Computer Will Not Let To Past Reboot Screen / Or Circles Back To It

Dec 15, 2012

My current error is "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Inser Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key". I took a picture of two different messages that appeared previous to this continuous message. If someone is able to help I can text or E-mail the pictures of the previous errors. I am on a laptop at the moment and the computer that is sick is my desktop.

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PC Won't Get Past Windows 7 Loading Screen Stuck In Reboot Loop

Sep 7, 2010

So I booted up my PC today and every single time it would get past the windows loading screen, a BSOD would flash on the screen for a split second and reboot. I tried booting into safe mode and that would not work either. The next step I figured would be to format and do a clean install, but here's the thing... Windows didn't even recognize my partition! It has my other 2 HDDs but not my Windows 7 partition. The HDD in question shows up in BIOS, but not in Windows. So, should I just get a new HDD? Startup Repair didn't work either, as it just hung/froze.

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Light Blue Screen With Several Large Black Circles

Dec 1, 2011

Went to use my laptop this morning (windows, 15 inch screen) and all I could get on the screen was several large black circles with the screen being a very light blue, like maybe sky blue. I can see the screen flickering, but nothing appears in the screen whatsoever.

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Computer Won't Get Past Black Screen

Nov 11, 2011

I'm having some serious troubles with my main PC, my gaming PC, and it's really messing things up for me. I was just parusing around like usual on my computer, it runs Windows 7, and I allowed it to download the usual updates and restart itself. When it shut down and began restarting, I notice that it loads up the logo, briefly flashes what I think is called a Bios Post page, and then goes to a page that is nothing but a blinking "__" sign. It does nothing here, won't continue, and I can't enter or do anything. It just endlessly blinks, before disappearing and the computer screen shows nothing but black.

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Computer Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Dec 4, 2012

So my computer, one year of age, started to stop loading at the windows loading screen. Last week, O was on my computer browsing the net and listening to music when I click on a button in iTunes and the computer crashes. I restart the computer but when it gets to the starting windows loading screen, it loads for a little bit like normal, but then the screen flashes black and the monitor says it loses signal and stays disconnected. The computer stays running even when the screen says there is no signal.

So I think for a bit and decide to just reload windows because my computer was starting to get cluttered anyway. So I reinstall windows without a problem and the computer runs fine for the weekend and Monday. But this morning it started to do this all over again.

I ran the windows repair disk and it told me that there is a device plugged in that should be unplugged and restart. But I had nothing plugged in so I tried unplugging almost everything short of the power cable and monitor, but still no luck.

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Computer Won't Get Past Startup Repair Screen?

Jun 25, 2012

Okay, so I woke up my computer from sleep mode yesterday, and it worked perfectly fine for all of five minutes before everything except my cursor froze. I waited for it to unfreeze or give me a "not responding" message for about twenty minutes, but when it didn't, I manually shut it down by pressing the power button, since I couldn't get to the start menu. But when I turned it back on, an error message appeared. I don't remember exactly what it said, but it gave me the option to either: "Launch startup repair (reccomended)" or "Start Windows normally". So I chose to launch the startup repair since it said that it would fix anything that had caused my computer to stop working, but it's been "searching for problems" for about five hours now! The blue bar just keeps scrolling past, but other than that, nothing's happening. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or should I call someone to check it out? Will I lose my files? I tried to "Start Windows normally" as well, but nothing happened at all... Oh, and it's an Acer laptop with Windows 7 on it

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Dec 20, 2011

I'm not sure of the system specs of the computer in question.I bought it cheap off of a friend and he's doesn't remember the specs and I can't get into it to check them.When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing.I'm not sure what it all is for.At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems continue. I'm fairly certain it's a virus, my computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Computer Will Not Load Past Windows Splash Screen

Apr 4, 2011

When I start up the computer it loads with a new loadup screen (did not happen till after the problems started). The screen says Asus Motherboard A8N-SLI Deluxe. It then goes to a screen that shows PCI device listing . I'm not sure what it all is for. At the bottom it says "A disk read error has occurred" "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Occasionally it skips this screen and instead goes to the windows 7 Splash screen, but regardless of which it goes to I can't do anything else except restart the computer.When I press F8, F10 or F11 it goes to either RAID Utility or Setup Utility and then I can't get any further with it without restarting and the aforementioned problems computer was showing signs of a virus in the days leading up to this problem but as Malwarebytes failed to show any problems with the computer when I scanned it I ignored the problems. I'm also aware that all I may be able to do is wipe the harddrive, and I'm fine with that.

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Screen Won't Wakeup On Reboot But Computer Boots Without It?

Sep 16, 2012

If I reboot my desktop goes thru the procedure but the monitor stays black - nothing, not even the safety screen and no cursor. There is an amber light on the monitor which goes green when it receives its wake up call but it remains amber. I have to switch the power off entirely before switching it on again, and rebooting and this time the screen works. I've run scandisk, I've gone thru scannow, I've installed the latest graphics card drivers. I've tried changing the power settings. Bear in mind that this set up and computer has worked perfectly for 2 years and as all the hardware is working I believe it to be a software issue.

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Windows 7 Didn't Back Up Past File?

Dec 19, 2011

I used Windows backup and restore to backup my files, and I let Windows choose which files to back up. Then my boyfriend dropped a heavy speaker on my computer and destroyed my internal hard drive, and when I restored my files from my external hard drive to a new computer, my most recent pst file was missing. There were a couple of old ones backed up, but not the most recent one, and I lost about three years' worth of e-mails.

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How To Turn Computer Screen Back Around

Jul 17, 2011

my monitor has turned side ways

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Computer Has A Black Screen And Show "reboot And Selectproper Bootdevice Or Inse

Apr 7, 2011

I disable the SATA in window 7 after that i am trying to open window but the message "reboot and selectproper bootdevice or insert boot media in selected boot device and press key" is diplay. setup also not open

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How To Reboot Norton 360 Back

Feb 10, 2012

i have norton 360 5.0 i lost cd but i have the key i what to reboot it back i had fix my pc so it went off

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Re-logging Back Into Sites After Reboot

Nov 5, 2009

Does anyone know why I have to keep signing in to all my forums and hotmail after every reboot? Even my desktop layout doesn't save. How do I resolve this please?

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Power Outage Reboot Background Went Back To Default?

Apr 2, 2012

I had power outage reboot backgroud went back to default and so did the quick launch menu also some of my games act like i never played them before and have to re setup resolution and settings. Did some widows file get corrupt why did this happen?

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Windows 7 Reverts Back To Old Wireless Profile On Reboot?

Sep 23, 2010

Windows 7 continues to revert back to the old wireless profile despite me deleting all old wireless profiles. Wireless adapter is Edimax EW-7128g, newest drivers for Windows 7 64bit First set up a WEP profile the usual manner by connecting using the bottom-right wireless networking widget; "Save this connection", yes. Works right off the bat, first time Needed to switch to WPA on router for better security. Same router. Done. Entered new credentials using the same wireless networking widget. Works fine first time, right off the bat. Computer enters sleep mode overnight. Upon a wake (or restart, or cold boot) - Windows 7 reverts back to the old WEP profile. I go into "Manage Wireless Networks" I select the profile from the list, hit DELETE. Removes it from the list. ADD new profile, supply proper WPA credentials, "Save this connection". Works fine. Manage wireless networks displays proper information (WPA security) Restart, or reboot, or logoff. BOOM. Back to using the old WEP profile!Tried this using Administrator account and user account. Same behavior. Workaround is to change the security type credentials or delete & create a new profile every time windows is rebooted/logoff/restart. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I am not using the vendor's connection utility. Windows cannot remember the new connection profile and despite me deleting the old one ... continues to revert back to it.

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Computer Won't Get Past The Windows 7 "starting Windows" Screen

Nov 7, 2011

i was simply surfing through espn and Internet when i realized that my laptop (gateway nv79) was running quite slowly and then after a while it completely froze. i couldn't do anything, nothing i did would work . so unfourtunantly i had to hard shutdown it. and here's what happened after i rebooted it, it comes up with two options

1. start startup repair(recommended)
2. start windows normally

-i go to "start windows normally" and it goes to boot up normally, but then after the windows 7 logo appears it just stays there and nothing happens

-i go launch startup repair and it says loading files, but then it goes to a black screen with the logo � micosoft corporation and nothing happens

-i tried f8 advanced boot but it doesnt do anything

-i tried safe mode with networking, it says loading files and please waitt but even after 10 mins it just stays the same

-i dont have win 7 cd

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Windows 7 Shared Folders Keeps Saying Files In Use A Reboot Fixes Then It Comes Back

Jan 4, 2011

I have a very strange problem with a new Dell optiplex Windows 7 professional Pc I am using it as a file server. I keep getting messages in the shared folders. Access denied, file in use, You don't have permission. Something thinks these files are in use and they are not. If you reboot the computer they all clear but it comes back on different files. It is not a permission problem.

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Microsoft Mouse Wheel Speed Goes Back To Super Fast After Reboot

Oct 25, 2011

Im using a microsoft wireless mouse wheel to scroll through web pages on IE9 and win 7. I set its speed to the lowest possible in control panel and it works fine.

When i restart my laptop, the speed is back up to full when i scroll, but when i check in control panel >mouse settings, the speed shows that its still set to the lowest setting. I move the slider, click apply and it works again.

how i can get my mouse wheel speed to be consistent between reboots?

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Can't Get Past Welcome Screen?

Jan 20, 2010

I've been going on through this forum the past two days trying to figure out why my computer stays stuck on the welcome screen once I type in my password. I've done everything that has been in my power to do, from Disabling and uninstalling my nVidia graphics card driver to running a diagnostic with Avast! but nothing seems to work.I don't have a Windows 7 CD to repair the computer because I got a college student discount and downloaded it online. I also can SOMETIMES get into Safe Mode (when it happens is random, sometimes I get a black screen with my cursor present), but Safe mode with Networking has the same problem of not getting past that welcome screen.

My computer isn't frozen, as the mouse and the spinning circle are active. I'm not entirely sure what to do. The last time I used my computer was the morning of two days ago to watch stuff on Hulu with Firefox and play music with iTunes. I've had Windows 7 installed for maybe 3ish months now and have never encountered this problem.Note: I've also had that problem with iTunes and the Logitech G15 Keyboard where iTunes keeps forcing itself to the top, if that matters- - - - - Specs ModelASUS M50Vm-A1 Operating SystemWindows Vista Home emiumCPU TypeIntel Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26G Memory Size4GB DDR2Hard Disk160GB SATA 5400RPM Optical DriveDVD Super MultiGraphics CardNVIDIA GeForce 9600M GSVideo Memory1024MB

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Red Circles With Exclamation Marks On Every File?

Dec 28, 2012

Red Circles With Exclamation Marks On Every File?

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When Turning Off Computer & Turning It Back On Again Screen Is Blank

Dec 31, 2012

when my computer goes to sleep after it's on for a while when I move the mouse to get the screen back up it shows the backround no icons or anything to click. Same if I turn it off and turn it back on. I have to turn it off and on many times then go to safe mode and shut down then turn it on again for it to work. Just now I had to turn it on/off 4 times for it to show the icons and task bar. Usually it is left blank with nothing to click having no choice but to turn it off. Norton says no viruses. My computer is HP with windows 7. I bought it in 2011.

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Can't Get Past Windows 7 Screen?

Oct 27, 2012

sung laptop (rv510) and when i load it up it won't load past the windows 7 screen dose anyone else have the same problem as me if you do and have fingered out how to fix this

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Can't Come Past Start Up Screen

Feb 16, 2012

Yesterday I was playing, surfin on my PC. Now when i tried to start windows it would not come pass the loading screen to my desktop. It will just restart the PC over and over again. I have tried to repair windows with my install CD but it cannot repair the problem. I have checked my boot device priority and it is in place. no strange configts or anything.


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Can't Start Up Past Welcome Screen

Feb 25, 2011

I am having issues with my computer. I turned it on and logged in, and then the screen stays on welcome for a long time if not forever. I have tried to wait it out a few times and after 15-20mins it just turns black with a white mouse I can move around.

I have a Dell notebook and am not computer savy at all. I posted on another forum and was wondering what you guys think. They were very nice but it has been days now and I am lost on how to do this next step. Getting a second opinion, hope I don't offend them....


You might have to scroll to read the entire thing, it is about two pages..

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Windows Won't Go Past Welcome Screen

Mar 1, 2012

So one day I shut down my laptop (Sony Vaio, E series, VPCEB15FG, Windows 7 home premium 64-bit). The following day when I tried to turn it back on it refused to go beyond the welcome screen.. And it just kept restarting. So I started it in safe mode with networking and that seems to be working fine..

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Can't Go Past Login Screen

Jan 10, 2013

yesterday I found my computer wouldn't let me log in. I left it thinking that the computer would work after a few hours. anyway, next day came and i turned on my computer. After waiting for it to start, it went to the log in page. I couldn't type my password into the login page. But the blinking thing, (where you can type) id blinkying...however I can't even move my mouse cursor. Like its literally frozen. I restarted the computer, then pressed F8 continually. There came a series of options so that I could possibly get my compute to start working again.

- repair your computer Then a 'system recovery option' window opens up. There's 'system repair' <I did this, and it said that there was no problems> 'System restore', 'windows complete PC restore', 'windows memory diagnostic tool', 'command prompt', and TOSHIBA recovery wizard'. Yes it's a Toshiba laptop.

- safe mode

- safe mode with networking

- safe mode with command prompt

- enable boot logging

- enable low resolution video

- last known good configuration

- directory services restore mode

- debugging mode

- disable automatic restart on system failure

- disable driver signature enforcement

- start windows normally

I've done safe mode, last known good configuration and start windows normally.

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Still Can't Get Past Black Screen

Oct 29, 2012

i still cant get past the black trying to reboot windows installation cd but says no boot disk is detected and keyboard is not responding so i cant do anything its hp slimline desktop running windows 7

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KB2310138 Spinning In Circles WONT UPDATE?

Apr 20, 2012

I post a lot don't I. this update won't stick. I have installed three updates like thirty times and windows can't fix it, the update fixer can't fix it I can't seem to,I dunno I think that power shut offs have damaged windows... is there a way to back up the system so that after you clean install you get everything back? I mean I don't got nothing important I just hate to go through all that :P lol im lazy AHHHplus im not sure how to set windows 7 up right ... I figuer if I do that I might mess up worse.. dunno not big deal but the update bug might be a problem later on if I can't get more updates... right?Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials - KB2310138 (Definition date:3:52 PMnstallation status: SuccessfulUpdate type: OptionalInstall this update to revise the definition files that are used to detect viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed.

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Can't Get Past The Starting Windows Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I've got a: Presario CQ62 notebook pc with a AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual Core processor, and I can't get past the start up screen with the "starting windows" animation. It will show part of the animation then simply hang. I have a very bad battery but am keeping the computer plugged in. When I attempt a system recovery it says: "A disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I've tried this many times and I get the same message each time. Beyond that I have no idea what to try.

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Cannot Get Past Emachines Loading Screen

Mar 15, 2011

I am, at this point, completely baffled how I can even interact with my computer. And frankly whether this should be in this part of the forum.The problem is with this machine. . My understanding of the situation is that I google'd "Winrar", and carelessly downloaded a malware-ridden version of the software from a fake site.

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