Can't See LAN Shared Drives From Wifi Laptop, OK When On LAN?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm running a Windows7 Home Premium 32bit on a desktop and want to share its drives with the network. The desktop is LAN connected to the Wifi router and has no issues. If I LAN connect to the router with a laptop, I can access the desktop shared drives but I want to be able to access them via Wifi on a laptop. The Laptops have no problems accessing internet through wifi but will not see the shared drives on the LAN via Wifi and I have to plug in to the LAN.I thought I'd cracked it as Kaspersky had the home wifi network down as public and I did have access via wifi for a short time, but it soon disappeared.

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Internet Connection Not Shared By My Laptop Turned Wifi Hotspot

Dec 8, 2012

I've set up my internet-connected laptop (Acer Aspire One with Windows 7 Starter) as wifi hotspot. The hotspot works to the extent that it lets another computer connect, but it does not provide (pass through) the internet access I have (via 3G USB modem). While searching the net for useful information I came across the recent thread No internet connection after I turned my laptop into wifi hotspot, Following up on the two tutorials mentioned in that thread, Windows 7 Tip of the Week: Use Wireless Hosted Networking to Share An Internet Connection Wirelessly | FAQ/Tip content from Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows and Windows 7 Hotspot: Share Wifi With Your Laptop, I noticed that on my laptop the important Share tab is missing that can be seen in the first image in the first tutorial and also in the first image in the section "Changing Adapter Settings" in the secodn tutorial.

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Connect Samsung Galaxy Through Wifi Of A Shared Wifi

Jan 24, 2013

i have a samsung galaxy ace. my laptop is accessing internet through wifi from my friend's building. So can i access internet in my samsung galaxy through wifi from my laptop? if

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Can't Cut From Shared Network Drives

Oct 19, 2011

ok i have a home network set up on 2 pcs with win 7 64bit

i have set up shared drives on both pcs ,, i have set the permisions on the shared drives so that everyone can do whatever they want change files delete files ect

so i expect to be able from one pc to cut files and paste to the other but i cant ,,, i cant even copy from one pc to the other unless i do it from the pc that is going to have the file added

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Shared Drives Issue's

Aug 24, 2009

Ok has anyone experienced this, I have 3 drives shared from windows 7 RTM, to windows 7 7100. everytrhing works ok ubtil I try to move, copy a file from one system to another. This makes my windows 7 rtm version loose it's network connection completely, I have to run the diagnose wizard and then it's ok. I can see and browser the folders for a week no problems.

As soon as I try to copy or move a file over the network I kills my network connection only on the windows 7 rtm system. All the other computers in the house are ok. I have one system running linux and 4 others running the windows 7 7100 build that can share and get online with out any issue's. Please let me know if you have experienced this.

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After Reinstall Cannot Access Shared Drives On PC2

May 26, 2012

A week ago I had to reinstall Windows 7 on a second PC (PC2) which now has an SSD. However, the original disk (a 500GB Seagate) has been used to reorganise partitions of which there are now eight. Three of these I can access from PC1 with no problem. However, the last four plus a 1TB drive there is no way I can access them - I can look at them but there's no way I can copy any files or folders to them.I've checked the drive permissions via the Security tab and set everything I can to Full Control. However, out of the five there is one Name I cannot change and that is CREATOR OWNER which has permissions set to Special and which so far I've found no way of changing. In relation to the Names they are a little different to mine. All five are the same except that PC2 has CREATOR OWNER. I have Authenticated Users that PC2 doesn't have; none of PC2's drives have an Authenticated Users entry. Should it?

To clarify the Names we both have they are listed below:

Administrators (Username/Administrator)
Authenticated Users


I've just checked a third PC we have upstairs and that is different again most drives ONLY having Everyone with only one drive having the Names above under PC1 but NOT Everyone. So I suppose that makes me one confused chick. What the hell gives with the Names Groups? What should I have and what should I NOT have or not need?

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Windows 7 Cannot Access XP's Shared Drives?

May 26, 2012

XP SP3 is used. The Simple File Sharing is not enable.Ping from Windows 7 to XP goes through.The same log-on user name and password are used for XP and Windows 7.XP machine is visible from Windows 7.Error message is "Unknown user name or bad password. The same message when attempting to access from another Windows 7.Initially it was working but after an hour or so, it quits. I rebooted the router, XP machine and Windows 7 machine but the situation remains unchanged. There is no problem networking between the two W7s.

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Disconnect Shared Drives Permanently

Dec 30, 2009

I am home user running Windows 7 professional and have mapped a network drive (Y that points to a folder on a LaCie NAS on my LAN. When the mapping was setup, the "Reconnect at Logon" option was selected.

Now I want to permanently disconnect that mapping. I have tried:

1) Disconnecting in Windows Explorer


3) NET USE Y: /D

The drive disconnects no problem, but when I login again, the mapping is back. How do I get rid of this mapping PERMANENTLY?

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Windows 7 WiFi With WEP Shared Key Configuration

Oct 24, 2011

I have windows 7, I am trying to configure the WIFI, I have wifi connection which having WEP with shared key authentication, that option I not found in windows 7. I have manually create a new profile and choose shared security option and WEP and I enter the my security key but I was not able to connect with wifi.

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How To Force Windows Remember Shared Drives

Jul 30, 2011

I have two computers running windows 7 in a router LAN. One of the computers have several external drives connected to it. I have shared the drives successfully over the network and the settings remain saved so that I don't have to reshare the drives everytime I log in.However, three of the drives remain unshared after a restart or reboot. Why is that? How can I keep the shared settings for these drives also?

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Windows 7 - Connecting To Shared Drives On Network

Feb 26, 2012

I have 2 windows 7 computer on a wireless network in my house. Basically I want to be able to share the drives on both computers so that i can stream media between the computer and also devices in my home (xbox360). I went to set the drives to shared in the properties for the drives on both computers, however, whenever I try to connect to the other computer through the network section I got this pop up asking for a password, I tried login passwords and no go. So I went into the sharing options and turned off password protection and it seemed to let me through, and i can see the drive i named and setup, only now when I try clicking on the drive I shared it says (windows cannot access//Name of Folder). How do I get this to work?

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Server Shared Folder - Cannot Reconnect Mapped Drives

Aug 24, 2012

I have a windows 7 pc that is part of an office network along with about 5 other machines. They are all supposed to connect to a server via network mapping of the server's shared folder. (In this case the mapping is Z:\pi-serverdata and the server is running 2008 R2 on a workgroup). Upon reboot, all systems but one will remap to this drive with no problem.

The one machine will always boot up with the message 'Windows could not reconnect network drives' The mapping is showing in windows explorer but there is a red 'x' icon showing the connection is lost. When I click on it, it prompts for windows credentials, which I enter and then it remaps with no problems. However upon next boot the same thing happens again. No matter what I try I cannot get the system to retain the credentials.

What I have tried so far:
1. Ensuring that there is a match of user names and passwords on the server and workstation.
2. Deleting the mapping and re-adding it.
3. Running a batch file to delay the mapping in order for windows to finish connecting the network first.

I would like to be able to browse to the network folder via network discovery through the workgroup but this particular machine does not have the server show up in the network listing (all other machines do show the server). Plus when pinging the server, it insists on responding with ipv6 unless I force a v4 ping...not sure it's relevant.

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Intermittent Network Problem - Unable To Access Shared Drives

Sep 1, 2009

I have an intermittent problem with networking my desktop machine to my laptop. Sometimes after I hibernate my laptop and then wake it up, I am unable to access my shared drives on my laptop from my desktop. I am always able to go the other way (access shared drives on desktop from laptop. When it does this, even reboots of both machines don't help.

I just asked Windows 7 to diagnose and I get this. Usually after "messing" with the network settings, log offs, reboots, who knows, it usually starts working both ways again until some later hibernation restart of laptop. I wish I could pinpoint some common things that cause it but I just can't figure it out. Any ideas?

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Windows XP Computers Disconnect From Shared Drives On Windows 7 Computer

May 14, 2012

On this network there are three Windows 7 machines and two Windows XP machines. One of the Windows 7 machines is acting as a server providing all the other computers with shared folders that they network to via the "map network drive feature". The two Windows 7 machines connect to this central Windows 7 machine no problem. But the XP machines will sometimes lose connection to the network drives when accessed. They cannot see the network drives until the central Windows 7 computer is restarted. The other two Windows 7 machines have no problem connecting, even when the XP machines are having problems.

I found this article and wanted to check here to make sure it was applicable to my situation before I go ahead and muck around in the registry: Mapped Drive Connection to Network Share May Be Lost Problem is, the article says this: Quote: On a computer that runs one of the versions of Windows that is listed at the beginning of this article... There aren't any versions of Windows listed anywhere in the article, or none that I can find. In addition to that, it doesn't specify whether I'm supposed to be doing this on the server end or the client end. I would assume the client end but it's just another thing I want to make sure of before I go ahead and do it.

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Access Is Denied - Cannot Access Shared Drives

Aug 31, 2009

I haven't really had any issues since I first installed Windows 7 and now I'm trying to access a shared drive over a network and I'm getting this annoying error message that I cannot access a shared drive over the network.

I decided to reinstall Windows 7 and before that I never had this issue.

I have not installed any third party software, I've enabled network discovery and right now I cannot access any shared folders or drives, at all, though it can see it.

I'm getting that stupid error message: "<Network drive> is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of the server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."

What am I doing wrong here?

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Send An Email From A Shared Mailbox The Sent Item Not Saved In Shared

Nov 8, 2011

How do I get it to save in the shared mailbox folder not my personal folder in outlook 2010?

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Cannot Access Shared Folders On Windows 7 Computer From Xp Pro Laptop

Jul 31, 2012

I have a windows 7 os on my main pc and xp pro on my laptop. when i try to access files on my main pc (windows 7) from my xp pro laptop I get asked for a user name and password. Yet when I do it the other way round I have full access with out any password ect. I have not set up any passwords and have tried my home group password but not got any joy. I have 2 other laptops both running windows 7 and have no problems networking between all windows 7 systems. all computers are running norton firewall and are configered the same.

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Unable To See Shared Folders And Shared Printers?

May 14, 2012

I am able to access shraed folders and shared printers, I Not able to see anything...

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Laptop Can No Longer Access Shared Printer / Files On Home Network

Jan 19, 2012

Printer plugged into Win7 box - how to print from remote XP machine? describes an original difficulty I had getting remote computers (laptops and desktops) to print to a USB printer connected to my Windows 7 box. Read far enough and you'll see that I solved that problem using Networking issue - Win7 printer, XP remote machines.Fast forward 13 or so months. Since that time I have replaced the printer, I've had a motherboard and processor issue with my box (since fixed), and no interruption of things working as they should. My printer - Canon ip4800 series - is USB hardwired to my Windows 7 computer, and the other home computers - two Windows 7 laptops, an XP box, and an XP netbook - can print to the printer, and view files on my Windows 7 machine, over our wireless home network. And that's been constant through the changes described.

Then yesterday, for no known reason, my daughter's Windows 7 laptop stopped being able to print. She'd send jobs to the correct printer, but they'd just queue up, with the queue visible from her machine, but not when I looked at the printer from my machine (that is looking at the print queue from her machine shows the jobs, but looking at it from mine shows no jobs).Nothing I did would result in stuff from her machine, from any application, to go to the printer.I finally deleted the printer from her machine, figuring I'd just add it back.I try adding a printer to the laptop, it doesn't find the printer on the list of available printers. When I try adding it by typing the name - \mywin7canon ip4800 series - that fails.When I look at "network" from her laptop, my computer shows up, but if I click on it, Windows says it can't connect.

When I type ping her_computer from a DOS box, it can't find it - but when I type ping any_other_computer it finds those.Her laptop can get on the internet from our home wireless network. All the other computers in the house - Windows 7 and XP - can access shared files on my PC, and more importantly, print across the network to my USB printer.Please, patiently and precisely, guide me through stuff to check on my PC and her laptop, to get this working again. I've been through the network and sharing center on my PC and the settings are correct.Again, as it is right now, my printer is not defined on her laptop.Final, cro-magnon- level question here: If I did a system restore on her laptop, back to a point when it had been able to print, might that fix things?

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Set Up Wifi On Laptop

Apr 15, 2012


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Laptop Won't Connect To Wifi

Jul 14, 2011

I just recently bought an Acer Aspire 5250 fro rent a center and for a while I was able to connect to Wifi, but I can't anymore. i have barely downloaded anything or installed anything, so that can't be it, I've googled this problem and everything, i disabled the wireless adapter and re-enabled it and nothing happened. Any clue what DID happen? I'm currently connected to the internet with my Wireless card from my cell phone company.

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Print Over Wifi Using Laptop?

Jul 4, 2012

i have a laptop and a desktop my printer is plug into my desktop and it shared over the network. can i print in my laptop even the desktop is off but my router is on.

because everytime i will print to the laptop i will open the desktop.

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Homegroup Can't Be Seen On Laptop With Wifi

Feb 22, 2012

Despite being able to connect to a Homegroup containing two wired desktops, a router, and a wireless printer, using it's LAN connection, I can't get the laptop to see the Homegroup just using wifi.The laptop can still access the internet and printer, but no homegroup.If I plug in the LAN cable I can see and automatically join the Homegroup. If I then remove the LAN cable, the wifi then connects to the Homegroup.If I start the Laptop on wifi only. It can't even see the Homegroup.

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Turn On Wifi On Hp Laptop?

Oct 24, 2011

i bought a 2007 model hp nc6220 with windows 7. I have been unable to turn on my wifi. I've tried everything. nothing works. The wifi button, fn and f2 buttons, nothing. No lights, no nothing. My wireless connection to my printer works. Can't connect to my router.

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Laptop Disconnects From The Wifi?

Nov 20, 2011

my laptop keeps disconnecting from the laptop which is in one room away froom mine.but my friend came over with her laptop and it never disconnected

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Mobile Wifi To Laptop?

Apr 16, 2012

how to connect my samsung monte mobile to my laptop my laptop reconize my phone but not getting connected

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How To Switch On The Wifi In Laptop

May 11, 2012

i got the problem with my laptop shows turn off when i try by the key pad is not open can

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Laptop Wifi Is Not Showing?

Aug 15, 2012

in my lap wifi is not showing

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How To Turn On Wifi On Hp Laptop

Oct 20, 2012

Don't know what happened, wifi was always on -- my lan went off, so I put on, my hot spot on my cell phone, and noticed my wifi has an orange light, and messages say my wifi is off. I cannot get it to turn back on.

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How To Enable HP Laptop WiFi

Dec 2, 2012

how to enable my HP laptop WiFi

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My Laptop Can't Detect Our WiFi

Dec 28, 2012

Why is it that my laptop can connect to my wifi? nor can detect it.

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