Random Freezes, Performance Counter Strings, WmiApRpl, And DWORDs?

Sep 17, 2012

I recently became the proud owner of a used HP Pavilion HDX9300, and am having sporadic freezing issues. It's got Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1, but shipped with Vista. I got the thing sans-HDD, so once I installed the hard drive I opted for 7 over Vista. Despite coming out 8 months before Windows 7, HP declined to provide drivers for anything other than Vista, saying that the system was "end-of-life" (After 8 months? Really?). Anyway, I've got mostly Vista x64 drivers on it, and they seem to work fine; those that didn't, like the biometrics, have since been updated by their parent companies, so everything ostensibly works.

I'm not sure when it became unstable, as my average uptime was very short due to the slew of updates I had to download, and the restarts required by some. Anyway, it will crash often on opening/closing a dialogue box (midway through the Aero zoom-and-fade animation, so that the window is still visible, just smaller than its actual size), and occasionally mid-scroll in Chrome (as you know, laptops tend to have a unique cursor when the scroll section is being used; this cursor stays during the freeze). Sometimes I will have a few seconds to move the mouse around, though the system does not respond to mouseovers/clicks/et al. When using Chrome, the "scrolling" cursor (mentioned above) stays as the main cursor for this limited interaction. Then it freezes completely, sometimes even blackscreening. No sound can be heard, though the drive activity light occasionally blinks. The only way out of this is a reset (push-and-hold, not sure what the exact term is).

Here's the fun part, so bear with me. I checked the event viewer, and found the following:In addition to the customary "unexpected shutdown" notifications, there are three errors in particular that are present every time (XML will be posted later, if necessary):

These two at/during the crash:Event ID 3012: The performance strings in the Performance registry value is corrupted when process Performance extension counter provider. The BaseIndex value from the Performance registry is the first DWORD in the Data section, LastCounter value is the second DWORD in the Data section, and LastHelp value is the third DWORD in the Data section. Event ID 3011: Unloading the performance counter settings for service WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) failed. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the error code.This one occurs, as far as I can tell, as soon as the thing boots, but before I log in:Event ID 1101: Audit events have been dropped by the transport. 0 Now, before you tell me to Admin CMD lodctr /r, I've already done that. Three times. The first time, it "completed successfully", then froze when I closed the window (right on the Aero effect, still/yet/ever). Second and third, it seemed fine, then crashed later with the same events reported (except for once; this was likely caused by my resetting it before it could record the event, as I've gotten the same events reported in later crashes).

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Process Performance Counter Disabled In Windows 7?

Sep 8, 2011

changing registries etc !!!bt nothing worked !

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BSOD Playing Counter Strike 1.6, Sometimes Random Or In XBMC?

Apr 8, 2012

Sometimes I get random BSOD's, it's not something that happens every day however it's getting irritating. The last time it happend was today in Counter Strike 1.6 with the "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" error. So I followed your Verifier Driver tutorial and got 2 BSOD's with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL caused by aswTdi.sys (Avast Driver).. However I just installed Avast yesterday, and as you can see in my dmp files, I have had BSODs before with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and others, so I don't think that's the main issue.Sometimes I also get BSOD while watching a movie or something with XBMC, it happens randomly, but not often.I have thought maybe it's the ATi/AMD GPU (some BSOD ref.), and I have been checking temps, it's about 60C - I have changed the thermal paste and cleaned it - but still sometimes BSOD. I have played a lot of BF3 without getting BSOD, and that's a heck a lot of more strain on the GPU than CS 1.6.

My own guess is the GPU drivers, but I have been updating regularly Btw the System Health Report says "Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter" is disabled, and that's true, I have disabled it.System Info:Windows 7 X64 Enterprise Install date: 28-08-2011Intel Core i5 2500kZotac Z68 ITX2x 4GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 RAMClub 3D Radeon HD4980System Disk: Crucial m4 128GBStorage: 2x500GB WD, 1TB WD - 7200rpmThe hardware is from august 2011, except for SSD (june 2011), storage (2009,2010) and GPU (2009).

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Random Freezes, Sometimes Glitchy Freezes And Rarely BSOD

Nov 28, 2012

i have random freezes sometimes they are glitchy and rarely bsod all on bootup or up to about half hour in (which also turns of the mouse). also Internet doesn't autoplay playlists and all sugestions next to the video are black. this started a few weeks to a month ago, first it seemed just a minor annoyance but it started to become more often the last few days. i've tried some checks but without success.
also i remember the week before those crashes that twice the screen driver crashed for a second or 2 and then a message popped up about how a monitor driver crash was adjusted, always when i played a certain game that is still in beta so i taught it was the game.

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Computer Performance Slowing Down And Sometimes Freezes

Feb 8, 2012

I am having a problem with my computer slowing down and also freezing. This almost always happens within four or five minutes of starting to use it after an overnight standby. I will notice things starting to slow down and it sometimes reaches the point where it freezes. If I check Task Manager it will show the CPU usage as very high, 70, 80, 90%, and, if it is frozen, 100%. Task Manager also shows that Internet Explorer 9 is the program using the CPU. Is this malware calling home? The computer is a Dell GX620 with Windows 7 and 2 GB RAM and it's running Norton Internet Security.

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Default Beep And Writing Long Strings Of Q Every Time

Jan 23, 2013

For the last three months my computer has been playing the default been whenever I move my mouse. Anytime it beeps and I'm currently on a writing bar or program it will write a long string of q's every time it beeps. I have no idea how to stop it switched mice keyboards tried installing and reinstalling drivers and nothing works.

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Random Freezes

Mar 31, 2009

I've just downloaded and installed Windows 7 7068 (32-bit) on my main PC and I've been having a pretty major issue. I start up and after a few minutes the computer will just freeze. I can leave it at the desktop for 10 minutes or play a game for 5 minutes, whatever I do, after a random period of time it'll just stop.

The download/cd is fine as I've got it on my laptop running fine...

There are no viruses as I've checked everything with different computers and scanners...

I've downloaded as many drivers as I can find that are for Windows 7, the ones that weren't I got Windows Vista drivers...

Oh, to elaborate, I've searched and nothing here helps, I can install fresh with all defaults and it'll freeze... I can install fresh with new drivers, it'll freeze... I can install fresh and load up games and applications, it'll freeze. In addition, safe mode freezes! And all other operating systems work, I haven't had any problems with previous builds of Windows 7 and Vista/XP still works fine, there's just something about 7068...

Anyone got any ideas?

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Random Freezes On Windows 7?

Jun 13, 2012

I'm searching the web, listening to music, or playing some games on my computer, at some point when I click on my desktop it will give me the waiting mouse cursor. Then I cannot click into the start button on the bottom left and the only way to restart the computer is to force shut it down.

My set up is a windows 7 64 bit computer with mbam and bitdefender protection. I have on my desktop a gpu meter and the weather from windows gadget if that makes a difference. My specs are: ATI Radeon 6500, 720 psu, 3.2ghz six core computer, 12 gb ram.

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Computer Freezes At Random?

Jan 23, 2013

recently i have been having trouble with my computer. so i will be looking at Internet videos or playing a game or something and my computer will stop all services and will freeze up and just hang up and sit there forever and i cant do anything so i end up having to hard reboot my computer

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Windows 7 Random Freezes

Jun 15, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 SP1 on a quite capable machine. I'm getting random freezes, and what I mean by that is programs just freeze and wont respond. Games , Opera and Skype freeze for sure but the task manager manage to stay awake for long enough for me to do a basic overview of the problem. CPU usage of all programs drop to 0 but the memory usage slightly increased. The Network usage dropped to 0 while some of the cores of the CPU were being used a little. That is all I know. The freezes take about 30 seconds to 1 minute and appear at random moments and Screw me up really good.

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Random Freezes In Windows 7

Jun 17, 2012

I just wanted to see if I could get an opinion concerning random freezes in Windows 7 (on an internal Seagate Momentus XT hard disk drive). I have Windows 8 installed on an external drive connected to my computer via eSATA and it works just fine; no freezes have been reported. What happens is that after periods of non-use (15 minutes or more) and even longer periods of use (over an hour) my computer freezes. Instead of my pointer cursor I see the all-too-familiar blue wheel indicating that a process is working, but it never finishes whatever it is doing.

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Windows 7 - Random Freezes?

Jul 9, 2012

for the past 5 months i've been experiencing my windows 7 to randomly freeze at least once a day. it will become unresponsive, the waiting icon (the little circle) will replace the mouse pointer and the only way out will be hard restart. initially i thought it was either corrupted windows files or damaged hdd. last week i bought myself a new hdd - 120gb ssd drive. i made a clean install on the ssd drive and i formatted my old hdd to use as storage. after few hours of using my newly installed windows copy i experience the same problem.it seems to happen a lot when uploading - for example it happens every time i try to upload a Internet video. but not just that, sometimes it will randomly freeze upon launching chrome etc.

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RC 7100 64-bit - Random Freezes

May 18, 2009

I'm getting random freezes that require me to restart my computer and I'm not sure what's wrong. The OS installed fine with no missing drivers (aside from my wireless network card and my LAN drivers which still doesn't work: Realtek RTL8168B). At first I thought I had bad video drivers as I've experienced this before with Vista but the problem persisted even after updating to the lastest Windows 7 beta drivers from ATI.

It's strange because the system rarely froze during normal usage but the OS freezes immediately when I play any internet based games (Left4dead + COD4) or use any 3rd party program that requires bandwidth (utorrent + IRC).

I suspect the culprit now to be the wireless drivers but what doesn't make any sense is that I've had no issue at all with web browsing. Internet surfing and IM-based programs (Digsby) work fine. The wireless drivers work as expected.

Other things I've done:

Vista32 Home = stable.

Memtest86+ passed without errors.

All drivers current (Windows 7 betas if possible if not Vista64).

Ran programs that caused immediate freezing in compatibility mode (Vista SP1).

Power Options: Display off @ 30 minutes; Sleep @ 2 hours.

Turned off Media Player Network Sharing services (read it could be an issue)

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Random Freezes In 7229

Jun 20, 2009

Ok so, I'm running build 7229 which appears to work fine doing any task but it will freeze indefinately at what appears to be random times, sometimes straight after booting up sometimes 2-3 hours of general use, there is no obvious cause for this as like it said it freezes at random times when I can either be doing nothing or merely browsing using firefox or using media player, I haven't really done anything intensive on it either.

What things would you recommend I be doing to try and solve this?

Also the install took a very long time as it hung at various stages of the process but obviously completed in the end, which happened with both 7100 and 7229, is there any specific reason for this?

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Random Restarts And Freezes

Sep 24, 2009

I've been having this problem for a little while now and have had a hard time pin-pointing the source.

It seems to be caused by the network card I have (look in my specs). Whenever I stream videos using ORB the computer will reset what seems to be about every 10 minutes. When I stop streaming, it stays on. Sometimes I'll leave it idle for about 6 - 8 hours, get home and notice that the mouse isn't on and the machine is just locked up. The only way to recover is to reboot.

This did this with previous releases of 7 but I thought it would be fixed in the RTM. I have the most recent drivers for my NIC.

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Random Win 7 X64 Crashes And Freezes

Oct 24, 2009

every time i try to install windows 7 on my new build, i do a clean install, however it spends about a second on the copying files part, then waits a few minutes before it starts expanding files. it hangs at 0% for a few more minutes then it will start accelerating. it will crash at random points while it is "expanding files".

the crashes vary, sometimes the display will explode and look lagged out then look like small tiles, the display sometimes turns red where shadows are as well, it also likes to just freeze. it frequently likes to freeze at 76 or 46%.

i had 7 installed one time when i kept my mouse moving constantly throughout the installation, but then the freezes would happen when i would boot into normal windows, but not safe mode.

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Getting Random 1-2 Secound Freezes Out Of Nothing

Jan 15, 2013

I've been Having this problem since i bought my New computer.. It's a Gaming computer, As soon as i open my games it will start Freezing after about 2-5min :/

I've been looking all over Google,Forums.. I Even wen't to the Shop that i bought this computer.

8Gb Ram
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10GHz
725gb Left of my HardDrive Left.

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Random Freezes - Solution

Dec 1, 2009

This is basically rehashing my post from this thread: Windows 7 freezes

I've been experiencing the same freezes a lot of you guys have been experiencing lately. The machine would simply freeze, mouse wouldn't move, keyboard wouldn't respond, and the only way out is a hard reset.

Then they got worse, and started happening within a minute or two of startup, very consistently.

However, Safe Mode still runs fine, so I figured something that's disabled in Safe Mode is the cause of the freezes.

At least for my machine, this assumption turned out to be correct, and I was able to fix the problem.

Here's my solution:

Step 1: boot into safe mode (if your system didn't just crash, do this by pressing F8 at the windows boot menu).

Step 2: click Start, type msconfig, disable EVERYTHING in both the start up and services tabs. Now reboot into normal mode and see if you still experience freezes. If you do, then this solution will not help you. If, however, the freezes stop, then you've just isolated the cause of the freezes to one of the services of startup items you disabled.

Step 3: run msconfig again (you can do this in normal mode, no need to reboot again), and enable all the startup items first. Now reboot and see if your machine starts freezing again.

Step 3.1: Freezing: if the system does freeze, then the cause is one of those start up processes now enabled. To find out which, disable the second half of the list (if your machine freezes immediately after start up, do this in safe mode), and reboot to normal mode to see if it still freezes. If it does, then the cause is in the list of enabled processes, and if it doesn't, the cause is in the list of disabled processes, so enable/disable a half of the appropriate part of the list, and try again.

Repeat this until you isolate the process that's causing the freezing, and remove the software related to it.

Step 3.2: No Freezing: This means your freezing problem is caused by a system service. Leave the start up processes enabled and continue to step 4.

Step 4: in msconfig go to the services tab, and sort the services alphabetically. Disable the lower half of the list and reboot.

Step 5.1: Freezing after reboot: the freezing is caused by one of the enabled services, so again, sort the list alphabetically and disable half of the enabled services and reboot. Repeat this step, minimizing the list of potential causes until you isolate the faulty service.

Step 5.2: no freezing after reboot: freezing must be caused by one of the disabled processes, so disable the enabled ones, and repeat step 5.1 for the second half of the services list, until you isolate the faulty service.

Step 6: verification: to verify that the faulty service is indeed the cause of your freezes, disable all other services and start up items and reboot your machine with only the faulty service enabled. If it still freezes, congratulations, you've just found the root of your problem.

If it doesn't freeze, then the problem is more complex and probably involves dependencies and concurrent services, and you'd have to use more complex methods to find out what exactly is causing this.

Step 7: fixing the faulty service: This is tricky, as these are all system files.

the first thing you have to do is figure out what files the service runs off of. In my case the service in question was Workstation and it was wksvcc.dll that needed replacing to fix my machine's freezing problem. I stumbled upon the service's .dll file name after many hours searching for a way to fix a corrupt service, so I can't offer any insights into how you might find the correct .dll file for your faulty service.

Now, to fix the service:

After you've tracked down the correct .dll file, locate it in windows explorer, change it's permissions so you can modify the file (do this by opening the properties of the file, and in the security tab's advanced page, first change ownership to yourself, then give yourself permissions to modify the file). Once this is done, you can rename the file to <filename>_CORRUPT.dll. Now, as far as your system is concerned, the file is MIA and the only fix is replacing it with a copy from the repository.

Click Start, type in cmd and right click the icon to run it as Administrator.

In the command prompt window, type sfc /scannow

This will run a system file scan and discover the missing/corrupted file, and then repair it by getting a clean copy from the repository.

Once this is done, go back to Start, type and run services, then find the faulty process and enable it. Restart your machine and see if this fixed your problem.

Hopefully someone can chirp in and include a link to to some comprehensive listing of Windows services and their respective .dll files, as I haven't been able to find such a list so far.

Edit: link to a list of services and their descriptions, thanks to kitesurfa: http://www.blackviper.com/Windows_7/service411.htm#A:

Once you go into a service's page, scroll down to see the .dll files listed in the registry settings (see attached picture for example).

The above solution worked for me, however, since it involves modifying system permissions and files, do this at your own risk.

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Windows 7 Freezes At Random, Hardware?

Jan 6, 2012

he's had a custom built PC for a couple of years, upgraded to Windows 7 from XP last summer, just recently it began freezing, about every other day.The freeze is complete. There's no getting to Task Manager, no moving the mouse, just a frozen screen requiring a hard boot.There's no pattern. It could be while he's using the internet, it could be while its idling, it could be in sleep mode.I've disabled sleep and screen saver and it still freezes up.I've run a lot of malware/virus programs and they don't find anything.

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Random Freezes Since Hardware Upgrade?

Apr 1, 2012

So I upgraded my computer lately (swapped to a newer LGA2011 socket motherboard, Core i7 processor, 8GB DDR3 RAM), and ever since the upgrade I have been having random freezes.These freezes seem to occur whenever I am using it (most of the time they happen when I am running a lot of flash applications or playing a game), and when they do the computer just freezes entirely: no movement of any kind, no sound, and the screen just hangs at whatever was on it.Even pressing the hard reset button on my case after it freezes doesn't reset it right away - after I press reset it waits for about 5-6 seconds and then does a cold shutdown.I've run 2 memory test applications (the standard Windows 7 one and one called MemTest86).I've also checked my CPU temperature right after these crashes (using the AI Suite II software that came with my mobo) and it is never higher than 30C.

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Random BSOD / Freezes And Restarts

Oct 17, 2012

I'm getting this random BSOD since 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sometimes when idle, browsing, and gaming. But sometimes I'm not getting any at all for a whole day. And I also getting this random hangs, freezes, and restarts. Can this be caused by bad hardware?

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Random Lock Ups, Freezes During A Download?

Mar 30, 2012

OK so about 1-2 months ago I got a New CPU and RAM (RMA cuz old ones caused BSOD) so now I em noticing that I get random freezes when I restart (forced to manually shut down) and when I'm downloading this 1 file from 1 website it gets to 99% the my pc Freezes. (this is the site apache friends - xampp for windows only happens when I try to download the .zip file 1) and I was looking at my CPU and Memory etc. in CPUz and noticed a odd thing about my Ram the 2 sticks are running at to different frequency and that it isn't in dual channel mode?

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Random BSOD's And Laptop Freezes?

Jul 8, 2012

i have a laptop 3 years now, a Sony VGN-NW21SF. My laptop gives me random BSOD's and often freezes. I dont perform any special operation when these incidents occur. The Laptop may be idle when this happens. Sometimes, i leave the computer turned on, and when i come back either the system has frozen requiring a pwr_btn shutdown, or has restarted with BSOD's. I have no indication on what is causing this, only one suspicion. That my Laptop is not compatible with SSD's. I suspect this because if i remeber correct, these BSOD's and Freezes, started when i first installed an SSD. Then i changed this SSD with another one, but still the problem remained.I have thrown away two ssd's and after i purchased a third one, different brand, different capacity the problems persist... Needless two say that now i feel like an idiot blaming and throwing away two ssd's... Because it can't be 3 ssd's with the same problem..... The other obeservation is that the BSOd may not happen for more than a month, and suddenly it may happen 4 times per day...

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Random Startup Freezes And Reboot?

Sep 27, 2012

I've recently just got a BSOD after several freezes and reboots(mostly on startup) and hoped that someone could figure out the problem. I've done what someone suggested and cleared out some software but it seems that the problem still persists. I just requested a new motherboard from the manufacturer

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Random Computer Freezes During Game?

Dec 28, 2012

Lately,when I play games i can see that bug.My screen shuts off and computer freezes(I can`t use keyboard(caps lock/ctrl+alt+delete..)or mouse)I heard the last game sound or something like that When this arrives,i can`t restart my computer,i have to press the power button.This problem appeared with the purchase of a computer,from the first day.Event viewer got only this:The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Quote: - System

- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41


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Random Freezes - Memtest No Errors

Jul 29, 2009

I have a laptop Acer Aspire 7720G, with Win 7 RTM installed from original ISO ( by zuko.. ) to try it before purchase..but it randomly freezes for 30-40 secs : (

Mouse can move, keyboard works but if I try to open folders or other, they don't

I thought it could be a RAM problem, so I run a memtest.. but no errors..

Now dunno what to do xD I've reinstalled 2 times but there are always freezes..what can be the problem? maybe a bad ISO? or a bad burn?

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Random Crashes, BSODs, Freezes

Dec 17, 2009

I think this all started after I did a RAM upgrade

It began with programs stopping (kernel32.dll, idon'tknowthenameanymore.dll)

But also games are just freezing after some time, mw2, ac, cod4. They all crash randomly.

Now sometimes the whole system freezes and I have to reset it.

Also, I get various BSOD's (ie IRQl not less or equal)

I think it has somethin to do with my memory,

I have 4 gb dual corsair 1066 kit combined with 2 gb Reaper 1066.

I am thinking of re-installing windows, because I didn't install it after the upgrade

Or do you guys think that the memory is corrupted?


Win7 ultimate x64
MSI p45 Neo-3 FR
Core2Duo E8400
Ati HD4870

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Slow Shutdown, And Random Spike Freezes

Sep 18, 2011

I have recently started experiencing abnormally slow shutdowns (it will go to the windows login screen with the shutting down message and hang there for about ~5 minutes), and random freezes on my PC. The freezes happen from things as small as moving the mouse. I run a weekly virus scan, and have come up with no viruses, though it could be something not detected by my antivirus.

The PC is less then 2 years old.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0


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Random Freezes On Brand New Computer, BSOD

Jul 28, 2011

So I just got this new Asus n53sn-xr2 laptop using windows 7, and already I'm having some problems with it. Basically what happens is it will freeze seemingly at random times (at first I thought it was firefox, but I just got it again using google chrome... I'm not sure if its related to browsing the internet or not) and the computer will, after a short period of time, become completely unresponsive. I can't even load task manager so the only way to turn of the computer is with the power button. One of the times my computer freezed I got a BSOD and it said "driver power state failure". I took a picture of it and I can provide the other information too if you need me too. I can return this computer by monday if it sounds like a hardware issue but if its not then I would much rather fix it because I've already put so much time into transferring all my files

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Random Computer Freezes With No Event Log Entries

Nov 5, 2011

So my computer randomly freezes up and when I boot up there are no log entries of the event. There are however always 3 log entries but I don't believe they are related to the actual problem. The 3 that are always there are: 6008, 7026 and 41. Now when I say it freezes I mean it literally freezes up. I do not get any blue screen or black screen or any errors it literally freezes as if I took a screenshot of my desktop and was looking at it. I can not use my mouse or keyboard I can not hear anyone in a skype call or anything it is FROZEN. The only way I am able to reboot it is by holding the power button which thus gives me the error code 41 above.

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Computer Freezes Up At Seemingly Random Times

Nov 26, 2011

whether it be watching a Internet video or trying to view a document on google docs, my browser stops responding. i try to go to my other programs and they stopped responding as well. ctrl+alt+del doesn't do anything either, so i'm forced to manually shut down the system. this has happened a couple of times today now.

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