New Hard Drive Computer Is Slowing Down

Jan 3, 2012

My computer is running realllllly slow, and I'm not sure why.There's a lot of extra space on the computer, and Hardly anything running in the back ground. I just put a new hard drive in the computer, as it has done this previously, It slowed to a point where it would freeze and no longer work, until one day I turned it on, went to log in and it automatically restarted, so I discovered that the hard drive had crashed, I put a new one in it and it was fine, until about 2 weeks ago, when it started slowing down majorly.

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Computer Is Not Booting Hard Drive/Unresponsive Hard Drive?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a HP Touchsmart IQ500. Turning my computer PC on today, all I got was a blue HP invent screen with setup, boot menu, system recovery, and system diagnosis, and I could not get past it. I entered the BIOS and figured out that the hard drive was listed as "not installed." Pretty sure that is the main problem.I tried a system restore (with the Windows 7 install disc), but I guess the computer couldn't read the hard drive enough to enter safe mode (I tried restarting and F8ing several times). I put in an external hard drive, and the BIOS read it; however, windows does not allow you to partition an OS on a hard drive.

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Domain Slowing Down Computer?

Sep 12, 2011

Our setup is as follows: Users are in a remote location connected by satellite link to the domain server. The domain server is DNS and DHCP server for client computers. Because of the satellite connection data transmission has a longer than normal latency delay but transfer speeds are not bad (0.5 mps).I can understand that when logging in, a client computer might experience a longer login time as Windows communicates with the domain server to validate credentials.However, after logging in, are there network activities being performed by the client computer with the domain server on a permanent basis that would make the client computer much slower than normal while performing local tasks? Users report that when logged into the domain, their computers slow down significantly even when opening files on their hard disks.It might be that other issues are causing the problem, but I would like to understand better how the client - server relationship works when logged into a domain so that we can test further.

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Computer Slowing Down And Freezing?

Oct 20, 2011

Recently my computer has been freezing and slowing down a lot when I use it. At first I thought it was a driver issue since my computer only freezes whenever I am watching a video or listening to music, I think I installed the right driver but my computer is still freezing ( a strange side effect from the freezing is if there is any audio, it will slow down and start to stretch out). After a few minutes it will revert back to normal like nothing happened.

Also my computer isn't running smoothly anymore, many times when I type, the words jump to completion. When I scroll, it jumps and doesn't smoothly scroll down the page. I tried everything from defragging to updating every driver and program possible and still the problems persist.

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Svchost.exe Slowing Down Computer?

Mar 17, 2012

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I disabled windows update a long time ago; if I try to update it now, my system can't handle it, and it reverts its changes.

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Computer Massively Slowing Down At Low Cpu?

Mar 8, 2012

Well a few days ago all of a sudden my computer started slowing down and eventually lag while playing a game then each day it progressivly got worse, i cant even game anymore without getting lagged out every 5-10 minutes. I've tryed scanning and only thing i got is a few cookies. I looked at my task manager and i noticed when my cpu crashed i started to lag. I dont know where to go anymore but i do not want to do system restore or reinstall my OS?

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Computer Slowing During Multitask

Nov 3, 2009

One of my favorite things about Windows 7 vs it's predecessors, has been the way it seems to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.. Meaning, I could start a file transfer, start a download, and still have a very responsive, use-able machine for basic tasks. I read about the dispatcher lock fix that was part of 7, that allowed the OS to handle multiple calls to the cpu simultaneous, and thought it was due to this.

The machine has remained fast and responsive during the entire 5 months I have been using the OS.. Up to now.. All of a sudden, the machine slows for normal tasks, stalls, stutters, if I so much as start a transfer or extraction in the background. What could be going on. System is the one listed in my specs.. 8gb of ram, 5400+.

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Computer Performance Slowing Down And Sometimes Freezes

Feb 8, 2012

I am having a problem with my computer slowing down and also freezing. This almost always happens within four or five minutes of starting to use it after an overnight standby. I will notice things starting to slow down and it sometimes reaches the point where it freezes. If I check Task Manager it will show the CPU usage as very high, 70, 80, 90%, and, if it is frozen, 100%. Task Manager also shows that Internet Explorer 9 is the program using the CPU. Is this malware calling home? The computer is a Dell GX620 with Windows 7 and 2 GB RAM and it's running Norton Internet Security.

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Svchost.exe Netsvcs Slowing Down Computer?

Mar 17, 2012

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I disabled windows update a long time ago; if I try to update it now, my system can't handle it, and it reverts its changes.

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Computer Locking Up Or Slowing Down Unexpectedly?

May 8, 2012

My computer has been acting up of late. It's been freezing up at random times (even if I am running nothing). Trying to open up Task Manager, I don't see anything that could be using the CPU, but yet it says that i'm running at 100% capacity. MalwareBytes isn't picking up anything. Neither is Avast.Also, when I try to run anything Microsoft Office related I usually end up with a lot of lag. I'm not sure if these two are related, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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Windows 7 64bit CPU Usage High And Slowing Computer?

Nov 19, 2012

tested scores. processor 7.2 mem ram 7.4 graphics 5.0 gaming graphics 5.0 primary hard disk 5.5 taskmangager way slow cpu .. when running 2-3 apps which i need for my job. have 45 gb of reed disk space .trade stocks so closing an application.

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Upgrade My G54 Airstation Netflix Movies Slowing The Computer

Jul 2, 2012

I need to upgrade my old G54 Airstation router which has been an excellent router but time is taking its toll. I know nothing about routers so surfing simply confused me to no end. I need some suggestions to help get me on track. Not as concerned with price as I am with quality and performance. Currently have 2 computers, network printer and the wifes tv hard wired to the the 4 out ports. Running Verizon High Speed Internet Enhanced which avgs 1.3 Mbps /.35 Mbps. Really need a couple more ports. With 8 Grandkids and all their new gadgets, quality and fast wireless is a must. At times, there are 6 to 8 units tied to the internet all at one time. Currently having an issue with the wifes Netflix movies bringing the internet on the computers to a crawl but that just may be the Verizon internet which is the fastest (not fast enought for me) available in my area.

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How Can The Contents Of A Hard Drive From An Old Computer Be Transferred To New Computer

Sep 18, 2012

How can the contents of a hard drive from an old computer be transferred to new computer when hard drive is out of the old computer?

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Computer Can't See 2TB Hard-drive In Bios But Can Still Use It In My Computer

Jan 6, 2013

So What i am saying is whenever i boot up my computer there is a black with white text screen that says something about an unconfigured hard drive that is in my computer. But then again whenever i am on my desktop doing whatever i can use it perfectly fine. Also it does not show up in the bios. it just has my boot up drive and my optical drive.

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Can Add Hard Drive From An Old Computer To A New One

Jun 12, 2011

can i add c drive from an HP windows xp to a asus windows 7?

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How To Use Old Hard Drive On New Computer

Aug 31, 2011

*I have a new windows 7 (professional 64) machine.

*I removed my two hard drives from my old computer (windows xp).

*I installed them in my new computer as drive F and G

*I want to be able to use my programs and access all my data on my old drives, in my new computer

*I want to be able to access my old outlook data, including email from my old drives

*I see a bunch of folders in my F and G drives, but can't seem to use any of the program files and I don't even see "my documents" from my old computer or any outlook files...maybe I am lookign in wrong place.

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How To Use 2 Hard Drive In One Computer

Oct 25, 2011

How to use 2 hard drive in one computer

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Computer Won't Sleep Because Of WD Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to get my Computer to sleep but it won't because of the Western Digital 1TB external hard drive that is connected to my network. The backup program is causing this problem, if I turn it off then it will sleep. I would like to keep it turned on because it will save any changes that are made to my folders and files. I would use the back program that comes with Windows 7, but that doesn't work. I get "Access is denied" Error code: 0x80070005. I think the problem may be from being connected to a network.

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Use Computer While Formatting Second Hard Drive?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm fully formatting a second hard drive in my computer and it's a 3tb drive so it's going to take a while. I was wondering if I could watch videos I have on my other drive or if that would cause the process to run less efficiently or even skip sectors it was supposed to check.

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How Do I Get Files Off Old IDE Hard Drive Onto New Computer ?

Dec 10, 2009

I just bought a new computer, i7 860 and have put 7 x64 on it.

my motherboard is ausus p7p55d and has one ide socket on the board.

I was using this socket for my cd and dvd drives but I have detached them so I can plug in my old IDE hard drive.

I was using the IDE drive just 2 days ago in my old system.

Sometimes when I boot up the drive is seen and sometimes not.

when the drive is seen I try and copy some files over to my new sata drive I have in the new system. some of the files copy over but the the IDE drive always gets stuck. when I try to cancel the copy windows stops responding partially and I cant get out of the copy window and the old IDE hard drive explorer window.

So I restart windows and normally it now doesn't see the IDE drive.

What is going wrong?

How do I get my files off this hard drive?

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Computer Won't Read Hard Drive

Sep 3, 2011

So i build a newcomputer yesterday. I decided to use my old SATA hard drive from my computer, it has my OS, and other files on it. I get everything put in, but when i start the computer it says "no hard disk is detected".

I enter the bios menu, and i notice it recognizes that it is in there, as well as my disk drive.

How come it wont let me load my hard drive, and it doesnt detect it when i start it up.. but BIOS sees that its there?

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Hard Drive Not Detectable On Computer

Mar 17, 2012

My computer isn't picking up my other two hard drives. They appear when i turn on my computer and only sometimes with that. They don't appear to let me assign a letter or path to them either. They are both 250 gb drives and both are standard in computer but neither are accessible. If anyone has any ideas that would be great. Command line functions to check if i have drives isn't working either.

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Computer Doesn't Allow To See Hard Drive

Jul 12, 2011

I have a laptop that is about a year old. Recently, my system rebooted and I was no longer able to view my Programs, files on the Hard drive or any other document. Here is the twist. I am still able to log into windows, use the Internet Explorere. If I happen to know the location of the file I can pull it up. It seems like i have no viewable rights to my C: drive at all. but can still work on files and programs.

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Hard Drive Swap From One Computer To Another

Dec 14, 2009

I currently have Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit edition installed on my machine. (listed in my sig)

I am considering getting an x58/Core i7 920

Will i be able to just swap my hard drive from one motherboard to another or do you thing a fresh install is at hand?

In the past i have been able to swap hard drives from one gigabyte motherboard to another (both LGA 775) but i'm not sure if i will be able to do this from LGA 775 to LGA 1366.

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Why Can't New Computer Read Hard Drive

Feb 12, 2012

why can't my new computer read my harddrive

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Is 500 Gb Hard Drive On A Computer Good

Apr 13, 2012

I do not know anything about computers. Is 500 gb 5400 RPM hard drive good?

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Computer Won't Recognize External Hard Drive?

Jul 22, 2011

I'm having some trouble getting an external hard drive to be recognized by my computer. I have quite a few already, but I got another one because one of them won't read on my comp, although it will read on my netbook. The new drive I got has the same issue, no go on the comp, but works fine on the netbook.

I tried unplugging all of the other drives and even using the other cables to connect the new drive, but Windows 7 simply won't recognize it being plugged in. No "badump" sound and no icon in My Computer. Tried restarting, nothing. I tried it in all six of my computer's USB ports, but got no better result.

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Transferring Data From Old Computer Hard Drive?

Jun 30, 2012

I have a newer computer (HP Pavilion Slimline) with Windows 7 and 64bit system. My old hard drive is out of a dead (won't power up) HP Pavilion Slimline Vista 32bit. I pulled the old drive and connected it through a harness and the USB on the new computer. When I open the devices and printers program the old drive is there but when I open the icon all I get is the properties etc. but no way to access any data on the old drive. Do I need a program or is the drive dead? It powers and runs and when it is connected and I open the properties I'm told the old drive is working properly.

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Remove The Q Hard Drive That Appears On Computer?

Mar 10, 2011

how I can remove the Q hard drive that appears on my computer? it's size is 0! i have no idea how it appeared there...

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Computer Uses 100% Of Hard Drive For A Few Minutes After Startup

Jul 9, 2011

I have a Windows 7 computer, and occasionally when I turn it on, it will use 100% of the hard drive for several minutes. (I have a Drives Meter sidebar gadget that shows drive activity). How can I troubleshoot this and find out its cause?

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Get Files Out Of Hard Drive If Computer Will Not Boot?

Mar 19, 2012

I decided to built a new custom made computer and would like to know if I can just attached the old sata hard drive to the new motherboard?I read that I have to have the same motherboard for the hard drive to work or else it will reformat the hard drive, is this true?

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