Clean Install On SSD With Upgrade Disc - Can't Get Past Product Key

Dec 31, 2011

I just performed a clean install on my new SSD and didn't enter the product key at install. However, I'm at the "preparing your computer for the first time use" screen and it won't accept my install key on my Windows 7 x64 Pro upgrade disc. I'm stuck.

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Clean Install Windows 7 With Upgrade Disc

Jul 9, 2010

Well I was wanting to clean install win 7 to wipe my hard drive as it is full of junk and I plan on moving to a new pc. I was wanting to know two things -

1 - Would these method on this website [URL] work to clean install

2 - If I take my hard drive and put it in a completely new computer would I get any activation issues if I were to clean install win 7 or if I just left the hard drive as it is would it have any problems

My copy of win 7 is Home premium and I downloaded it through the UK student deal although I bought a backup disc from them.

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Windows 7 Clean Install Upgrade Disc Formatting

Oct 27, 2010

I have a laptop which has been giving me a hard time lately, and I need to reinstall windows 7 (for the 4th time in 1.2 years). I have never reformatted it before and all I have is the windows 7 upgrade disk that came with it (I got it back in September when all of those free upgrade deals were going on, it originally had vista.) I read that you can have activation issues after formatting the hard drive while installing using the upgrade disc. I think Microsoft let you do it if your email them to activate it, but I'm not sure and I don't know where you would do this. Since I don't feel like formatting it, installing vista, and then reinstalling 7.

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Is Clean Install Still A Way To Install Windows 7 With Upgrade Disc On A New Hdd

Jun 29, 2010

I have seen a lot on clean installs but all guides are from like 2009. Is clean install still a way to install windows 7 with upgrade disc on a new hdd? since i have a hdd with vista on it and i have the licence how do i install 7 with the licence and a black hdd?

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Invalid Product Key On A Clean Install

Nov 7, 2009

I'm installing the student 64 HP upgrade version, on a clean install, I've inputted both the key that came with the download and my old XP 32 bit product key. None are working. Is there anything I can do? The correct department that deal with this aren't open until monday.

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Clean Install Of Windows 7 With/without Disc?

Jun 22, 2011

Clean install of windows 7 w/out disc? (new computer didn't come w/)? I just got a new Acer laptop and I wanted to do a clean install of Windows 7 like it did on my last laptop (I love being bloatware free!). Problem is that this laptop didn't come with a Windows disc, or any disc for that matter as I guess all the recovery info is on a HD partition. So how do I get a clean install of Windows 7?Also, I just remembered, I do have a Windows 7 disc from my old laptop. Would that work? What would I use for activation key if so?

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Can't Advance Past "Type A Computer Name" On Clean Install?

Sep 13, 2010

This is a great forum you have here! OK I am having a very low-tech month I think. I am trying to trouble shoot a problem with my system which had been running reasonably well until now -- I say reasonably well because lately I seem to have hit some hardware challenges. More on that later, however (if required).In order to trouble shoot my issues, I find myself needing to reinstall Windows 7 (My boot disk which is an SSD seems to cause the system to hang when it is connected so I am trying to install a new verion of Win 7 to troubleshoot the other from). Now I have ample space on a couple of drives so that is where I targeted. Everything runs fine in the installation process, the system reboots and I am presented the screen to enter a system name. I enter a name but the "next" button is protected and not clickable . Does this mean anything to anyone?

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Performance Difference Between Windows 7 Clean Install And Upgrade Install

Feb 3, 2010

Does anyone know whether there is a difference in performance between doing a clean install of Windows 7 vs upgrading Vista? Any better stability? I'm just wondering whether it's worth the trouble of the clean install.

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Is It Possible To Do A 'clean Install' Of Upgrade

May 16, 2011

I have a couple questions I have been trying to hunt the answers down for. Im super paranoid considering the not so easy to find rules and regulations Microsoft has for its software.I currently have an OEM version of Windows 7 Home on my laptop. I was wondering if:

1. I can upgrade from a Windows 7 Home (which was pre-installed on my laptop) to Windows 7 Professional using Windows Upgrade Anytime? If so,

2. Will problems that I have on my current windows transfer to the upgraded version? If not,Is it possible to do a 'clean install' of the upgrade?

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Clean Install With Upgrade?

Jun 5, 2012

As I will build a new computer, I need windows 7. (I only have Vista on my old)Is it, as described in this video, good enough to buy upgrade version for this?

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Upgrade Or Clean Install From X86 To X64

Mar 3, 2009

Anyway, I am running build 7022 x86 and was planning on upgrading my maching and going with x64. First, is this possible as a simple upgrade? If so, are there any concerns or issues I should know about when attempting this? A clean install is not out of the question but obviously when testing these new builds, its nice to be able to just upgrade.

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Doing Clean Install With Upgrade?

Sep 5, 2010

We already tried the link for the steps to do a clean install. Clean Install Windows 7 We still get 0xC004f061 The software licensing service determined that this specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.

We have a full older version & hoped sticking it in the hard drive would allow Windows 7 to find it. We really don't want to have to install the old one then the new one.

Problem with the detailed instructions was we got to the Activate window and we never got the Automatically activate Windows when I'm online checkbox. Just typed in key hit (Next) and it went through it's activation check & didn't like us.

Problem is we have been at it all day and this is like the 10th time we installed it. Computer had a virus. Took it a while to confirm the Bootable section of the hard drive was fried.. So we really don't want to take it down again, in order to install an old OS so the upgrade can "see" it.

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Clean Install With Upgrade Dvd?

May 19, 2011

I have an acer laptop which came with vista, i then upgraded it to 7 with the upgrade that acer sent me. I made an image of it which i had to use after getting a virus. I now want to install a clean installation of 7. After reading some of the other tutorials which said you can use the upgrade dvd to do this, i tried it but with no joy. I changed the BIOS to boot from DVD drive but the upgrade DVD does nothing.

I have the acer recovery discs but they were made when the machine had vista on it. i've used them but after i use them the "bootmgr is missing" and i have use my image again to get the computer up and running again.

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Clean Install Or Upgrade

Aug 11, 2009

Ok, now that Windows 7 is out "officially" who do you guys think?

I installed fine using Upgrade from Vista SP2 Ultimate. Everything worked fine without any new driver install. All my programs worked right away.

I like the system, I like the speed. So I keep asking myself will it be better if I install again in a "clean install" way?

What's your opinion, what's better? And what you did?

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Upgrade Allows Clean Install ?

Aug 24, 2009

Can you fresh install with an Upgrade version of Windows 7? I want to save some money by buying the Upgrade. However, if I have to install my old OS first then upgrade, that isn't really a clean install. I'm wondering if you simply have to prove you have an older Windows version so that you can upgrade, or if it literally has to be on the PC for it to work.

Second, does anyone know if the Upgrade trick works with Win 7? As in, you install the Upgrade without entering a key, then "upgrade" your upgrade?

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Upgrade Or Clean Install ?

Sep 28, 2009

What is the received wisdom on upgrading from Vista to Windows 7? I have always been in favor of clean installing but is there any advantage in reformatting and clean installing in this instance?

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Install Clean Or Upgrade

May 12, 2009

Should I do a Clean Install of Windows 7 or an Upgrade Install?

Is one choice deemed better than the other?

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Win 7 64 Bit Upgrade Different From Clean Install ?

Dec 28, 2009

i like fresh installs on a Zeroed hard drive. i got win7 64bit but its an upgrade disk only. i have legit xp64bit right now. my question is this. the option that says " all information will be lost" or something like that is that a fresh install where it formats the drive and then installs a fresh windows 7 install? or does it just convert the old files and like a normal install?

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Should I Upgrade Or Do Clean Install ?

Nov 6, 2009

i have 64 bit vista home premium and recently bought the full 7 os in case a clean install is the way to go, so for the best performance do i return the full os and get the upgrade or go with the clean install?

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Windows 7 Upgrade Disc Won't Clearly Install

Sep 20, 2010

I bought a new hard drive and win 7 upgrade disc (I do own a copy of win 98 and win xp upgrade so thats all legal) I put the win 7 upgrade disc in and it started to install it gets right to the bit where you need to put your product key in and then its says INVALID LICENCE KEY I ve tried and tried but thats all it will say (and yes I did un check the activate windows on line)

So I then tried installing my xp upgrade disc after it scans the hard drive it says please put your copy of win 98 in the disc drive to see if you are eligible for the upgrade (not exact words but you get the drift) after it checks it then it says put you xp disc back in the drive. but it wont install it just keeps going round in a loop doing the same things as above and wanting to re formate the drive all the time and asking for the win 98 disc.

I am now thinking of having to install win 98 then xp upgrade then win 7 (I want to use the 64 bit disc too) seems a bit long winded but I don't know what else to do. Its a bit of a pain because win 98 disc won't recognise my cd drive I assume because its SATA, anyway I have an old ATA/IDE cd drive which I ve just rigged up and win 98 is now formating the drive but its gona take ages.

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UPGRADE Version: Can You A Do A 'clean' Install

Jul 24, 2009

With VISTA, you could not install a fresh copy, you needed to upgrade your existing OS. (unlike XP, 2000, etc.)

Did this change with 7? Can you do a clean install from an upgrade 7 DVD?

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Clean Install With Windows 7 Upgrade?

Feb 16, 2012

I did a reformat of my hard drives, completely clean, recently, and reinstalled my copy of Windows 7 without problems. However, the activation did not go smoothly, my key is a Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit UPGRADE key, and it told me that it couldn't be used.

I have read the other threads on this subject, but couldn't figure out if there was another way or not to deal with this situation, other than buying another copy of windows, or wiping again, installing xp or vista, and then upgrading.If possible, I would prefer to not have to reinstall windows, or move my files around, because I was borrowing the external drive I used to reformat the first time, and I'm currently in college.

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Difference Between Upgrade And Clean Install?

Apr 25, 2012

Is there a difference between a clean install of Windows 7 Professional and upgrading from Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional?I ordered a computer and I require Windows 7 Professional, but they accidentally sent me one with Windows 7 Home Premium. They have offered me a Windows 7 Professional Upgrade disk as a resolution to the problem, but I'm worried an upgrade may not be as stable as a clean installation and I'm not sure if I should accept this resolution.

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Clean Install Via Win7 Upgrade

Sep 12, 2009

I'm currently running Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

I'm going to buy Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit upgrade.

I want to do a clean install on a new hard drive I just bought.

I'm going to put the current Vista hard drive on SATA 1

The new hard drive for Win 7 will be on SATA 0

I can't figure out what procedure to use so Win 7 Upgrade sees the old activated Vista to activate Win 7.

In short, I want a clean install via Win 7 upgrade media on a seperate hard drive.

Can anyone help with this?

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In-place Upgrade Vs Clean Install

Sep 30, 2009

I have never done an in-place upgrade, so I am a little confused. One very knowledgeable friend told me that the in-place upgrade essentially runs a Windows Easy Transfer, does a clean install, and unpacks the transfer file, all automatically. Is it true? Is there a difference between doing an in-place upgrade and just using Easy Transfer?

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Use Upgrade Media To Do A Clean Install

Oct 17, 2009

As you're aware, Vista had the 'capability' to do a clean install using the Upgrade DVD.

You could boot from DVD, do a clean install, not validate, then when in Windows, go to the DVD drive and install again, this time doing an upgrade and then validate.

This seemed to be kosher as reported on many sites. I know people who did it and all was well. Their Vista PCs run fine, and are completely up to date with regards to SPs and updates.

So, for an Upgrade price, it was possible to do a fresh install...will Windows 7 have this capability do you think?

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How To Do Clean Install / Upgrade On New Drive

Oct 18, 2009

I own Windows Vista 64bit, and have ordered Windows 7 Professional 64bit upgrade. How do I do a clean installation of Windows 7 on a new hard drive?

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Clean Install, New HD, From Upgrade Disk

Oct 19, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate installed today. I intend on buying Windows 7 Home Premium upgrade. I would like to install 7 on a new WD Caviar Black I just ordered as a clean install.

1) Is this possible or will Win 7 flag this as a new install because of the new HD and not let me proceed since I plan on buying an upgrade disk?

2) If not, what options do I have?

3) If I can do this, can I plug my old drive in as Drive D: or E: to transfer the data over?

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Clean Install With A Upgrade Win 7 Version

Oct 22, 2009

Just to let you all know that I have confirmed that you can do either a clean install, custom install, or upgrade install with a retail Upgrade version of Windows 7 and activate it on a clean unallocated (blank) drive or partition without any other OS installed or with one installed. It does not matter.


Remember that you need a valid qualifying previous version of Windows to use a Upgrade Windows 7 copy legally. Microsoft only made doing a clean install from a upgrade Windows 7 possible to make it more convenient so you do not have to reinstall both the old Windows version (ex: Vista) and upgrade to Windows 7 everytime you needed or wanted to reinstall.

If you do not have a valid qualifying previous version of Windows, then you are violating the terms of Microsoft's Windows 7 End User License Agreement and could get your product key number invalidated by Microsoft. Plus, it is considered illegal.

For more about this, please see: Microsoft SMB Community Blog : Regardless of what any hack says, a Windows 7 Upgrade is an Upgrade. What you need to know.

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Upgrade Clean Install Question

Oct 26, 2009

I plan to perform a clean install using a Windows 7 Professional

upgrade disk.

- I have a laptop that originally came with OEM Vista Home Premium.

- Subsequently, the O/S was changed to Vista Ultimate (full version)

I would like to be able to install Vista Ultimate on another PC; to do so,

should I install (full format) the OEM Vista Home Premium prior to

attempting the upgrade to Windows 7?

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Clean Install With Upgrade DOWNLOAD

Nov 27, 2009

i am planning to buy the upgrade version of Windows 7 (i have genuine vista) but im planning on buy it online from the microsoft store, i read the clean install from upgrade sticky but i noticed this; ' This will show you how to do a Clean Install using a retail Upgrade Windows 7 installation disc.'

I notice the words 'retail' and 'disc' i am wondering if i download the official version is that considered retail? and im not really sure how it works, i have never downloaded an OS before, do i need to burn it to a disk once its downloaded?

If so will it then work like the regular disk allowing me to do what the sticky then goes on to explain, or will it know its my home made 50cent disk and think my copy is fake?

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