder to 1 of my storage HDDs, opened up firefox, it was acting really slow, everything I was doing on it was lagging although nothing was draining the CPU or ram or anything, opened few pages, when the transfer was about to finish, the pc restarted.

After the restart, the event log says "kernal power" event id 41, category 63 and it didn't give me any minidumps. Anyway I went to sleep around 3AM, left my downloads running and was hopping nothing would happen but something sure happened, the event log says at 4:30 AM "The Windows Modules Installer service entered the stopped state." then no new events till 6:45 AM which was a warning saying "TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput." No other events till I had waken up at 10:37 and found the monitor turned off not responding, HDD led completely off, no flickers, basically nothing was responding.So here I'm don't know what the hell am I supposed to do, I have a decent knowledge regarding windows problems, but this problem is too open and wide, is it 1 of my hard disks? is it the lonely GPU I have right now? is it the ram? is it the CPU? I need some guidance on how to eliminate each of them.before the MB resat the Bios, the CPU was overclocked to 4.2GHz and I tested it many times and it was very stable, so when the system hanged after the boot problem was fixed, there was no overclocking involved, there was no heating issue, temps were normal, I have a 1000w plus gold certified PSU.

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Computer Screen Turns Off After The 'Starting Windows' Animation

Jul 23, 2012

I have an MSI a6205 laptop, and have recently reformatted my computer to reset everything in it. My problem is this: Ever since I re-installed Windows 7 my computer has been starting up, getting to the little 'Starting Windows' animation, then the screen turns off completely, with no back light (the fans and LEDs still function perfectly). The way I have been getting it to work is by turning it on, waiting for the screen to turn off, then tapping the power button and putting it to sleep, after a few seconds I hit the power button again to awake it, and the screen turns on and functions perfectly.

I know this isn't a hardware issue, because I also have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on the machine, and it works perfectly. It's just Windows 7 that is giving me this problem.

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Windows 7 Computer Shuts Down And Boots Into Startup Repair

Sep 8, 2011

Windows 7 home premium
Dell Studio XPS 1645
I7 1.73 GHZ
500 GB Toshiba

I have had this computer for just over a year and it has ran like a top. I was surfing the internet last night when it just shuts off (no slow down no blue screen) and boots into startup repair. It would not repair, just sat in there forever and would not boot into safe mode or anything. It just kept booting into startup repair for hours.

So I hit esc when it booted to startup repair, I go to the dell backup and restore, save my work documents and pics and let it boot to factory fresh windows install from the dell created partition. Windows reinstalls and loads fine, boots in and begins to update successfully and then reboots back into repair. This happens everytime it reboots. After sometime it will boot into windows fine. If I restart I am back into startup repair for half an hour or more.

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Computer Only Boots To Ubuntu 12.04 After Dual Booted It Windows 7

Nov 3, 2012

How can I have my computer give me the option to choose between booting either Windows 7 or Ubuntu?

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BSOD When Windows Boots Up - Computer Fine In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2012

It started out of nowhere last week - computer restarted itself twice, then BSOD. When starting Windows normally, it would appear as soon as I logged in. However, computer ran fine in Safe Mode and also ran fine under normal conditions if the internet was unplugged. I eventually diagnosed that the issue was caused by an AVG module when it connected to the internet. So, I uninstalled AVG and verified that the computer ran fine while connected to the internet. I then reinstalled AVG, thinking I had solved the problem.

Now the BSOD appears as soon as I log into Windows (same as last time). Except this time, it appears even though I have again uninstalled AVG and disconnected the computer from the internet. It works fine in Safe Mode.

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Windows 7 - Computer Restarts On Shutdown?

Feb 24, 2011

After installing an Nvidia 8400 graphics card, my computer has been incapable of shutting down without having to pull the plug on it.

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Computer Restarts At Windows 7 Welcome Screen?

Sep 23, 2012

my pc restarts at Windows 7 welcome screen over and over...i tried too many things for solve this problem bt cant get good results from them....n even when i tried to format my pc from cd my dvd rom is not detecting any cd Windows 7 or winxp...

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Computer Restarts Randomly In Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

So basically I'm in the middle of something and my pc just dies, not so much shuts down more like a power failure, then restarts itself. This happens all the time. Sometimes the reboot ocuurs while the pc is starting and happears a message that says the computer was unable to start.But strangely when I use large programs like when I play games like wow or aion the computer doenst reboot, I can play for hours perfectly, and in safe mode occures the same i can be on the computer in safe mode for hours doing any thing that doensnt reboot.(NOTE: sometimes the pc just freezes instead of rebooting but when it freezes I cant do anithing so I have to reboot my computer( I have to reboot the same -.-).

When the computer reboots doenst happear a blue ecran screen of dead, its like a power failure.

My problem its just like when its describe in this site he doensnt show a solution to the problem. Here is the link to the site: [URL].

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Computer Boots Up Then Freezes?

Jan 28, 2012

when i first turn on my computer it makes a clicking sound then i get a black screen with just the mouse cursor, if i restart if it works fine, it does this every time if its off a hour or so. its a dell insperon 560 desktop less than a year old, ive spend 3 or 4 hrs will dell tech on phone to no avail, they have tried all kinds of repairs? i think its the hard drive and they are trying to patch it till im out or warranty 28 days left.

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Computer Stuck On Windows Logo Then Restarts

Nov 17, 2012

I'm not 100% sure if this is even the right place to post this, so sorry if it's in the wrong forum. I have a Asus N53S laptop runnin windows 7 32 bit and I am having some trouble with it. This will probably be a large post so bear with me, the first problem I started having was blue screens on startup. I was able to fix the computer by running Startup repair a few times (tool about 3-4 hours) after that it worked for a day but the next day when I turned on the computer it froze and the music that was playing turned into a loud droning noise. After that I ran the startup repair again it did not work so I did a system restore, it seemed to fix the problem but sadly on startup I started getting blue screens again and this time neither startup repair nor system restore would work (I get a message saying there was a unexpected error: the system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002) please close system restore and try again) I re open system restore 5 times and I get the same message.I restart my computer , spam f8 and choose the use last known good configuration. After I restore everything to factory settings and finish installing my steam games and other files I Ty restarting the computer to see if it fixed the problem. It seemed to have worked however that night there was a particularly large windows update (90 or so a one time) I clicked shutdown and let it finish the updates while I went to sleep. The next morning I wake up and turn on the computer it finishes syncing the updates then stays at the starting windows screen ( the logo would not show up just those words and a black screen. After it sat like that for 10 minutes or so I hold the power button and try again ,this time it did the same thing but only for a few seconds and it ran startup repair itself , startup repair could not fix the problem.

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Random Computer Restarts In Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 21, 2012

Over the past few days, my desktop computer has restarted twice randomly. Both times have been during times of low demand on the computer. The first time on 7/20/12 I was browsing the internet. The second was on 7/21/12 during a time when I left the computer idle on a browser for a phone call and came back to find my computer restarted with no information about windows updates or anything that I would expect to cause an automatic restart.I have not run into this problem before so I checked a few things which I thought may be a problem. First I did a virus scan because I have had a few problems with infections in the past. I ran several virus programs including malwarebytes, hitmanpro 3.6.0 (trial), microsoft security essentials, and spybot. After the first restart, I found a bootkit with hitman pro (Master Boot Record (Sector 0) in C:$MBR) which was deleted successfully according to the program.To be safe, I restarted and reran all the virus scans and found no further infection. I restarted another time in safe mode and ran them again and still found nothing else. However, the computer restarted today for a second time despite this infection being cleared. I reran the virus scans and found nothing again.Additionally, I loaded a hardware monitor program to check my computer temperatures and found them to be quite comfortable. My video card idle is running at 45C and my processor is running at 28C. I am running windows 7 64 bit which I installed from a disc on a desktop with an AMD Phenom II x6 1090T 3.20GHz processor, 8 GB RAM, and NVIDIA Geforce GTX 470 video card.

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Computer Restarts Instead Of Shutting Down After Windows Update

Nov 14, 2012

I'm having a problem with my laptop. I run Windows 7 Professional 64bit on it. An hour and a half ago I shut down my computer and Windows installed an update, but I stuck around because I wanted my computer off and I know that the computer restarts itself after installing an update. The computer restarted itself and configured the update, but when I chose to shut down the computer it actually restarted itself. I've tried shutting it down several times, but every time it starts right back up. I've run a virus scan, the Power troubleshooter, disabled automatic restart upon System failure

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Computer Boots Itself 5 Seconds After Being Shutdown?

Nov 17, 2012

today I was cleaning around my computer area and well was dusting where my computer sits and I pushed it too far out and it fell and hit the ground. It was on too and the monitor lost signal even though the VGA cord was plugged in...Since I couldn't properly shut it off by going to start etc etc I just held the power button till it shutdown..I thought my video card got loose so I hit the kill switch unplugged it and checked everything,but it was all fine. When I plugged it back in,it turned on and well kinda lagged on start up,more than usual...I figured everything was fine until I shut it down and after it was off like 5 seconds later it turned on by itself?? I checked my motherboard and components for any damage or cracks but couldn't find anything. Now this I do not mind,i'm just afraid that it'll cause damage to my PC or cause my motherboard to fry or something because now in order to keep it off from starting byitself I have to shutdown then quickly hit the kill switch,sometimes I dont do it fast enough and the computer slightly turns on,too fast to stop me from switching it off. Also when I hit the killswitch to off and then switch it back on.the pc refuses to start itself until I push the ON button and shutdown again.

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Computer Boots To Desktop Then Freezes

Feb 22, 2012

Running Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit on a Lenovo Ideapad Laptop.Two days ago, I was trying to make my monitor display just a little less contrast, so I opened a utility called Intel HD Graphics that I found on the bottom right toolbar, and it had sliders with which I fixed the problem. But then I noticed a slider called "Hue", and by moving that quickly from side to side, my monitor went from blue to green to pink to yellow and back again, what can I say, I'm easily entertained.Anyway, the computer froze up, and I had to rude boot it. From then on, I would start the computer, and it would look good, like it would start for real, and I would even see some icons on the desktop, but then it would freeze up and I'd have to rude boot it again. It still works in Safe Mode.

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Computer Not Working. Boots Automatically?

Oct 27, 2012

[CODE] - When i press the repair computer it won't work and boots.

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Connecting To Internet When Computer Boots Up

Oct 24, 2009

When my new laptop boots up and I click on Internet Explorer, I am not autmatically connected to internet. This is not true of my other laptop and desktop at home.

Is there some setup thing I have to do so I can avoid having to always hit the additional button to connect?

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Computer Boots Up But Cant Open A Program?

Dec 7, 2012

when I first boot up for the day, I am not able to activate any programs on my desktop by clicking on an icon. sometimes i get the wheelie spinning round but nothing happens, this am i tried to open windows live mail and received an error message. Unfortunatley I cant quote the contents but it did mention that memory could be a problem. anway I rebooted an as usual everything was fine,

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Installing Windows 7 On Brand New Desktop - Computer Restarts

Jan 10, 2012

I recently purchased a new desktop computer, the specs are:

Intel Core i7 2700K CPU - 3.5GHz
Gigabyte / Asus Z68 Motherboard
16GB DDR3-1600MHz RAM
1TB SATA3 7200RPM Hard Disk
BluRay Combo Drive(LG)
2 x ATI HD6970 2GB PCI-e in Crossfire configuration
Antec Nine Hundred Gaming Case
Thermaltake Tough Power XT 875W PSU

Now it comes time to install windows 7 professional, so I purchase a copy of the OEM version (because I'm stingy). When I put the DVD in the drive it boots straight away and it comes up with a black screen that says "Windows is loading files........." . The bar on the screen loads and then it says "Starting Windows", after that a blue screen with some leaves and what looks like a very small bird appears in what I am assuming is meant to be the start of the windows 7 professional setup screen, however nothing comes up and after a while (5 minutes or so) my computer restarts and it's groundhog day (has been doing it for the last 3 hours).

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Installed Windows 7 SP1 Update - Computer Restarts About Every 10 Minutes

Feb 24, 2011

I installed the SP1 update on all thee of my machines. Now my desktop continually restarts about every 10 minutes or so. The other two seem fine.

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Computer Restarts Suddenly - Windows Is Preparing Your Desktop

Jan 28, 2012

I have Dell gx 620, 3.4GHz, 1 GB Ram. I have installed windows 7 in it. Now a days I am facing a serious problem. My PC suddenly restart and some time it shows blue error message after black screen, after I restore my pc. Now another problem is that. After restore, now when I start my pc, in startup window it says "window is preparing your desktop".

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Computer Boots To Desktop, Displays Icons, But Won't Run Anything

Aug 22, 2012

Earlier today I accidentally turned off my pc at the switch as it was loading a game by resting my foot on it. When I turned it back on it could load to desktop and load the icons, but I couldn't open anything. Infact, the only thing that did run was Hamachi, and that appeared to freeze (although I could exit it with no problems). The computer runs normally on safe mode, and my first instinct after discovering this was to reinstall the video card drivers (fixed a similar problem for me about 2-3 weeks ago where the desktop froze upon loading), but this has not worked, as you could probably gather.

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Screen Won't Wakeup On Reboot But Computer Boots Without It?

Sep 16, 2012

If I reboot my desktop goes thru the procedure but the monitor stays black - nothing, not even the safety screen and no cursor. There is an amber light on the monitor which goes green when it receives its wake up call but it remains amber. I have to switch the power off entirely before switching it on again, and rebooting and this time the screen works. I've run scandisk, I've gone thru scannow, I've installed the latest graphics card drivers. I've tried changing the power settings. Bear in mind that this set up and computer has worked perfectly for 2 years and as all the hardware is working I believe it to be a software issue.

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Computer Boots Up With Black Screen And Cursor

May 18, 2012

my computer boots up to a black screen with a mouse. The problem is, when I boot from anything or into any option I get this. Safe Mode gets me black screen, so does booting from a Win 7 Recovery disk, everything puts me in a black screen with cursor. At first it will show Windows logo on the screen, with loading bar, then cuts out, and cursor pops up. That's it.Also, when I try to boot normally, it hangs at Windows logo, then flashes a quick blue screen then reboots.

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Removed Cd Drive Computer No Longer Boots?

Dec 12, 2012

I had a stock machine running windows 7. I built a computer for myself and I hardly use cds so when I needed to install windows 7 on the new computer I simply removed my cd drive from my old computer and put it in the new one. I assumed that since the os is installed to the hd that the computer would still run but it does not . I already installed windows 7 on the new computer but when I went to boot my old pc up it says no operating system. Do I just need to buy a new cd drive? Or do I need to buy another copy of windows?

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Cannot Reinstall Fresh Windows 7 - Computer Restarts When Loading Files

Nov 22, 2011

I am attempting to install a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my laptop and am having multiple problems.The HDD is formatted completely empty.

1. When attempting to use the Reinstallation DVD from Dell, the DVD boots and the progress bar moves that says "Windows is loading files," then the computer restarts and it is stuck in an infinite loop.
2. When attempting to use a copy of Windows 7 on a USB drive, the drive boots up until you see the cursor to begin the reinstallation process, then the computer restarts and it is stuck in an infinite loop.
3. When attempting to use a Windows XP DVD, it starts the setup process, and then I get error: STOP: 0X0000007B (0XF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)

I have been able to boot command line Linux distros (haven't tried any graphical distros) without any problems. Dell instructed me to run diagnostics on everything, and everything passed, so it doesn't seem like there are any apparent hardware issues. I tried pulling the battery and just using the power cord and also removing one of the sticks of RAM and attempting installation, but I have the same problems.

Dell Inspiron 1545 (Late 2010)
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel Core 2 Duo

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Blue Screen - Windows 7 Logo Appears Then Computer Restarts

May 17, 2012

My Windows 7 boot normal and after Windows Starting logo appear, blue screen appear quickly so much that I can't see what's message and restart. I tried repaid and fixmbr and fixboot, no way.

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Computer Starts, Boots Up And Freezes At Black Screen?

Oct 7, 2012

but I was given it used from the previous owner and later found out it was refurbished. It is a Gateway NV53A. I have always had issues with BSOD's and Windows errors, and most of them either driver or memory related. I fixed and updated all drivers, but never did anything about memory except maybe some tests and they all came out fine. 3 days ago, I was using my PC just browsing a Web page and suddenly the screen went black. I thought it was the lcd, but I closed the lid to see if it would go into standby mode and it just stood there powered on and frozen... The only way it would react was if I manually turned it off holding power button.

Sometimes it does boot up, sometimes it gets farther than others. What I mean is, sometimes it gets past the Gateway logo and crashes there, sometimes it boots up to to the home screen, and sometimes it doesn't even boot... How far it gets depends on how long the PC has been turned off. Odd I know... Anyways, I found out my motherboard requires ram with 1066mhz fsb whereas the current ram sticks it has installed are 800mhz.... I was told new ram with 1066mhz would fix my issues and allow my PC tu boot and run fine as it always did, but I just wanted to be sure that's my Issue, and I also wanted to know how come the computer ran fine (with the exception of BSOD's and some errors occurring every now and then) before and now suddenly I'm screwed. I'm currently using two 2GB DDR3 Ram memory sticks. The brand and model of each stick is Nanya nt2gc64b88b0ns-cg

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Computer Boots Up And After Login The Welcome Comes On, Then Screen Turns Blue

Feb 18, 2012

my computer boots up and after log-in the welcome comes on, then my screen turns blue. i can move the cursor but nothing works fine in safe mode?

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Computer Boots Fine. Beeps Twice, No Screen, Have To Restart

May 4, 2012

My computer boots up fine. All programs work fine. While I'm not using it (at least it hasn't happened while I'm using it) I hear it beep once and when I go to check the computer the screen wont show any picture, it's like the monitor is on but the PC is off.PC light is still on, hard drive still spinning and the fans are still on.I have to reset the PC and I get the "Windows was not properly shut down" message upon reboot.

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Computer Stalls At Startup(windows 7 Loadin Logo/screen) Then Restarts?

Jun 17, 2012

My computer specs:[CODE]I installed windows 7 ultimate 64bit on the hard drive with a different computer. But when I connect it to this, it freezes and stalls at the windows 7 loading/logo screen, and restarts.It is frusrating because i cannot use the computer

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