Computer Performance Slowing Down And Sometimes Freezes

Feb 8, 2012

I am having a problem with my computer slowing down and also freezing. This almost always happens within four or five minutes of starting to use it after an overnight standby. I will notice things starting to slow down and it sometimes reaches the point where it freezes. If I check Task Manager it will show the CPU usage as very high, 70, 80, 90%, and, if it is frozen, 100%. Task Manager also shows that Internet Explorer 9 is the program using the CPU. Is this malware calling home? The computer is a Dell GX620 with Windows 7 and 2 GB RAM and it's running Norton Internet Security.

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Domain Slowing Down Computer?

Sep 12, 2011

Our setup is as follows: Users are in a remote location connected by satellite link to the domain server. The domain server is DNS and DHCP server for client computers. Because of the satellite connection data transmission has a longer than normal latency delay but transfer speeds are not bad (0.5 mps).I can understand that when logging in, a client computer might experience a longer login time as Windows communicates with the domain server to validate credentials.However, after logging in, are there network activities being performed by the client computer with the domain server on a permanent basis that would make the client computer much slower than normal while performing local tasks? Users report that when logged into the domain, their computers slow down significantly even when opening files on their hard disks.It might be that other issues are causing the problem, but I would like to understand better how the client - server relationship works when logged into a domain so that we can test further.

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Computer Slowing Down And Freezing?

Oct 20, 2011

Recently my computer has been freezing and slowing down a lot when I use it. At first I thought it was a driver issue since my computer only freezes whenever I am watching a video or listening to music, I think I installed the right driver but my computer is still freezing ( a strange side effect from the freezing is if there is any audio, it will slow down and start to stretch out). After a few minutes it will revert back to normal like nothing happened.

Also my computer isn't running smoothly anymore, many times when I type, the words jump to completion. When I scroll, it jumps and doesn't smoothly scroll down the page. I tried everything from defragging to updating every driver and program possible and still the problems persist.

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Svchost.exe Slowing Down Computer?

Mar 17, 2012

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I disabled windows update a long time ago; if I try to update it now, my system can't handle it, and it reverts its changes.

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Computer Massively Slowing Down At Low Cpu?

Mar 8, 2012

Well a few days ago all of a sudden my computer started slowing down and eventually lag while playing a game then each day it progressivly got worse, i cant even game anymore without getting lagged out every 5-10 minutes. I've tryed scanning and only thing i got is a few cookies. I looked at my task manager and i noticed when my cpu crashed i started to lag. I dont know where to go anymore but i do not want to do system restore or reinstall my OS?

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Computer Slowing During Multitask

Nov 3, 2009

One of my favorite things about Windows 7 vs it's predecessors, has been the way it seems to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.. Meaning, I could start a file transfer, start a download, and still have a very responsive, use-able machine for basic tasks. I read about the dispatcher lock fix that was part of 7, that allowed the OS to handle multiple calls to the cpu simultaneous, and thought it was due to this.

The machine has remained fast and responsive during the entire 5 months I have been using the OS.. Up to now.. All of a sudden, the machine slows for normal tasks, stalls, stutters, if I so much as start a transfer or extraction in the background. What could be going on. System is the one listed in my specs.. 8gb of ram, 5400+.

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New Hard Drive Computer Is Slowing Down

Jan 3, 2012

My computer is running realllllly slow, and I'm not sure why.There's a lot of extra space on the computer, and Hardly anything running in the back ground. I just put a new hard drive in the computer, as it has done this previously, It slowed to a point where it would freeze and no longer work, until one day I turned it on, went to log in and it automatically restarted, so I discovered that the hard drive had crashed, I put a new one in it and it was fine, until about 2 weeks ago, when it started slowing down majorly.

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Svchost.exe Netsvcs Slowing Down Computer?

Mar 17, 2012

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I disabled windows update a long time ago; if I try to update it now, my system can't handle it, and it reverts its changes.

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Computer Locking Up Or Slowing Down Unexpectedly?

May 8, 2012

My computer has been acting up of late. It's been freezing up at random times (even if I am running nothing). Trying to open up Task Manager, I don't see anything that could be using the CPU, but yet it says that i'm running at 100% capacity. MalwareBytes isn't picking up anything. Neither is Avast.Also, when I try to run anything Microsoft Office related I usually end up with a lot of lag. I'm not sure if these two are related, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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Windows 7 64bit CPU Usage High And Slowing Computer?

Nov 19, 2012

tested scores. processor 7.2 mem ram 7.4 graphics 5.0 gaming graphics 5.0 primary hard disk 5.5 taskmangager way slow cpu .. when running 2-3 apps which i need for my job. have 45 gb of reed disk space .trade stocks so closing an application.

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Upgrade My G54 Airstation Netflix Movies Slowing The Computer

Jul 2, 2012

I need to upgrade my old G54 Airstation router which has been an excellent router but time is taking its toll. I know nothing about routers so surfing simply confused me to no end. I need some suggestions to help get me on track. Not as concerned with price as I am with quality and performance. Currently have 2 computers, network printer and the wifes tv hard wired to the the 4 out ports. Running Verizon High Speed Internet Enhanced which avgs 1.3 Mbps /.35 Mbps. Really need a couple more ports. With 8 Grandkids and all their new gadgets, quality and fast wireless is a must. At times, there are 6 to 8 units tied to the internet all at one time. Currently having an issue with the wifes Netflix movies bringing the internet on the computers to a crawl but that just may be the Verizon internet which is the fastest (not fast enought for me) available in my area.

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Random Freezes, Performance Counter Strings, WmiApRpl, And DWORDs?

Sep 17, 2012

I recently became the proud owner of a used HP Pavilion HDX9300, and am having sporadic freezing issues. It's got Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1, but shipped with Vista. I got the thing sans-HDD, so once I installed the hard drive I opted for 7 over Vista. Despite coming out 8 months before Windows 7, HP declined to provide drivers for anything other than Vista, saying that the system was "end-of-life" (After 8 months? Really?). Anyway, I've got mostly Vista x64 drivers on it, and they seem to work fine; those that didn't, like the biometrics, have since been updated by their parent companies, so everything ostensibly works.

I'm not sure when it became unstable, as my average uptime was very short due to the slew of updates I had to download, and the restarts required by some. Anyway, it will crash often on opening/closing a dialogue box (midway through the Aero zoom-and-fade animation, so that the window is still visible, just smaller than its actual size), and occasionally mid-scroll in Chrome (as you know, laptops tend to have a unique cursor when the scroll section is being used; this cursor stays during the freeze). Sometimes I will have a few seconds to move the mouse around, though the system does not respond to mouseovers/clicks/et al. When using Chrome, the "scrolling" cursor (mentioned above) stays as the main cursor for this limited interaction. Then it freezes completely, sometimes even blackscreening. No sound can be heard, though the drive activity light occasionally blinks. The only way out of this is a reset (push-and-hold, not sure what the exact term is).

Here's the fun part, so bear with me. I checked the event viewer, and found the following:In addition to the customary "unexpected shutdown" notifications, there are three errors in particular that are present every time (XML will be posted later, if necessary):

These two at/during the crash:Event ID 3012: The performance strings in the Performance registry value is corrupted when process Performance extension counter provider. The BaseIndex value from the Performance registry is the first DWORD in the Data section, LastCounter value is the second DWORD in the Data section, and LastHelp value is the third DWORD in the Data section. Event ID 3011: Unloading the performance counter settings for service WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) failed. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the error code.This one occurs, as far as I can tell, as soon as the thing boots, but before I log in:Event ID 1101: Audit events have been dropped by the transport. 0 Now, before you tell me to Admin CMD lodctr /r, I've already done that. Three times. The first time, it "completed successfully", then froze when I closed the window (right on the Aero effect, still/yet/ever). Second and third, it seemed fine, then crashed later with the same events reported (except for once; this was likely caused by my resetting it before it could record the event, as I've gotten the same events reported in later crashes).

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To Increase Computer Performance

Jul 21, 2012

My computer performance is low. Do you know how to increase your computer performance? I think my computer performance is very low. The song or voice and action are not perfect when I watch movies.

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Cannot Rate Computer's Performance

Feb 26, 2011

when i press the "rate this computer" button, there's nothing going on! there's no process! but the thing is that i can use my aero theme! my rating was 5.9 before! and now its not working should i post some kinda report or file for u guyz to trace the error?

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Why My Rating Computer Performance Decrease

Nov 29, 2009

before i upgrade wndows vista to wndows 7, my rating is 3.8, but after upgrade my rating 3.3, WHY??

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Storage Usage Of Libraries Affect On Computer Performance?

Oct 28, 2011

i have heard that more files we have in libraries folder (document, music, picture and videos)the slower the performance of computer will be..

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Some Applications Running Slow On High Performance Computer?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently built a great system. It has the following specs:

Core i5 2500k 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 6790 1GB
8 GB of Corsair C9 kit of memory
PH67S-C43 (B3) motherboard from MSI.
Caviar Black 750gb
Greenpower 1TB

The only problem is, it runs very slowly in some applications such as Firefox and Minecraft. I've installed all drivers listed on the MSI website as well as my GPU drivers. Still no luck. I've installed Steam, microTorrent, Microsoft Security Essentials, Java (x64), Adobe Flash, and Adobe Reader X.

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Computer Crashing/blue Screen During 'full Performance' Mode

Aug 30, 2011

The past couple of days i've been experiencing unusual behaviour from my computer. For the past few days I've been having crashing problems. The crashes aren't all the same however; on a handful of occasions it's given the famous old 'blue screen of death' and on others my computer either just turns off, or the whole computer just crashes. I've noticed the crashes only occur when I turn the computer to 'full peformance' mode after a couple of minutes meaning I'm literally unable to leave power save mode for more than 3 minutes.

I use 'EPU-4 Engine' to switch my computer between 'power save' mode and 'full peformance' mode only using full peformance if I want to play games or install something.

I didn't think much of this at start, as i've never had these problems before 2 days ago. I figured it may have been a faulty driver, so I downloaded specific ones for hardware, but that didn't solve the problem. I then tried a system restore to restore back to a previous date presuming it may have been an update that went wrong, but nothing changed, I still got the crashes.

I run Windows 7 64 bit Home Edition,
AMD Phenom II x4 964,
ATI 5850 Graphics card,
4 GB's of Ram

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Change In Windows 7 Computer Performance - Programs Fails To Function

Dec 10, 2012

I have observed a significant change in my Windows 7 computer. This is not a hardware issue. I have not downloaded any files or programs lately which could have caused this difficulty. I have run NIS program, anti-spyware. and malware-bytes, to no avail. I cannot seem to run backup using Ease Us Todo Backup; program fails to function. It worked before. Windows Backup fails to give any indication that it is actually working.

It takes longer to start up. I have run "Start Up Repair" to no avail. It also takes longer to shut down (no updates are in progress). Certain programs such as the one to enable process of my digital camera photos, fail to work. There was no such problem in the past. When I attempt to use this program, a screen from uTorrent appears, even after I have removed uTorrent, and re-downloaded the camera software. I have tried "System Restore" to no avail.

Contrary to the instructions, I cannot choose my own 'restore point', but only from a list created by Windows. The standard Windows 7 repair programs have failed me. I have nowhere else to turn. I have considered a registry cleaner, but the advice on this program is mixed; half of the people say it worked for them, the other half say never screw with my registry. If I cannot even backup my files, I am screwed.

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Computer Freezes Randomly

Mar 25, 2012

Computer runs very slow. Computer freezes randomly. Does not want to boot past windows startup except for in safe mode(SOMETIMES). IF IT BOOTS takes and an incredibly long time to get to the desktop (20-45min). Does not want to run programs. Runs EXTREMELY slowly (makes a windows 95 pc look like a speed demon.) Random restarts, restart loops, and shutdowns. Sometimes after turning on it will immediately shut off then turn back on. Keeps recommending windows repair on startup. Wants to run chkdsk, then freezes on it.Malware detection programs. Hardware diagnostic programs. registry tools. disk defrags. Driver updates. Windows updates. BIOS update. System restore. Windows repair tool. Repair installation (twice). WINDOWS 7 CLEAN INSTALLATION (twice).Exactly the same as the first day it started happening. So not only did I lose all programs and files, but my pc still runs like crap. Also, this is a higher end pc under a year old. [code]

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PC Is Slowing Down

Apr 20, 2011

This desktop is mainly used by my son. He noticed that the PC becomes very slow and then needs to restart again and would be as fast as usual. Just to mention that my desktop and laptop is connected both by wire and wireless. These two both has Windows 7.

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Svchost.exe Slowing Down?

Jun 3, 2012

I just reinstalled Windows 7 and I already feeling its a bit slow...Is it because of the Svchost? Or is just my laptop is getting old? (its five years old now) Does the Harddisk have any effects on the responsiveness of the operating system?

Also, my other laptop, when it boots, it gives me 'Windows 7" and "Ramdisk Option" What is that?

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Laptop Slowing Down After A While?

Nov 6, 2012

My school laptop is running damn slow and i cant format it and such things since the laptop got programs such as photoshop. The laptop runs windows 7 pro with 2gigs of ram and got a i5 2.4 ghz (HP Elitebook 8540p). I dont know whats wrong with the laptop and i cant even tab the game since the laptop gonna lag and i wont be able to open browsers and stuff. It takes ages for stuff to load folders webb browsers etc. Even the game starts to lagg after 10-15mins. And the laptop isnt overheating either

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PC Slowing To Stop After A Few Hours Use?

Jan 7, 2012

I have a Lenovo G560, about 8 months old. Lately, after about 2 hours use, it begins to get slower and slower until in the end it freezes.I have de fragged, run virus scans and done a registry cleaner etc, but it make no difference. It does not appear to be getting over heated as the fan kicks in and out, not permanently running.

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Windows 7 Slowing Down Infinity?

Mar 28, 2012

[Windows 7 Ultimate; Intel Quadcore 6600 2.4 GHz; Asus P5E Mainboard, 4GB RAM�via cable to BT Infinity router.]I have BT's Infinity Broadband, but something odd is happening with it�and BT say Windows 7 itself is the problem.By way of comparison I have my little Samsung N210 Netbook (Windows 7 Starter edition) running directly beside (see the above specs) my desktop machine. The Netbook is connected wirelessly.I use Advanced System Care Pro, BT Infinity Desktop Help, and CCleaner to keep both machines (otherwise) singing.So. How come my little Netbook averages 25.4 Mb download speed�while my super-duper desktop averages only 4.79? Those being regularly indicative figures, that's an 81% difference.

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PC Slowing Browsing Speeds?

Feb 11, 2011

We have a 20Mb line with a 2Mb upload. When checking speed testing sites, we're always getting full speeds.When downloading using Steam or uTorrent (Anything that manages its own downloads) I can get 2.4 - 2.5MB/s download.But when I'm using any form of web browser, firefox, IE ect. Loading pages can take 10-20 seconds, pictures 30seconds-2minutes. Downloads are much much slower, around 500KB/s and while videos usually load fast enough they sometimes drop their connection and stop buffering.

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Ripping Cd's Progressively Slowing Down?

Oct 14, 2012

trying to put my music collection into the computer using windows media player. Using MP3 format and "best quality". First cd rips quickly. subsequent ones are very slow, taking 15-20 mins. Is this a process of "copy protection" built into the cd's?
If so why when ripping a double cd does the first disc go quickly and not the second.

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CPU Rising To 100% And PC Eventually Slowing Down

May 17, 2011

After working on my PC for 10 to 15 minutes the CPU shoots up to 100% and it becomes very slow. It even takes minutes to open a folder. Even if i close all applications, still it does not come down. It remains stand still at 100%. I am using Windows 7 ultimate 32 Bit. My desktop configuration is Intel core 2 duo 2.8 GHz, 2 GB DDR2 ram, 250 GB h/d, Asus P5kpl-am/ps motherboard and a Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS graphic card[512 MB]..I am using Windows 7 ultimate [x64 version] , on my laptop. Its a Dell Inspiron 15R, the configuration is Intel Core i3 M380 2.53 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 Ram, 500 GB H/D...But here its working just fine...

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Slowing Sticky Mouse Cannot Fix

Jul 4, 2011

i am having a very hard time getting my mouse to keeps slowing way down, to a crawl or moves and then freezes for a second then jumps like an inch at a time, very frustrating.ive tryed 3 mouses, a corded and 2 cordless both microsoft, one a wireless moblie 6000 ive tried with and without the drivers, ive reinstalled windows 7 ultimate twice, i formatted and installed linux ubuntu 11...still it keeps sticking and freeezing. oh yah also, its not the batterys but thats exaclty what it feels like, dead or dying batterys.ive read a ton of forums already i think i have tried everything. [code] also i had another ati 4670 that i tried did not work, and i just got a brand new harddrive, still the same problem..i just installed windows 7 fresh now and before i did anything i waited for a half hour or so and i started up again,does anyone think its possible somethings wrong with the mother board or cpu? ive tryed each usb port all of them have the same problem eventually.

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Windows 7 Lenovo W510 Slowing Down?

May 5, 2011

there is an extremely noticiable slowness now on my PC. I haveLenovo W510 i7 dual coreWin 7 ultimate 64 BitAll latest drivers etcKaspersky 2011- this i have disabled proactive defense since it eats memoryI eing what exactly is going on. CPU occasionally is high.

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Laptop Slowing Down And Crashing Programs

Apr 19, 2012

I've restarted it multiple times. I have an HP Windows & Home Premium. I've also done a system restore. About 20 mins after turning it on, some the programs I'm running will either slow way down, close, or freeze. When I check for problems I get this:

Problem: Shut down unexpectedly
Files that help describe the problem:

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