Can't Install Windows 7 64bit, Mobo And CPU Fine

Jun 27, 2011

I just assembled a PC with the following specs:

-AMD Phenom II X4
- Mobo Gigabyte GA-880GM-USB3
- 4 GB Kingston DDR3
- Good Quality PSU (Cant remember name)

This machine has been a total pain since I started working on it. Basicaly I cant install Windows 7 64 bits any version (no problems with DVD testesd on other machines beffore). But I could instal any 32 version, I guess there is something on the BIOS that i didnt did.

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Install Windows 7 OEM On A Mobo That Already Has Vista OEM On It?

Feb 1, 2012

I am having to install a new hard drive on a friend's computer. The thing is though, he doesn't have the install disc or even the sticker with his Vista code on it. So I wanted to know if it is possible to install a copy of Windows 7 OEM onto the new hard drive (nothing else in the computer has changed--same mobo, RAM, etc). Is this possible or will the mobo have issues with a new Windows OEM?

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Windows 7 Install Won't Work After Getting New Mobo / CPU And RAM - HDD Same

Oct 12, 2012

I'm trying to install windows 7 again after getting a new Mobo, CPU, and RAM. I'm using a HDD that already has windows on it, but I have to fresh install again. The problem is, whenever I use any kind of W7 disc, it loads the files, gets to the "starting windows" screen, and then re-boots.

Relevant info:
Core i5 2300
AsRock z68 Extreme4 Gen3
2x4GB Patriot Viper 3 1600mhz
WD Caviar blue HDD
Acer OEM DVD player

What I've tried:
New DVD player
IDE/ACHA modes
XP disc (It would work actualy)

What could be:
CPU is bad
Mobo is bad
Somethings not set up right
None of the tested RAM is compatible

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Installs Fine, Runs Fine, Reboots..not Fine

May 20, 2009

so i finally decided to install Windows 7 x86 - everything went well - put all the standard stuff on there etc - i rebooted many times because of installations and updates

on my last reboot it just got stock in the bios screen (verifying dmi pool data..success! etc)

so i rebooted, same thing, took the disc out, same thing - turned off boot devices same thing

tried to use window's useless repair tools (whatever happened to repair install?) which didn't help - so i decided to format and reinstall - then it says it was unable to do that (partition error or something)

the annoying this that this EXACT..i mean EXACT same thing happened when i installed vista sp1 from scratch - this happened - and to fix it i had to leave my pc open overnight with the hard drive cables all the morning with my fingers crossed i tried the installation again - and it worked.

my d: always disappears (single hard disk sata 233gig (250)) - sometimes it'll vanish from my computer and stuff - but this can't be the problem because the d: is a single drive on its own - my c: is a25gig partition from my e: - so it's completely unrelated.

does it matter how i replug the sata cables (2 of them) into the mother board? - they're both being recognised anyway

this is really annoying though - mostly because there isn't really an explanation - and because this random stuff always happens to my pc! - is it my hard drive because that's the only thing that would half- make sense

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Worse Game Performance After Fresh Install Of Windows 7 On New MOBO

Feb 13, 2013

I'm having some performance decrease on my new Build. I bought a new motherboard, Hard Drive and CPU Cooler and had to re-install windows to get my new board to work properly. I've noticed that now in League of Legends my frame rate is around 40-70 when I used to have a constant 150+ even in hectic situations where lots of things were going on at one time. I have the latest AMD Drivers, 13.1. I have tried reverting back to 12.10 to see if its the new version that's causing the problem, but its the same. [code]

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Windows Seems To Install Fine / Can't Even Get To Loading Screen

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to get windows 7 ultimate on a new WD SATA hard drive. I get through the installation process which recognizes the drive and lets me install on it and seems to fully install. When it automatically restarts and the windows loading screen should appear, the computer just restarts itself and doesn't even let me get to windows.I've tried messing around with some of the BIOS settings, but I'm no expert in that and I seem to be running out of options.I've tried installing the x64 and x82- both give the same problem.One potential thing I'm seeing is that after the initial screen showing my computer specs on start up, I have a RAID screen which AFAIK shouldn't really matter too much since I'm just using one HD, but it does not detect any drives. Going into the RAID setup I can't change anything either because it needs to install something (which I can't - no floppy) or it won't let me for this configuration. My motherboard is a Foxconn 915G7AC/P7AC (unfortunately not the best when it comes to drivers and support stuff, hey - it was cheap and had good reviews when I bought it!)4 Gigs of RAM.My cd/dvd drive is SATA as well, in case that matters (from what I've read searching around other drives being SATA or IDE had some sort of effect)

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Windows 7 Will Not Complete Install On SSD - Works Fine On HDD

Mar 6, 2012

New gaming PC project:
Asus Rampage Extreme IV
I7 3960x
32gb Gskill 2133 mhz
Sound Blaster Recon 3D
2 Corsair Force GT 60gb sata3
2 Corsair Force GT 120gb sata3
Windows 7 home 64bit w/anytime upgrade to Professional (Didn't know about the 16gb ram cap...)
9800 GTX video (ran outta money...)

The issue I'm having is everything seems fine till the first reboot, then I get errors about some random important file is missing or corrupt, please insert your DVD and repair windows or whatever the hell it says. The specified missing file is always different each install attempt (I have made about 30ish attemps so far in every drive configuration I could think of). Once it even said 'a system file' is missing or corrupt with no file specified. One attempt (120gb drives in raid0 with no other drives attached) did make it to the Windows 7 load screen, but then windows encountered an 'unknown error' and had to close while finalizing.

What I wanted to do was raid0 the 60's for boot and raid0 the 120's for games, but I can't do that because while this mb has 4 sata3 ports, only 2 ports are raid capable (Intel C600 controller) as the other 2 are on an ASMedia controller. As that is the least of my problems and only my fault for making assumptions before I buy crap, what I thought to do instead was install win on one 60 on the ASMedia sata3 controller in AHCI with OPROM enabled, use the other 60 for task file, and raid0 the 120's for game installs. At first I thought the problem was bad drives because it installs fine on my old HDDs, but all 4 drives DOA seems unlikely so I figure I'm doing something wrong.

There are multiple posts about issues with these drives on Corsair forums, however none of their solutions provide a fix. Currently I have Windows 7 installed on 2 seagate 160gb HDD's in raid0 on sata2 with both 60's on sata3 ASMedia and both 120's in raid0 on sata3 Intel C600 controller. I am convinced there is no problem with any drive as I have multiple games installed on the raid0 with task file on 1 60 and the other 60 is dedicated to ready boost. Honestly I have no idea what ready boost does, and with 32gb of ram it probably doesnt do much - but I can't think of anything else to do with the drive to see if I get any system hangs or issues.

After a week in this configuration I have had no issues whatsoever. I have run error checking from the properties tab in win for all drives, as well as chkdsk from command prompt and the disk checking utility in partedmagic which all came back no problems found. ATTO benchmark shows the the 60's around 475mb/s read/write and the 120's in raid0 are about 1100mb/s read/write. These SSD's are lightning fast. My HDD's are not - 275mb/s read/write in raid0 . Must needs faster boot.

I have tried installing win on each drive individually on each controller twice (16 attempts) and tried each set in raid0 a few times. Every attempt started out with a partition deletion and a secure erase using partedmagic AND sata3 controller in AHCI mode per Corsair forums. I have done Corsair's 1.3.3 firmware update to each drive. I have tried letting windows partition/format each drive during the install. I tried booting from my HDD's, then creating partition tables, allocating sapce, and formatting the SSD's from disk management, then installing win on the drives already setup. And a few other various things in different orders.

My steps for the 1 result that yeilded and actual Windows 7 loading screen after 1st reboot:
- 2 120gb ssd's on Intel C600 sata3
- Enter bios - change sata from raid to ahci - exit
-Boot with partedmagic bootdisk - deleted partitions both drives - system suspend for drive reset - secure erase both drives - shutdown
- Plugged in 2 160gb hdd to sata2
- Enter bios - change sata from ahci to raid - exit
- Enter raid setup utility - create raid0 on 120gb ssd's with 32kb strip - exit
- Boot win from hdd - create MBR partition table, allocate all avail space, format NTFS (not quick format) - shutdown
- Unplugged 2 160gb hdd
- Boot from Windows 7 install disk - install to SSD raid volume - 1st reboot yeilds load screen then 'unknown error', but I guess it was some-what better than windows failed to start due to whatever random file missing or corrupt.

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New Windows 7 Install Won't Boot, Installed Fine?

Sep 28, 2011

I recently built a new machine. I installed Windows to my drive, a 1TB Western Digital. Installed worked fine, but at thestage 'preparing your desktop', it just says 'shutting down' then 'logging off', and then starts rebooting up to the point where it would load the OS, then reboots again.What gives? I tried re-installing the OS, same exact thing happened.

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Fresh Install Required When Swapping Out Mobo?

Aug 17, 2012

My understanding has always been that if you swap out a motherboard, you need to re-install the OS with board-specific drivers because the existing drivers are no longer compatible with the new hardware.Or, another example is building a new PC and using the hard drive out of an older PC that was dying to avoid having to reinstall this possible?I've heard people say that you don't need a fresh install, which makes me wonder.

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Cannot Install 64bit Programs On 64bit Windows 7

Jan 11, 2012

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, and never had any problem installing 64-bit programs.
Now, when a try to install any 64-bit programs it shows a message of incompatible version of the program with the running Windows, but my Windows 7 is 64 bits.

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Install Mobo Drivers Or Keep Win7 Drivers ?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a simple question, I recently fresh installed Windows7 and was wondering if I should Install the new mobo drivers from the ASUS site (i have an ASUS P5Q Pro) or should I just keep the current microsoft drives for all the chipsets/lan/etc. The only Thing I installed was the Realtek sound driver. Would there be any advantages to install proper drivers? because right now my computer runs perfectly stable and smooth using the Windows7 ones.

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Windows 7 Repair With New MOBO Old HDD?

Oct 2, 2012

OEM pc MOBO died, replaced MOBO, windows having trouble booting (expected). attempting repair with no results but FAIL. I am noobish, so I ask, what can I use to help the repair process? PS: I upgraded my OS out of the box From win 7 home premium OEM install, to Windows 7 Ultimate x64 via disk. I also have win 7 premium (full) on disk from another PC i installed it too. I would do a clean install, but I can't lose any of my photos and data.

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Windows 7 Won't Load In New Mobo

Jan 3, 2013

Today I built my new rig (specs below) and I kept the hard drive off my old gateway to save some coin. After I installed all the new hardware I turned it on and the ASrock screen popped up and prompted me to choose instant flash, select boot order, enter BIOS, and switch screen. When windows 7 attempts to load it stops while the dots are floating towards the center. The windows repair tool didn't help what-so-ever (go figure >.> ) and the PC won't/can't run in safe mode. I updated the BIOS from the ASrock website but that didn't help. I've tried all of the options provided and none worked. I don't want to format my drive and lose my data but I will if I must because I may have access to a new copy of Windows 7.

Corsair cx500
WD green 1TB
Sapphire 7950 3gb
Cooler master elite 430 mid case
ASrock 770iCafe ATX motherboard
AMD FX 6100
Basic RAM (6GB) (x2 2GB, x2 1GB)
Hyper 212 evo

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Cannot Re-install IE9 On Windows 7 64bit

Jan 24, 2013

I tried to uninstall IE9 several months ago because I was told it was conflicting w/ Firefox. After I uninstalled it through control panel the folder and its contents were still on the hard drive. I manually deleted everything but the IEproxy.dll. I could not remove this because it was in use by windows explorer. Now I want to re-install IE9. The install starts but then I get the message that some files were in use by WE restart the CPU to use IE9. After restart all that is in the IE folder is the EIproxy.dll and a folder called SignUp. In that folder is a couple of Icons and nothing else. I have tried installing in safe mode. I can not do a restore because I have no idea when the first change was made and I have installed far to many programs to turn back now. I have tried FixIt which does not help. Is there a way to disable the IEproxy so that the IE install can proceed.

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How To Start Windows 7 After New Mobo / CPU Installation

Feb 15, 2013

I've replaced much of my PC's hardware, mobo/CPU/memory and I want the existing Windows 7 HHD to boot. What's the method? I can't even figure how to install the new mobo drivers without a booted OS.

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Switching Mobo Without Reinstalling Windows 7

Sep 19, 2011

Working on my computer wants to switch out motherboards and see if it could be done without having to reinstall windows 7. Is it possible? Switching from an MSI X58 Platinum SLI to an Asus X58 Sabertooth.

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Sound Cracking Under Windows 7 With A New MOBO?

Oct 30, 2011

Intel Core i7 3.4 2nd. Gen. Motherboard: Asus P8P67 PRO RAM: 4GB Video: nvidia 9500 GT Audio Card: Omega STriker 7.1 Windows 7 32bits ultimate.However when i install a windows update the sound cracks for a few seconds, why this happens? i mean the processor is fast enough, why the bus still collapses?

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Change Of Mobo And Re-installing Windows 7

Feb 24, 2012

If I bought a new mobo and did a clean re-install of my current OEM 64bit Windows 7,do I need to get a new license or can I just activate it online??

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Will Windows 7 Recognize Replacement Mobo And Cpu

Jun 16, 2011

Recently rma'd both cpu and mobo and waiting on the return.Someone at my place of work mentioned that sometimes win7 doesnt like when you change your hardware configurations, like as in,it wont want to boot etc etcBottom line,i did a new build about a month ago,and returned both the mobo AND cpu for the exact same models of each.

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New Mobo/processor Won't Boot Windows 7

Jan 2, 2013

I upgraded to a new processor, motherboard, and gpu. I insalled all the new hardware and turned it on. Windows 7 won't/can't load and can't repair. I can't lose the data on the HDD because there's some very important stuff on there.

Sapphire 7950 HD
Corsair cx500
AMD FX 6100
Hyper 212 evo
WD 1TB green
6gb RAM
5 120mm fans
Cooler master 430 elite case

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Cannot Install Windows 7 (64bit) On RAID0

Dec 3, 2009

Motherboard: GA-MA790X-DS4

I set up the raid and everything bios related but windows 7 (64-bit) cant detect the hard drives even after i got the most recent drivers from gigabyte's website?

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Cannot Install Game On 64bit Windows 7

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to install Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: Spellbound on my 64bit Home Premium copy of Windows 7. The launcher runs when I put the disc in, but when I click install I get the following message: The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.I've tried running the game in Windows 98 Compatibility Mode and as Administrator but with no results!

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Install Windows 7 64bit Instead Of 32bit?

Aug 23, 2012

I have Windows 7 32bit with an upgrade disc (so it only has the 32bit on it) and I would like to put 64bit on. I don't care about my data or programs (they are backed up) but I am wondering where I could get iso images and whether my product key will work.

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Dragon V10.10.000.78 Will Not Install On Windows 7 64bit

Nov 5, 2012

I tried this the other day thinking that since it was 10.1 it would fly, well it didn't. It took forever and then refused to go any further so I cancelled the install.Should I have used " Run as Admin" on this one? or what?

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Install Windows 7 64bit Over 32bit?

May 4, 2011

How do you install win 7 64bit over windows 7 32bit - is it possible to make two partitions and install win 7 64bit on a differnent partition or not ?

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Cant Install Witcher 2 On Windows 7 64bit

Aug 19, 2011

when i'm running the setup.exe, error message pops up "The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check. an x86 or x64 version.

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Windows 7 64bit Won't Install On Ssd Raid

May 26, 2012

I have been trying to get windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit installed onto a raid I created with two ocz agility 3 ssds. Everytime I try loading the drivers at install it gives me an error stating the drivers are unsigned and to install a 32 bit OS. When installing a 32 but OS, the install works normal and the computer runs fine. I am just wondering why it wont install for 64 bit considering I would much rather run 64 bit. I went to both the MoBo's website and the main companys website for the chipset drivers (AMD) but have both turned up with the same error.

MoBo = Biostar TA75M
CPU = A6-3650
2x OCZ Agility 3 60gb SSDs (2.22 firmware)

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Install Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit?

Nov 24, 2012

I bought a new Desktop PC and it has the win 7 30 day trial.I need to install my Win 7 ultimate 64bit to my PC, deleting the 30 day trial. ( I need to know how to start the setup when the PC is booting up, most importantly)


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Can't Install Windows 7 - Not Even Load 64bit DVD

Feb 15, 2013

I just can't get the OS installed. I can install 32 bit, but I can't even load a 64 bit DVD. I get the error 0xc0000225, and it says it may be a hardware issue. Then it just keeps boot looping. Also, I can only install 32 bit windows with IOAPIC off.

Here are the parts for my system:
MSI 760GM-P34(FX) AM3+ AMD 760G Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core Processor HDZ965FBGMBOX
CORSAIR Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9R
GIGABYTE GV-R667D3-1GI Radeon HD 6670 1GB 128-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready Video Card
Western Digital WD Blue WD5000AAKX 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive

I have been Googling this issue for the past three days with no luck. I only have one stick of RAM inserted. I have taken out the graphics card. So I only have the essential parts installed.

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Upgrading Mobo/cpu With Windows 7 (upgraded From Vista)

Mar 31, 2011

The windows 7 Home premium 64-bit currently installed is upgraded from vista. The upgrade key and disk are available as well as in the HD. The current goal is to upgrade from an Q8300 to a i5-2500K, with the appropriate mobo (asus P8P67 M-Pro) and ram (8gb ddr3 g.skill 1333), what are the necessary steps/advice when doing so w/o purchasing a new OS?

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Windows 7 64bit Install Error 0xE000100

Aug 20, 2009

I am attemtpting to install the win 64bit 7 RC on a brand new build. I am using a USB stick as my install media. The install boots, although it takes a VERY long time to get from when windows begins to load the setup files to the place where I have issues (about 15 - 20 minutes). Where the install crashes, is instantly after I choose "custom Install" and kicks back a 0xE000100 error, which is a general media error code.If I use the exact same USB thumbdrive on my 2+ year old Dell Optiplex 320 (which is a piece) not only does it get past the error point, but it gets there in about 2-5 minutes versus 15-20. It looks like the issue above crashed in the step directly before choosing the install partition - It never gets to the point were I can choose what drive or partition I want to use, but on the optiplex it does, and this is right after clicking "custom install" were my new unit crashes.

My Specs:
ASUS M4A79T Deluxe with Newest BIOS flashed
ATI Phenom II x4 955 Deneb 3.2 AM3 Black Box Edition
MSI R4890-T2D1G OC Radeon HD 4890 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16
OZC Gold DDR3 1600 Dual Channel 2GBx2
250 GB Western Digital SATA HDD
40GB Samsung SATA HDDx2
80 GB Western Digital SATA HDD

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