Change In Windows 7 Computer Performance - Programs Fails To Function

Dec 10, 2012

I have observed a significant change in my Windows 7 computer. This is not a hardware issue. I have not downloaded any files or programs lately which could have caused this difficulty. I have run NIS program, anti-spyware. and malware-bytes, to no avail. I cannot seem to run backup using Ease Us Todo Backup; program fails to function. It worked before. Windows Backup fails to give any indication that it is actually working.

It takes longer to start up. I have run "Start Up Repair" to no avail. It also takes longer to shut down (no updates are in progress). Certain programs such as the one to enable process of my digital camera photos, fail to work. There was no such problem in the past. When I attempt to use this program, a screen from uTorrent appears, even after I have removed uTorrent, and re-downloaded the camera software. I have tried "System Restore" to no avail.

Contrary to the instructions, I cannot choose my own 'restore point', but only from a list created by Windows. The standard Windows 7 repair programs have failed me. I have nowhere else to turn. I have considered a registry cleaner, but the advice on this program is mixed; half of the people say it worked for them, the other half say never screw with my registry. If I cannot even backup my files, I am screwed.

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Windows 7 Search Function Fails To Find Files?

Sep 3, 2012

When I type a search into either the start menu or a folder search or anywhere it fails to find files. I tried re-indexing, but it actually reduced my index from ~3500 to 279 files. I don't understand why it won't find anything.I transferred a lot of folders from my old computer (Vista) to this one via my external hard drive. It will not find any files from those folders. For example, I have MS Word documents from school and even if I open the exact folder its in and search the exact name it won't find any results.

I have an extensive library of public domain books in various folders but I used the search to find things. Now, even if I'm in the exact folder a file is in it won't find it. For example, if a file is named "JJ Blunt, Undesigned Coincidences" and I search that exact phrase while looking at the file in a folder, it will say no results found. If I search "Blunt" or "JJ" the same thing happens.The only thing that has done anything is if I right click an individual file, go to properties, go to details, tell it to remove all personal information, and then it will index and search for it. But I have literally 10s of 1000s of files I want to search, and to do this manually would take at least a full day. Is there any way to make this work?Even more startling, documents I've made with this computer and put into folders from my old computer to maintain my sorting system will not show up either. So the only files it will find are those in folders I've made on this computer and have files made on this computer. Not a single other file will be found.

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Device Fails Readyboost Performance Test

Jan 16, 2012

I have a new 8 GB memory stick and it passed the readyboost test - initially. But I wanted to dedicate the device to readyboost so I reformatted to NTFS (was FAT32 initially) and now all I can get is "This device cannot be used with Readyboost". I have tried a command line test that gives me a read speed of 4.8 MB/S which according to the specs I have seen is fast enough for Readyboost.

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Want To Change Priority Of Function Key?

Jul 19, 2011

i am using Dell inspiron N5010 laptop, here i want to use directly function keys like F5,F8.... without pressiing FN key with that.

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Brightness Change Acer Laptop Without Function Key?

Sep 26, 2012

In my laptop function key not work so i want to change the brightness of my laptop how can i change this even i try to change brightness using control panel but not show any feedback?

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Mar 2, 2010

I just re-replaced my Segate ST31000340AS with a new Segate ST32000641AS (64m / 600mb) double the old drive. Did a clean install the 5.9 number did not change. Anyone knows why?

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Programs Always Fails To Open

Jan 6, 2012

I have a Gateway NV79 laptop.Just today my computer went from working just fine to the none of the programs running.I cannot open Word, Firefox, Add/Remove programs, images, anything. The loading icon flickers intermittently before ceasing. I once received the error message "there was a problem sending the command to the program."I am posting this from another computer.I have researched the problem and explored various errors and virus fixes and none of them totally address my issue.So far I have restarted the system, restarted it in safemode, completed a system restore to three days ago, and another system restore to twelve days from ago.I am not technologically adept.

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Windows 7 Fails To Start - Recent Hardware/Software Change Message

Jan 7, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit on a gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r

A few weeks ago, I shut down my PC completely for a regular cleaning. I do a regular cleaning once a month, this was the first time I had an issue.

After I finished, I powered up the machine, and Windows would continually fail to start - rebooting at some point while the Logo load screen was up.

After several Google searches, I tried pretty much everything I could think of or advice i came across - Nothing worked. I could not boot from the Win7 Disk, System Repair did not work, advanced boot options did not work, etc. At this point I thought the HDD might be bad (WD Caviar Black 1 TB).

So I went and purchased a new HDD, the same model actually as it was on sale. Windows installed fine, everything got up and running with no issue.

I then took my HDD which I had believed had failed and plugged it into a Thermaltake BlacX Docking station and I was able to locate the drive in the device manager after scanning for new hardware.

I actually was able to go into the hard drive and recover the few bits of data I hadn't backed up (mostly gaming files). The HDD was completely fine. Fast forward a few weeks, and feel free to laugh at me here - I'm in the exact same situation with the new HDD once again after cleaning my PC case.

So, I'm not sure what is happening. I've rebooted the PC many times without issue but today was the first time that I fully powered down the PC to do a cleaning.

I suspect something is causing Windows to fail to recognize the HDD itself, but honestly this is way beyond my knowledge how to fix. I took a risk and I removed the sata cable from the "GSata" slot on the motherboard and put it into one of the standard ICHR10 - to no effect.

I've once again exhausted every option I actually know how to safely do, advanced boot options, repair attempt from Win7 Disk, etc. Nothing is working. I'm debating running out yet again and grabbing a cheap HDD just to get myself up and running again, but I thought I'd turn to Tom's Hardware first for some ideas - and because I don't want to be going through this issue everytime I want to give the PC case a good cleaning.

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Computer Fails To Boot Into Windows After Sp1 Installation

Mar 10, 2011

i've had some issues installing sp1 (7 ultimate, latest windows updates) via windows update when the installation fails on a few different error codes, but i have gotten it to install a few times. each time the installation finishes, i restart the computer when prompted and it goes through the update process when shutting down, then after the windows 7 splash screen ("starting windows") passes, the screen goes blank (black screen, no video- monitor displays "going to sleep" message) and the HDD light on the computer is lit solid. i've left the computer sitting for hours with no change- i eventually get Windows to boot again by using the install disc to do a Windows restore, but i haven't been able to get past this yet.

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Windows 7 Fails To Start And Computer Is Blank Except For The Cursor?

Feb 12, 2012

does anyone know what I can do about this problem?

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To Increase Computer Performance

Jul 21, 2012

My computer performance is low. Do you know how to increase your computer performance? I think my computer performance is very low. The song or voice and action are not perfect when I watch movies.

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Cannot Rate Computer's Performance

Feb 26, 2011

when i press the "rate this computer" button, there's nothing going on! there's no process! but the thing is that i can use my aero theme! my rating was 5.9 before! and now its not working should i post some kinda report or file for u guyz to trace the error?

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Computer Fails To Boot After Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 13, 2012

Ok so after years of running XP, I finally got an external HDD to back all my crap on and Windows 7 Ultimate. I backed up all my stuff, ran the win7 DVD through start up, reformated my hard drive, installed windows 7.

It installed fine, rebooted a couple of times through the install, finishes, and logs me to the desktop. Its all working fine, I can use the net etc. I shut it down to restart it, and it doesn't start back up. It gets to the bios window where it decides to start off the dvd or hdd, just prior to where it should normally change to the 'windows is loading' screen, and just sits there, blinking and doing nothing.

I've done three installs, I took out the hard drive, reformated it with another computer, made sure it had a ntfs file system, everything, it's working fine. But every single time I install windows 7, It logs me into the desktop for the first time, I can do everything fine, but then if I Shutdown or restart, it hangs on the screen prior to windows loading. I can't even choose a boot option.

I've seen some ideas on other forums, pulling the power out, resetting the bios/cmos, changing boot sequence, unplugging all non-essential hardware.. nothing. It's like as soon as I install windows 7 my hard drive isn't there anymore.

Abit AX78 - Latest BIOS version
AMD 9950 quad core 2.6
4GB DDR2-800
ATi HD 5870
Western Digital 500GB

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Computer Performance Slowing Down And Sometimes Freezes

Feb 8, 2012

I am having a problem with my computer slowing down and also freezing. This almost always happens within four or five minutes of starting to use it after an overnight standby. I will notice things starting to slow down and it sometimes reaches the point where it freezes. If I check Task Manager it will show the CPU usage as very high, 70, 80, 90%, and, if it is frozen, 100%. Task Manager also shows that Internet Explorer 9 is the program using the CPU. Is this malware calling home? The computer is a Dell GX620 with Windows 7 and 2 GB RAM and it's running Norton Internet Security.

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Why My Rating Computer Performance Decrease

Nov 29, 2009

before i upgrade wndows vista to wndows 7, my rating is 3.8, but after upgrade my rating 3.3, WHY??

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Storage Usage Of Libraries Affect On Computer Performance?

Oct 28, 2011

i have heard that more files we have in libraries folder (document, music, picture and videos)the slower the performance of computer will be..

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Some Applications Running Slow On High Performance Computer?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently built a great system. It has the following specs:

Core i5 2500k 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 6790 1GB
8 GB of Corsair C9 kit of memory
PH67S-C43 (B3) motherboard from MSI.
Caviar Black 750gb
Greenpower 1TB

The only problem is, it runs very slowly in some applications such as Firefox and Minecraft. I've installed all drivers listed on the MSI website as well as my GPU drivers. Still no luck. I've installed Steam, microTorrent, Microsoft Security Essentials, Java (x64), Adobe Flash, and Adobe Reader X.

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Computer Crashing/blue Screen During 'full Performance' Mode

Aug 30, 2011

The past couple of days i've been experiencing unusual behaviour from my computer. For the past few days I've been having crashing problems. The crashes aren't all the same however; on a handful of occasions it's given the famous old 'blue screen of death' and on others my computer either just turns off, or the whole computer just crashes. I've noticed the crashes only occur when I turn the computer to 'full peformance' mode after a couple of minutes meaning I'm literally unable to leave power save mode for more than 3 minutes.

I use 'EPU-4 Engine' to switch my computer between 'power save' mode and 'full peformance' mode only using full peformance if I want to play games or install something.

I didn't think much of this at start, as i've never had these problems before 2 days ago. I figured it may have been a faulty driver, so I downloaded specific ones for hardware, but that didn't solve the problem. I then tried a system restore to restore back to a previous date presuming it may have been an update that went wrong, but nothing changed, I still got the crashes.

I run Windows 7 64 bit Home Edition,
AMD Phenom II x4 964,
ATI 5850 Graphics card,
4 GB's of Ram

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Computer Fails So Start-up Sometimes?

Jan 3, 2012

Basically, my computer fails so start-up sometimes (My motherboard produces a long beeep sound. GPU not running at all, but the rest of the components seems to be running - eg. USB, Ethernet etc).Also, it will sometimes freeze while running some basic programs which are not really RAM or GPU demanding such as web browsers.Finally, BSOD whenever I'm running some graphically intensive games (which theoretically, my computer should be able to handle.I've ran memtest86 for each of my ram and there were no signs of any ram defunct. Therefore, I'm speculating that the problem is either the GPU, CPU or the Motherboard itself. However, I'm not sure which one should I change. I've attached my 3 dump files, all of which seems to point to different sources of error.[CODE]

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Caps Lock Function Takes A Long Time And Bogs The Computer?

Nov 2, 2012

Every time I press caps lock, to turn on or turn off, I can't keep typing until some process completes. The icon for capson/capsoff comes onscreen, and while it's there I can't keep typing, until some time passes.

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Computer Crashes For No Reason Then Fails To Start?

Feb 5, 2012

Computer crashes for no reason then fails to start. I get half of the post screen which says 1 Keyboard 2 Mice 1Hub then nothing? It should show all the HDD installed next but nothing shows. The only way of getting the computer to boot after this is to disconnect SSD from the motherboard? Any Ideas guys and gals...

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Computer Management Fails To Show Disk Usage

Jan 15, 2013

I have five Sata drives. Of these five, Windows 7 Pro 64 "Computer management" reports that two of them still are 100% free despite both having significant usage as reported in "Computer" and "Explorer"

F: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 92.21GB Free 92.21GB
"Computer" Capacity 92.2 GB Free 16.8GB
L: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 389.59GB Free 389.59GB
"Computer" Capacity 389GB Free 379GB

The L: drive is newly installed and only ebook files are on it. What might have caused this and can it be corrected?

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Computer Fails To Sleep When Asked, It Re-awakens Immediately Or Shortly Afterwards

Dec 5, 2011

My computer fails to sleep when asked, it re-awakens immediately or shortly afterwards.

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How To Change Startup Programs

Apr 22, 2012

Before Windows 7 I could simply go to Task Manager, then to the Startup tab to check or uncheck whatever programs I didn't want running every time I turned my computer on. But now with this OS that tab isn't present in TM, and a search of "Startup" doesn't bring up anything.

I got directions telling me to go into folders in Windows Explorer that don't exist, so that dead-ended.

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How To Change Icons Of Some Programs

Sep 22, 2011

The programs I cannot change are skype, my documents, my pictures, my downloads and my music. I am also using windows 7 home 64 bit. I just need to know how to fix Skype now.

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Startup Programs - Change

Jan 6, 2009

How to Change, Add, or Remove Startup Programs in Windows 7 ?

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How To Change Location That All Programs Use

Dec 28, 2011

My computer was set up in Florida but I work out of California so IE always defaults it's searches to Florida so how can I change this

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Change Date, Year On Certain Pc Programs On Pc?

Dec 24, 2012

there are a couple of programs on my pc i want to change time year. how do i do that. besides by bottom right of computer what programs r availiable

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How To Change Files To Default Programs

Feb 9, 2013

i tried to open real downloader, i tried to open with real player. After this all my files and programme opened on real player. how to change all my files to default programme.

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Change USER And Programs File Location?

Aug 21, 2010

I performed a successful clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I installed the OS to a 100gb volume with the intention of using that only for the OS. I, without thinking, allowed the setup to name that drive C. Further, without noticing I allowed the Programs folder and the Users folder to go into this volume. I intended for everything but the OS to go into a large second file named E. My thinking is that the only way that I can fix this situation is to do a new clean install and get it right this time (as much as my limited knowledge will allow. how to rectify this. ntel e6600 Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz Noctua NH-U12P CoolerASUS P5QOCZ Reaper 2X2GB DDR2 800 (PC 6400) EVGA GeForce 8800GTS 640 MB WD 250GB GB SATA II Corsair CMPSU 550W

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Change The Icon Of Running Programs On The Taskbar?

Jan 15, 2013

My desktop has a black/white theme and I want to change the icons of running programs on the taskbar to match my theme. However, it only seems to work for some programs. I want to change my Google Chrome from the default rainbow to a white version. I have done it once and the taskbar chrome was white, but after about a week, it reverted back to the rainbow wheel. How do I change it back to my other icon

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