Can't Advance Past "Type A Computer Name" On Clean Install?

Sep 13, 2010

This is a great forum you have here! OK I am having a very low-tech month I think. I am trying to trouble shoot a problem with my system which had been running reasonably well until now -- I say reasonably well because lately I seem to have hit some hardware challenges. More on that later, however (if required).In order to trouble shoot my issues, I find myself needing to reinstall Windows 7 (My boot disk which is an SSD seems to cause the system to hang when it is connected so I am trying to install a new verion of Win 7 to troubleshoot the other from). Now I have ample space on a couple of drives so that is where I targeted. Everything runs fine in the installation process, the system reboots and I am presented the screen to enter a system name. I enter a name but the "next" button is protected and not clickable . Does this mean anything to anyone?

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Clean Install On SSD With Upgrade Disc - Can't Get Past Product Key

Dec 31, 2011

I just performed a clean install on my new SSD and didn't enter the product key at install. However, I'm at the "preparing your computer for the first time use" screen and it won't accept my install key on my Windows 7 x64 Pro upgrade disc. I'm stuck.

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Upgrade, Clean Install From Old Computer To New Computer

May 2, 2012

I purchased an HP latop right when Windows 7 was coming out and the HP laptop had Windows Vista when I bought it but I was sent a free upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate by HP during the time when they were selling laptops with Vista and sending free upgrades.So what I want to know since the fan stopped working some time ago, (cooling it with a small fan from Walmart sending air around and inside it somewhat) on the HP laptop I purchased and recieved the free upgrade. If I return the HP laptop to factory settings (did a complete backup when purchased) and put Vista back on it, can I use my Windows 7 Ultimate disk in a newly purchased laptop since it will still only be on one laptop since I am returning the old one to Vista?And do I have to uninstall Windows 7 Ultimate with the Upgrade disk so it knows it's no longer on that computer. In other words are they linked by some type of serial number on my HP laptop that only allows me to install the Windows Upgrade disk on that specific machine?

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Need To Install XP To Be Able To Have A Clean And Tidy Computer?

Apr 15, 2011

I've got dozens of folders on my PC that i cant delete because apparently i need admin privileges (even tho i am admin). Even if i switch user to the dedicated hidden admin account it still tells me i dont have the rights to delete stuff from MY OWN COMPUTER. It's utterly ridiculous.Cant beleive i actually bought this joke of an OS. I feel completely vindicated for pirating previous versions of windows and certainly wont be wasting money on future versions if this is the path they are going down.Do i really need to install XP to be able to have a clean and tidy computer?I can make a new folder and instantly i dont have the rights to delete it, surely that cant be normal?I really dont want to have to go back to XP but unless anyone knows a way to remove this stupid and completely unnecessary behaviour it seems like the only choice i have.All i want is to have 1 account, my account, from which i can do anything i like, and yes, i do understand the risks involved in that.or if not, and i do have to waste time switching to an admin account every time i want to delete/uninstall something, i at least want it to work from there which it currently does not.I have the UAC set to the bottom but still it tries to babysit my every move.

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Times Can We Clean Install Windows 7 On 1 Computer

Nov 1, 2011

I upgraded from Vista to 7 on my old motherboard which was successful. I then upgraded to a new motherboard so a clean installation had to be done by calling up Microsoft which was also successful. Both 32 bit versions.Now I want to do a clean install to 64 bit to take advantage of the extra RAM. Can I do this many installs? I still have the upgrade disc and product key.Also, with a previous clean install, all my old folders were compressed into a folder in the new install. Will this also happen when moving it to 64 bit? No changes to the hardware has been made.

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Windows 7 Clean Install On Newly Built Computer

Feb 1, 2012

I have put together a computer, new motherboard, processor, hard drive, everything. Now I'm trying to install Windows 7 from a boot DVD, but obviously have no drivers installed, so my computer doesn't communicate with my monitor. I guess I'm stuck between needing the driver installed, but needing Windows to install the driver? Do I need to install MS-DOS or something first?I have a completely blank hard drive. Trying to install Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit.

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Can't Rename Computer During Clean Install - Some Characters Invalid

Aug 17, 2012

I have a Dell Optiplex 755 that got some malware on it, so we decided to reformat and do a clean install. I booted from my Win7 flash drive, deleted the partitions, and things proceeded normally. When it asks me to name the computer I get "some characters are not valid" no matter what I enter. No possible way I'm entering invalid characters, I'm only using the alphabet!

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Computer Won't Get Past Black Screen

Nov 11, 2011

I'm having some serious troubles with my main PC, my gaming PC, and it's really messing things up for me. I was just parusing around like usual on my computer, it runs Windows 7, and I allowed it to download the usual updates and restart itself. When it shut down and began restarting, I notice that it loads up the logo, briefly flashes what I think is called a Bios Post page, and then goes to a page that is nothing but a blinking "__" sign. It does nothing here, won't continue, and I can't enter or do anything. It just endlessly blinks, before disappearing and the computer screen shows nothing but black.

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Computer Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Dec 4, 2012

So my computer, one year of age, started to stop loading at the windows loading screen. Last week, O was on my computer browsing the net and listening to music when I click on a button in iTunes and the computer crashes. I restart the computer but when it gets to the starting windows loading screen, it loads for a little bit like normal, but then the screen flashes black and the monitor says it loses signal and stays disconnected. The computer stays running even when the screen says there is no signal.

So I think for a bit and decide to just reload windows because my computer was starting to get cluttered anyway. So I reinstall windows without a problem and the computer runs fine for the weekend and Monday. But this morning it started to do this all over again.

I ran the windows repair disk and it told me that there is a device plugged in that should be unplugged and restart. But I had nothing plugged in so I tried unplugging almost everything short of the power cable and monitor, but still no luck.

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Win 7 Not Loading Past Welcome Screen During Install

Nov 13, 2009

I just bought windows 7 for my desktop. It will load past the "windows is loading files.." page. then it will load to the "starting windows" page with the flag, then it loads to the normally welcome screen for windows 7 but nothing comes up.. its just the welcome screen background.

Anyone with info on this please reply.

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Computer Running Very Slow Over Past Few Months?

Feb 18, 2012

I have Windows 7, 6 memory 650 HD, quad core -2 year old hd computer. ISP CABLE 12 m speed - On net speed tests , i get 10 to 20 download speeds. I am using 335 g with, with 249g showing as still available for a total 584COMPUTER is running very very slow on net and non- net, with occasional hang ups that last sometimes last as much as a minute. The Hang ups are more frequent on non- net and I sometimes get the no responding.We checked everything that could be using extra resources and it made very little differences We discovered one potential problem and I seek your advice on this matter-- In the info drive properties , The box that says says " COMPRESS THIS DRIVE TO SAVE DISC SPACE " was CHECKED.A friend said that if the g's are uncompressed , my 335g could possibly be double and the drive is overloaded causing the computer to run slow everywhere- He suggests that I just go buy a new 2 tb hd and move all my stuff over and keep the existing hd as a partial back up.I am extremely hesitant to remove the check box for fear of what could happen.I do happen to have everything backed up via external hd including the Operating system , but putting that in motion is something that I would like to avoid.

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Computer Won't Get Past Startup Repair Screen?

Jun 25, 2012

Okay, so I woke up my computer from sleep mode yesterday, and it worked perfectly fine for all of five minutes before everything except my cursor froze. I waited for it to unfreeze or give me a "not responding" message for about twenty minutes, but when it didn't, I manually shut it down by pressing the power button, since I couldn't get to the start menu. But when I turned it back on, an error message appeared. I don't remember exactly what it said, but it gave me the option to either: "Launch startup repair (reccomended)" or "Start Windows normally". So I chose to launch the startup repair since it said that it would fix anything that had caused my computer to stop working, but it's been "searching for problems" for about five hours now! The blue bar just keeps scrolling past, but other than that, nothing's happening. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or should I call someone to check it out? Will I lose my files? I tried to "Start Windows normally" as well, but nothing happened at all... Oh, and it's an Acer laptop with Windows 7 on it

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Problems Getting Past Compatibility Part Of The Install

Oct 25, 2009

I am running Vista SP1 32 bit version on my computer now. I have a Windows 7 X86 version I am trying to install. When I go to install it gets to the Compatibility part of the install, put up a blank box with the message that the info has been saved to my desktop. The only button to click is close. If i do that 7 starts over. The info saved on my desktop it blank also. Nothing. I also can't run the windows 7 Compatibility advisor from Microsoft when you download it. Any ideas??

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Hp Wifi Driver Won't Go Past Install Shield

Mar 9, 2012

i have my Hp g7 -1219wm notebook and being the type of person that I am i wiped the hard drive clean and installed my windows 7 ult 64 bit (did this with my acer laptop) everything was going fine knew i had to get the wifi drives but it wont install. It gets to the installshield wizard then crashes and get the error message saying this program didnt install correctly.

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Veo Advance Connect On Windows 7

Sep 29, 2012

Veo advance connect on windows 7

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Dec 20, 2011

I'm not sure of the system specs of the computer in question.I bought it cheap off of a friend and he's doesn't remember the specs and I can't get into it to check them.When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing.I'm not sure what it all is for.At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems continue. I'm fairly certain it's a virus, my computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Computer Will Not Let To Past Reboot Screen / Or Circles Back To It

Dec 15, 2012

My current error is "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Inser Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key". I took a picture of two different messages that appeared previous to this continuous message. If someone is able to help I can text or E-mail the pictures of the previous errors. I am on a laptop at the moment and the computer that is sick is my desktop.

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Apr 4, 2011

When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing . I'm not sure what it all is for. At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Computer Launches A Browser With Every Key Type

Feb 19, 2011

I have worked with computers for years but this fault has me stumped.Basically every time I try to type a word in the windows search, ms office, notepad etc... a browser is launched as many times as I type.i.e. if I type help.....I get four browser windows open.I have consulted numerous techs and all say it is malware.There is one other but the name escapes me. But it found nothing also.So after much deliberation I reinstalled Win7 over the top. Still happens. Finally I have done a complete new install....and you wouldn't believe it still happens.I even deleted the old windows files and still the same.My Laptop is a Satellite P200, Core 2 Duo with 3 GB RAM.I am running 64 Bit Win 7 and have all latest updates from Microsoft.

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When Type In Word 2010, Frequently Keyboard Will Refuse To Type

Aug 13, 2012

When I type in Word 2010, frequently my keyboard will refuse to type. It will type a couple letters and then I have to wait to get it to go on. Then it will type a few more, etc. Another time it will type without an issue.I have changed the battery.

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Windows 7 Newly Built Computer Won't Boot Past Logo Sometimes

Feb 23, 2012

Alright I am running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my newly built computer. My computer can successfully boot past the bios and get to the logo screen. Then I get to the Windows logo which is a hit or miss. Sometimes it will boot successfully and I will have no problems whatsoever and I can enjoy my computer without worrying about anything. Then sometimes it will get hung on the logo and it will just stop responding. I don't know if this is an issue with my HDD or maybe my power supply. I think that this may be a problem with my power supply because I notice that my keyboard LED turns of when it hangs like that. The only question then is "why is this not a consistent problem that I can isolate?"

Here are my specs:
Case: Coolermaster HAF 922
CPU: Core i7 3930k (3.2 ghz stock; will OC to 4)
Motherboard: x79 Asrock Extreme 4 (x5 sata 6.0 Gb, x2 usb 3.0 ports, PCI-e 3.0 support, and quad-channel memory)
RAM: 8 gigs (2x4 gig's) of 1600 DDR3
GPU: x1 Radeon 6870
PSU: 600 Watts
HDD: 500 gig's 7200 RPM (Seagate baracuda)
Cooling: closed loop liquid cooling, Tuniq TX-2 High Performance Thermal Compound, and the standard fans on the case
Optical drive: LG 12x Blu-Ray reader and DVD combo drive
Monitor: 22" LED 1920x1080 -- ASUS VS228H-P (21.5 viewable)

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Laptop Wont Type But Can Type By On Screen Keyboard?

Jan 15, 2013

my toshiba laptop wont type. but i can type by on screen keyboard.

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Advance System Care Versus CCleaner

Dec 19, 2011

Advanced SystemCare Free - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET [URL]I realize Advance Care offers more options, but am curious to which one provides the best service vs effect on system. Are the options offered by Advance Care necessary or can they be accomplished as effectively by using the built-in Windows functions ?My interest is that after a recent clean install, I downloaded CC Cleaner and it did not seem to work properly. Took long time to activate, etc. Just curious about the comparison.

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Can't Access A Networked Computer Using The Network Name - Must Type Ip Address?

Oct 21, 2011

i have 3 computers - a laptop (vista wireless), a home theater pc (win 7 wireless) and my main computer (win 7 wired) with all my media files.i have a network setup and the laptop and the HTPC can connect to each other when i click their icons in network neighborhood. i can also connect to them from my main computer (QUAD-CORE) but if i try to hit the QUAD-CORE icon on the laptop or the HTPC i get - network path not found. if i type it connects perfectly (i can see all my shared files so i don't think there is a problem with the way i have shared the files) i think my problem is that when i click on the QUAD-CORE icon it is looking for the ip address but something is broken.

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Can't Turn On Network Discovery Via Advance Sharing Options

Sep 17, 2012

So I can't turn on Network Discovery to share files etc via network. I'm on Windows 7.I googled and found one specific solution, which was to make sure several services were set to automatic and started. All but one specific service would not cooperate " FUNCTION DISCOVERY RESOURCE PUBLICATION".Alas, I googled this fix as well, it came up with a dozen suggestions, from creating a new windows account, launching applications via admin privilege, resetting nstat stuff via cmd...even copying over some new keys in the reg, and even editing one called BFE....all failed.I had this same problem on my other laptop, but samsungs running windows 7. I don't know what to do at this point. I've spent about 6 hours googling and attempting fixes.This is the error after attempting to start the service via service.msc "Windows could not start Function Discovery Resource Publication service on Local Computer error 0x80070005: Access is denied"

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Security Bulletin Advance Notification For October, 2011

Oct 7, 2011

On Tuesday, October 11, 2011, Microsoft is planning to release eight (8) Security Bulletins, addressing 23 vulnerabilities. Two of the bulletins are rated Critical and six are rated Important, addressing vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, .NET Framework & Silverlight, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Forefront UAG, and Microsoft Host Integration Server. Security Bulletin Advance Notification for October, 2011 ~ Security Garden


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Cannot Install 0x80070714 When Try To Install Windows 7 Into Clean Disk / Installation Just Stops

Feb 13, 2013

I am getting an error "cannot install" 0x80070714 when I try to install windows 7 into a clean disk and the installation just stops..

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How To Deal With Photo Files Type 1 And Type 2

Jul 23, 2012

I found a few pix in my files that I want to edit with Photoshop. I can't open them in PS because they are Type 1 or Type 2. When I try to open them, PS says they are .jpg.1 or. jpg.2. How do I get rid of the .1 and .2 so they become normal JPG photo files?I can look at them with Windows Photo Viewer but I can't figure out how to convert them to normal JPG files.

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Clean Install Versus System Image File Install?

Jun 10, 2012

tell me if a re-install from a system image file on my notebook is as good as a clean install from say a retail disk.I can not format all my drive and start a fresh. Can my System image file become glitchy or infected with a virus.?

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IDT Audio Drivers Won't Install - Windows 7x64, Clean Install?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm working on a re-install of all components following a complete corruption of the boot sector on my drive which could not be fixed with repairs. The last time I installed everything fresh, I had no issues. Between then and now, there have been no hardware changes on my system, but now I am having issues installing the IDT Codecs. I keep getting an error along the following lines: Quote: ExitError: Error=Device Object not present, restart the system and run setup again. Running under compatibility mode, and running drivers from both the motherboard CD and the manufacturer website both have the same effect. The CD, when booted, says "This OS not support!" and only contains 32-bit vista codecs. ECS' website download indicates the IDT drivers as being compatible with Windows 7. Both do not work. It is almost as if the hardware "disappeared," despite the fact that I was using the drivers quite successfully till just 2 days ago, when the boot sector went kaput.

Windows has installed its own default set, which do nothing to power the 8mm jacks which I use with my speakers, but instead put sound through the HDMI, which is useless because I use a dedicated graphics card. I have tried uninstalling this codec and re-installing IDT, to no effect. Windows replaces with its own default codec.I have referenced this thread here, but offered solutions do not seem to work for me: Intel IDT Audio Driver will not install

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Performance Difference Between Windows 7 Clean Install And Upgrade Install

Feb 3, 2010

Does anyone know whether there is a difference in performance between doing a clean install of Windows 7 vs upgrading Vista? Any better stability? I'm just wondering whether it's worth the trouble of the clean install.

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