Can't Access Partition After Reinstalling Windows 7

Jan 25, 2011

cant access second partition after reinstalling windows 7.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On Different Partition

Nov 1, 2009

have installed W7 64bit on separate partition (was H) on 2nd HDD (15mins)leaving XPPro on Drive C.
After install Win 7 has re assigned itself as drive C and drive C is now drive D (which didn't exist before(well - used by DVD). XP isn't shown as an available OS but have managed to see and use it using EasyBCD to add it to boot manager. On reboot however, once win7 or xp has been chosen, closing down and rebooting offer neither as an option with error

file ootBCD
status 0xc000000f

an error has occurred while trying to read the boot config data

Both systems seem to work fine but have to repair the 7 installation first. One thing I did do was assign Win 7 as a different computer name and I have read this might cause problem

Should I reinstall win 7?

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How To Reformat, Re-partition Etc For Reinstalling Windows 7

Jun 1, 2011

I just bought a second hand Dell Latitude E6510 laptop on which I need to do a clean install of Windows 7. I have been able to do this, but it's been years and I forget.

I used Partition Wizard 6.0 the last few times, but need some guidance now. So, I have:

- A used machine I want to wipe clean and then start from scratch, eventually allowing it to boot from the Windows 7 installation disk.

- Umpteen utilities besides Partition Wizard

- A keen desire to have this happen while I'm still young

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On Primary Partition?

Jul 27, 2011

Can I reinstall W7 on just the partition it's residing in as long as I back up the registry and needed files from my profile? I've never done this before..

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System Recovery - Will Partition Lost After Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 26, 2011

I just partitioned my C drive and now have an I: drive that I use for data, music and movies and such. My question is this: if I have to do a system recovery. Will I lose that partition? Or will Windows 7 re-install on the C: drive without touching that partition?

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Creating New Partition When Reinstalling Win XP?

Apr 4, 2011

I have recently purchased a new Samsung NC110 netbook with Windows 7 Starter installed. However, I find it runs fairly slowly so I intend to install XP on it from an old installation disc.However, when I first started my netbook I set up a partition with 40Gb allocated to the C drive and the remaining 240 to a D drive. Not being that computer savvy I got confused and despite having a portable hard drive for back up and the computer having a separate hidden restore partition, I went ahead with this.My question is that if I start again with XP can I reset the partition to a single C drive with separate restore area?

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Missing Partition After Reinstalling?

Sep 6, 2011

Today I reinstall system from XP to WIN 7. All was ok, but one of my partition is missing.Screen from disk managment.141gb of free space, that is all my missing partition!
How I restore it?

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MBR Partition Error When Reinstalling From 32 Bit To 64 Bit

Apr 6, 2012

I have just ugraded most parts of my PC including going from 2gb of ram to 8gb. As I am currently running windows 7 home premium 32bit I believe my pc will only be reading 4gb of this ram.

I have downloaded a 64 bit installation iso file & burnt to disk, upon reinstalling I was planning on re-using my current windows product key.

Once past the custom installation option I recieve an error message along the lines of "The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks."

I belive my Hard drive has 2 partions, 1 main area for saving files & program files. It also has a factory image drive. This is the first time I have built a PC, Is frustrating to have go this far on my own and get seemingly stuck on what is hopefully the last hurdle

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Can OS Partition Access A Dual Boot Partition If Encrypted With Bitlocker

Aug 29, 2012

I'm a long-time reader but new poster. I am currently running Windows 7. I want to install Windows XP onto another disc and have a dual-boot setup. I keep Windows 7 up to date and secure, but for the XP partition, I would rather not have antivirus running or even installed, in order to limit background processes. I will not be logging into any place or making any credit card purchases when booted into Windows XP. It will just be used for surfing, games, etc. Further, if and when XP becomes compromised or buggy, I will simply overwrite the partition with a backup image.

If I use Bitlocker to lock down the Windows 7 partition (with the encryption key on a thumb drive) and boot into Windows XP, am I correct in thinking the XP installation see or can't access the Windows 7 partition? If XP gets compromised, can a virus access or write to the Windows 7 partition?

Is there any other reason why this would not be secure? Can a virus write to the BIOS?

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Access Files On Non-Windows Partition?

Oct 30, 2012

I've got a laptop with a Windows partition and an Ubuntu partition. I'm pretty sure I just botched an Ubuntu upgrade.What I'd like to do is get my documents off of the Ubuntu partition. Is there a way to access that partition from windows (i.e. the window's partition)?

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Can't Access 2nd Partition After Installing Windows 7 On First One

May 29, 2010

Drive is not accessible in windows 7. I installed W7 on Drive C and Drive D is visible but not accessible. Both C and D are partitions on the same HD. I had Windows XP on drive C before and formatted it and installed W7 on it. I have a lot of material saved on Drive D and cannot afford to lose them. What can I do to let windows 7 access drive D?

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Getting Access To Recover Partition Forget Copy Of Windows 7

Jan 23, 2012

i had windows 7 home premium and i had to formatt the HDD because was a problem with the windows installation, could not do recover because got into a eternal loop the system and had to use a version that friend of mine lean to me of windows 7 i do not erased the recover partition and i wish have access to this partition to get my windows version or try of install it from there again and have my own windows copy, how could i get access or unlock the recover partition and get the files and install windows from there.

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Windows 7 Starter - Hard Drive Unreadable / Cannot Access Recovery Partition

Oct 9, 2011

The hard drive on my netbook is unreadable, so I cannot access the recover partition. I bought a new hard drive. Can I download windows 7 starter from the manufacturer website? My netbook is a dell inspiron mini.

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No Access To Partition?

May 1, 2010

I have upgraded from Vista to 7. While I was using Vista I had a seperate partition that had all the software that originally came with my laptop.

Now I have installed Windows 7 I need to have access to these files so I can get the extra bits on my laptop to work. My problem is that I can't see the partition in Explorer anymore. I know it is still there because I can see it in Disk Management.

I have attached a screen shot of the disk management if that helps. (Its the partition that is 9.28gb)

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Partition Access Denied?

Jan 13, 2009

I had a go at installing Windows 7 yesterday and have run into a small hiccup.On my XP installation, my HD was partitioned into 2 drives, C: and D: (both the C and D drives are NTFS formatted).C: was used for windows and program files.D: was used for my documents eg. videos, photos etc.I installed Windows 7 as a fresh install to the C: partition and the installation went smoothly.However, My Computer, I can see the D: drive listed, but every time I click on the icon it says "Access Denied - Drive Not Accessible"All my stuff is backed up on an external drive so I'm not too worried about re-formatting HD etc, but wondered why it is doing it and if anyone knew a way to get my D: drive back without formatting?

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How To Get Access To Window Partition

Nov 14, 2012

how to get access to recovery window?

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Hidden Recovery Partition Access

Jul 18, 2011

Got an HP Mini 110 netbook. A person who gave it to me destroyed all the OS system, plus the RAM's were broken. So I replaced them and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Starter 32bit. Everything works fine, but as most new laptops this one has a hidden recovery partition. The problem is I want to restore this machine to factory condition, but I cant access it due to the fact that I dont have HP Recovery Manager or something like that. The recovery partition itself is okay as I saw in Admin Tools. When going to System Recovery Options / System Image Recovery, the process cant detect any image - "Windows cant find a system image on this computer".

what could I use to restore it to factory condition? Maybe there is a software that I can install and use in the same way as HP Recovery Manager? Or maybe I can get HP Recovery Manager somewhere. so that you know, I also tried the F6 and itc methods, no luck.

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Partition D Files Not Visible / No Access

Feb 13, 2012

I had Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed.I caught a virus, could not get rid of it, kept getting forcefully logged off, and couldn't manage anything from safe mode, or do a sys. restore either.Quickly got irritated, and formatted C: drive and reinstalled.After installation I navigated to the D: partition, however, the explorer simply says that this folder is empty. under properties, the D: drive is still 37GB full and 231 GB empty, I do not have any other partitions.

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Access To Partition Denied After Install

Sep 6, 2009

I installed windows 7, on the first boot I could access my D drive which is the drive that contains all media, files, resumes, etc etc etc. Windows 7 itself is on the C drive. I rebooted, and I open up 'computer' and now the D drive just says 'D: (Spare) NTFS' if I try to open or browse it says 'Access Denied' in a pop up window.

If I try to change the drive letter in disc management; 'Virtual Disk Manager: The parameter is incorrect'.

If I right click the drive and access security it says I don't have permission to view security and that I should try to take ownership. If I try to take ownership; 'access denied' Windows 7 literally stole all of my stuff. I suspect it's still in there but I cannot access it. The windows vista I installed on that drive as a work around incase I needed to grab drives and 7 couldn't get online, loads from that inaccessible drive, but cannot browse it. So i know it's intact and has the files on it.

Is there a way to brute force my way into it. it's my stuff and I want it.

I've been looking for how to fix this for around 16 hours now and have only found half tutorials and convoluted nonsense. how do i get access to my drive without formatting? I'm on the verge of turning into one of those people who just goes around spamming fbombs everywhere. I'm at my limit of sanity and patience with this. there was no reason for windows to lock it away from me in the first place.

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Access A System Partition To Read And Copy Data?

Jul 16, 2012

How can I access a system partition to read and copy data? Two partitions were merged together and ended up as a system partition. All of my data files are in there.

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Full Access To Files/folders On Vista Partition

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to get access to my word documents and files from my Vista partition without the "Read-Only". Do I have to log-on to Vista and change the settings from that OS? What settings do I need to change, it is confusing because I right-clicked the Vista Partition and enabled sharing but that did not work

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What To Do AFTER Reinstalling Windows 7

Nov 25, 2011

I bought a brand new Samsung QX411 two months ago. It's a great computer. Problem is, it got hit with a nasty virus that was pretty much completely debilitating, so I took it in to Best Buy (mistake), and they told me the best thing would be just reinstall Windows 7, and everything would be great. Well, I did, and now I am stuck. I reinstalled, but I did not realize that literally nothing would be in place. I am not completely naive: I did save all of my important files, folders, music, etc. So it's not that I have lost my data and am now crying "woe is me." Instead, I have basically a blank Windows 7 and nothing is there. I can't connect to the internet, because it is telling me that I don't have the necessary hardware (I know I do, but still). A basic summary would be this: I have no idea what to do after properly installing Windows 7. I want to get it as close back to normal as I can, but I don't know how to start.

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Reinstalling Windows Onto New PC

Jul 13, 2012

I recently built a new computer system that contains my old HDD, which I transferred from my previous PC. The old copy of Windows 7 that was already installed didn't work in the new PC, as expected. Instead, I have a new copy of Windows 7 available that I need to get on the HDD. But I also need to deal with the old Windows copy. I've already transferred all of my personal files from the old copy onto a portable HDD for safe keeping. What I plan on doing is reinstalling the new copy of Windows 7 onto the PC's HDD to be used in the new computer. I was able to acquire the new Windows 7 version for a really cheap price from my college.

So now I either have to format my HDD so that the new Windows 7 can work properly while keeping the old/useless version out of the way, or wipe the old Windows 7 from the HDD completely. Should I keep the old Windows 7 on the HDD and just never use it, or would that conflict too much with the partition used by the new version? If they do conflict, how should I go about removing the old Windows 7 partition? dealing with the HDD and OS seems to be one of the most annoying parts of a PC.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Without CD?

May 7, 2011

I have bought a Lenovo Ideapad about 6 month ago with Windows 7 Home Premium.I now want to Re-Install Windows and delete my whole data. In Short, I want it to be Completely Clean.I Dont have My Windows CD to do That, But I have a Key Below My laptop and its Genuine.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Pro 32 Bit OEM On A Different PC

Dec 7, 2010

I mistakenly purchased a 32 bit version of windows 7 pro which was on OEM. Now I am going to purchase the 64 bit version OEM software again and format my hard drive and reinstall the 64 bit OS on my PC.

My question is now that I will be using the 64 Bit version, can I re-use my 32 bit OEM on a completely different PC as it will no longer be installed on my PC?

If so do I have to uninstall it first or will a simple wipe off the hard drive deactivate the 32 bit key? Also is there a cheaper option to purchasing the OEM software again, such as upgrading from 32bit to 64bit?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On A New HD?

Dec 11, 2010

I've recently purchased an SSD and would like to utilize it as a boot drive. I am happy with my configuration and would like just to install Windows 7 on the SSD and use it to boot -- with all other hardware and drives remaining without change.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 OEM Onto A New SSD?

Jan 5, 2013

So I've been using my new laptop recently and discovered its hybrid hard drive contains an SSD. And boots up windows in seconds. This has caused me to want to buy an SSD for my desktop (my real gaming machine). The trouble lies within reinstalling windows and backing up.My desktop currently has two hard drives. Both 1tb each, one is full. And the other is barely used up. If I were to buy an SSD for my desktop. Would it be possible to reinstall windows (OEM) onto my new SSD? How would I do this? Also I've never backed up before (terrible I know and I want to start now!). However my family does own a 1tb external HDD. How much of my 1.2tb of data could I backup, and how would I do it? I've got loads of games and whatnot installed I don't want to lose.

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New Pc Reinstalling Windows 7

Nov 22, 2011

I'm currently running windows 7 64 bit on my current system. I am just after buying a new pc and want to install my OS on my new SSD. I'm going to keep the old raptor HDD for my new system also (the raptor HDD currently has the OS on it)

1. Can I install windows to my SSD using the same product key yes?

2. How can I/whats the best way to completely remove the OS from the raptor HDD and just use it as a storage device..I want to use the 120GB SSD for the OS & some of my games - (Origin & Steam)

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Reinstalling Windows 7 HP OEM From HDD To SSD?

Dec 30, 2012

I just installed and activated OEM Win 7 on an HDD. Changed my mind and want to purchase an SSD, place Win on that, and use my HDD for everything else. Will I still be able to install Win or am I too late because I activated it?

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Unused Free-dos Partition - Can Merge It With Windows Partition

Jul 1, 2012

When I installed Windows 7 on to my new laptop I think I did it on to the wrong partition as there is still a 30GB freedos one.Can I merge it with the partition Windows 7 is installed onto as it is getting full?I don't want to have to reinstall Windows again.

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Copy Laptop HDD To Boot From One Partition And Run A New Windows 7 Pro OS From The Second Partition?

Dec 19, 2012

I'm building a new computer. Can I partition the hard disk, copy my laptop HD to boot from one partition and run a new windows 7 pro os from the second partition?

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